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群际接触理论——一种改善群际关系的理论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在群际接触假说基础上形成的群际接触理论表明, 群际接触具有改善群际关系、减少群际偏见的作用。围绕群际接触理论的最新研究拓展了研究对象, 研究了群际接触对外显和内隐偏见的降低作用, 间接接触的作用也开始被重视。群际接触减少偏见的作用机制涵盖依存关系、群际互动、情绪因素和认知因素四个方面。在对平等的地位、共同的目标、群际合作以及权威、法律的支持几个条件进行分析的基础上, 越来越多的研究开始关注跨群体友谊的重要性。在未来的研究中, 需要注意提高研究的生态效度、完善群际接触理论的理论体系, 对不良的群际接触予以重视, 并注意与其他相关理论相结合, 在更广阔的背景下审视群际接触理论。  相似文献   

刘峰  张国礼 《心理科学》2014,37(2):454-459
想象群际接触的基本思想指,在心理上想象一个积极的群际接触会创设一个心理接触的脚本,激发与外群体成员成功互动的观念,积极互动观念也就伴随产生对外群体的积极情感,导致对外群体的积极感知,增强和外群体进一步接触的意愿。想象群际接触的实验操纵比较简单,设置实验组和控制组,采用指导语的方式,但是想象群际接触的效应受群体地位、内群体认同状况等变量的调节。在未来的研究中, 需要注意提高研究的效度,加强机制、直接行为效应的研究,想象群际接触理论为改善群际关系提供了一个崭新的框架。  相似文献   

柴民权  管健 《心理科学》2015,(5):1170-1177
以新生代农民工为研究对象,以其对群际通透性的感知为测量指标,检验积极群际接触的有效性,探察群体受害者身份感知和群体认同对积极群际接触有效性的影响,以及群体认同在群体受害者身份感知与积极群际接触关系中的作用。结果表明:(1)积极群际接触可以有效促进新生代农民工对群际通透性的感知;(2)新生代农民工群体受害者身份感知对积极群际接触有效性有显著的中介作用;(3)新生代农民工的城市人认同水平对积极群际接触有效性具有显著的调节作用;(4)新生代农民工群体受害者身份感知对积极群际接触有效性的中介作用不受其群体认同水平的影响。研究结论对积极群际接触的有效性和感知的群体受害者身份与群体认同的关系进行了深入地讨论。  相似文献   

心理学研究缺乏对随迁老人的关注,更鲜有研究探讨群际接触与随迁老人幸福感的关系。本研究采用一般群际接触数量和接触质量量表、群际接触问卷、纽芬兰纪念大学幸福度量表和积极消极情感量表对北京市昌平区的178名随迁老人和62名本地老人进行调查,分析随迁老人和本地老人的群际接触与其幸福感的关系。结果发现:(1)随迁老人与本地老人的群际接触存在明显的非对称性。随迁老人的群际接触数量和接触意愿均显著高于本地老人,但群际接触感受与本地老人没有显著差异。(2)群际接触质量显著正向预测随迁老人的幸福感水平。(3)群际接触对本地老人的幸福感和积极情感也均有显著的正向预测作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨内群体认同在群际接触对外群体信任的中介效应。方法:采用内群体认同量表、群际接触量表和外群体信任量表,对570名大学生进行测量,运用SPSS13.0、Amos22.0对数据进行统计分析。结果:内群体认同作为中介变量,群体接触通过内群体认同对外群体信任的具有稳定的间接作用。  相似文献   

石晶  崔丽娟戚玮 《心理科学》2021,44(6):1411-1418
集体行动是维护和实现社会公平正义的有效途径之一。以往研究主要聚焦于弱势群体利己型集体行动,很少有研究考察利他型集体行动的影响因素。本研究采用双随机设计,通过三个实验探讨积极群际接触与利他型集体行动的中介效应因果模型。实验1采用想象性群际接触范式操纵积极群际接触,发现积极群际接触促进利他型集体行动,系统公正感和群际评价中的热情维度起中介作用。实验2与实验3分别操纵系统公正感和热情,检验中介变量与因变量间的因果关系,证实了积极群际接触-系统公正感、热情-利他型集体行动的因果关系链。  相似文献   

群际信任是衡量群际关系的一个重要尺度.群际信任指人们在群际互动中对其他群体成员的行为或意向做积极预期而且愿意承受相应的风险,这种信任主要是由群体成员所属的社会身份所决定的,表现为内群体成员对外群体成员的信任.影响群际信任的因素包括社会群体身份及其表征和群体之间的接触经验,增进群际信任的方法主要包括社会认同与群际接触两大类方法.未来的研究需结合已有进展和社会现实问题对中国的群际信任问题及增进方法进行深入和系统的探讨.  相似文献   

群际威胁是增强消极刻板印象和偏见的重要因素, 甚至可以导致群际冲突或暴力。影响群际威胁的因素包括个体的感知与经验、群体特征、社会政策和法规等。通过改变社会分类, 模糊群际边界, 并创造群际接触的机会, 能够增加群际认同感, 降低群际威胁感, 减少群际偏见, 促进积极的群际关系。今后的研究需在不同的社会环境中完善群际威胁的理论模型, 并探索相关变量相互作用的内在机制, 为促进和改善群际关系提供理论依据。  相似文献   

刘峰  佐斌 《心理科学》2018,(1):154-159
群际隔离微生态认为当公共空间中群际接触自然发生时,相比较内群体成员个体在空间距离上远离外群体成员;介绍了群际隔离微生态的维度、心理机制、实施过程、测度指标;分析了群际隔离微生态的相关研究现状和不足,在未来的研究中需要加强立论点、解释机制、研究方法的探索的研究,为群际接触研究提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

扩展群际接触效应指的是如果个体得知内群体成员与外群体成员之间具有友谊关系,可以有效减少个体对外群体的偏见,改善对外群体的态度。群际焦虑、知觉到的内群体/外群体准则、将他人纳入自我、自我表露在扩展群际接触效应中起到中介作用,群体准则的知觉差异性、社会意识态度、内群成员的关系紧密性、与外群体的直接接触程度等在扩展群际接触效应中起到调节作用。未来研究需要关注扩展群际接触效应的动机,比较不同类型群体的扩展群际接触效应,探讨扩展群际接触效应更为长远的社会后果,整合间接群际接触的积极效应。  相似文献   

以321名少数民族大学生为被试,考察了民族接触(与汉族)、交往态度、民族认同、民族本质论、民族刻板印象和群际焦虑等变量,以整合的视角探讨了民族接触促进民族交往的机制问题。研究结果表明:民族接触通过降低群际焦虑和民族认同、减弱消极刻板印象和民族本质论而间接促进了民族交往,民族认同在民族接触和民族本质论之间、消极刻板印象在民族接触和群际焦虑之间存在中介作用。这项整合的研究理论上丰富了群际接触减少偏见的机制研究,发现了新的中介变量,对促进民族交往的实践具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Drawing from the intergroup contact model and self-categorization theory, the authors advanced the novel hypothesis of a valence-salience effect, whereby negative contact causes higher category salience than positive contact. As predicted, in a laboratory experiment of interethnic contact, White Australians (N = 49) made more frequent and earlier reference to ethnicity when describing their ethnic contact partner if she had displayed negative (vs. positive, neutral) nonverbal behavior. In a two-wave experimental study of retrieved intergenerational contact, American young adults (N = 240) reported age to be more salient during negative (vs. positive) contact and negative contact predicted increased episodic and chronic category salience over time. Some evidence for the reverse salience-valence effect was also found. Because category salience facilitates contact generalization, these results suggest that intergroup contact is potentially biased toward worsening intergroup relations; further implications for theory and policy making are discussed.  相似文献   

次级转移效应(secondary transfer effect,STE)是指群际接触的积极效应从直接接触的外群体转移到另一个未直接接触的外群体中。通过文献分析,找到了次级转移效应产生的中介变量(包括社会身份复杂性、群际移情和群际焦虑、多元文化主义以及态度的泛化)和调节变量(群体相似性、群体地位和社会支配倾向等)。今后的研究应坚持调查法与实验法等多种方法的结合,从多个维度测量群际接触与群体态度,探索和完善STE调节和中介变量,系统的验证变量之间的关系,从而完善和发展群际接触理论。  相似文献   

Research on the imagined contact hypothesis suggests that simply imagining a positive interaction with an out-group member can reduce prejudice toward stigmatized social groups. To date, however, it remains unclear whether imagined contact has transient or long-lasting effects. This preregistered study (N?=?153) tested the hypothesis that a single session of imagined contact is sufficient for reducing explicit and implicit prejudice toward a stigmatized social group and intergroup anxiety over several days. Highlighting the power of imagination, the results suggest that imagined contact could have long-lasting effects on explicit prejudice and intergroup anxiety.  相似文献   

In line with Allport's contact hypothesis, previous research showed that direct intergroup contact can reduce prejudices. However, establishing face-to-face contact is not always feasible. We postulate that Facebook-groups are a setting where direct and observed intergroup contact can develop, reducing prejudices and increasing mutual acceptance. Analyzing the comments of nine Facebook-groups with the destructive and constructive conflict scale, our results indicated that the expression of prejudices decreased and that of mutual acceptance increased over time, both for in- and outgroup members of the Facebook-groups. Only the expression of less prejudices, but not that of more mutual acceptance was predicted by intergroup contact. The influence of group-based motivations on the engagement in intergroup contact is discussed, and the overall findings are integrated in Steele and Brown's process model of media practices.  相似文献   

This study explored the mediating role of stereotypes and evaluations in the relationships between intergroup conflict, social contact, and behavioral intentions to engage in intergroup contact. The hypotheses, derived from realistic group conflict theory and intergroup contact theory, were tested on samples of Arab and Jewish high school students in the context of an ethno‐racial intergroup conflict. As hypothesized, the less participants perceived a conflict between the groups, and the greater their past contact with out‐group members, the more they were willing to engage in intergroup contact. Moreover, stereotypes and evaluations mediated these effects in the Jewish sample. The implications of these findings for the study of the mechanisms underlying prejudice are discussed.  相似文献   

Research in social psychology has provided impressive evidence that intergroup contact reduces prejudice. However, to the extent that strategies based on direct contact are sometimes difficult to implement, scholars have more recently focused on indirect contact. An effective form of indirect contact is extended contact. According to the extended contact hypothesis, simply knowing that ingroup members have outgroup friends (extended contact), or observing these friendships vicariously (vicarious contact), can improve intergroup relations. Since its initial formulation a large body of studies has supported the validity of the extended contact hypothesis. In reviewing the available literature on two forms of indirect contact (extended and vicarious), we outline a model that identifies their antecedents and consequences, spanning from cognitive to affective to behavioural outcomes. In addition to identifying the main moderators of indirect contact, we also distinguish two different routes, one cognitive and one affective, that underlie what processes mediate their effects. Finally, we indicate some possible avenues for future research and we consider how direct and indirect contact strategies can be used in combination to improve intergroup relations.  相似文献   

We examine children's intentions to socially exclude other children with special educational needs in integrative classrooms. Based on developmental and diversity research, we hypothesize that intergroup friendship leads to lower intentions to socially exclude. We also examine the moderating role of teachers' diversity beliefs on the proposed relationship. We obtained social network and questionnaire measures from 439 primary school pupils from 20 school classes, and analyzed them with multilevel modeling. In support of the moderation hypothesis, results show that intergroup friendship was only associated with lower intentions for social exclusion if teachers saw value in diversity for their class. The results offer important insights into intergroup contact theory and its use for designing implications for integrative education.  相似文献   

A meta-analytic test of intergroup contact theory   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The present article presents a meta-analytic test of intergroup contact theory. With 713 independent samples from 515 studies, the meta-analysis finds that intergroup contact typically reduces intergroup prejudice. Multiple tests indicate that this finding appears not to result from either participant selection or publication biases, and the more rigorous studies yield larger mean effects. These contact effects typically generalize to the entire outgroup, and they emerge across a broad range of outgroup targets and contact settings. Similar patterns also emerge for samples with racial or ethnic targets and samples with other targets. This result suggests that contact theory, devised originally for racial and ethnic encounters, can be extended to other groups. A global indicator of Allport's optimal contact conditions demonstrates that contact under these conditions typically leads to even greater reduction in prejudice. Closer examination demonstrates that these conditions are best conceptualized as an interrelated bundle rather than as independent factors. Further, the meta-analytic findings indicate that these conditions are not essential for prejudice reduction. Hence, future work should focus on negative factors that prevent intergroup contact from diminishing prejudice as well as the development of a more comprehensive theory of intergroup contact.  相似文献   

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