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医患诚信问题解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医患诚信是现代中国医患关系中的一个重要问题.但当前学界在对医患关系问题进行讨论时,缺少对该问题的深入而细致的分析.指出当前对中国医患诚信问题的研究存在着四个方面的问题.其中,医患诚信危机是理解医患关系现状的关键点,剖析中国医患关系问题的着力点,重构医患诚信更是扭转医患关系紧张的切入点.  相似文献   

医患关系是医疗人际关系中最重要最具特点的关系,和谐医患关系是一切医疗活动的基础,也是建构和谐社会的基本条件.而医患沟通是良好医患关系的最基本、最主要的因素之一.本文就长期以来形成的医患沟通的五种理论模式进行简单论述和评论,主要强调各个模式医患沟通目标的不同、各个模式中医生的职责和患者价值在其中的作用以及各个模式的优缺点及临床应用与实践.其目的在于通过评价和对比来为我国和谐的医患关系推荐一个比较好的医患沟通模式.  相似文献   

随着目前医患关系日趋紧张的状况,构建和谐的医患关系成为急诊科医生面临的一个重要课题.从救死扶伤为灵魂、有效解除患者痛苦、尊重和理解患者、良好的医患沟通、语言艺术为桥梁等不同角度深入探讨了急诊科医生如何构建和谐的医患关系.  相似文献   

和谐的医患关系是医疗服务的核心,但是在我国现阶段的医患关系表现得相当复杂,已经成为一个比较严重的社会问题,需要我们进行理论上的反思和实践上的探索.运用个案工作、小组工作和社区工作等社会工作方法与技巧介入医患危机,将成为解决医患关系的"柔性支架",对缓解医患危机将起到非常重要的作用.  相似文献   

医患关系是医学伦理学最基本的问题.对医患关系本质属性的定位是医患关系研究的逻辑起点.在探讨和辨析医患关系本质属性定位的分歧后,从医患关系的主体建构角度,将医患关系归结为情感关系、契约关系和消费关系,这对分析医疗纠纷原因,消解医患矛盾冲突及构建和谐医惠关系有着重要意义.  相似文献   

试图从人权的视角来审视医患关系,展示尊重和保障人权在医患关系中的重要作用:尊重和保障人权,医患关系将变得更为人性化、理性化、规范化,医患关系将走向法制化和全球化.旨在规范医患行为,为形成良好的医患关系,缓和医患矛盾和解决医患纠纷提供对策.  相似文献   

手术同意书使用范围的扩大化是目前医患关系紧张的一个表现,患者医疗费用负担过重、医患间缺少沟通、医疗保障制度建设滞后是医患关系紧张的主要原因,解决上述问题是建立和谐医患关系的关键.  相似文献   

医患关系是一种特殊的人际关系,医务人员应从伦理学角度深入思考医患关系.了解熟悉并懂得患者,运用医患沟通技巧缩短医患间的心理距离.加强自身修养,提高思想道德水平和专业技能.充分发挥健康宣传教育在促进和谐医患关系中的作用.让我们共同努力构建和谐医患关系  相似文献   

和谐的医患关系是构建人性化医疗的基础,面对当今医患关系紧张的困境,探索如何应对困境中的医患关系迫在眉睫.共情是心理学的一个概念,阐述了人际互动过程中的一种心理现象,是一种站在对方立场上的思考方式.临床实践中医务人员存在共情缺陷,如易产生共情疲劳、缺乏倾听、缺少尊重等,通过心理学干预技术提高其临床共情能力有利于减少共情缺陷、避免医疗纠纷、协调医患关系.良好的共情能力有助于推进新的合作型医患关系的建设,尤其适合于临床一线的医务工作者.  相似文献   

论当前我国医疗市场对医患关系的影响   总被引:34,自引:6,他引:28  
解读目前紧张的医患关系是一个迫切的社会课题.医疗服务是一种商品,医疗市场是客观存在的,它是导致医患关系紧张的深层次原因.  相似文献   

自伤青少年的冲动性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于丽霞  凌霄  江光荣 《心理学报》2013,45(3):320-335
以自我报告、行为学和脑电为指标, 检验自伤青少年的冲动性。研究1, 对820名普通中学生和72名工读生进行问卷调查, 探讨自伤行为与情绪调节困难、冲动性的关系。结果表明, 冲动性能够预测自伤行为, 且预测效应量大于情绪调节困难。研究2, 采用Go/Nogo范式的ERPs实验, 检验自伤组与对照组冲动控制的行为学与脑电差异。结果表明, 自伤组Nogo正确反应的N2波幅显著高于对照组, N2潜伏期在部分电极点处高于对照组。脑电地形图显示两者的脑电差异主要体现在前额叶区。结论:自伤青少年的冲动性高于同龄普通青少年。  相似文献   

Grave's病(GD)是导致儿童甲亢最常见的病因,其易感性80%决定于基因因素.ATD治疗是最常推荐的初始治疗手段,但长期缓解率仅为30%.ATD诱导儿童GD缓解的合适用药时间尚不明确.最佳治疗方式(ATD、RAI或手术)的选择还存在重大争议.药物治疗复发的预测非常重要,最近建立了一种复发风险评分,通过种族、年龄、诊断时FT4、TRAb水平、ATD预期治疗持续时间将GD儿童分成低中高三类风险人群,对其复发风险作出评估,对于确定GD儿童在初始治疗时选择何种方案更为适合意义重大.  相似文献   

This article presents a brief outline of a program developed by the Canada Employment and Immigration Commission (CEIC) for certifying employment counselors to use tests in Canada Employment Centres (CECs).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare scores on a Relational Aggression Questionnaire for preschool boys and girls in Iran. The questionnaire was developed here, and its reliability and validity were assessed. Teachers' reports of relational aggression in 258 children ages 3 to 7 years was studied. Sex differences in relational aggression were not observed and was not significantly different across age groups.  相似文献   

Occupational Stress in Workers and Managers in Steelworks in China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Occupational stressors and strains of 121 Chinese steelwork employees and 122 managers were measured using the Chinese version of the Occupational Stress Indicator (OSI). It was found that factors intrinsic to the job, Type A behavior, logic, and organizational structure and climate were the main predictors of mental ill-health and physical ill-health in managers. Organizational structure and climate and relationships with other people were important predictors for workers. Management processes and organizational forces were the strongest predicting factors of job satisfaction in both samples. On certain OSI scales and subscales, managers scored statistically higher than workers. It is proposed that these results reflect the enormous economic and social changes currently taking place in China, together with certain features inherent in Chinese organizational and managerial processes.  相似文献   

Some researchers have interpreted findings of in‐group advantage in emotion judgements as ethnic bias by perceivers. This study is the first linking in‐group advantage to subtle differences in emotional expressions, using composites created with left and right facial hemispheres. Participants from the USA, India, and Japan judged facial expressions from all three cultures. As predicted, in‐group advantage was greater for left than right hemifacial composites. Left composites were not universally more recognisable, but relatively more recognisable to in‐group members only. There was greater pancultural agreement about the recognition levels of right hemifacial composites. This suggests the left facial hemisphere uses an expressive style less universal and more culturally specific than the right, and that bias alone does not cause the in‐group advantage.  相似文献   

Changes in sexual orientation or object choice in midlife can represent many different dynamics. Understanding these involves recognition of the psychological developmental issues of this period, such as changes in self concept, identity, the awareness of time, and changes in expectations and goals, such as the wish to create a family. Other needs, for intimacy and emotional richness, or the revival of wishes for closer ties to one's mother, can then become dominant and be expressed sexually. Earlier, more conventional choices can be abandoned, particularly after children are born. For some women an early homosexual relationship is replaced temporarily or permanently by a heterosexual one. This can represent permission to move outside the world of women, or a wish for a family and children. Fluidity of choice may be more characteristic for women than men and may be related to characteristics of the female body.  相似文献   

Ninety-one adult aphasics of both sexes were studied before and after a 3-month period of language therapy. Although no initial sex difference was found in severity of language disorders, females within the global aphasic group showed significantly greater improvement in three tests of language comprehension. It is suggested that more bilateral representation of language functions in the female brain may account for this greater improvement.  相似文献   

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