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试论创新的双向心理过程   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
崔立中 《心理科学》2003,26(2):379-379,367
有关创新活动过程的研究 ,比较有代表性的是英国心理学家华莱士 (G .Wallas)所提出的创造过程四阶段论和美国心理学家艾曼贝尔 (T .Amabile)所提出的创造过程五阶段论。华莱士认为任何创造过程都包括准备阶段、酝酿阶段、明朗阶段和验证阶段四个阶段。艾曼贝尔则从信息论的角度出发 ,认为创造活动过程由提出问题或任务、准备、产生反应、验证反应、结果五个阶段组成 ,并且可以循环运转。华莱士和艾曼贝尔都把着眼点放在外化创造过程的分析上 ,而没有论及创新活动过程的另一半内化创新。其实 ,创新是内化创新与外化创新的统一…  相似文献   

华莱士(Wallas)四阶段论是创造性思维过程研究的重要模型, 该模型认为创造性思维包括准备期、酝酿期、明朗期、验证期。相关神经机制研究表明, 准备期主要包括题目呈现前大脑状态和静息状态的研究, 内侧额叶/ACC及颞叶构成准备期网络; 酝酿期主要包括酝酿期提示、延迟顿悟以及心智游移的相关研究, 这一阶段涉及左右脑的共同参与, 海马、腹内侧前额叶等脑区在酝酿过程中起重要作用; 现有顿悟研究反映明朗期和验证期神经活动, 前额叶、扣带回、颞上回、海马、楔叶、楔前叶、舌回、小脑等在内的脑区构成其神经基础, 其中, 扣带回、前额叶在不同角度进行的研究中均有参与, 颞上回是负责远距离联想的关键脑区, 海马参与定势打破与新颖联系形成, 外侧额叶是定势转移的关键脑区, 楔前叶、左侧额下/额中回、舌回在原型激活中起关键作用, 左外侧前额叶参与对答案细节性的验证加工。未来研究可从研究对象、研究内容、研究手段三方面加以改进, 以对创造性思维过程作更系统的探讨。  相似文献   

笔者通过研读梁广程的《灵感思维与脑的自动化做功》,认为其对灵感是人脑在双重意识下做功的产物的阐述、对灵感产生过程中的酝酿、激发、捕捉、加工四个阶段的论述,对进一步探寻舞蹈创作灵感的产生,有很大借鉴作用。  相似文献   

酝酿效应是指当人们遭遇无法解决的难题时, 暂时将其搁置, 转而去完成其他无关任务, 反而有利于原有问题解决的现象。近年来, 研究者对创造性问题解决过程中的酝酿效应及其影响因素进行了广泛的研究, 同时提出了较多理论试图进一步解释酝酿效应。酝酿效应的代表性理论可分为“选择性遗忘理论”、“激活扩散和线索同化理论”、“无意识加工理论”等, 它们从不同角度解释了酝酿效应的机制, 并对其影响因素和有关现象各有预测。对心智游移和睡眠这些特殊形式的酝酿的研究进一步揭示了酝酿效应的机制。认知神经研究表明, 酝酿期的基本认知成分, 即表征重构和激活扩散, 涉及到前额叶、纹状体、海马体等多个脑区的协同合作。未来研究需要以深化理论建设为基础, 利用认知神经方法进一步揭示酝酿效应的机制, 从而更为深刻地认识创造性酝酿的本质。  相似文献   

灾后心理援助的组织与实施   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文根据汶川震后心理援助的工作实践和经验积累,提出灾后心理援助应当从警戒期、抵抗期和衰竭期(时间维度)和灾难中心、周边地区、非灾区(空间维度)构建工作框架,针对重灾区的应激阶段、灾难周边地区的应激阶段、非灾区的应激阶段、重灾区的冲击阶段、灾难周边地区的冲击阶段、灾区的重建期的不同特点,有针对性地实施心理援助。总目标是通过在灾区建立心理援助工作的长期机制,降低受灾群众的心理创伤程度,激发内在潜能,增进面对灾难和挫折的能力,培养积极、乐观、向上的心理品质,帮助其认识生命的意义和价值,从而促进个体顺利完成心理重建。此外,对心理援助工作的原则、组织结构和规章制度等进行了阐述,并提出心理援助的组织和实施工作亟待解决的问题  相似文献   

自动情绪调节无需意识决定、注意加工及有意控制, 改变着情绪轨迹。迄今为止, 研究仅限于证实其确能低耗高效地改变情绪过程, 尚未对其如何改变情绪过程进行研究。以自动情绪调节的神经机制作为研究对象具有可操作性, 可从行为和心理生理层面, 对自动情绪调节改变情绪过程的机制进行实验研究。研究问题包括:1)通过EEG技术检验自动情绪调节是否影响预备阶段行为反应倾向; 2)自动情绪调节对注意的注意觉醒、注意朝向和注意执行三个阶段的作用机制; 3)自动情绪调节对评价和反应的作用机制; 4)自动情绪调节的可塑性在脑活动上的体现。最终确定自动情绪调节的加工规律, 构建其预备-注意-评价-反应模型, 并为有效控制情绪紊乱和研究出高效的情绪调节干预方案提供理论和实证依据。  相似文献   

在网络突发事件的产生和传播中, 人们往往更关注负面信息的加工和传递, 存在负性偏向。本研究依据事件酝酿、爆发、蔓延阶段的特征, 构建心理机制模型, 通过3项研究分别检验了信息内容、信息加工和信息传递中负性偏向的产生和发展。结果表明, 负性偏向不仅产生于网络突发事件的源头语篇中, 还产生于个体信息加工和人际信息传递过程, 表现为个体对负性词汇更好的记忆效果及更高的辨别力, 以及网民间对负性信息的选择性传递和对模糊信息的负性解读。研究有利于认识网络突发事件信息传播规律, 科学应对舆情危机, 创新网络治理。  相似文献   

理论心理学与心理学史两种人本心理学的辩论郭永玉  2 0 0 3 ,2 3(1 ) :3 - 8……………………………………………………主流心理学科学观的来源与结构秦晓利  2 0 0 3 ,2 3(1 ) :9- 1 1…………………………………………从批判到重构 :女性主义心理学的历史发展郭爱妹  2 0 0 3 ,2 3(1 ) :1 2 - 1 5………………………………创造活动酝酿期的心理加工机制初探 欧居湖等 2 0 0 3 ,2 3(1 ) :1 6 - 2 0…………………………………大力促进心理学的理论研究叶浩生  2 0 0 3 ,2 3(2 ) :3 - 4………………………………………………王充的教…  相似文献   

采用中国汉字谜,通过模拟wallas(1926)关于顿悟问题解决的四个阶段,探讨了酝酿期有效提示和无效提示对猜字谜的影响。结果发现:有效提示组被试比无效提示组猜对了更多的靶字谜,反应时也更短;在脑电水平上,酝酿期的有效提示谜比无效提示谜在左前额叶分别于300ms-400ms,400ms-600ms,600ms-800ms内引发了更大的P300-400成分、P400-600成分、P600-800成分。表明有效提示谜比无效提示谜对靶字谜问题的解决有更大促进作用。  相似文献   

把刘兆吉先生创建美育心理学、发展文艺心理学的创新的全程,分为八个阶段:创新萌发期、创新奠基期、创新积累期、创新融合期、压抑中断期、创新始创期、创新拓展期、创新再新期,丰富了人生创造心理发展的阶段理论,为我们培育创新人才,提供了启示。  相似文献   

Based on a detailed reading of Graham Wallas’ Art of Thought (1926 Wallas, G. (1926). The art of thought. London, UK: Jonathan Cape. [Google Scholar]) it is argued that his four-stage model of the creative process (Preparation, Incubation, Illumination, Verification), in spite of holding sway as a conceptual anchor for many creativity researchers, does not reflect accurately Wallas’ full account of the creative process. Instead, it is suggested that a four-stage model that gives due recognition to the detailed treatment Wallas gave to the Intimation stage is a more authentic representation of his explanation of creativity. A version of this model with three levels of proximity to consciousness (nonconsciousness; fringe consciousness; consciousness) and five stages (Preparation; Incubation; Intimation; Illumination; Verification) is presented as a general conceptual architecture within which relevant concepts and theories from more recent creativity research, including neuroscience and intuition, are positioned and from which a number of implications are drawn.  相似文献   

Although contentious, there is evidence to suggest that nonconscious processes contribute to creative output, particularly during refractory periods. However, no one has examined whether this break benefit differs as a function of creative ability. To address these issues, this investigation examined Wallas's (1926 Wallas , G. ( 1926 ). The art of thought . New York , NY : Harcourt Brace . [Google Scholar]) seminal theoretical framework of creativity. More specifically, the most controversial stage postulated by Wallas, the incubation phase, was empirically tested. A regression analysis demonstrated that productivity is significantly increased when creative people activate nonconscious processes in off-task or incubation periods. There is ongoing debate about the cause(s) of this incubation effect. This research provides evidence that the incubation effect results, at least partially, from nonconscious processing and that it provides greater benefit to more creative individuals. This suggests that highly creative people should be exposed to focus problems/challenges well in advance of objective deadlines, and have freedom to generate solutions outside of structured evaluation times.  相似文献   

Incubation has long been proposed as a mechanism in creative problem solving (Wallas, 1926). A new trial‐by‐trial method for observing incubation effects was used to compare the forgetting fixation hypothesis with the conscious work hypothesis. Two experiments examined the effects of incubation on initially unsolved Remote Associates Test (RAT) problems. Following exposure to misleading clues designed to induce initial fixation on RAT problems, versus no clues, participants were retested on problems either immediately after their first attempt (no‐incubation), or after a 40‐second incubation period. Resolution of initially unsolved RAT problems (fixated versus non‐fixated) was examined as a function of complete interruption (Experiment 1) or partial distraction (Experiment 2). An incubation effect, that is, better resolution of initially unsolved problems retested after a delay rather than retesting immediately, was seen only in Experiment 1, in which unsolved problems were completely removed from sight. Furthermore, an incubation effect was found only for initially fixated problems, and not for problems that were not accompanied by misleading clues. The results are consistent with the forgetting fixation hypothesis (Smith & Blankenship, 1989), which states that putting unsolved problems completely out of mind allows initial fixation to dissipate, and the results indicate that the opportunity for some conscious work during incubation periods may not be optimal for resolving fixation.  相似文献   

Psychology has a long tradition of considering human creativity as a distinct human characteristic and a special kind of human activity. After explaining the key motives for such an attitude, the author discusses those forms of healthy aggressiveness that stand out as necessary and constitutive elements of the creative process. Taking the well-known statement of C. G. Jung's 'The person who does not build (create), will demolish and destroy' as a starting point, the author compares the basic premises for understanding the process of human creativity, at the same time drawing on Freud's psychology of the individual and Jung's principle of the collective unconscious as well as his notion of 'complexes'. In doing so, the author somewhat boldly paraphrases Jung's dictum: 'In order to be creative, rather than just constructive, one must occasionally also destroy'. With reference to Wallas, Taylor and Neumann (Wallas 1926; Taylor 1959;;Neumann 2001), the author goes on to explore those concepts which help us to investigate the phenomenon of human creativity, drawing distinctions between emergent, expressive, productive, inventive and innovative creativity. The second part of the article discusses the importance of intelligence, originality, nonconformity, subversiveness and free-mindedness for the creative process of human beings. The author concludes with a further explanation of Erich Neumann's argument that human creativity cannot be understood solely as a result of sociogenetic factors, and argues that it is only by taking into consideration Jung's perception of creativity that a global ontological understanding of these processes can be achieved.  相似文献   

According to the four stage model of creativity (Wallas, 1926/1970) the first stage is a phase of preparation, which requires a persistent intellectual effort over time and ability to reason deductively. The present study explored whether alcohol intoxication would impair these two abilities. 42 men and women were randomly assigned to either an Alcohol, a Placebo, or a Control group. After drinking subjects completed two tests measuring persistent effort and deductive reasoning. Results indicated that the Alcohol and Placebo groups were impaired with respect to persistent effort and that the Alcohol group also was impaired with respect to deductive reasoning. Consequences for the creative production under alcohol intoxication were discussed.  相似文献   

We evaluated appraisal of and coping with a college examination over three stages of the transaction for 138 American undergraduate students. The transactional process approach allowed for the identification of differences in the magnitude and direction of appraisal and coping between adjacent stages and stages separated by an intervening stage. Repeated measures tests revealed that differences in appraisal and coping could occur between all pairs of stages, suggesting that, in research limited to investigating changes between adjacent stages only, the concept of a transactional process may be attenuated and important changes overlooked as the process of a stressful encounter unfolds.  相似文献   

To make technology research more effective and to deal with fierce cost competition, technology research should be more focused on radical innovation and needs to adopt a more end-user-focused approach. Product improvement is already quite often building on knowledge collected around consumers’ experiences with these products to come with a next, improved generation of products. However, in case of creating novel products from “scratch,” this will be more difficult. The user-centered research approach including insights, scenarios, and experience prototypes provides a good method to incorporate the consumer perspective in the earliest stages of the product creation process. The development of the Ambilight TV will be used as a case to illustrate this approach.  相似文献   

讨论医院重点专科发展过程的阶段划分及特征,对于我们在重点专科建设中正确地把握方向、恰当地评估成效和有力地予以推进都有十分重大和现实的意义。本文把医院重点专科发展过程分为科室建设、学科建设、科学建设阶段,并从功能目标、效率效益、人才队伍、场地设施、技术设备、技术特色、教学培训、科学研究、文化氛围、能级水平十个方面对各阶段的特征进行归纳描述。三个阶段各具不同内涵特征,又存在相互内在关联,具有方向性、连续性、可加速性、交叉性和包涵性等规律。  相似文献   

A total of 584 thematic journals were included in the “Chinese Journal of Psychology” from 1996 to 2017 as the basic data set for this study, using bibliometrics, co-occurrence analysis, word frequency analysis, etc., and using CiteSpace III. Software mapping of knowledge. Visual analysis of published papers, research hotspots, research topic time zones, core authors, author co-occurrences, and research institutions of sports psychology research in China. It aims to fully grasp the dynamics of research on the development of sports psychology in China. The process provides a valuable reference for the theoretical research and practice of sports psychology in China. The results show that: Taking time as the axis, the amount of published documents can be divided into three stages: slow growth stage, rapid growth stage, and stable development stage; research topic time zone is also divided into three stages, and the basis for division of each stage is For the introduction of national sports reforms or new policies; 1996–2017, the focus of sports psychology disciplines is the application of sports psychology in physical education and sports training; the core authors in the field are representatives of Yan Jun, Wang Jin, and Yan. Gang Yan, etc.; The core organization of the volume of documents issued is based on professional sports colleges. The representative agency is Beijing Sport University.  相似文献   

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