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刘淑萍 《学海》2012,(5):11-15
民族国家的伦理认同有明显的地域历史性、民族性。它具有激励功能、规范功能、整合功能,是国家成员间团结一致的凝聚力所在,它是维系一个国家存在和发展的精神纽带;在全球化时代无论在国家层面还是在国际层面,它都是社会平等、合作环境及机制的重要维系基础。经济全球化给各国带来相互协作机遇的同时也冲击着国家主权观、国家地域观与民族文化等传统国家实体性精神的基地。西方发达国家应对全球化治理需求提出"普世伦理"认同,诱导消解着民族国家的伦理认同。应对全球化的挑战,我们要塑造良性的民族国家伦理认同,确立生态伦理价值观,反对抽象的伦理普遍主义;在深化社会主义精神文明建设的系统工程中为弘扬和培育民族精神创造文化条件、整合有效资源。  相似文献   

放弃治疗的伦理选择   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:7  
放弃治疗在临床上是一个十分复杂的现象 ,只有将其放在“医学———文化”框架中进行全方位考察 ,才能从整体上加以正确把握。就伦理选择而言 ,放弃治疗必然面对诸多伦理冲突 ,临床医师若要化解伦理冲突 ,实现优化选择 ,就必须熟知和遵循基本的伦理准则。  相似文献   

论伦理咨询与行政伦理建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政伦理建设既要有制度性建设 ,还要有组织文化的建设 ,对后者我们以往重视得不够。组织文化中一个重要环节就是通过设立咨询员以保证公务员在面临道德冲突时得到有效而及时的合理建议。伦理咨询员可以减少公务员工作的盲目性和道德过失 ,并对公务员的道德能力培养起到积极的作用。伦理咨询有其特殊性 ,应在重要政府部门或道德问题突出的领域首先试行。  相似文献   

20世纪末,社会发展呈现两大明显趋势:经济全球化;文明一体化。全球化与一体化使世界文化体系中的各种文明空前开放,也使同一文明中的各类因子如经济、社会、文化的发展空前整合。各文化之间的开放和文明内部各因子的整合在文明演进中必然导致的文化现象就是价值冲突。在所有价值冲突中,伦理价值的冲突表现得最为深层也最为激烈。在开放和整合的文明背景下,现代中国伦理的价值冲突主要表现为中西伦理的价值冲突和伦理与经济、社会、文化等文明的诸种价值形式之间的冲突。由于悠久的文化传统,以上两类价值冲突又聚合为古今伦理的激烈…  相似文献   

基于资本结构的特殊性、资产交易的非透明性和监管的严格性,金融机构形成了不同于一般工商企业的特殊利益关系,也凸显了金融机构公司治理的伦理特质.以股东利益最大化、业绩一报酬敏感性高、政府干预为特征的现行公司治理机制,存在伦理缺陷,激发了金融机构内外的伦理冲突.协调金融机构的伦理冲突,需要拓展公司治理的伦理维度,确立共生的治理目标,完善伦理激励机制和伦理监督机制.  相似文献   

伴随全球化的推进和中国的和平崛起,中国文化、中国学术走向世界的时须与可能已经出现.在走向世界的学术进程中,中国伦理走向世界具有深刻的文化先锋意义.面对西方世界的全球化战略,中国伦理、中国学术到底如何“登场”世界?中国的知识精英需要再次荜路蓝缕,开拓出一条走向世界的“学术丝绸之路”或“伦理丝绸之路”.为此,三个问题的澄明便具有重要的学术意义:中国文化的伦理贡献及其世界性、现代文明危机的伦理本质、中国伦理的世界性机遇与世界走向.一个需要中国伦理智慧的世界文明史已经开始,是中国伦理走向世界并影响世界的时候了!  相似文献   

樊浩 《哲学动态》2023,(2):13-22+127
当今世界,“文明的冲突”根本上是文明观的冲突。百年未有之大变局、新冠疫情和重大自然灾害、高新技术的发展和人口老龄化,宣示人类世界从诸文化实体的关系、人类与宇宙自然的关系以及人类与自身的关系全景式地进入“非常时代”,遭遇“非常风险”,期待“非常伦理”。“非常伦理”有“非常伦理智慧”“非常伦理形态”“非常伦理觉悟”三个层次。人类社会发展史和个体生命发育史表明,伦理是人类文明的原色和理想,但在现代性文明中已然迷失。面对“非常时代”关乎“种族的绵亘”的“非常”挑战,亟待推进“非常伦理觉悟”,进行文明观的伦理革命,其要义是使人类和人类文明学会“为伦理思考所支配”,实现伦理文明观的回归与重建。伦理文明观是文明内部诸要素关系的价值生态的文明观,也是人与自然关系、国家与国家关系以及诸文化实体关系的“人类命运共同体”的文明观。伦理文明观的“非常伦理觉悟”,具有“最后觉悟”的文明史意义。  相似文献   

全球化过程有两个基本方面:一是科学技术的发展,一是资本主义的发展。迄今为止的全球化过程是资本主义利用不断更新的科学技术来实现自己发展的过程,此过程的社会实质在于资本主义全球化——包括资本主义经济全球化和与之相适应的资本主义伦理全球化。然而,诸如反全球化浪潮之美的国际现象和国际事件表明,原来作为全球化之推动力量的资本主义,如今正在走向其反面,愈来愈成为全球化的阻碍力量了;而日益严重的全球性生态危机,更其表明资本主义再也不能按其固有的方式存在和发展了。因此,客观上要求变革现存的资本主义经济制度及其伦理——包括资本主义经济理性、人理性和科学理性。适应解决当今全球性生态危机的需要,一种新伦理——生态伦理正在形成之中,它有望最终演变为取代传统资本主义伦理的全球伦理。  相似文献   

何建华 《现代哲学》2006,46(1):37-44
经济与伦理都以利益为共同基础与最终指向,二者都有规则的含义,都体现了人类的理性原则。但这并不否定两者之间所存在的差异和冲突。经济与伦理的冲突是由社会分工为前提的实践方式的分化所引起的,是以经济学与伦理学的分工为前提的。构建经济学的伦理维度,旨在用人类整体理性方式来反思经济活动及经济主体之间的关系,从而为市场经济秩序提供伦理辩护,奠定经济发展的价值基础。  相似文献   

印度佛教在其创立之初即有着人本化的意蕴,而大乘佛教普度众生的菩萨人格则彰显了佛教的伦理特色。佛教传入中国,与中国本土伦理相冲突、调适、融合,则真正实现了佛教伦理的大发展。佛教伦理中国化或者是彰显佛教原有的伦理文化因素,或者是与中土伦理相融合,作为其结果,中国佛教伦理形成了自身的基本理念和行为规范,它不仅在佛教徒中有重要规范作用,而且对中国伦理文化亦产生了广泛的影响。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT All ethical systems seem to call for more ethical sensitivity. The dangers to personal life of too much ethical sensitivity have received much attention lately, in attempts to limit the demands of morality. But the ethical dangers of ethical sensitivity have hardly been noticed. I argue that, in a number of different ways, too much ethical sensitivity can be ethically harmful. The normative, the psychological and the pragmatic pictures are for more complex than is commonly realised.  相似文献   

Eric J. Chaisson 《Zygon》1999,34(2):265-271
Two papers on global morality and ethics—by David Loye and Solomon H. Katz—are hereby placed into an evolutionary context. Simply stated though no less true, ethical evolution will likely be the next great evolutionary leap forward into the future—if humankind is to have a future.  相似文献   

Kantian virtue can be construed as a condition of an agent which secures adherence to the requirements of morality in the face of the ever-present possibility of inner conflict with counter-ethical considerations. This paper claims that this conception of virtue does not fit in well with one essential characteristic of the virtuous agent; that he or she is attentive to the well-being of others. After some preliminary remarks about virtue-related evaluations, the paper criticises the Kantian conception of virtue in the light of certain characteristics of ethical attentiveness. The paper concludes by developing a notion of ethical habituation which includes the training of attention.  相似文献   

Beginning with a thought experiment about a mysterious Delphic oracle, this article motivates, explains, and attempts to defend a view it calls Ethical Pragmatism. Ethical Pragmatism is the view that we can and should carry on our practice of moral deliberation without reference to moral truths, or more broadly, without reference to metaethics. The defense the article mounts tries to show that neither suspicions about the tenability of fact‐value distinctions, nor doubts about the viability of global pragmatism, nor worries about the “force” of ethical injunctions without reference to moral truths constitute good reason to reject Ethical Pragmatism.  相似文献   

This essay will argue for ethical procedures governing criminal profiling. A model based upon psychological/behavioral data, witness data, and forensic profiling data is sketched out. This model fits the legitimate uses of criminal profiling as an investigation procedure. Racial profiling as a primary sorting factor does not fit the preferred model and has significant downsides and so is rejected as a primary sorting mechanism in criminal investigation procedure.  相似文献   

The present essay offers a sketch of a philosophy of value, what I shall here refer to as ‘ethical instrumentalism.’ My primary aim is to say just what this view involves and what its commitments are. In the course of doing so, I find it necessary to distinguish this view from another with which it shares a common basis and which, in reference to its most influential proponent, I refer to as ‘Humeanism.’ A second, more general, aim is to make plausible the idea that, given the common basis, ethical instrumentalism provides a more compelling picture of the philosophy of value than Humeanism does.  相似文献   

This essay defines ethical resonance through an ethnographic interlude that paves the way for a broader theorization of the concept. It begins by contextually recounting the story of an individual who had stayed at Sevagram, Mahatma Gandhi’s last ashram in 1944, shadowing Gandhi for some 20 days. The young man’s brief meeting with Gandhi in which Gandhi uttered only one sentence transformed him for his lifetime. I reflect on the experience and its narrative qualities to explore the broader question of why one is moved, and moved enough to be altered. I propose that the theorization of resonance in modern physics, in phenomenology, and in 11th‐century Sanskrit poetics is productive for understanding the subjective and the trans‐subjective elements that underlie ethical persuasion. I argue that the idea of resonance helps bridge the affective and the aesthetic in moral self‐formation that occurs in everyday life.  相似文献   

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