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章哲明  金盛华  吴嵩  周翔 《心理学报》2013,45(4):453-465
过去社会困境的领导研究大多都以被试作为领导, 发现贴上领导标签后, 被试倾向于拿取更多的公共资源, 从而有碍公共利益的实现。本研究指出, 如果领导的背叛行为能够使群体成员表现出自我节制行为的话, 那么设置领导则有可能促进公共利益的实现。研究通过三个实验, 考察领导与普通群体成员不同的行为方式以及领导的产生方式对群体成员行为的影响, 并检验公平理论和社会认同理论的解释力。研究结果表明, 领导表现出背叛行为时, 被试表现出更多的自我节制行为; 指派领导及外群体选举领导背叛时, 被试表现出更多的自我节制行为, 验证了社会认同理论的正确性。  相似文献   

社会主义市场经济秩序与社会成员行为自律王习琴一、社会成员行为自律是建立社会主义市场经济秩序的重要条件之一从前一段反腐败斗争中揭露出来的大量案件可以看出,发展社会主义市场经济,既给我们全体社会成员提供了展示才华的机会,也提出了抵御剥削阶级腐朽思想侵蚀的...  相似文献   

进化心理学认为,厌恶是人类在疾病、资源缺乏等适应性压力情境下,为抵御有害物质入侵通过自然选择而形成的进化心理机制。根据进化的观点,道德厌恶是由生理厌恶进化而来。道德厌恶有利于避免违反社会规范的行为。厌恶的激活会使道德判断更加苛刻,由此提出厌恶在法律判断中的几点启示:(1)避免直觉情绪对判断的干扰;(2)保持审议厅清洁,避免外在环境引起的厌恶情绪干扰法律判断;(3)对陪审团成员进行个体意识性和厌恶敏感性测量,避免道德过度警觉的现象发生。  相似文献   

孙灯勇  郭永玉 《心理科学》2016,39(3):714-719
相对剥夺感是指与某一标准相比较,个体觉得自己或自己所在群体状况更加糟糕,并产生生气或怨恨的情感反应。相对剥夺感包括个人相对剥夺感和群体相对剥夺感。研究表明,家庭收入、主观社会阶层、内群体认同,以及社会变化的速度和方向等对个人或群体相对剥夺感产生显著影响。相对剥夺感对个体的身心健康和行为,以及群体的态度与行为均具有显著的影响。但是,有关相对剥夺感与公正理论的异同、相对剥夺感的测量、参照对象与比较方式,以及相对剥夺感影响心理与行为的机制等方面还有待深入探讨。  相似文献   

社会进化的原理 [1] 社会是由处在特定关系中的人的群体组成的系统。社会系统独立于其个体成员各自的命运而自我保持或变化,在这点上它同生物种群、进化枝或生态系统是很相象的。人人都按出生、成长和死亡的循环圈在社会系统中度过一生,但社会却按照发生在它自己那个社会层次上的过程而存在、发展和衰亡。人类社会的各个成员  相似文献   

近年来, 诸多学者将研究视角投向群体情绪感染, 即群体内部成员间的情绪感染交互过程。群体情绪感染不仅包括个体间的直接情绪感染, 而且受到群体认同、共同行为以及集体规则等多方面因素的影响。基于集体仪式的过程框架, 分析集体仪式的三要素即同步动作、共享注意和共享意义与群体情绪感染的关系, 能更清楚阐述群体情绪感染的发生与增强过程:集体仪式通过自我定型和自我锚定增强群体认同, 在认同基础上的身份融合促进个体关注群体身份, 导致个体的自我表征发生转化, 社会自我的突出使其更容易接受群体的观点和情感表达, 最终增强了群体情绪感染。未来研究应进一步考察群体情绪感染的影响因素并丰富其测量方法。  相似文献   

态度结构一致性指态度的情感或认知成分与总体态度的一致程度以及态度的情感与认知成分两者间的一致程度。本文介绍了结构一致性的界定和操作方法,回顾了结构一致性对态度和行为的影响,包括其在态度形成中的作用以及对态度可获得性和态度-行为关系的影响。同时指出未来研究应关注各种结构一致性的交互,将结构一致性研究推广到群体水平,并进一步应用于社会预警研究。  相似文献   

方宇杰  秦启庚 《心理科学》1998,21(3):260-261
1引言西方学者曾提出各种理论来研究群体、组织的心理气氛.莫利诺(J.L.Moremo)用社会测量法测量群体内部的心理结果,以了解群体内人与人之间的心理关系、各成员在群体内的地位、以及群体内聚力等。而贝尔斯(Base)、钮科姆(Ne、ome)、霍曼斯(Ho。。e)和费斯廷格(Festinger)等的相互作用理论则认为,人在群体中的地位、他的积极性水平的最重要的指标乃是他和群体成员的相互作用或他与群体成员之间沟通行为的数量。前苏联学者认为对心理气氛的研究项注意三种关系,即(1)群体成员间的垂直关系;(2)群体成员间的水平关系;…  相似文献   

蒋燕玲  杨红升 《心理科学进展》2015,23(12):2142-2152
不同群体间普遍存在着语言偏见, 表现为人们倾向于使用抽象度较高的词语对内群体成员的积极行为和外群体成员的消极行为进行描述, 而对内群体成员的消极行为、外群体成员的积极行为则使用抽象度较低的词语进行描述。社会认同需要和认知预期倾向是它产生的两大心理机制, 其影响因素包括社交情境、群体和个体等方面, 同时它会对群体刻板印象及语言主体间的社会关系产生重要的影响。后续研究需要进一步探讨语言偏见的其他表现形式、研究方法及本土化研究等问题。  相似文献   

探讨了抑郁症的进化机制。由进化机制支配的依恋和社会地位行为可能是某些严重抑郁症的基础,尤其是与长期压力相关的抑郁症。虽然抑郁症有不同的性质,但某些核心症状是为了调节行为、情绪以及传达对威胁的敏感性而进化形成的,如行为退缩、低自尊、快感丧失等。  相似文献   

吴奇  吴浩  周晴  陈东方  鲁帅  李林芮 《心理学报》2022,54(8):931-950
研究首次考察了行为免疫系统与个体就医行为倾向的关系。3个研究一致显示:行为免疫系统特质性激活水平较高的个体更容易对就医持消极态度和延迟就医; 情境性激活行为免疫系统会使得个体更不愿意就医和更倾向于延迟就医; 且行为免疫系统激活对就医态度和就医延迟倾向的影响以对就医感染风险的感知为中介。这支持了进化失配假说, 提示行为免疫系统对现代医学可能缺乏进化的适应性, 并为理解现代人类就医行为提供了新的理论视角。  相似文献   

心理神经免疫学研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
心理神经免疫学(Psychoneuroimmunology)是一门探索人类心身健康奥秘的新型边缘学科。它研究神经系统如何将心理因素转换为可以影响健康的生理状态的机制,特别是脑和行为如何影响免疫系统,又如何受到免疫系统的影响的。免疫系统和神经系统之间是否真正存在联系一直有争论,我们实验室围绕高级神经活动对免疫系统的作用开展了研究。工作包括:条件反射性免疫抑制和增强、情绪应激与免疫、心理行为干预与癌症等。这些工作不仅证实了心理调控,比如信号刺激、情绪和意念想象等,确实可以影响免疫系统的功能,而且对有关机制进行了探讨  相似文献   

Psychoneuroimmunology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Psychoneuroimmunology is the study of the relationships among behavioral, neural and endocrine, and immune processes. Bidirectional pathways connect the brain and the immune system and provide the foundation for neural, endocrine, and behavioral effects on immunity. Examples of such effects are conditioned and stress-induced changes in immune function and in susceptibility to immunologically mediated diseases. These data indicate that researchers should no longer study the immune system as if it functioned independently of other systems in the body. Changes in immune function are hypothesized to mediate the effects of psychological factors on the development of some diseases, and research strategies for studying the clinical significance of behaviorally induced changes in immune function are suggested.  相似文献   

Activation of the behavioral immune system has been shown to promote activation of the biological immune system. The current research tested the hypothesis that activation of the biological immune system (as a result of recent illness) promotes activation of the behavioral immune system. Participants who had recently been ill, and had therefore recently experienced activation of their biological immune system, displayed heightened attention to (Study 1) and avoidance of (Study 2) disfigured individuals--cognitive and behavioral processes reflecting activation of the behavioral immune system. These findings shed light on the interactive nature of biological and psychological mechanisms designed to help people overcome the threat of disease.  相似文献   

The behavioral immune system is designed to promote the detection and avoidance of potential sources of disease. Whereas previous studies of the behavioral immune system have provided insight into the types of heuristic cues used to identify disease carriers, the present research provides an understanding of the basic psychological processes involved in the detection of those cues. Across 4 studies, feeling vulnerable to disease, whether that feeling stemmed from dispositional tendencies or situational primes, facilitated a disease overperception bias--a tendency to overperceive people in the environment displaying heuristic disease cues. This disease overperception bias was observed in the outcomes of 2 cognitive processes: categorization and memory. When concerned about disease, participants set a lenient threshold for categorizing targets as displaying heuristic disease cues (e.g., obesity, old age). Additionally, concerns about disease led participants to set a lenient threshold for reporting on a recognition task that they had previously seen individuals displaying those disease cues. The present research provides insight into the basic cognitive mechanisms underlying the operation of the behavioral immune system.  相似文献   

条件反射性免疫抑制研究的新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈极寰  林文娟 《心理学报》2002,34(5):104-108
条件反射性免疫抑制 (CIS)模式基于巴甫洛夫条件反射的机理 ,通过大脑对免疫系统进行调节 ,是一种重要的心理神经免疫学方法。近 10年来的研究取得了一些重要的进展。首先 ,条件反射性免疫抑制模型已证实是非常稳定可靠的心理神经免疫模型。其次 ,关于CIS的机制在体液、细胞、神经学方面都有广泛的研究 ,而近年来更趋向于对神经性通路的探讨。而CIS的临床应用性研究也在实验动物身上取得了稳定可靠的结果 ,证实了其未来临床应用的可行性及潜力  相似文献   

Predictive biomarkers (PBioMs) are objective biological measures that predict response to medical treatments for diseases. The current study translates methods used in the field of precision medicine to identify PBioMs to identify parallel predictive behavioral markers (PBMs), defined as objective behavioral measures that predict response to treatment. We demonstrate the utility of this approach by examining the accuracy of two PBMs for automatically reinforced self‐injurious behavior (ASIB). Results of the analysis indicated both functioned as good to excellent PBMs. We discuss the compatibility of this approach with applied behavior analysis, describe methods to identify additional PBMs, and posit that variables related to the mechanisms of problem behavior and putative mechanism of treatment action hold the most promise as potential PBMs. We discuss how this technology could guide individualized treatment selection, inform our understanding of problem behavior and mechanisms of treatment action, and help determine the conditional effectiveness of clinical procedures.  相似文献   

The behavioral immune system is a motivational system that helps minimize infection risk by changing cognition, affect, and behavior in ways that promote pathogen avoidance. In the current paper, we review foundational concepts of the behavioral immune system and provide a brief summary of recent social psychological research on this topic. Next, we highlight current conceptual and empirical limitations of this work and delineate important questions that have the potential to drive major advances in the field. These questions include predicting the ontological development of the behavioral immune system, specifying the relationship between this system and the physiological immune system, and distinguishing conditions that elicit direct effects of situational pathogen threats versus effects that occur only in interaction with dispositional disease concerns. This discussion highlights significant challenges and underexplored topics to be addressed by the next generation of behavioral immune system research.  相似文献   

Interest has been steadily building in the impact of stress on psychological and physiological functioning, in particular on immune system responses, furthering the concept of a strong connection between the mind and the body. Implications for prevention of disease onset or treatment of stress-induced illness or immunocompromised conditions have been explored through the implementation of stress management techniques. Cognitive behavioral stress management interventions, biofeedback, relaxation, guided imagery, hypnosis, individual and group psychotherapy, aerobic exercise, and guided self-efficacy treatment are briefly reviewed to identify possible treatment mechanisms that may affect immune function and promote quality of life. The application of behavioral techniques to reduce distress and sharpen coping skills has great promise in reducing the costs associated with chronic disease and in enhancing quality of life among those afflicted.Presented at the APA Presidential Miniconvention, To Your Health: Psychology Through the Life Span, Session VIII, Assuring a Healthy Lifestyle: Psychology Delivers. Chair: Diane J. Willis, Ph.D. The third author received partial funding through the Terry Fox Research Fellowship 5257, National Cancer Institute of Canada.  相似文献   

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