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生命伦理学具有广泛性和综合性,着眼于群体健康是当前生命伦理学发展的趋势.在群体水平的生命伦理学的研究中,有关"正义"的概念是核心的问题.涛慕思·W·博格提出了正义的"关系概念",借以考察范围广泛的社会制度与健康结果的产生具有什么样的因果关系,进而强调社会制度的制定者和支持者对其产生的健康结果负有责任.通过对此"关系概念"进行分析,以期对中国国内健康领域问题的解决有所启示.  相似文献   

环境伦理学的正义向度   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
“环境正义”问题的凸现在环境伦理学的发展过程中具有重要的意义,它重新规定了环境伦理学的理论向度,更加重视塑造环境伦理学的实践品格。“环境正义”问题也是当今我国所面临的重大社会问题,我国环境伦理学的研究也应通过对这一问题的关注逐渐形成自己的话语系统和价值立场。  相似文献   

论环境伦理学的“代内正义”的基本意蕴   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
倡导“代内正义”是环境伦理学用于激发人们的“生态良知”的重要方法和手段。然而,“代内正义”究竟是谁之正义?这是环境伦理学所必须明确的问题。本文认为,任何以个体为出发点或仅仅局限于族类存亡意义上的正义观都不应当成为环境伦理学的“代内正义”的基本构成要素,而“全球性正义”或许正是环境伦理学的“代内正义”最为恰当的表现形式。  相似文献   

目前学界对流行病防控的伦理探讨尚十分欠缺,而现有的生命医学伦理学理论不能较好地解决流行病防控中的伦理问题,应用伦理学亟需对流行病防控做出伦理回应。流行病防控中主要涉及隐私、自由和正义三个方面的伦理问题,亦即个人权利或自由与公共健康的冲突问题。流行病防控对个人行为的家长主义干预,特别是对个人自愿自涉行为的强家长主义干预必须得到伦理证明。流行病防控与社会正义和人权也有十分密切的关系,促进正义与保护人权是流行病防控的应有之意。  相似文献   

讨论了作为生命伦理学学科分支的《公共卫生伦理学》的结构及其基本论题,阐述了公共卫生的伦理基础、公共卫生伦理学的基本原则、公共卫生与个人自由之间的关系等对公共卫生各领域均具有普遍意义的基本伦理问题。指出公共卫生是建立公正社会和实现社会正义的必备要素,应该以公共卫生实践中的伦理问题而不是以哪个理论作为其逻辑出发点;公共卫生工作之所以能得到伦理辩护,缘于健康是人民安康的基本层面,而人民的安康是建立公正社会的基本内容;公共卫生伦理学的基本原则应包括效用、公正、尊重、共济、相称;最后讨论公共卫生限制个人自由在伦理学上可辩护的条件。  相似文献   

"人造美女"的生命伦理学思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
"人造美女"是一个纯粹的市场炒作的概念,其背后隐匿着深刻的生命伦理难题,并直接面对现实的医学伦理学问题.其中,生命价值、技术对生命干涉限度、美容与健康的冲突、医疗商业化等生命伦理学难题格外突出,而医疗伤害、技术滥用等是更为现实的医学伦理学问题.  相似文献   

论“人”的概念──生命伦理学的视角   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1.作为本体论概念的“人”近年来,生命伦理学以及。动的哲学(PhilosophyofMind)和政治哲学的文献频频提出关于“人”的概念问题。几乎在生命伦理学的所有主要问题上,我们都遇到“人”的概念问题。当我们就人工流产、胚胎研究、极低体重新生儿和严重出生缺陷新生儿的处理、严重老年性痴呆症患者的处理、处于脑死和永久性植物状态的病人的处理、裂脑人的对待、安乐死、脑和脑组织的移植,以及克隆产等的伦理学可辩护性进行辩论时,似乎“人”的概念问题不可避免。探讨“人”的概念问题可以有两条思路或两种策略:首先弄清什么是“人”然…  相似文献   

勒维纳斯以提倡“作为第一哲学的伦理学”和对他人的无限责任引领了当代法国哲学中伦理学的复兴.勒维纳斯在关于无限责任的概念基础上通过第三方的引入,建构起一种政治的可能性.这样的一种政治又因奠基在无限责任的基础上而使得正义的实现变得既必须又艰难.这种无限责任和艰难正义的结合产生了勒维纳斯独特的伦理政治.  相似文献   

女性主义伦理学伴随着西方女权运动的深化,产生于最近三十年,其主要标志是卡罗尔·吉利根教授的《不同的声音——心理学理论与妇女发展》的出版.此后,女性主义伦理学渗透到社会的各个领域,如政治伦理、生态伦理、生命伦理、性伦理等领域,形成不同的交叉学科.作为女性主义伦理学的主要组成部分的关怀伦理学,一直备受女性主义伦理学家的关注.关于关怀伦理学,学术界比较有争议的几个问题有:性别与道德的关系、关怀与正义的关系、关怀伦理学的理论归属等.女性主义伦理学的出现为女性解放运动提供了理论上的支撑,同时,也为伦理学的研究提供了一种新的研究方法——性别分析法.但是,女性主义伦理学作为一种新兴学科,其在理论上和实践上仍然具有一定的局限性.  相似文献   

人的尊严与生命伦理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“尊严”是频繁出现在生命伦理学中的一个概念,但关国学者麦克琳却在最近认为,尊严在生命伦理学中是个无用的概念,可以毫无损失地用其它概念,比如尊重人的自主性概念所代替。反驳了麦克琳的观点,定义了尊严的含义,认为生命伦理学的使命就是在当代生命科技高度发达的情况下如何尊重和保护人的尊严。  相似文献   

Dialogue as a Site of Transformative Possibility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines how affect allows us to view the relational form of dialogue, as built upon the work of Derrida and Levinas, to be a site of transformative possibility for students as they encounter and address issues of social justice and difference in the classroom. The understanding of affect that attends this form of dialogue demands from educators a re-visioning of how their educational arrangements and pedagogies might facilitate the transformative capacities of their students. Accordingly, the relational conception of dialogue cannot be viewed as providing educators with another strategy or method for addressing issues of social justice and difference or for tapping into the transformative capacity of their students. Instead, it would be better viewed as pointing educators towards a different orientation towards education which is not focused upon producing particular outputs or outcomes, but does still indicate the need for a responsible response from the educator.  相似文献   

In this article, I juxtapose religious and neoliberal capitalistic symbol systems to highlight the existential flaws in capitalism and how it undermines community and society. More particularly, I contend that religious (in this article, Judeo-Christian) and religiously inflected humanist symbol systems possess core values of care, community (space of appearances and the common good), and relational justice that ideally order social life, institutions, and subjectivity. I argue that these core values and practices, which are woven into the semiotic web of Judeo-Christian religions, are missing from the complex web of symbols and narratives that undergird neoliberal capitalism. I argue further that when neoliberal capitalism becomes a hegemonic way of organizing society, there is an attending corruption of social care, the common good, and relational justice.  相似文献   

Drawing from Conservation of Resources theory, this study examines the hitherto unexplored mediating role of relational conflict in the link between interpersonal justice and commitment to change, as well as how social interaction might moderate this mediating effect. Data were captured from employees directly affected by a large‐scale restructuring in a European‐based organisation. The analyses show that interpersonal justice positively affects commitment to change and that relationship conflict fully mediates the relationship. Further, social interaction moderates both the interpersonal justice–relational conflict and the relational conflict–commitment to change relationships, such that they get invigorated at higher levels of social interaction. The findings also reveal that the indirect effect of interpersonal justice on commitment to change, through relational conflict, is more pronounced at higher levels of social interaction, in support of a moderated mediation effect. These findings have significant implications for research and practice.  相似文献   


In this paper I address the distributive, inclusive, and relational dimensions of educational justice individually in relation to transnational migration. First, I thematize distributive issues with regard to immigrant students, the central question being whether these students are entitled to more or less educational resources as non-immigrant students. Second, I discuss to which extent and in which sense enabling immigrant students to participate fully in the social and political life of their receiving country is a demand of educational justice. Third, I elaborate on which kinds of educational interactions – in the first place, which types of teaching – could perpetuate unjust treatment of those students in the form of disrespect. I claim that educational justice with regard to immigrated students consists in their enabling to full social and political participation by a mode of teaching that positively addresses students’ biographical experiences with migration, and by constructing school curricula which encourage inter-lingual, inter-cultural, and inter-contextual translations in the classroom. That is to say, that educational justice in context of migration is to be ultimately understood as relational justice, or more specific – as a matter of just pedagogical relations.  相似文献   

Considerations of social justice pertain to universities with respect to reserved spaces for applicants from disadvantaged groups, targeted hiring, differential student fees or faculty workloads and salaries, and similarly contested matters. This paper displaces debates over what constitutes just allocation of university resources from those over theories of justice in general to those about alternative visions of the proper goal of universities. To this end, educational and democratic theories of John Dewey are drawn on as an alternative to elitist conceptions and the implications of these competing viewpoints for specific justice-related issues are explicated.  相似文献   

Criticisms of the liberal‐individualist idea of the “unencumbered self” are not just a staple of communitarian thought. Some modern Confucian thinkers are now seeking to develop an ethically particular understanding of social roles in the family that is sensitive to gender‐justice issues, and that provides an alternative to liberal‐individualist conceptions of the “unencumbered self” in relation to family roles. The character of Nora in Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House seemingly exemplifies such conceptions of the unencumbered self in her rejection of her housewife role for a more authentic selfhood. Drawing upon the capabilities approach to justice, and positive early Japanese bluestockings’ responses to Ibsen's play, I argue that Nora's character is better understood as exemplifying an ethically compelling disencumbered self in potentially cross‐cultural circumstances: a self criticizing and rejecting social roles that are found to be unjust according to universal, as opposed to particularist, “Confucian” ethical standards.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between the development of talented young sports people and conceptions of social justice. It is set within the context of recent policy developments in the United Kingdom that place renewed emphasis on talent development (and wider issues of ‘gifted and talented education’), and justifies this with explicit reference to social justice. After providing a summary of relevant policy initiatives and their often-unstated presumptions, the paper goes on to examine the different ways in which philosophers have conceptualised the role of luck in human affairs. Luck is a matter of particular interest to social justice theorists, who often frame their discussions in terms of the neutralisation of luck. This presents something of a problem for policy makers, as talent development seems destined to exaggerate the effects of luck, not neutralise them. In other words, it is suggested here that talent development cannot be justified in terms of social justice – at least the version of social justice advocated my many of the leading theorists – because it results in the opposite outcome than would be desired. None of this means that talent development is indefensible; it is just indefensible in the terms used in the UK talent development policy.  相似文献   

John Rawls famously claims that ‘justice is the first virtue of social institutions’. On one of its readings, this remark seems to suggest that social institutions are essential for obligations of justice to arise. The spirit of this interpretation has recently sparked a new debate about the grounds of justice. What are the conditions that generate principles of distributive justice? I am interested in a specific version of this question. What conditions generate egalitarian principles of distributive justice and give rise to equality as a demand of justice? My paper focuses on relationalist answers to this question. Advocates of relationalism assume that ‘principles of distributive justice have a relational basis’, in the sense that ‘practice mediated relations in which individuals stand condition the content, scope and justification of those principles’. To say that principles of justice are ‘based’ on and ‘conditioned’ by practice mediated relations is ambiguous. I will here be concerned with advocates of what I call the relationalist requirement, viz. positions which assume that ‘practice mediated relations’ constitute a necessary existence condition for principles of egalitarian distributive justice. Relationalists who endorse this view come in different varieties. My focus is on relationalists that view social and political institutions as the relevant ‘practice mediated relation’. The question at stake, then, is this: Are institutionally mediated relations a necessary condition for equality to arise as a demand of justice? Strong relationalists of the institutionalist cast, call them advocates of the institutionalist requirement, differ in important respects. They argue about what set of institutions is foundationally significant, and they disagree on why only that institutional relation gives rise to egalitarian obligations of justice. My paper engages two ways of arguing for the institutionalist requirement: Julius’s framing argument and Andrea Sangiovanni’s reciprocity argument. The issue at stake are the grounds of egalitarian justice and I will argue that the institutionalist requirement is mistaken. It is not the case that egalitarian obligations of distributive justice arise only between and solely in virtue of individuals sharing a common institution.  相似文献   

In the field of bioethics, scholars have begun to consider carefully the impact of structural issues on global population health, including socioeconomic and political factors influencing the disproportionate burden of disease throughout the world. Human rights and social justice are key considerations for both population health and biomedical research. In this paper, I will briefly explore approaches to human rights in bioethics and review guidelines for ethical conduct in international health research, focusing specifically on health research conducted in resource-poor settings. I will demonstrate the potential for addressing human rights considerations in international health research with special attention to the importance of collaborative partnerships, capacity building, and respect for cultural traditions. Strengthening professional knowledge about international research ethics increases awareness of ethical concerns associated with study design and informed consent among researchers working in resource-poor settings. But this is not enough. Technological and financial resources are also necessary to build capacity for local communities to ensure that research results are integrated into existing health systems. Problematic issues surrounding the application of ethical guidelines in resource-poor settings are embedded in social history, cultural context, and the global political economy. Resolving the moral complexities requires a commitment to engaged dialogue and action among investigators, funding agencies, policy makers, governmental institutions, and private industry.  相似文献   

The bold claim that developmental science can contribute to both enhancing positive development among diverse individuals across the life span and promoting social justice in their communities, nations and regions is supported by decades of theoretical, methodological and research contributions. To explain the basis of this claim, I describe the relational developmental systems (RDS) metamodel that frames contemporary developmental science, and I present an example of a programme of research within the adolescent portion of the life span that is associated with this metamodel and is pertinent to promoting positive human development. I then discuss methodological issues associated with using RDS‐based models as frames for research and application. Finally, I explain how the theoretical and methodological ideas associated with RDS thinking may provide the scholarly tools needed by developmental scientists seeking to contribute to human thriving and to advance social justice in the Global South.  相似文献   

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