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近代中国经历着从传统向现代的转换,儒学作为传统文化的主干,与现代化之间存在诸多矛盾和不适应之处。陈焕章为建立儒学与现代性的关联,在《孔门理财学》中,他重新诠释了儒家传统的义利关系,阐发了新的四民观,使儒家经济思想变得切实可用,并能够在中国现代进程中发挥积极作用。陈焕章对儒家经济思想做的现代诠释,一方面是想要达到保存儒学、昌明孔教的目的;另一方面,他在试图用儒学为资本主义在中国的发展开辟道路,同时也希望以儒学的经济思想限制或消除资本主义发展的弊端,体现了近代中国的知识分子为追求保存儒学和走向现代化问题上的双赢所做的努力。  相似文献   

儒家文化对中日现代化的作用之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶秀璈 《学海》2002,(1):137-141
一自 2 0世纪 80年代以来的中国学术界的文化讨论经历了一个戏剧性的变化。 80年代对中国传统文化的批评占有主导地位 ,认为中国传统文化不利于中国的现代化建设 ,但到了 90年代却逐渐形成了一个复兴儒学的运动 ,出现了所谓新儒学。新儒家出于民族主义感情和对现代社会弊病的认识 ,提出中国应该从儒学中寻找现代化道路的基点 ,即从儒家文化中创造性地转化出现代化来 ,并且在儒学中找到医治现代弊病的万能良药来。新儒家高喊儒学加西方的民主和科学就是现代化 ,企图用儒学化现代。新儒家的理论基础是文化决定论 ,其理论的实践依据就是日本的…  相似文献   

以前现代性的视界看,儒学作为主导性文化,以敬天、怀土、追远、亲仁、顺命、勤俭、和乐等聚合性要素,从思想、制度、德行、技艺和生活方式等方面,维系了中国农村社会的长期稳定。以现代性的视界看,儒学作为被批判的对象,也以改命、变通、为学、为政、作工、谋利、出游等离散性要素,参与了中国农村社会的现代转型。以后现代性的视界看,儒学作为反思现代化的力量,其中的敬畏、仁义、惠民、反哺、互补、怀乡、和乐等回向性要素,被用于维护农业发展和农村稳定。以马克思主义的视界看,儒学作为被批判和利用的资源,其中的去界、通同、平等、公业、爱国、和合、大同等统合性要素,贯通于中国特色社会主义,被用于推进城乡一体化发展。中国农村社会的变迁,文化上体现了儒学自身的张力和活力,体现了儒学与西学的互动和交流,体现了儒学对中国特色社会主义的滤透和支持。儒学与农村社会为中国人提供食粮和家园,需要在开放和流变中保持稳定和发展。  相似文献   

后现代主义思潮的逼近与我们的文化策略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国建立社会主义市场经济体制、实现四个现代化的过程中,由于其特殊的时空背景,使它面临着错综复杂的传统与现代的矛盾。这里,既有中国传统文化与现代化的关系问题,又有中国的文化现代化和实现四个现代化与西方文化的关系问题。而西方文化,又存在着以工业文明为基础的现代文化和与后工业文明相关联的后现代主义文化。正确认识和处理这些关系,对于建设有中国特色的社会主义,无疑至关重要。为了推进这个具有重要理论价值和现实意义的课题研究向纵深发展,本刊从本期起,开辟“传统与现代”专栏,拟就以下问题开展讨论:传统与现代性的涵义及关系,工具理性与价值理性、人文精神,中国传统哲学和文化的现代意义,中国传统伦理道德与社会主义市场经济建设,中国的现代化与西方以科学、民主、自由、平等为主要内涵的现代文化的关系,以及与抗击理性的后现代文化的关系,等等。下面发表的付文忠和周月琴的文章,前者探讨了后现代主义的本质、思维背景、社会原因,现代性与后现代的区别和联系等等;后者则结合韩国儒学的现状和发展趋向,发表了对儒学现代意义的看法。我们欢迎大家参加讨论,踊跃投稿。  相似文献   

杨生照 《管子学刊》2022,(1):107-118
在当代中国哲学中,张祥龙的"家源儒学"和黄玉顺的"生活儒学"都是从儒学与现象学的比较研究来思考儒学的复兴和重建,但却又同途而殊归。受海德格尔存在论现象学启思,他们都将儒家的仁爱情感作为一切存在者及其理论建构的终极本源。但是,在仁爱情感显现的两个维度中,张祥龙把家庭成员之间的"亲亲之爱"看作儒家的根脉所在,主张建立以传统家族生活为核心的儒家文化保护区来使儒家逃避现代文明世界;而黄玉顺则把"一体之仁"看作儒家的根本精神,并以之为正当性基础来构建现代性的制度规范、推动儒学的现代化转型。前者否定了现代文明的普遍价值,忽视了自由开放的现代政治秩序乃是其文化保护区能够建立的制度前提,将使儒学从现代社会退隐;后者忽视了个体本位的消极意义和家庭生活的积极意义,会使仁爱的推扩难以实现、健全人格的个体难以形成。故更合理的思路是:儒学既要通过构建以个体自由为基础的现代制度规范来完成自身的现代转型,也要充分重视家庭对于仁爱推扩和个体成长的重要意义。  相似文献   

郭文 《孔子研究》2011,(3):65-73
杜维明教授的"文明对话"思想作为其理论上的一大创见,与其"儒学创新"活动密切相关.他通过深究文明对话与"儒学第三期发展"之关系,论证了儒学若要走出现代性的理论与实践困境,一种多元开放的、对话的文化交流态度必不可少.杜维明认为,当代所涌现出的全球文明对话思潮尤其对现代儒学的自我发展具有重要的启示意义,更为儒家文明传统的现...  相似文献   

正郭齐勇著《现当代新儒学思潮研究》一书于2017年11月由人民出版社出版。作者指出,现当代新儒学思潮是从中国文化自身的大传统中生长出来的,是面对强势的西方文化的挑战应运而生的,是20世纪中国有根源性的思想文化的流派,是在现代中国反思与批判片面的现代性的思想流派,也是在现代中国积极吸纳西学、与西学对话,又重建传统并与传统对话的思想流派。该书从第一手资料出发,全面、系统地对现当代新儒学思潮的时代背景、发展过程、内在理  相似文献   

在转变社会与自然、社会与个人付出双重代价的旧式现代性的发展方式,推进以人为本,把自然代价和社会代价减少到最低限度的新型现代性实践的过程中,社会建设发挥着不可替代的作用.社会建设的基本内涵可以理解为,在社会领域建立和完善对各种社会资源和社会机会进行合理配置的社会结构和社会机制,以及处理社会矛盾、社会问题和社会风险的创新机制.社会建设的外延从广义上说,是指包括政治、经济和思想文化各子系统在内的整个社会大系统的建设;从狭义上说,着重是指与政治、经济、思想文化各子系统并列的社会子系统的发展、建设和管理.社会建设对于弥补政府失灵和市场失灵、增进社会公平正义、奠定社会和谐的坚实基础,有着至关重要的意义.  相似文献   

各交往领域和经济的全球化正在产生出一个"世界社会",而这个世界上恰恰存在着由各大文化传统影响而成的多重现代性格局。要考察这个格局,系统理论的视角和文化主义的视角都有局限:前者忽视了文化的作用,后者则把世俗现代性简单地等同于诸种文化之一。通过把社会理论的普遍化视角和文明比较研究的多样化视角结合起来,彼此遭遇的不同文明与它们所共享的全球现代社会之间的互动,则成为关注的焦点。为克服这种遭遇和互动导致分裂和冲突,必须就世界社会中的政治正义原则展开文化间商谈以寻求共识。为成功进行这种商谈,必须从各自传统中发掘出一种自我反思能力。这种能力与世俗理性颇为相似,但对理性的世俗理解不同于对理性的世俗主义理解。世俗理性只承认原则上可以说服任何人的论证,但它必须如罗尔斯主张的那样对宗教传统和整全学说保持中立,而不必否定这些传统和学说的本身的有效性主张。非但如此,世俗理性还应该一如既往地向宗教传统借鉴与现代社会的正义观念相一致的思想资源,与各大宗教传统一起参与彼此互补的学习过程。  相似文献   

儒学在近代成为进步思潮的批判对象,并丧失了文化主位性,这有其历史的必然原因。但“五四”的批儒,有简单化和过于政治化之失,儒学只是被简单地抛弃,并没有被扬弃。“文革”再度批儒。“文革”的破产及儒学在东亚若干国家现代化过程中的某些积极作用,使批儒反孔的进步性首次受到怀疑。最近文化热中儒学虽又一次受到批判,但全盘否定儒学的潮流已不能左右知识界。许多学者正在努力超越传统,也超越反传统,从自外部打倒传统进到在内部创造性地转化传统,以便在多元化的文化趋势中重建民族主体文化。儒学不可能恢复历史上的主位性,但其精华经过加工改造可以成为现代社会生活的积极因素。在人生哲学方面,儒学注重焕发人的生命活力;相信人可以自我完善、自我超越;并把人生的价值与国家民族的命运联系在一起。这三点具有现代意义。在社会伦理方面,我们要继承发扬儒家重道德礼貌的传统,要重新评价和改造“五常”说,要把“五伦”中的朋友一伦提到首位,并推广于其他一切人际关系之中。  相似文献   

Although the traditional society in China was not necessarily a society of equality, and the classical Confucianism did not speak much about the principle of universal equality, in modern times, in the midst of a transformation of value systems, people still find correlating sources within the Confucian tradition that is connected to the modern idea of equality. This essay makes a detailed study on this correlation and points out that ancient Chinese society and the western feudal society are different in terms of social systems and education systems. For example, China has the imperial examination but no patrimonial aristocracy. Confucianism opposed the huge gap between the poor and the rich, and this idea has become a modern tradition in the ideal of “great harmony under the sky,” especially in Kang Youwei’s 康有为 Datong Shu 大同书 (Book of Great Harmony). There were also some elements of agricultural socialism and equalitarianism in traditional Confucianism. The potential idea of equality (or reciprocity) in “friendship,” embodied in the principle of Confucian ethics of the Three Bonds and the Five Relations, is explored and explained in a modern way. The theory that the sages are equal with the masses, which originated from the theory of human being’s intrinsic goodness, may be directly connected with modern principle of equality. The modern transformation of equality is both political and ethical. The former is to struggle for individual rights; the latter is to establish moral subjectivity. Therefore, equality between sages and the masses manifests modernity. Like the epistemic subjectivity, which could not be discussed without referring to group-individual relationship, the moral subjectivity also contains a consciousness of equality.  相似文献   

Along with the revival of Confucian values among East Asian intellectuals since the 1980s, the question of Confucian identity has been repeatedly raised. The traditional identities of Confucianism and Confucians are being challenged. A new inquiry into Confucian identity is necessary because how to define Confucianism is now taken not only as a question of how to read history, but also as an issue of how to understand current and future reality. The central concern of this paper is with the question of how the modern transformation of the tradition has fundamentally changed the parameters that used to be of importance to defining Confucian identity and with the dilemma which modern Confucians face in searching for a new identity. The paper is intended to promote a critical examination of various directions taken to re-establish Confucian identity in modern times.  相似文献   

Tsai  Yen-zen 《Dao》2008,7(4):349-365
Tu Weiming, as a leading spokesman for contemporary New Confucianism, has been reinterpreting the Confucian tradition in the face of the challenges of modernity. Tu takes selfhood as his starting point, emphasizing the importance of cultivating the human mind-and-heart as a deepening and broadening process to realize the anthropocosmic dao. He highlights the concept of a “fiduciary community” and advocates that, because of it, Confucianism remains a dynamic “inclusive humanism.” Tu’s mode of thinking tallies well with Wilfred C. Smith’s vision of religion, specifically the latter’s exposition of faith as a universal human quality and proposal of “corporate critical self-consciousness.” This article details the theories of both scholars, highlights their similarities, and contrasts their differences. It argues that Smith’s world theology provides a heuristic framework through which one understands how Tu has advanced his Confucian humanism from a Chinese philosophical or cultural tradition to the midst of world religions.  相似文献   

Keqian Xu 《亚洲哲学》2006,16(2):135-148
The subtle and complex relation between Confucianism and modern democracy has long been a controversial issue, and it is now again becoming a topical issue in the process of political modernization in contemporary China. This paper argues that there are some quite basic early Confucian values and principles that are not only compatible with democracy, but also may become the theoretic foundation of modern democracy in China. Early Confucianism considers ‘the people's will’ as the direct representative of ‘Heaven's will’, with which it legitimizes political power. Confucian theory of ‘human nature is good’ endorses equal potential good for every man. These principles can be used in reasoning towards a system of democracy. In terms of decision-making, the Confucian ‘Doctrine of the Mean’ accords with certain democratic principles. The independent personality and committed individualism advocated by early Confucianism is a required civic merit in a democratic society. These fundamental Confucian principles, through contemporary hermeneutics, may provide a philosophic grounding for democracy and support the construction of a democratic system with a Chinese dimension. To get democracy rooted in the spirit of traditional Chinese culture will benefit the healthy and smooth development of democracy in China.  相似文献   

儒家思想对于现代心理咨询的启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
景怀斌 《心理学报》2007,39(2):371-380
儒家思想曾居中国传统文化主导地位。鉴于文化的传承性和对心理健康作用的必然性,儒家思想的心理咨询价值应当充分关注。文章强调,不宜刻板化否定儒家思想的心理咨询价值。基于心理咨询的常见问题,文章初步讨论了儒家思想对心理咨询可能有贡献的9个领域:人生意义、应对、生死教育、哀伤辅导、心理调节、人际认知、社会生活技能、人格发展、心理咨询技术等。进而,讨论了以儒家思想为资源,以心理学为目的,通过整理和发现、发展、操作化和验证等环节,构建儒家心理咨询学说的方法论问题  相似文献   

Kim Sungmoon 《Dao》2009,8(4):383-401
Although contemporary Confucianists tend to view Western liberalism as pitting the individual against society, recent liberal scholarship has vigorously claimed that liberal polity is indeed grounded in the self-transformation that produces “liberal virtues.” To meet this challenge, this essay presents a sophisticated Confucian critique of liberalism by arguing that there is an appreciable contrast between liberal and Confucian self-transformation and between liberal and Confucian virtues. By contrasting Locke and Confucius, key representatives of each tradition, this essay shows that both liberalism and Confucianism aim to reconstruct a society freed from antisocial passions entailing a vicious politics of resentment, and yet come to differing ethical and political resolutions. My key claim is that what makes Confucian self-cultivation so distinctive is the incorporation of ritual propriety (li) within it, whereas liberal self-transformation that relies heavily on a method of self-control comes back to the problem that it originally set out to overcome.  相似文献   

康有为揭橥孔子和经学的旗帜 ,并借用西学对其进行改铸 ,从而把孔子塑造成君主立宪政体的缔造者 ,把经典改造成君主立宪政体理论的载体。康有为之所以能这样做 ,与经学与时俱进的特征、自身学贯中西的知识储备以及现实社会的需要有很大关系。康氏所为 ,开援西入儒之先河 ,拓展了儒家的外王学与内圣学 ,促进了思想的解放 ,对构建当代新文化也具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Sor-Hoon Tan 《亚洲哲学》2007,17(2):141-166
This paper argues for the pragmatic construction of Confucian democracy by showing that Chinese philosophers who wish to see Confucianism flourish again as a positive dimension of Chinese civilization need to approach it pragmatically and democratically, otherwise their love of the past is at the expense of something else Confucius held in equal esteem, love of learning. Chinese philosophers who desire democracy for China would do well to learn from the earlier failures of the iconoclastic Westernizers, and realize that a Chinese democracy cannot come about by ignoring or dismissing such an important part of China's history, its Confucian tradition. The best chances for democracy in China lie in transforming that tradition without destroying it. Eagerness to learn from others must be united with a proper appreciation of one's own past to nurture democracy as a way of life.  相似文献   

In a society dominated by Confucian ethics, a spirit of Confucian public morality can be seen in the Confucian debate over publicness and privateness, but it is usually activated in circumstances of large ethical crisis. Confucian theory mainly uses ethical relationships to create self and social identities, causing problems of identification in the public life and hindering the expression of moral feelings and actions, thus revealing a weakness in public morality. This is a space that Confucianism has not yet been able to cover, and also where it has room for growth. Translated by Huang Deyuan from Wen Shi Zhe 文史哲 (Journal of Literature, History and Philosophy), 2006, (1): 30–36  相似文献   

论易儒道交融的中国古代和谐美思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国古代美学属于古典主义美学,在美的形态上主张和谐美。这同儒道两家的哲学思想、伦理思想和美学思想的互相离异和互相吸收密切相关。从儒家早期的经典文本《周易》和先秦儒家各大流派的相关论述中可以看到,儒家偏重人的哲学,突出人的主动性,着眼于人对社会的认识,强调善与美的统一。而从老子到庄子的道家学派代表人物的相关言论中则可以看出,道家则偏重于自然哲学,突出自然的合规律性,着眼于人对自然的认识,强调真与美的统一。儒道两家各有偏重又相互补充,相反相成地融合为共同的和谐美的思想。  相似文献   

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