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张勇  龙立荣 《心理学报》2013,45(3):363-376
采用296对上下级匹配数据考察了绩效薪酬对创造力的影响以及人-工作匹配的调节效应和创造力自我效能的中介效应。研究结果表明:绩效薪酬对创造力有倒U形影响;创造力自我效能部分中介了绩效薪酬对创造力的倒U形影响;人-工作匹配调节绩效薪酬与创造力的关系,人-工作匹配度越高,中等强度绩效薪酬的正面效应越强,高强度绩效薪酬的负面效应越弱;绩效薪酬与人-工作匹配的交互效应通过创造力自我效能的完全中介效应影响创造力。  相似文献   

工作不安全感、创造力自我效能对员工创造力的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
周浩  龙立荣 《心理学报》2011,43(8):929-940
采用问卷调查法, 以286对上级-下属配对数据为样本, 探讨了工作不安全感、创造力自我效能对员工创造力的影响及其内在作用机制。结果表明, 工作不安全感对员工创造力有倒U形的影响, 中等工作不安全感水平下员工的创造力最高; 创造力自我效能对员工创造力有显著的积极影响; 工作不安全感与创造力自我效能的交互效应显著, 创造力自我效能越高, 工作不安全感对员工创造力的影响越小; 工作不安全感、创造力自我效能及其交互效应通过内在动机的完全中介效应影响员工创造力。  相似文献   

本文从资源的视角,在团队和个体两个层面探究了跨界行为分别对团队创造力和个体创造力的影响以及中介机制和边界条件。采用多阶段-多来源的方式收集数据。研究结果表明在团队层面上,团队跨界行为会提高团队创造力, 但在个体层面上,员工跨界行为通过增加员工的角色压力对个体创造力产生不利影响。角色宽度自我效能感调节了上述关系,相比于角色宽度自我效能感较高的员工,角色宽度自我效能感较低的员工实施了跨界行为后更容易产生角色压力, 对个体创造力的负向影响更强。  相似文献   

创新氛围、创新效能感与团队创新:团队领导的调节作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
隋杨  陈云云  王辉 《心理学报》2012,44(2):237-248
在团队层次探讨创新氛围、创新效能感以及团队领导对团队创新绩效的影响。对51个工作团队的研究结果表明, 团队创新氛围与团队创新绩效有显著的正向关系, 而团队创新效能感在这一关系中起到中介作用。同时, 引领创新的团队领导调节了创新效能感与团队创新绩效之间的关系, 团队领导越倾向于引领创新, 创新效能感与创新绩效之间的关系就越强, 经由创新效能感传导的创新氛围对创新绩效的效应也就越大。研究结果深刻揭示了创新氛围、创新效能感、创新领导和团队创新之间的关系。  相似文献   

工作场所中员工创新的内驱力:员工创造力自我效能感   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自我效能感在创新领域具体运用后,发展为创造力自我效能感, 是指个体对创造成功的信念。以往的研究多集中于教育领域。随着员工创新在组织创新中地位提升, 研究者发现, 对创新成功所抱有的信念是支撑员工将创新行为实施到底的重要内在力量, 创造力自我效能感的研究开始向组织领域拓展。文章对创造力自我效能感在组织领域的最新研究进行归纳,总结了影响员工创造力自我效能感的主要因素:领导支持、工作的复杂度等;提炼了员工创造力自我效能感与员工创新的关系, 说明员工创造力自我效能感无论是作为员工创新心理的一个维度, 还是作为一个独立变量在个体创新机制中起中介或者调节作用, 均与员工创新紧密相关; 最后, 提出下一步的研究需要对员工创造力自我效能感的测量以及影响因素进行深入研究, 为管理实践提供更多的理论依据。  相似文献   

团队情绪氛围对团队创新绩效的影响机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘小禹  刘军 《心理学报》2012,44(4):546-557
基于85个团队的团队领导和475名团队成员的配对数据, 考察了团队情绪氛围、情绪劳动及团队效能感对团队创新绩效的影响机制。结果发现:团队中有两种类型的情绪交换—— 团队情绪氛围是团队内部的情绪交换, 而情绪劳动是团队成员对外的情绪交换。高强度的情绪劳动(高外部情绪交换)具有情绪资源攫取的效果, 削弱了团队积极情绪氛围与团队创新绩效之间的关系; 当团队工作的情绪劳动程度较高时, 团队较低的积极情绪氛围对于团队创新反而有更强的促进作用。团队积极情绪氛围(团队内部的积极情绪交换)对于团队效能感有促进作用。团队情绪氛围与情绪劳动的交互作用以团队效能感为完全中介进而影响团队创新绩效。  相似文献   

基于文化自我表征理论并立足于中国文化情境,本研究探讨了教练型领导对员工创新行为的影响以及个体传统性和创造力自我效能感在其中的作用。跨层次结构方程模型数据分析结果发现:(1)教练型领导可以有效预测员工的创新行为;(2)创造力自我效能感在教练型领导行为与员工创新行为的关系中起着完全中介作用;(3)个体传统性不仅正向调节教练型领导影响创造力自我效能感的关系,还进一步调节教练型领导通过创造力自我效能感影响创新行为的间接效应。本研究结果有助于打开教练型领导影响员工创新行为的"黑箱"并能够有效指导企业的变革与创新管理实践。  相似文献   

基于个人-环境契合理论,采用问卷调查法收集223份员工数据,检验个人-组织契合对员工创造力产生的作用机理。结果表明:(1)个人-组织契合显著正向预测员工创造力,个人-组织契合通过创新自我效能感的部分中介效应影响员工创造力。(2)工作激情在个人-组织契合与员工创造力关系中发挥调节作用。(3)工作激情的调节作用通过创新自我效能感的中介实现,当工作激情较低时,个人-组织契合通过创新自我效能感的中介对其员工创造力产生更强烈的影响。  相似文献   

谦卑型领导行为是近年来新兴的领导力理论,团队创造力也一直是学界和实践界关注的焦点,但是目前缺乏深入探讨二者关系的研究。本文基于团队沟通视角,研究了谦卑型领导行为对团队创造力的影响机制及其发挥作用的边界条件。对76位团队领导和342位团队成员的匹配数据进行分析后,结果显示:谦卑型领导行为对团队创造力有积极影响;团队成员之间横向的深度沟通以及团队成员与团队领导之间纵向的反馈沟通共同中介了这一影响过程;此外,团队认知多样性是影响谦卑型领导行为发挥作用的重要边界条件,在高团队认知多样性的情境中,谦卑型领导行为通过团队沟通过程对团队创造力的积极影响更加显著。  相似文献   

知识型团队的创造力不仅受到团队知识异质性和成员创造力的影响,同时还取决于团队成员之间的认知互动过程。通过391份知识型团队的领导与成员的配对问卷调查,从互动认知的视角,采用多层线性模型分析了认知冲突和任务知识协调对知识异质性与团队及其成员创造力之间关系的影响。研究结果表明,认知冲突在知识异质性和团队及其成员创造力之间有着显著的中介作用;任务知识协调则调节了知识异质性对团队及其成员创造力的影响。当任务知识协调水平高时,知识异质性与团队及其成员的创造力之间的关系均正向显著;当任务知识协调水平低时,知识异质性与团队创造力之间呈倒U型关系,但与个体成员创造力之间的关系并不显著。  相似文献   

工作不安全感与幸福感、绩效的关系:自我效能感的作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
旨在探讨工作不安全感对员工工作幸福感和工作绩效(上级评定)的影响,以及一般自我效能感在其中的作用机制。研究采用问卷调查的方法,共收集到513个有效样本。数据分析采用层级回归分析的方法。研究结果发现:⑴工作不安全感对员工工作幸福感和工作绩效都有显著的消极影响;⑵一般自我效能感对工作不安全感与身体健康、心理健康之间关系具有显著的调节作用,但对工作满意度的调节作用不显著;⑶一般自我效能感对不安全感—工作绩效之间关系具有显著的调节作用。这就表明,在当今处于转型期的中国社会里,工作不安全感是影响员工工作幸福感和工作绩效的一个重要压力源,而一般自我效能感可以发挥有效的调节作用  相似文献   

Job insecurity has become more relevant during the last decades as more flexibility from the workforce and organizations is demanded in the labour market. It has frequently been suggested that job insecurity is a more severe stressor for those who are more dependent on their job. The present study investigates the association between job insecurity and employee well-being by focusing on how employees’ dependence on the job moderates this relationship. Two types of financial dependence (subjective financial dependence and relative contribution to the household income) were studied, along with an indicator of a more psychological dependence on work in general (work involvement). In addition to this, both quantitative and qualitative job insecurity were included. The proposed relations were tested in a sample of Swedish accountancy firm employees. The results of moderated hierarchical regression analyses showed that subjective financial dependence, household contribution, and work involvement moderated the relation between both job insecurity dimensions and job satisfaction. No moderations were found with mental well-being as an outcome. This implies that the extent to which someone depends on their job is important for how job insecurity relates to job satisfaction.  相似文献   

马冰  杨蓉  杜旌  马贵梅 《心理科学进展》2022,30(11):2381-2394
企业往往在员工管理和组织创新上处于“两难困境”——难以提供稳定工作但又不得不依赖员工实现组织创新, 这就使得研究员工工作不安全感对创新行为的影响至关重要。企业员工遭遇不同环境威胁带来的工作不安全感时, 创新行为存在差异。本文在威胁焦点下深化工作不安全感概念, 并基于“以变量为中心”和“以人为中心”的研究思路, 探讨其对创新行为的差异化影响过程。首先, 结合环境威胁来源与主观感知, 把工作不安全感分为岗位焦点工作不安全感和人员焦点工作不安全感两个维度, 并将编制测量量表。其次, 期望运用纵向研究设计, 通过分析多时点的员工-主管配对数据, 基于情境调节焦点和工作激情的链式中介作用, 来揭示岗位焦点工作不安全感对创新行为的负向影响, 以及人员焦点工作不安全感对创新行为的倒U型影响。最后, 将采取“以人为中心”的研究思路, 运用潜在剖面分析方法探讨工作不安全感潜在类型及其对创新行为的影响。研究结果将有助于推进工作不安全感的概念和效用研究, 也为企业如何有效促进创新提供对策建议。  相似文献   

Drawing on the Conservation of Resources Theory by Hobfoll, we examined the relationships between abusive supervision, job insecurity, locus of control, and employees’ innovative behavior. Using self‐reported data collected from employees among four enterprises in China (N = 641), we found that abusive supervision was positively correlated with job insecurity. In contrast, both job insecurity and abusive supervision were negatively correlated with employees’ innovative behavior, with the impact of abusive supervision on innovative behavior being mediated by its effect on job insecurity. Having an external locus of control that served as a buffering factor for employees, mitigating the relationship between abusive supervision and job insecurity. These findings complement the existing research on the impacts of abusive leadership, providing practical information for enterprises on how to enhance levels of innovation and vitality among employees.  相似文献   


The job insecurity literature distinguishes between cognitive job insecurity and affective job insecurity where cognitive job insecurity reflects perceptions regarding the likelihood of total job loss or job features loss and affective job insecurity refers to emotional reactions to that potential loss. Indeed, affective job insecurity is demonstrated to be an affective reaction to cognitive job insecurity. However, the relationship between cognitive job insecurity and affective job insecurity may be neither direct nor unconditional. Drawing from cognitive appraisal theory, this research takes a nuanced approach to exploring the mediating role of negative work rumination and the moderating role of the tendency to negative gossip in the relationship between cognitive job insecurity and affective job insecurity. We examined our hypotheses using three time-lagged survey studies with employees recruited from the U.S. and China. These studies found that negative work rumination mediated the relation between cognitive job insecurity and affective job insecurity (Studies 1–3) and the tendency to negative gossip attenuated the positive relation between cognitive job insecurity and affective job insecurity (Studies 1 and 2). Thus, this research advances the job insecurity literature by identifying a mediator and a moderator in the process of how employees may experience job insecurity.  相似文献   

The study examined the moderating role of self-efficacy in the relationship between perceived job insecurity and organisational commitment of survivors of retrenchment among Nigerian public workers. Using a cross-sectional survey, data was collected from 186 survivors. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that organisational commitment was inversely related to job insecurity and positively related to the interaction factor for self-efficacy and job insecurity. However, the relationship between job insecurity and organisational commitment was moderated by self-efficacy such that as perceived job insecurity increased, survivors with moderate to high levels of self-efficacy showed greater levels of organisational commitment than those with low self-efficacy. The findings of this study suggest that as perceived job insecurity increased survivors' organisational commitment decreased. The theoretical and practical implications of the present findings and suggestions for enhancing the self-efficacy of survivors were discussed.  相似文献   


The present study examines the contextual effects of team climate for creativity on creative behavior and job performance of employees. Drawing on the team-knowledge management perspective, we identify team-learning orientation and collective problem solving as main intermediate cognitive processes. The results, based on 856 employees across 102 work units of a high-tech company, demonstrate that these 2 team-level cognitive processes mediate the cross-level effects of team climate for creativity on creative behavior and job performance. This study reveals the cognitive ramifications of team climate for creativity as a favorable social context for employee creativity. By highlighting the cognitive process activated by team climate for creativity, this work complements existing studies focusing mostly on the affective and motivational mechanisms that underlie the team context–creativity relationship.  相似文献   

通过对325名员工及其领导的配对问卷调查,探讨内部人身份感知对员工创新行为的作用机制。研究发现:内部人身份感知与创新行为显著正相关;内部人身份感知与创新自我效能感显著正相关;创新自我效能感部分中介了内部人身份感知对创新行为的影响;遵从权威对创新自我效能感与创新行为之间的关系具有负向调节作用;遵从权威调节了创新自我效能感在内部人身份感知与创新行为之间的中介作用。  相似文献   


By integrating job demands-resources theory with social information processing theory, we examined how and when seeking challenges and seeking resources influence employees’ turnover intention and helping behavior. We propose that seeking challenges and seeking resources increase employees’ psychological capital. We furthermore suggest that the effects of seeking challenges and seeking resources on psychological capital are moderated by job insecurity, such that employees with high job insecurity will gain more psychological capital through seeking challenges and less psychological capital through seeking resources. Results from a multiwave, multisource study using a sample of 245 supervisor-subordinate dyads provided support for our hypotheses. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated how creative personality, psychological empowerment, and job stress affect creative self-efficacy and innovative behavior in hospitality employees. A hypothesized moderating role of knowledge-sharing role in the relationship between creative self-efficacy and innovative behavior was also tested. Three hundred and thirty-nine employees and 89 supervisors employed by International Tourist Hotels in Taiwan participated in the study. A structural equation modeling analysis indicated that creative self-efficacy significantly mediates the effects of creative personality and psychological empowerment on innovative behavior in the hospitality industry. The positive effect of creative self-efficacy on innovative behavior was larger in high knowledge-sharing work environments than in low knowledge-sharing work environments. Theoretical and practical implications are further discussed.  相似文献   

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