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关于“以人为本”的几个问题   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
要全面把握科学发展观中的“以人为本”的真实内涵,在发展实践中真正体现出以人为本,需要理性地澄清如下一些问题。1.科学发展观的“以人为本”与我国古代“人本”思想的关系“以人为本”的提法在我国古代就有。“战国时期齐国政治家管仲最早提出‘夫王霸之所始也,以人为本,本理则国固’。”(夏甄陶,第63页)这种“以人为本”思想体现的是君对民的态度:凡是不横征暴敛、关心国计民生的君主均可看作是持“以人为本”思想的“明君”。在这里,用“以民为本”取代“以人为本”来描述这种古代“明君”的思想,实际上更为确切,而且这种“以民为本”…  相似文献   

以唯物史观全面理解"以人为本"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人的问题是改革开放30年来马克思主义哲学研究中的重要问题.近年来,以人为本的科学发展观提出来之后,如何理解"以人为本"成为哲学界的一个热门话题,也出现了不少分歧和争论.有的学者与西方人本主义思想做比较,有的学者同中国古代的民本观做对照,有的学者结合现代管理学中的以人为本观念进行阐释,更多的人认为中国共产党人在当今条件下提出以人为本,尽管也是吸取以往的思想资源和合理因素的结果,但从根本上说,它是共产党为人民服务的宗旨在新形势下的发展和崭新表述,所以只能是以人民为本而不是以作为个体的人为本.也有学者提出,应该把作为"政治理论"的以人为本与作为"学术"的以人为本进行区分,前者就是以人民为本,后者则有着更丰富的内涵.  相似文献   

在马克思那里有着十分丰厚的以人为本思想资源。马克思以人为本思想中的本可以作"本体"、"主体"、"目的"几种形式释义。就实质而言马克思认为人类先后有"神"、"物"、"人"三种本体,它们的历史演变对应于神权、物权和人权三个不同时代。费尔巴哈的宗教批判完成了从神本到人本的转化,马克思的政治经济学批判完成了从物本到人本的转化。马克思以人为本思想中的人,就能指来讲可指所有的人,就所指来讲是指每一个人。  相似文献   

重新辨析和评价中国文化的民本思想,其要有五点:一、崇尚道德、以民为本是儒家文化的"常道",亦是中国文化的核心价值。二、在儒家文化中"天民一致",在民意之上并无更高的所谓"天道合法性"。三、"以民为本"就是以人民为国家、社会的价值主体,在儒家文化中民本主义高于王权主义。四、中国传统的民本思想与君主制结合在一起,因此,民本并非近现代意义的民主。五、从民本走向民主,符合中国文化近现代转型的逻辑,中国特色的民主制度应是"以民本和自由为体,以民主为用"。  相似文献   

张丰乾 《现代哲学》2008,(1):109-116
历代儒者引经据典,从"民之父母"的角度出发,对统治者提出了亲民、爱民、保民、富民等要求.但是,近现代以来的思想史研究者,对于古代社会君民关系的这一基本理论似乎未着笔墨.本文集中讨论了孔子、曾子、子思、孟子、荀子等早期儒家学派关于"民之父母"的思想,归纳出其中至少包含了"民之父母"需要符合"必达于礼乐之原"、"使民富且寿"、"同于民之好恶"、"顺而教之"、"有父之尊,有母之亲"等原则.孟子则借用"民之父母"的理论痛斥当政者"以政杀人"、"率兽食人"、"使老稚转乎沟壑".荀子指出当天下的最高统治者堕落为"民之怨贼"的地步,统治阶级内部其他符合"民之父母"标准的领袖可以以"革命"方式取而代之.在今人看来是"乌托邦"的这种构想,在儒家看来是应该而且能够实现的蓝图.儒家之外,<管子>提出,"法"才是"民之父母",在"法"的层面,即使是有所过错,也可以有办法弥补,不至于酿成大患,可以看成是儒家思想的重要补充.  相似文献   

孟子的"不忍人之心",是其"仁政"思想的价值核心所在。"政治行为"因以人为其行为的对象,故而其自身的正当性与人日常行为的价值源头紧密连接在一起。人因有不忍人之心而后有不忍人之行,有不忍人之行而后有不忍人之政。围绕着这一价值源头,于"君",孟子有着一种道德操守的必然诉求;于"政",这一必然诉求则于道德实践的过程中客观化为具体的法令制度;于"民",孟子则本着顺遂人之常情的态度,强调通过制民之产以导民向善。善、德、政三者在孟子的仁政思想中是环环相扣的自本至末的逻辑扩充关系。孟子的这一认识,在当今建立法治社会的进程中有着不可估量的价值参考意义。  相似文献   

王倩 《美与时代》2008,(5):98-99
"以人为本"设计观就是首先以自然规律为本,在不破坏自然的情况下,再尽一切可能满足人类的生理、心理和情感的需求,最终达到"物我合一"."天人合一"的境界.阿里苹果小学的布局和建筑就很好地体现了这一原则.同时,它也充分地满足了人们的使用功能和心理需求,体现了时代感和民族地域特色.  相似文献   

"继善成性"是易学哲学的重要问题.朱熹解释"继善成性"总体上不是为字义的通顺,而在为他的理学本体论作论证.理上气下的基本原则通过易学的语言进一步得到贯彻.善与性、天与人、未发与已发、天理流行与人物成性等,虽也体现了天人之间的密切关联,但又不能将一般天理与已具形质的人性混淆起来."继善成性"说的优长,就在于它将由天至人的生成序列,解释为一个以天道为本而构筑本性的思辨逻辑,同时兼顾个体形质生成带来的特殊性.而本性只是"存"而非"成",以卫护本然之性纯善无恶的假定.  相似文献   

"和而不同"、"推己及人"与团结友善   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
团结为贵、友善待人是我们中华民族的传统美德之一."礼之用,和为贵",而实现人和的关键是团体中的每一个人做到"中",即所谓"致中和"的原则;以仁爱精神做到与人为善、关爱他人,则应该"推己及人"、"兼以易别".古人这些思想包含了十分深刻的道理,值得我们认真地加以继承,经过马克思主义的分析批判,升华为社会主义的道德规范和要求.  相似文献   

徐建勇  王成 《孔子研究》2023,(5):34-43+157
胡安国对《春秋》经文的注解,深受儒家民本思想影响。在《春秋传》中,他不但指出《春秋》“以三纲为本,以民事为要”,而且反复劝谏统治者要“以民为本”,民为邦本,本固方可邦宁。一是“重民力,役有时”。对于《春秋》经文中书写记载的民间徭役、军事演练和操习等事,胡《传》主张人君不仅要慎用、爱惜和保存民力,更要用民以时,不可肆意侵占农时。二是“急民事,谨天灾”。胡《传》常通过“天人感应”的天灾谴告说,告诫人君要心系民事,重视和关心民生民命。三是“赋税任其宜”。民之税赋方面,胡《传》以轻征薄敛为原则,认为国家应当根据不同时宜对民征收与返还,以恤民隐。  相似文献   

《Philosophical Papers》2012,41(1):87-116

In this paper, I argue that the traditional philosophical approach of taking cognitively and emotionally competent adult people to be the prototypical instances of agency should be revised in light of current work in the behavioral sciences. Logical consistency in application is better served by taking simple goal-directed and feedback-governed systems such as insects as the prototypes of the concept of agency, with people being agents ‘by extension’ in the same sense as countries or corporations.  相似文献   

This article focuses on political human rights and on the empirically assessed legitimation of these rights. This research considers the rights of refugees, the active and passive right to vote, and the right of protest. Given that the research is empirical research, respondents are requested to express agreement, disagreement or neutrality. The assumption is that contextual factors influence people’s assessment of rights. One contextual factor is, firstly, the concept of human dignity. International human rights covenants regard human dignity as the very foundation of all rights. That said, the concept of human dignity is subject to different understandings and – certainly in the past – the understanding of what constitutes human dignity has varied. Dignity can be related to the appreciation of the person given by others, to the moral behaviour of a person, and it can be understood as inherently related to the individual as a human being. It is this last understanding that forms the basis of modern declarations of human rights. Furthermore, the respondents’ value orientations and religious beliefs, along with society’s socio-political perception, will be examined to ascertain whether these factors have any influence on respondents’ attitudes towards political rights. The key question is: does human dignity influence people’s view of the legitimacy of political rights and do other factors also count? The empirical analysis was undertaken done with German youth (N=2244). Findings show that the concept of inherent human dignity is a strong predictor for respondents’ attitudes towards political rights, but that it is not the unique predictor; relevant concepts are the value orientation of youth and their socio-political orientation. The significance of religious beliefs as a predictor is low.  相似文献   

直下心源、直契本心是由孔子确立的儒家道德情感论的核心特质,孔子后学由此出发,基于天人合一的视域建构了诚学,将诚提升为了贯通天人、真实无妄的道德情感。儒家从质直、至诚之本心情感出发,涵养与推扩道德情感的内在理路可以概括为以下三个维度:第一,以反观内省的道德理性时时提撕和体认本心情感; 第二,以本心情感为体,以礼乐文化为用,以文质彬彬为旨归; 第三,以“亲亲而仁民,仁民而爱物”为路径,以四端之心为内在心理情感根据,在由近及远、由厚及薄、由亲及疏的无限推扩中实现对道德情感的涵养、提升与超越。  相似文献   

Franeta  Duška 《Human Studies》2021,44(1):63-86
Human Studies - Apart from being a pervasive concept of present-day law, human dignity is a phenomenon regularly experienced by people in their lives. Yet before any protection for it can be...  相似文献   

In an age in which vast progress has been made in organ transplant technology, it is imperative to determine the point at which a human being is considered dead, for transplantation cannot occur until after death. Traditional religious views imply that a human being is dead upon the departure of the soul from the body. Taking the biological death of the body as a conclusive sign of the soul's departure is not an option. Biological death refers to decomposition, and this cannot equate to the death of the person as such, for this would make the concept and practice of transplantation absurd, for transplantable parts of a biologically dead—i.e. decomposing—body could not be used. On the other hand, if parts of the human body are themselves still biologically alive, could it not be said that taking such parts would amount to murder?

Two conclusions follow from this predicament. First, death as a ‘normative’ concept stands in sharp distinction from a purely biological concept. Second, a normative concept of death is entangled with a normative concept of personhood. That is to say, from the moment that a human being is not considered a person as such, parts of the body could be removed for transplantation or, indeed, for any other justified medical purpose. In this regard, various theories of the person are put forward. Which of these theories is compatible with a workable concept of death? In this paper two principal theories of the person will be discussed and it will be argued that a brain-based theory of death is conducive to a normative concept of death, thus allowing for organ transplantation.  相似文献   

The implications of Warren McCulloch's 1945 concept of heterarchy are analyzed in terms of human value and motivational systems. The results demonstrate the near-impossibility of predicting behavior on the basis of any hierarchical scheme, or even which among a set of hierarchical schemes will be selected as the basis of a behavioral choice. Thus, for example, people regularly say one thing and do another.  相似文献   

This paper asserts the current age as perverse, a social paradigm facilitated by explosive technological progression that is rapidly altering the erotic and social dimensions of human relationship. The author employs psychoanalytic and evolutionary theories to explain the ease with which we humanize machines and dehumanize people. The quest and need for love, which combines both discovery and invention, is framed within Winnicott’s concept of the transitional object. A detailed case is presented of a man who lived with a high-end love doll. The case illustrates his simultaneous need to dehumanize women and humanize the doll, as well as his use of the analyst to help him transition from being with a doll to being with a human partner. Questions regarding technology’s growing impact on the future of relationships are surfaced.  相似文献   

The trustworthiness (or otherwise) of AI has been much in discussion of late, not least because of the recent publication of the EU Guidelines for Trustworthy AI. Discussions range from how we might make people trust AI to AI being not possible to trust, with many points inbetween. In this article, we question whether or not these discussions somewhat miss the point, which is that people are going ahead and basically doing their own thing anyway, and that we should probably help them. Acknowledging that trust is a heuristic that is widely used by humans in a range of situations, we lean on the literature concerning how humans make trust decisions, to arrive at a general model of how people might consider trust in AI (and other artefacts) for specific purposes in a human world. We then use a series of thought experiments and observations of trust and trustworthiness, to illustrate the use of the model in taking a functionalist perspective on trust decisions, including with machines. Our hope is that this forms a useful basis upon which to develop intelligent systems in a way that considers how and when people may trust them, and in doing so empowers people to make better trust decisions about AI.  相似文献   

分析生殖细胞基因增强的概念,论述支持和反对生殖细胞基因增强的理由,初步探讨伦理学对策.在人类理性的指引下,生殖细胞基因增强能够成为造福人类的有力武器.  相似文献   

As social mammals, being in a group signals a state of relative security. Risk‐taking behavior in other social mammals formed the basis for our prediction that the mere physical presence of others, absent any social interaction, would create a psychological state of security that, in turn, would promote greater risk‐taking behavior. We investigated whether, why, and when the mere physical presence of others affects risk‐taking behaviors in three contexts: acceptance of greater financial volatility, attitudes toward risky gambles, and actual gambling behaviors. Results indicate that people in the mere physical presence of others make riskier decisions than people making identical decisions alone, and that feelings of security were the psychological mechanism behind this effect. Our results also suggest that the effect is contingent on whether people are surrounded by others who belong to the same social group. A meta‐analysis across all studies presented in this research reveals a highly reliable mere‐presence effect. Together, these results demonstrate that the mere physical presence of others can have a potent impact on risk‐taking behaviors. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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