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为了了解上海市卫生局卫生监督所对医疗机构实习、试用期医务人员书写病历监督检查的成效,通过分层抽样的方法对纠纷高发科室运行病历的检查,就实习、试用期医务人员病历书写情况进行分析.结果显示,实习试用期医务人员书写病历及出具医嘱未经上级医务人员审阅修改签名的缺陷情况获得明显改善.说明各级医疗机构和医务人员已逐步树立了依法执业的理念,卫生监督部门监管工作切实有效.  相似文献   

通过对28起医疗纠纷鉴定结论的分析发现,医务人员未能充分认识病案记录的重要性,未及时、规范地记载病历记录;知情告知不完善;责任心不强,规章制度执行不力;医疗技术水平局限及抗生素使用不规范.医疗机构应规范医务人员的病历书写,强化各项制度的监管与落实.医务人员自身也应努力钻研业务,加强与患者的沟通.  相似文献   

分析病历书写的重要性以及病历书写与医疗纠纷的关系,通过对我院2007年3月-2007年9月份归档病历检查886份和平时抽查科室运行病历进行持续质量评审,对医疗文书书写质量存在问题及时采取措施,强化医疗文书的规范性和法律性,使医疗文书质量不断得到提高,使归档病历甲级率达到95%以上,逐步消除乙级病历,杜绝丙级病历,符合《病历书写基本规范(试行)》,并且提高了各级医师医疗水平,促进了临床医疗质量的提高,减少了医疗纠纷的出现,避免了重大医疗事故的发生,提高了病人就医的满意度,使医务人员全身心地投入到为病人的诊疗活动中去.  相似文献   

在现行法律框架下,通过文献检索、走访调研以及比较法研究方法探讨我国病历的所有权归属与所有权行使问题.本文认为病历具有物的属性,这是本文展开探讨的前提.基于对患者与医疗机构之间的空白病历买卖合同关系、医疗服务合同关系、医疗机构与医务人员之间的雇佣关系等多重法律关系的分析以及出于对患者隐私权等权利保护的考虑,认为病历所有权应归属于患者.同时,在病历私有说的基础上,分析了病历所有权行使、病历所有权的限制以及病历所有权受侵害时的救济等问题.  相似文献   

1 前言通过对病历书写存在的问题以及病历书写与法律的关系进行分析 ,希望能使临床医师提高对病案书写的重视程度 ,特别是对于病案记录中可能成为法律证据的地方 ,不应有所疏漏。只有增强广大医务人员的法律意识 ,才能有效提高病案书写水平和管理质量。2 资料与方法资料来源于某省 1998年~ 2 0 0 1年医疗纠纷中2 14例病案 ,对 2 14份不规范病案所存在的问题进行归纳、分析、统计 :涂改伪造病历 6例 ,占 2 .8% ;无病历 13例 ,占 6 .1% ;编造病程及相关记录 19例 ,占 8.9% ;改写或重抄病历 2 3例 ,占 10 .8% ;术前术后无相关记录 12 4例 ,…  相似文献   

病案既是医疗行为的唯一载体,也是医疗保险理赔、损伤和伤残鉴定及医疗事故处理的重要法律依据,又是证明医疗行为正确与否的重要证据。但是,目前我国各级医疗机构中病案管理和书写均存在着一定的质量问题,这不仅容易直接导致医疗纠纷,也给解决医疗纠纷和司法鉴定带来一定困难,同时在一定程度上也给医疗纠纷中的被告——医方带来不利。《医疗事故处理条例》中明确规定,“医疗机构无正当理由未按规定如实提供相关病历资料,导致医疗事故技术鉴定不能进行的”即存在举证不能、举证不力的应承担责任。因此,加强病案管理,规范病案书写,提高医务人员的病案管理意识,对防范和解决医疗纠纷具有重要的意义。现就内蒙古某市医学会在医疗纠纷技术鉴定中,发现病案中存在的质量问题及防范对策简述如下。  相似文献   

病案既是医疗行为的唯一载体,也是医疗保险理赔、损伤和伤残鉴定及医疗事故处理的重要法律依据,又是证明医疗行为正确与否的重要证据.但是,目前我国各级医疗机构中病案管理和书写均存在着一定的质量问题,这不仅容易直接导致医疗纠纷,也给解决医疗纠纷和司法鉴定带来一定困难,同时在一定程度上也给医疗纠纷中的被告--医方带来不利.<医疗事故处理条例>中明确规定,"医疗机构无正当理由未按规定如实提供相关病历资料,导致医疗事故技术鉴定不能进行的"即存在举证不能、举证不力的应承担责任[1].因此,加强病案管理,规范病案书写,提高医务人员的病案管理意识,对防范和解决医疗纠纷具有重要的意义.现就内蒙古某市医学会在医疗纠纷技术鉴定中,发现病案中存在的质量问题及防范对策简述如下.  相似文献   

病历书写中的质量缺陷存在于主诉、病史、体格检查、病程记录、诊断等各个方面。提高医学生病历书写质量及临床思维能力,是完成高质量病历书写的关键。同时病历书写有关的法律、法规相继出台,对病历书写提出了新的挑战。  相似文献   

病历书写中的质量缺陷存在于主诉、病史、体格检查、病程记录、诊断等各个方面.提高医学生病历书写质量及临床思维能力,是完成高质量病历书写的关键.同时病历书写有关的法律、法规相继出台,对病历书写提出了新的挑战.  相似文献   

传统病历是以重点记录疾病诊断、诊疗为主的记录资料,随着叙事医学的发展,应逐渐增加关于患者心理层面的疾苦、患者及家属的顾虑以及医务人员观察反应的医患互动记录,体现医务人员、患者及家属的心理与实践活动。在病历中应用"叙事医学"的叙事语言方法,注重"人文关怀和心理疏导"、"以人为本和心理和谐"并体现在病历中,充分体现患者的躯体疾病、心身疾病和精神疾病的表现和诉求,要遵循"病历书写规范"要求,但不应拘于僵化的模式,以丰富的语言反映患者的患病感受、诉求,医生诊断、患者及家属参与治疗的全过程。  相似文献   

实习医生临床工作能力的培养是整体高等医学教育的重要目的之一,全身体格检查是最基本的内容及操作,是临床基础和技能结合的重要环节,通过体格检查规范的标准化培训及经过评价,使我们的实习医生牢固掌握体格检查的基础知识,减少因体格检查导致的临床漏诊、误诊的发生率。  相似文献   


Health service psychology internship directors confronted a myriad of training challenges in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, internship training directors were tasked with ensuring that interns received appropriate training in each of the nine profession-wide competency (PWCs) areas while also ensuring the physical and emotional well-being of staff and trainees. The purpose of this paper is to describe one internship’s approach to adapting the nine PWCs during COVID-19 in the context of an academic medical setting. Successes and challenges associated with training adaptations in the context of each of the nine PWCs will be shared along with considerations for improving academic medical training programs’ ability to support interns’ educational goals and training requirements throughout and following the COVID-19 pandemic.


以病历、医嘱、处方、检验报告、诊断学等教科书中书面语言为基础,对医学书面语体的内部结构和外部要素进行分析,认为医学书面语体作为一个相对新型的语体,在语词、句法、辞格和篇章等方面有显著的特征。还深入研究了这些特征与相关联的语言外部要素间联系。  相似文献   

The medical record, as a managerial, historic, and legal document, serves many purposes. Although its form may be well established and many of the cases documented in it ‘routine’ in medical experience, what is written in the medical record nevertheless records decisions and actions of individuals. Viewed as an interpretive ‘text’, it can itself become the object of interpretation. This essay applies literary theory and methodology to the structure, content, and writing style(s) of an actual medical record for the purpose of exploring the relationship between the forms and language of medical discourse and the daily decisions surrounding medical treatment. The medical record is shown to document not only the absence of a consistent treatment plan for the patient studied but also a breakdown in communication between different health professionals caring for that patient. The paper raises questions about the kind of education being given to house staff in this instance. The essay concludes with a consideration of how such situations might be more generally avoided.  相似文献   

The ability to interpret nonverbal facial cues was tested in 10 young white male chronic phencyclidine (PCP) abusers. When their responses were compared with those of age-matched controls, abusers were significantly more accurate in interpreting the facial cues of videotaped medical interns. Phencyclidine abusers tend to form a socially maladroit and downwardly mobile group. However, previous studies of similar maladroit populations such as heroin addicts have indicated that they are less accurate in interpretation of nonverbal facial cues. The complex action of multiple affected neurotransmitters in PCP abusers was examined. Dopamine and serotonin were thought to be the relevant transmitters.  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore the physiological and psychological impacts on male medical interns during on-call duty (OCD). A prospective study of 13 medical interns was carried out using repeated testing during an on-call internal medicine and a duty-free course. There are 10 OCDs per month and each duty is composed of 33.5 consecutive work hours followed by 2 duty-free days for a time period of 3 months. Spectral analysis of R-R intervals was performed to evaluate the participants' heart rate variability. Among the three main spectral components distinguished, a high-frequency (HF) component of 0.15-0.4 Hz and a low-frequency component (LF) of 0.04-0.15 Hz were analyzed. The ratio of LF and HF (LF/HF) was also calculated. Reduced LF/HF, which suggests reduced cardiac sympathetic modulation, was found during duty night work. Increased HF was identified during the first sleep after OCD, which corresponded to the sleepiness scales. The OCD causes temporary emotional influence by the findings of higher anxiety and depression scores. In addition, inattention and impulsiveness, as represented by the continuous performance test score and lower nocturnal sympathetic modulation, were found, which indicated the differences between the internal medicine course and duty-free course. Our study suggests that 10 stressful on-call duties monthly result in reduced sympathetic modulation during duty night work, high anxiety and depression state, and a persistent inattention.  相似文献   

By using a video‐based narrative (unidirectional) eyewitness statement of an alleged victim, participants were asked to imagine they were police officers. We compared the quality of mock police officer written records in a between‐subjects design comprising three conditions: (a) a free recall (n = 27), (b) a free recall by using recall strategies of the cognitive interview (n = 27), or (c) note taking while watching the video (n = 26). The quality of the reports was determined by the amount of correctly recalled details, omitted details, added details (commission errors), and changed details (confabulations). As predicted, the number of correct details was higher in the “Note Taking” condition whereas performance in the “Free Recall” and in the “Cognitive Interview” conditions did not differ. Higher verbal memory ability resulted in a better quality of the written records. Our results suggest that note taking facilitates the quality of written records.  相似文献   

关于临床实践教学中患者隐私权的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
临床实践教学中患者隐私权的界定与保护一直是舆论界和学术界争论的问题之一.通过发放调查问卷,综合分析患者、医学生及带教医生对这一问题的观点,为解决这一争议进行了理性的思考,并给出了合理的建议.  相似文献   

The disclosure of sensitive information concerning mental health, drug and alcohol use, and communicable diseases requires express patient consent under federal and state laws. This paper presents the results of a retrospective medical record abstraction of hospital consent-to-treatment and release-of-information forms, examining whether the forms are present in the records, and, if so, whether they are signed by patients. The results suggest that patients who have sensitive information in their medical records or pay out of pocket for their care are less likely to consent to disclosure of their records. We discuss the implications of these results and recommend further research to understand patients' perceptions of medical confidentiality and the processes used for securing consent to hospital treatment.  相似文献   

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