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以321名少数民族大学生为被试,考察了民族接触(与汉族)、交往态度、民族认同、民族本质论、民族刻板印象和群际焦虑等变量,以整合的视角探讨了民族接触促进民族交往的机制问题。研究结果表明:民族接触通过降低群际焦虑和民族认同、减弱消极刻板印象和民族本质论而间接促进了民族交往,民族认同在民族接触和民族本质论之间、消极刻板印象在民族接触和群际焦虑之间存在中介作用。这项整合的研究理论上丰富了群际接触减少偏见的机制研究,发现了新的中介变量,对促进民族交往的实践具有指导意义。  相似文献   
消极刻板印象和群际焦虑是阻碍群际交往的重要因素。基于群际接触理论和群际焦虑理论模型,测量了少数民族和汉族交往时的群际焦虑水平、彼此持有的刻板印象和外群体态度等变量,考查了这些变量的特征及关系。结果表明:(1)汉族在群际交往过程中的群际焦虑水平显著高于少数民族;(2)女性比男性持有更积极的外群体态度;(3)消极刻板印象是产生群际焦虑和偏见态度的重要原因。减少消极刻板印象、降低群际焦虑是促进群际交往的重要途径。  相似文献   
内隐理论是外行人对社会世界中人与事的朴素解释。人们对社会分类(种族、宗教、性别、职业等)属性的理解, 影响着个体对群体信息的加工、判断和反应, 能显著地预测群体过程(如刻板印象、偏见、歧视等), 并调节着社会认同的心理效应, 这弥补了社会认同过程中对个体差异的考虑, 对社会认同理论的发展具有重要贡献。实证研究表明:在改善和促进群体关系的实践中, 可以将外行人的内隐理论作为一个中介, 以此减少刻板印象和偏见, 培育良好的群体关系。未来研究中, 需要进一步整合内隐理论的概念, 采取一些纵向的研究为实践提供科学的指导。  相似文献   
近年来国内民族认同研究的内容主要集中在民族认同的内涵、民族认同与国家认同的关系、民族认同与文化适应、心理健康的关系等方面。研究存在的主要问题是理论探讨多于实证研究, 研究取样和方法单一, 缺乏比较性、过程性和机制性的研究, 未能注重本土化研究。未来研究需要以多学科视角, 结合多种研究方法, 使用高级统计方法进行数据分析, 揭示我国民族认同的本质和特征, 形成本土化的民族认同理论。  相似文献   
以回族儿童为被试,从发展心理学的视角,两个研究分别考察了回族儿童族群偏爱态度的形成及其发展特点。研究1借鉴经典的学前儿童种族族态度测验法,发现儿童在4岁时开始具有民族类别意识,并产生内群(回族)偏爱态度;研究2运用内隐联想测验范式以及自我报告法,发现无论内隐态度还是外显态度,儿童均表现出强劲的内群(外群体为汉族)偏爱态度,并且内隐偏爱态度随年龄增长而增强,外显态度随年龄增长趋于稳定。最后讨论了本研究与国外研究结果差异的原因,并展望了未来研究的方向。  相似文献   
高承海  万明钢 《心理学报》2013,45(2):231-242
The simple understanding of ethnicity by lay people is called the lay people’s theory of ethnicity, two theories are used to interpret the ethnicity by lay people in their everyday life. One of the theories contends that ethnicity is determined by nonmalleable, deep-seated essence and the essence would give rise to stable personality traits and abilities across situations, this is called the essentialist theory of ethnicity. The other theory, however, denies the real existence of ethnic essence, ethnicity is a social construction that is arbitrarily created due to social and political reasons in historical contexts, which is termed the social constructivist theory. Some western studies have shown that people have different interpretation about ethnicity cause different group perceptions and group relations. It is necessary to test and extend these results in another social background, like the Chinese one. First, 351 students from different ethnic groups participated in Study 1. They completed a questionnaire aimed at assessing their attitudes towards inter-group perception, ethnic identity, lay people’s theory of ethnicity, and out-group contact attitude. The results showed that: (1) the stronger essentialist belief a participant has, the more sensitive he or she is about group difference; (2) essentialist theory affects people’s inter-group identity, i.e. the deeper one believes in essentialism, the tenser he or she feels about in-group identity and bias, the more passive attitude is hold towards out-group contact. Second, 104 Han students participated in Study 2. An experimental method was used to test stereotyping differences against the minorities in relationship to lay people’s ethnic theories. Participants were randomly assigned to read the article advocating the essentialist view of ethnicity or the article advocating the social constructionist view of ethnicity. The result illustrates that: participants in the essentialist ethnicity condition showed stronger stereotyped impressions, especially negative stereotyping than did those in the social constructionist condition, but participants in the two conditions did not differ significantly on their positive stereotyping. In conclusion, the essentialist theory of ethnicity has a great influence on ethnic identity and ethnic stereotyping. Practical implications of these results imply that lay people’s theory of ethnicity can be used as a vehicle for reducing prejudice. Specifically, we can teach people to hold more social constructivist belief and less essentialist belief.  相似文献   
次级转移效应(secondary transfer effect,STE)是指群际接触的积极效应从直接接触的外群体转移到另一个未直接接触的外群体中。通过文献分析,找到了次级转移效应产生的中介变量(包括社会身份复杂性、群际移情和群际焦虑、多元文化主义以及态度的泛化)和调节变量(群体相似性、群体地位和社会支配倾向等)。今后的研究应坚持调查法与实验法等多种方法的结合,从多个维度测量群际接触与群体态度,探索和完善STE调节和中介变量,系统的验证变量之间的关系,从而完善和发展群际接触理论。  相似文献   
群际威胁是增强消极刻板印象和偏见的重要因素, 甚至可以导致群际冲突或暴力。影响群际威胁的因素包括个体的感知与经验、群体特征、社会政策和法规等。通过改变社会分类, 模糊群际边界, 并创造群际接触的机会, 能够增加群际认同感, 降低群际威胁感, 减少群际偏见, 促进积极的群际关系。今后的研究需在不同的社会环境中完善群际威胁的理论模型, 并探索相关变量相互作用的内在机制, 为促进和改善群际关系提供理论依据。  相似文献   
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