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大量研究显示,人们对地表斜坡的知觉非常不准确,所知觉到的坡度比实际坡度大.然而,也有研究发现,虽然言语报告时对坡度的估计会出现高估,但通过触控面板用手掌对斜坡的倾斜程度进行模拟时,坡度的估计值与实际坡度基本一致.本研究考察了不同感觉方式下采用四种不同的报告方式来判断坡度时的差别.结果发现,除手臂模拟可使坡度高估的情况有所下降以及触控面板模拟会使坡度知觉出现低估外,本体感觉和运动等均不能为坡度知觉提供更准确的信息.因此,本研究提示,虽然坡度估计在一定情境下受报告方式的影响,但其高估现象几乎存在于各个感觉通道之中,是认知加工前期的系统性提高,而非坡度视觉线索所致.  相似文献   

以往有关视觉完形加工的研究主要探索同一深度平面内的相似纹理表面或相关轮廓特性等对完形加工的影响。该研究采用汉字碎块,考察了双眼视差、颜色以及遮挡等线索在视觉完形中的作用。发现结果如下:视差与颜色等线索阻碍了视觉完形加工;遮挡线索加速了整体的视觉完形形成;在高级认知加工参与下,遮挡线索有效抑制了视差、颜色等线索的分离作用。通过对知觉填补机制及其理论的讨论,可以认为,该研究结果为不同深度平面间的视知觉完形加工提供了实验支持。  相似文献   

他人的注视线索可诱导观察者将注意自动地转移到该线索所指示的方向上去(注视追随), 但仍不清楚注视方向的知觉在注视追随中起到何种作用。本研究结合注视适应和注视线索提示范式发现:知觉到的注视线索角度越大, 其线索提示效应越强; 知觉适应后被试判断注视方向的准确性下降, 注视线索引起的注意转移量显著减少。可见, 对注视方向的知觉能直接影响注视追随行为, 而注视方向抽取受到刺激显著性(注视角度)和知觉适应等因素的调节。这提示:在意识状态下, 注视知觉与注视追随存在直接联系, 即可能存在从注视知觉系统到注意转移系统的皮层加工通路; 注视追随并非纯粹的反射式加工, 它受自上而下知觉经验的调节。  相似文献   

马捷  窦皓然  庄茜  尹冬雪  雷明  高超  张引  刘强  赵光 《心理学报》2018,50(2):143-157
背景线索效应是指在视觉搜索中由于场景的重复曝光而产生的行为便利。而以往研究关注于刺激的欧式性质所代表的属性信息对背景线索效应的影响, 然而在视知觉加工过程中扮演重要角色的拓扑性质对背景线索效应的影响仍缺乏相关实证研究。因此, 研究采用视觉搜索任务, 通过操控不同场景中刺激的拓扑性质或欧式性质的变化, 考察拓扑性质与欧式性质两种属性信息对背景线索效应的调制。结果发现:(1)拓扑性质和欧式性质与目标之间的联结关系均可促进行为反应, 获得背景线索效应; (2)视觉学习机制对拓扑性质的重复性更加敏感, 并且拓扑性质与目标之间联结关系的稳定性相对于欧式性质与目标之间的联结关系稳定性对于背景线索效应的获得具有更为重要的意义。  相似文献   

人类对生物运动具有较强的视觉敏感性,即使在视觉线索有限的情况下,仍能提取其中的社会性信息。本研究系统梳理了当前生物运动视知觉实验研究涉及的各类社会性信息,并归纳分析社会认知缺陷与生物运动视知觉加工之间的内在联系,以期促进对生物运动视知觉加工心理机制问题的深入探讨  相似文献   

知觉与行为的分离是指人的视觉对物体的知觉与对行为的控制属于两个不同的系统。最早人们从临床病例中发现存在知觉与行为的分离,以后Aglioti等利用铁钦纳错觉实验证实正常人中也存在这一分离现象。一些研究者将两者的分离看作是两个不同视觉皮层通路(腹侧知觉系统和背侧视觉运动系统)的结果。围绕这一分离现象的实验和假说引发了不少的争论。该文回顾了十年来利用错觉实验所做的众多验证性研究,分析了支持和否定分离现象存在的各类证据,对一些重要结果和观点进行了总结,并由此提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

王慧媛  张明  隋洁 《心理学报》2014,46(2):185-195
采用线索化范式, 通过实验任务设计线索与靶子不同的关联并鼓励被试采用不同的搜索策略, 探讨线索与靶子间的知觉关联、语义关联及特征独子检测模式、特征搜索模式对注意捕获的作用。通过线索无效条件和线索有效条件反应时之差判断每一条件下的捕获量, 并综合各条件的反应情况做出结论如下:(1)线索与靶子的知觉关联调控注意捕获, 其效应不受语义关联和搜索策略影响; (2)线索与靶子的语义关联只在排除知觉关联后调控注意捕获; (3)控制知觉关联和语义关联后, 特征搜索模式不影响注意捕获, 而特征独子检测模式对注意捕获有影响。这表明语义知识和知觉经验根据当前任务要求共同作用指导个体的视觉加工, 表现了人类加工系统的灵活性和可调节性。  相似文献   

以脸萌软件制作的头像为实验材料,考察了基于虚拟头像的人格特质知觉准确性,并从可信度知觉和信任行为两个角度考察了虚拟头像与网络初始人际信任的关系。结果显示:(1)虚拟头像线索能提供对外倾性和宜人性人格特质的准确知觉;(2)"肤色全黑"与可信度知觉显著负相关,"中性表情"与可信度知觉及网络人际信任行为显著负相关,且这种负相关可被宜人性特质知觉解释。研究结果拓展了已有关于虚拟头像人际知觉及其社会结果的研究,对如何在以计算机为媒介的沟通中提升信任水平有一定启发性。  相似文献   

以往研究显示,知觉组织影响时序知觉,采用ERP技术拟探讨知觉组织影响时序知觉的认知机制。采集23名被试完成同时判断任务的脑电数据。行为结果发现,知觉组织影响时序知觉,具体表现为知觉组织条件的同时判断频率显著高于非知觉组织条件。ERPs结果发现,在P1和P2成分上,知觉组织条件与非知觉组织条件引发的波幅没有显著差异; 而在N1成分上,知觉组织条件诱发的N1波幅显著大于非知觉组织条件。这表明,知觉组织对时序知觉的影响可能发生在视觉刺激加工的早期阶段,视觉刺激的知觉组织先于时序信息加工。  相似文献   

视觉短时记忆与视知觉的信息整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与知觉整合和跨眼跳的信息整合一样,视觉短时记忆与视知觉的信息整合也是人们加工并保持整体性场景知觉的重要前提条件。近年来研究者们使用空白单元格定位任务进行了一些研究,试图寻求视觉短时记忆与视知觉信息整合的实验证据并探讨其整合机制。该文对已有的相关实验范式、实验证据和整合机制进行了介绍并加以分析,并指出未来研究可以在行为数据的基础上结合眼动和脑成像的数据寻求汇聚性证据  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that hills appear steeper to those who are fatigued, encumbered, of low physical fitness, elderly, or in declining health (Bhalla & Proffitt, 1999; Proffitt, Bhalla, Gossweiler, & Midgett, 1995). The prevailing interpretation of this research is that observers’ perceptions of the environment are influenced by their capacity to navigate that environment. The current studies extend this programme by investigating more subtle embodied effects on perception of slant; namely those of mood. In two studies, with two different mood manipulations, and two estimates of slant in each, observers in a sad mood reported hills to be steeper. These results support the role of mood and motivational factors in influencing spatial perception, adding to the previous work showing that energetic potential can influence perception.  相似文献   

In Johansson and Börjesson (1989), a new theory of visual space perception—the optic sphere theory—was presented in which the hemispheric shape of the retina is utilized for determination of slant of plane surfaces in wide-angle perception. The process of the optic sphere mechanism can be described as the projection of a translating distal line on the optic sphere, and an extrapolation of this projection to a great circle. The determination of the 3-D slant of the distal line is made by identification of points of no change on the great circle during its rotation. The main objective of the present study was to investigate this process as applied to central stimulation of the retina with reduced and minimal information of slant or horizontal orientation. Each stimulus pattern consisted of either two continuous lines or two pairs of dots in motion presented on a computer screen. The pairwise lines and the pairs of dots defined simulated 3-D slants (or horizontal orientations) of different magnitude within each pair, and the subjects' task was to discriminate between these simulated slants. It was shown that the simulations evoke percepts of 3-D slants, and of horizontal orientations, and that it is possible to discriminate between them even from minimal information (pairs of dots). Further, the empirical findings of Börjesson (1994) indicated that longer extrapolations of the projected arc to a point of no change yield less accurate discriminations of slant. We failed to replicate this in Experiment 4, in which case stimulus variables that covaried with extrapolation length were eliminated or minimized. It is suggested that this raises some doubt about discrimination accuracy as dependent on extrapolation length per se. The overall conclusion, however, is that the optic sphere theory represents a possible explanation of, or analogy to, the process utilized by the visual system for determination of the simulated 3-D slants and horizontal orientations in the present study.  相似文献   

In an earlier study (Börjesson & Lind, 1996), the perception of Euclidean structure from polar projected two‐frame apparent motion sequences was studied. The results showed that Euclidean structure is not perceived. However, at larger visual angles a certain consistency in the mapping between distal and perceived structure exists. The aim of the present study was to more precisely examine how this degree of consistency varies as a function of visual angle. In Experiments 1 and 2, slant judgments of simulated and real planes indicated that the degree of consistency is a positive function of visual angle. No definite sign of a Euclidean mapping could, however, be found even in the full view condition. Experiment 3 examined texture gradients and the response method used. The results showed that texture gradients did not influence the degree of consistency of the mapping between distal and judged depth and that the response method was both reliable and valid. However, texture gradients did influence the absolute values of the slant judgments. The role of Euclidean and affine mappings of distal structure is discussed and it is proposed that the perceptually important distinction is not between affine and Euclidean mapping, but rather between two types of affine mappings—consistent and variable.  相似文献   

In 4 experiments, the authors varied the extent and nature of participant movement in a virtual environment to examine the influence of action on estimates of geographical slant. Previous studies showed that people consciously overestimate hill slant but can still accurately guide an action toward the hill (D. R. Proffitt, M. Bhalla, R. Gossweiler, & J. Midgett, 1995). Related studies suggest that one's potential to act may influence perception of slant and that distinct representations may independently inform perceptual and motoric responses. The authors found that in all conditions, perceptual judgments were overestimated and motoric adjustments were more accurate. The virtual environment allowed manipulation of the effort required to walk up simulated hills. Walking with the effort appropriate to the visual slant led to increased perceptual overestimation of slant compared with active walking with the effort appropriate to level ground, while visually guided actions remained accurate.  相似文献   

Social Support and the Perception of Geographical Slant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The visual perception of geographical slant is influenced by physiological resources, such as physical fitness, age, and being physically refreshed. In two studies we tested whether a psychosocial resource, social support, can also affect the visual perception of slants. Participants accompanied by a friend estimated a hill to be less steep when compared to participants who were alone (Study 1). Similarly, participants who thought of a supportive friend during an imagery task saw a hill as less steep than participants who either thought of a neutral person or a disliked person (Study 2). In both studies, the effects of social relationships on visual perception appear to be mediated by relationship quality (i.e., relationship duration, interpersonal closeness, warmth). Artifacts such as mood, social desirability, and social facilitation did not account for these effects. This research demonstrates that an interpersonal phenomenon, social support, can influence visual perception.  相似文献   

Saunders JA 《Perception》2003,32(2):211-233
Texture can be an effective source of information for perception of slant and curvature. A computational assumption required for some texture cues is that texture must be flat along a surface. There are many textures which violate this assumption, and have some sort of texture relief: variations perpendicular to the surface. Some examples include grass, which has vertical elements, or scattered rocks, which are volumetric elements with 3-D shapes. Previous studies of perception of slant from texture have not addressed the case of textures with relief. The experiments reported here test judgments of slant for textures with various types of relief, including textures composed of bumps, columns, and oriented elements. The presence of texture relief was found to affect judgments, indicating that perception of slant from texture is not robust to violations of the flat-texture assumption. For bumps and oriented elements, slant was underestimated relative to matching flat textures, while for columns textures, which had visible flat top faces, perceived slant was equal or greater than for flat textures. The differences can be explained by the way different types of texture relief affect the amount of optical compression in the projected image, which would be consistent with results from previous experiments using cue conflicts in flat textures. These results provide further evidence that compression contributes to perception of slant from texture.  相似文献   

E riksson , E. S. Two-dimensional field effects and static slant perception. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1968, 9, 19–32.—The model for two-dimensional field effects as developed in a previous article makes possible certain predictions concerning perceived shape which, taken together with the subjective slant principle, result in predictions of the perceived slant of a circle or a surface composed of circles. Data were obtained which agreed with these predictions, showing that the geometrical shape slant invariance hypothesis is an inadequate model for depth perception. Some implications for gradient theory, Helmholtzian theories and Gestalt theory are discussed.  相似文献   

The perception of local orientation from shaded images was examined. In Experiment 1, subjects viewed a boundaryless Gaussian hill and judged local orientation using both a gauge figure and a pointing method. One subject reported an internally consistent surface which was incompatible with the judged light-source direction and model used to generate the image. The remaining subjects reported a surface similar to the generating one, and analysis of their results indicated a contour of zero difference between response and generating slants. This contour of zero slant difference was explored in three subsequent experiments using the pointing technique. These experiments investigated possible influences of luminance artifact (Experiment 2), perception of global orientation (Experiment 3), and self-occluding contours (Experiment 4). All three of these experiments yielded results similar to those of Experiment 1, with distinct contours of zero slant difference. This contour was explored for relationships with the simulated slant of the generating surface and the differential structure of image intensity. This analysis indicated that the contour of zero slant difference was approximately a line of constant slant which shared large regions of adjacency to the zero crossings of the second directional derivative of image intensity.  相似文献   

The experiment reported was designed to explore the relationship between gradient of texture and monocular slantshape perception. The effects of instructional set and order of slant and shape judgments were studied in interaction with four patterns differing in regularity of texture. Judgments of slant and shape were made by the same Ss for all patterns at 20°, 45°, 60°slant for slant judgments and 0°, 20°, 45°, 60° for width judgments. There were three instructional groups. Within each group one half of the Ss made slant judgments first, the other half shape judgments first. For all patterns, accurate perception of the slant of patterned material resulted in increased compensation in width judgments. Apparent width was found to be a function of pattern and also subject to instructional manipulation.  相似文献   

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