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整形美容外科的实践认识和选择性治疗的哲学应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着我国经济、生活条件的改善,现代整形美容技术飞速发展给广大有身体缺欠者提供了机会,同时也给临床工作者带来了很多问题。因此对整形美容外科实践进行哲学思考,进行选择性治疗,遵守客观规律,既有利于满足医患双方的利益,缓解医患关系,减少医疗纠纷的发生,又有利于提高整形美容外科的整体医疗服务质量。  相似文献   

随着我国经济、生活条件的改善,现代整形美容技术飞速发展给广大有身体缺欠者提供了机会,同时也给临床工作者带来了很多问题.因此对整形美容外科实践进行哲学思考,进行选择性治疗,遵守客观规律,既有利于满足医患双方的利益,缓解医患关系,减少医疗纠纷的发生,又有利于提高整形美容外科的整体医疗服务质量.  相似文献   

我国整形美容外科在迅速发展的同时还存在许多弊病,为了促进学科整体健康快速发展,整形美容外科的年轻医师除了精进专业技术,还必须进行必要的人文修炼。本文介绍并分析了整形美容外科面临的五个人文困境,指出整形美容外科年轻医师具有进行人文修炼的必要性,并提出人文修炼的三条途径。  相似文献   

整形美容事业的飞速发展带来了一些问题。回顾历史,整形美容外科及医学美容技术的发展是在实践、认识,再实践、再认识的过程中不断发展的;但发展过快并非好事,作为整形美容外科医生,在工作当中必须坚持一切从实际出发,辩证地认识问题,解决问题,使整形美容外科及医学美容技术保持良好的发展势头,更好地为患者服务。  相似文献   

近来,干细胞作为一种利用最大自疗能力的治疗方法在医学领域得到了迅速发展。很多文献报道,利用脂肪源性干细胞(ADSCs)进行自体脂肪细胞移植在提高脂肪移植的成活率和持续性方面,取得了良好的效果,并越来越受欢迎。目前,干细胞的功能尚没有完全阐明,后续关于干细胞的研究使其内容随时发生变化的可能性是存在的。但是干细胞和 ADSCs 的基本概念需要每一位整形美容外科医生掌握。本文将主要介绍当前干细胞和脂肪源性干细胞的一些基本概念。  相似文献   

美容外科的安全性问题与伦理原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
围绕美容外科的安全性进行伦理学分析,认为美容外科的有效性与有伤性的不可分是美容外科的基本特征,因此,美容外科实施过程中必须遵循伦理学的有利无伤、知情同意、解释说明的原则,并且要把美容外科的安全性作为首要原则.  相似文献   

脂肪移植手术便于操作、创伤小、恢复快、效果好,备受整形外科医师青睐。随着技术的进步,自体脂肪移植应用范围不断扩展,其应用于整形美容外科的各个方面,用于修复各种原因造成的软组织缺损。脂肪移植手术过程包括脂肪的获取、脂肪的处理以及脂肪移植,已经是一项成熟的技术。但是,脂肪移植手术仍有很多的未知区域,比如脂肪成活机制,影响脂肪成活率的因素等,现对脂肪移植的应用作一综述。  相似文献   

我最近遇到一些烦恼事,让我痛苦不堪,非常希望能够得到您的帮助。我的脸型胖些,很想通过美容整形科的吸脂手术来改变脸型,但看到众多美容整形项目的广告,又一时拿不定主意。尤其是当前美容整形市场比较混乱,我怕上当受骗给自己造成意外地损失,于是,就决定给当地刊登这类广告的一家报纸打电话,希望报社的工作人员能够为我介绍一家正规的整形机构。  相似文献   

耳整形是耳鼻喉手术中最具挑战的技术之一.本文从耳廓畸形及缺损修复材料,修复技术两方面综述了耳整形修复的发展.其中快速原形及组织工程技术应用于耳廓畸形及缺损修复是机械学、材料学与生物医学相互交叉互相渗透,共同发展的结果.这两种技术为耳廓修复整形提供了光明的前景,也是目前此领域科学研究的热点.但是新的理论和技术应用于临床还需要经历缓慢的实践与发展过程.  相似文献   

耳整形是耳鼻喉手术中最具挑战的技术之一。本文从耳廓畸形及缺损修复材料,修复技术两方面综述了耳整形修复的发展。其中快速原形及组织工程技术应用于耳廓畸形及缺损修复是机械学、材料学与生物医学相互交叉互相渗透,共同发展的结果。这两种技术为耳廓修复整形提供了光明的前景,也是目前此领域科学研究的热点。但是新的理论和技术应用于临床还需要经历缓慢的实践与发展过程。  相似文献   

躯体变形障碍是一种并不罕见的精神障碍,其临床表现的特殊性使大多数患者以普通求术者的身份出现在美容整形科医生面前。然而,关容整形手术非但不能解决患者的心理问题,更可能引发复杂的医疗纠纷。基于躯体变形障碍在美容整形科呈高发生率的特点,文章对美容整形术前心理评估的必要性和现状进行分析,并列举了有效的评估工具以提高心理评估的准确性。  相似文献   


This study aims to investigate the relationship between individuals’ attitudes about acceptance of aesthetic surgery (e.g. rhinoplasty, autoplasty, blepharoplasty, and mammaplasty) and some of the worship practices in Islamic religion such as performing prayer, fasting, and going to pilgrimage. Although many people think that aesthetic surgery is inappropriate in Islamic religion, no studies in the literature were found to have investigated this issue. This study collected data through a questionnaire administered to 96 patients who applied to our Plastic Surgery Clinic and underwent various surgical operations and 96 patients who were recommended plastic surgery but rejected to have one; the questionnaire aimed to identify the participants’ frequency of religious worship practices and appropriateness of aesthetic surgery to their beliefs. The participants responded on the frequency of religious worship levels according to the options in the questionnaire. The “Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery Scale” was utilized in order to identify their attitudes towards aesthetic surgery. Levels of performing prayers, fasting, and going to pilgrimage in the groups that accepted surgery and in the groups that rejected surgery were significantly different (p < 0.001, p = 0.008, p < 0.001). In two different groups, the Acceptance of Aesthetic Surgery Scale scores were significantly different within the prayer groups and fasting groups (p < 0.001, p < 0.001, p = 0.001, p < 0.001). While the group that accepted surgery indicated no significant differences between those who thought about going to pilgrimage and who did not (p = 0.650), there was a significant difference in the group that rejected surgery (p < 0.001). While 14.6% of the participants in the group that accepted surgery considered aesthetic surgery a sin, this proportion was 56.3% in the group that rejected surgery, and this difference was significant (p < 0.001). In both surgery groups, there were differences in the scale scores of those who considered aesthetic surgery a sin and those who did not (p < 0.001, p < 0.001). There was a significant relationship between worship practices, one of the biggest indicators of the level of belief in Islamic religion, and aesthetic surgery attitudes. However, despite the fact that belief levels affect the decision of having an operation in plastic surgery, in case of serious health problems, the decision of having an operation becomes more important religious beliefs.


This paper examines the early aesthetic writings of Joseph Margolis from the late 1950s to the mid-1960s in order to argue for the relevance of these works in understanding Margolis’s later, more well-known views in the philosophy of art. Specifically, the paper addresses Margolis’s early essays on the definition and ontology of art and aesthetic perception. These essays not only show Margolis engaged in the most significant debates in mid-century analytic aesthetics but also provide important indications of the limitations of that approach to thinking about the arts that informs the development of Margolis’s later cultural realism.  相似文献   

The thesis that aesthetic testimony cannot provide aesthetic justification or knowledge is widely accepted–even by realists about aesthetic properties and values. This Kantian position is mistaken. Some testimony about beauty and artistic value can provide a degree of aesthetic justification and, perhaps, even knowledge. That is, there are cases in which one can be justified in making an aesthetic judgment purely on the basis of someone else's testimony. But widespread aesthetic unreliability creates a problem for much aesthetic testimony. Hence, most testimony about art does not have much epistemic value. The situation is somewhat different with respect to aesthetic testimony about nature, proofs, and theories. And yet he realizes clearly that other people's approval in no way provides him with a valid proof by which to judge beauty; even though others may perhaps see and observe for him, and even though what many have seen the same way may serve him, who believes he saw it differently, as a sufficient basis of proof for a theoretical and hence logical judgment, yet the fact that others have liked something can never serve him as a basis for an aesthetic judgment. Immanuel Kant, Critique of Judgment  相似文献   

李苗利  陈晶  吴杨 《心理科学》2015,(2):366-372
审美认知是人类最高级最复杂的心理活动之一,在美育中具有重要的作用。本研究采用不同艺术类别及情绪效价的作品图片,考察美术专业与普通专业大学生对中西方绘画作品的审美认知差异。结果发现:美术专业学生与普通学生对西方画的审美认知差异极其显著,且美术专业学生对西方画产生的美感显著强于普通学生;而两类学生对中国画的审美认知差异并不显著;对于不同风格的绘画作品,两类学生都存在着审美偏好,且审美偏好一致,都对中国画产生的美感更为强烈;两类学生的审美认知反应时间差异极其显著,专业学生总体上要比普通学生进行更多更复杂的审美认知加工活动。研究表明,审美认知具有较强的可塑性,对于美育心理学的发展具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

为揭示当代研究生情感素质及所受因素影响状况, 用自编问卷调查全国3类地区14座城市51所高校的10056名研究生。结果发现:研究生情感素质呈2层面6大类33种情感的结构; 爱国感、责任感、信用感、自立感、自尊感、成就感等水平较高, 正直感、宽恕感、人文美感、表达自己情绪能力等较低; 不同性别、获奖经历、学科研究生的情感素质有结构性差异; 核心价值观认同、对舆论关注、人际关系、自我要求等对其情感素质有正向影响; 研究生理智情感等高于本专科生。总之, 当代研究生情感素质总体尚好, 各部分发展不均衡, 发展水平受社会、人际和自我等多方因素影响。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Being an aesthetic realist is hard work. Derek Matravers has raised a number of concerns for the brand of aesthetic realism that I have defended in the past, and that I continue to defend, albeit with modification. Much turns on the nature of aesthetic properties, and on the reasons for acknowledging their existence. I here try to provide further illumination on both scores, suggesting in particular that many aesthetic properties can be viewed as manifest higher-order ways of appearing. Toward the end of my discussion the question of whether or not aesthetic properties are response-dependent is addressed, and I offer the tentative conclusion that some are, and some are not.  相似文献   

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