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刘文  刘方  陈亮 《心理科学》2018,(1):64-70
采用儿童认知情绪调节问卷、儿童版艾森克人格问卷、儿童心理虐待量表对405名8~12岁儿童进行研究,考察人格特质在心理虐待对认知情绪调节策略关系中的中介作用。结果发现:(1)儿童心理虐待与不适应性认知情绪调节策略呈显著正相关;儿童神经质与不适应性认知情绪调节策略呈显著正相关儿童内外倾与适应性认知情绪调节策略呈显著正相关(2)儿童神经质在心理虐待与儿童不适应性认知情绪调节策略关系间起到完全中介作用(3)该中介模型具有性别和年龄的测量等值性。研究结果显示,儿童心理虐待可以通过神经质的中介作用影响不适应性认知情绪调节策略。  相似文献   

神经质和外倾的负情绪减弱调节特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡艳华  黄敏儿 《心理学报》2006,38(4):553-561
神经质和外倾一致被认为是有典型情绪风格的人格特质,人格生物机制研究发现,这两种特质在神经递质、脑机制及遗传等方面都具有其特定的机制。可是,关于这两种特质在情绪调节过程的生理心理机制研究还比较少。这项研究试图寻找高神经质和高外倾人群在负情绪调节过程中,包括情绪主观报告、表情行为及生理反应等方面的变化特点。研究采用生理心理实验法比较了高神经质和高外倾被试在使用认知重评、表情抑制减弱由录像片段诱发的负情绪(厌恶)时所引起情绪成分的实际变化结果。28名高神经质和28名高外倾大学生被试参加了实验。结果表明:与高外倾组比较,高神经质组在情绪激活及调节之前阶段(指导语阶段)的FPV增幅较大,在情绪被激活及调节阶段(正片阶段)的R-R间期增幅较小,整个调节过程报告较多的负情绪(如痛苦)变化。研究从生理心理层面进一步地说明,与高外倾比较,高神经质确实更容易激活其负情绪,而且,更难以对其负情绪实施减弱调节  相似文献   

该研究采用心理资本量表、情绪调节量表以及生活满意度量表对444名农村中小学教师进行问卷调查,以考察农村中小学教师情绪调节策略与生活满意度的关系及心理资本的中介作用。结果显示,认知重评、表达抑制与心理资本及其各维度呈显著正相关;认知重评与生活满意度呈显著正相关;心理资本及其各维度与生活满意度呈显著正相关;心理资本在认知重评与生活满意度之间起完全中介作用。  相似文献   

情绪、情绪调节策略与情绪材料记忆的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
研究采用实验法,以288名中小学生为被试,考察了不同情绪状态、不同情绪调节策略与不同类型情绪材料记忆的关系。结果表明:(1)快乐情绪的再认反应时短于悲伤情绪,快乐情绪的再认正确率高于悲伤情绪。(2)表达抑制策略下,词汇与图片的再认反应时无显著差异;认知重评策略下,词汇的再认反应时短于图片;对词汇和图片的再认反应时,认知重评组短于表达抑制组;认知重评组的再认正确率高于表达抑制组。(3)快乐材料再认反应时短于悲伤材料;快乐情绪下快乐材料的再认正确率高于悲伤材料,悲伤情绪下悲伤材料的再认正确率高于快乐材料。  相似文献   

唐淦琦  黄敏儿 《心理学报》2012,44(8):1086-1099
为了检测高、低幸福感人群的负情绪反应诸多特点, 研究在实验室诱发厌恶情绪, 以比较高、低幸福组在情绪主观报告、生理、表情、恢复力及调节策略等方面的差异。组间比较结果显示:(1)负情绪情境下, 低幸福组生理唤醒(HR和GSR)较强, 有较多表情抑制; 高幸福组有更多表情行为, 恢复较快; (2)高幸福组有较强的认知再评习惯。研究提示, 逆境中, 高幸福感人群将有较强的情绪表达与恢复力, 低幸福感人群则保留较强的情绪生理动力。  相似文献   

采用3(情绪调节策略:认知重评、表达抑制、无策略)×3(英语词汇性质:积极、中性、消极)的混合实验设计,考察在诱发负性情绪条件下,采用不同情绪调节策略对大学生记忆不同性质英语词汇的影响。结果表明:两自变量对英语词汇的再认和回忆主效应均显著,交互作用也显著,使用情绪调节策略被试的词汇再认和回忆成绩优于无策略组,但使用认知重评和表达抑制两种策略的被试在再认和回忆成绩上无显著差异;认知重评和无策略组对中性词汇的回忆成绩均优于积极和消极词汇。结果说明情绪调节对大学生的英语词汇记忆成绩有不同影响。  相似文献   

程瑞  卢克龙  郝宁 《心理学报》2021,53(8):847-860
以两个实验考察愤怒情绪对恶意创造力表现的影响及作用路径, 并探究调节愤怒情绪对削弱恶意创造力表现的效应。实验1比较愤怒、悲伤、中性情绪下个体恶意创造力表现的差异, 发现愤怒情绪下个体生成更多、更新颖的恶意观点, 情绪唤醒度和内隐攻击性中介了愤怒对恶意创造力表现的影响。实验2探究不同情绪调节策略(认知重评、表达抑制)如何影响愤怒个体的恶意创造力表现, 发现认知重评组和表达抑制组的恶意创造力表现比无策略的控制组水平更低, 情绪唤醒度和内隐攻击性中介了两种情绪调节策略对个体恶意创造力表现的影响。上述结果表明, 愤怒情绪通过提升内隐攻击性和情绪唤醒度进而促进个体恶意创造力表现, 而认知重评和表达抑制策略可作为削弱愤怒个体的恶意创造力表现的有效策略。  相似文献   

为探讨家庭嘈杂度对儿童主观幸福感的作用及其内在机制,采用家庭嘈杂度问卷、情绪调节问卷、主观幸福感量表和社会经济地位量表对387名南京市某小学四、五、六年级的学生及其家长进行调查。结果发现:(1)家庭嘈杂度与儿童主观幸福感、父母认知重评和儿童认知重评显著负相关,儿童主观幸福感与父母认知重评和儿童认知重评显著正相关,与儿童表达抑制显著负相关;(2)家庭嘈杂度对儿童主观幸福感的直接作用显著;(3)父母和儿童的认知重评策略在家庭嘈杂度和儿童主观幸福感之间起链式中介作用,儿童认知重评策略还有独立中介作用。因此,可以通过降低家庭的嘈杂程度、增加父母和儿童认知重评情绪调节策略的使用频率提高儿童的主观幸福感。  相似文献   

张妮  刘文  刘方  郭鑫 《心理学报》2022,54(1):25-39
探讨8~12岁学龄儿童抑郁与认知重评情绪调节策略的关系及其作用机制。研究1采用问卷法和行为实验法分别考察儿童抑郁对认知重评策略使用倾向和使用能力的作用; 研究2结合眼动技术考察对情绪信息注意偏向在儿童抑郁和认知重评关系间的中介作用。结果发现:(1) 抑郁与儿童认知重评使用倾向间存在显著负相关; (2) 抑郁对儿童负性情绪向下调节的重评效果有显著影响; (3) 悲伤面孔注意解除困难在抑郁与认知重评使用倾向之间起中介作用。  相似文献   

以101名中职生为被试,采用不同难度的工作记忆任务,探讨认知重评与表达抑制两种情绪调节策略对消极元刻板印象激活的认知效应的影响。结果发现:(1)情绪调节策略对元刻板印象激活的认知效应具有影响,且与认知任务的难度有关;(2)在低难度工作记忆任务中,情绪调节策略对元刻板印象激活的认知效应没有影响,在中等难度任务中,认知重评减弱了激活的认知效应,但表达抑制没有影响,在高难度任务中,认知重评没有影响,表达抑制反而增强了激活的认知效应。总之,不同情绪调节策略会对消极元刻板印象激活的认知效应产生不同的作用。  相似文献   

情绪调节能力是维护个体心理健康和生活幸福的基本能力。认知重评创造力是个体面对负性情境时能够自发产生多种认知重评策略的能力, 是情绪调节任务中的创造性行为。研究表明, 认知重评创造力与发散性思维和开放性正相关, 与神经质、特质愤怒无关; 创造性的认知重评策略或运用隐喻和类比的高水平认知重构更有利于负性情绪的调节; 创造性的认知重评可以通过基于杏仁核的显著情绪唤醒, 基于海马的新联想形成和基于纹状体的精神奖赏的中介来调节情绪, 从而产生可以保存在长时记忆中的新颖的、积极的情绪体验。上述结果支持认知重评的创造性重构理论。认知重评创造过程需要自上而下的认知控制和情绪表征的特定执行功能。未来研究可以扩大被试群体, 完善认知重评创造力的测量方法, 探索影响认知重评创造力的情境因素和内在因素, 以及进一步揭示认知重评创造力区别于传统创造力的特别加工或反应机制的神经机制。  相似文献   

虽然不少学者认为人格会影响情绪调节策略的使用,但是目前尚缺乏人格与认知重评、表达抑制这两种情绪调节策略关系的纵向研究。根据人际自立与情绪关系的系列研究,假设人际自立会影响情绪调节策略的使用。采用青少年学生人际自立量表和情绪调节问卷对374名大学生进行了间隔6个月的两次调查。结果发现,人际主动、人际灵活显著预测6个月后的认知重评。这说明某些人格特质可以影响特定情绪调节策略的使用。  相似文献   

Although available evidence suggests that the emotional valence and recollective properties of autobiographical memories (AMs) may be influenced by personality- and sex-related differences, overall these relationships remain poorly understood. The present study investigated these issues by comparing the effect of general personality traits (extraversion and neuroticism) and specific traits linked to emotion regulation (ER) strategies (reappraisal and suppression) on the retrieval of emotional AMs and on the associated postretrieval emotional states, in men and women. First, extraversion predicted recollection of positive AMs in both men and women, whereas neuroticism predicted the proportion of negative AMs in men and the frequency of rehearsing negative AMs in women. Second, reappraisal predicted positive AMs in men, and suppression predicted negative AMs in women. Third, while reliving of positive memories had an overall indirect effect on postretrieval positive mood through extraversion, reliving of negative AMs had a direct effect on postretrieval negative mood, which was linked to inefficient engagement of suppression in women. Our findings suggest that personality traits associated with positive affect predict recollection of positive AMs and maintenance of a positive mood, whereas personality traits associated with negative affect, along with differential engagement of habitual ER strategies in men and women, predict sex-related differences in the recollection and experiencing of negative AMs. These findings provide insight into the factors that influence affective biases in reliving AMs, and into their possible link to sex-related differences in the susceptibility to affective disorders.  相似文献   

对982名大学生的依恋、情绪调节策略、元情绪及心理弹性进行测查,考察依恋与心理弹性间关系的内在机制。结构方程模型分析结果显示:(1)依恋、情绪调节与元情绪均能显著预测心理弹性;(2)依恋焦虑通过认知重评和元情绪间接预测心理弹性;(3)依恋回避不但直接负向预测心理弹性,还会通过认知重评和元情绪间接预测心理弹性。本研究结果显示,情绪调节策略和元情绪能够解释依恋与心理弹性间关系的内在机制。  相似文献   

Most empirical studies of emotion regulation have relied on retrospective trait measures, and have not examined the link between daily regulatory strategies and every day emotional well-being. We used a daily diary methodology with multilevel modelling data analyses (n = 187) to examine the influence of three emotion regulation strategies (mindfulness, cognitive reappraisal and emotion suppression) on the experience of daily negative and positive affect. Our results suggested that daily mindfulness was associated with lower negative and higher positive affect whereas the converse pattern was found for daily emotion suppression; cognitive reappraisal was related to daily positive, but not negative affect. When daily mindfulness, suppression and reappraisal were included in the same models, these strategies predicted unique variance in emotional well-being. Random slope analyses revealed substantial variability in the utility of these strategies. Indeed the presumably “adaptive” cognitive reappraisal strategy seemed to confer no benefit to the regulation of negative affect in approximately half the sample. Additional analyses revealed that age moderates the effect of cognitive reappraisal on daily negative affect: Higher use of reappraisal was associated with more negative affect for adolescents (aged 17 to 19) but became associated with less negative affect with increasing age. We interpret these results in line with a contextual view of emotion regulation where no strategy is inherently “good” or “bad”.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationships among attention to emotion, emotional clarity, emotion regulation, and job satisfaction, and tested whether the plausible associations between emotional processes (e.g., attention to emotion, emotional clarity) and job satisfaction can be mediated by emotion regulation in a sample of Chinese medical staff. In total, 1,766 medical staff in Guangdong province completed questionnaires including the demographics, the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, Emotional Clarity, Attention to Emotion, and the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. Results showed significant direct effect of emotional clarity, but not attention to emotion on job satisfaction. Cognitive reappraisal significantly mediated the associations between emotional processes (e.g., attention to emotion, emotional clarity) and job satisfaction whereas expressive suppression was not a statistically significant mediator. These results suggest that attention to emotion and emotional clarity contribute to job satisfaction by increasing certain emotion regulation strategies such as reappraisal. Intervention or medical education programs targeting enhancing emotional clarity and reappraisal may be beneficial for increasing job satisfaction of medical staff in China.  相似文献   

Habitual emotional state is a predictor of long-term health and life expectancy and successful emotion regulation is necessary for adaptive functioning. However, people are often unsuccessful in regulating their emotions. We investigated the use of cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression in 489 university students in Norway, Australia, and the United States and how these strategies related to measures of well-being (affect, life satisfaction, and depressed mood). Data was collected by means of selfadministered questionnaires. The major aims of the study were to begin to explore the prevalence of use of cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression across gender, age and culture, possible antecedents of emotion regulation strategies, and the influence of emotion regulation upon well-being. Results showed that the use of emotion regulation strategies varied across age, gender and culture. Private self-consciousness (self-reflection and insight) was found to be a central antecedent for the use of cognitive reappraisal. Use of emotion regulation strategies predicted well-being outcomes, also after the effect of extraversion and neuroticism had been controlled for. Generally, increased use of cognitive reappraisal predicted increased levels of positive well-being outcomes, while increased use of expressive suppression predicted increased levels of negative well-being outcomes.
Silje Marie HagaEmail:

认知重评在负性情绪调节中发挥着重要的作用。针对传统认知重评重构程度不够高、调节效果不明显的问题, 研究团队在先前的工作中提出了一种使消极情绪“转负为正”的高效情绪调节方法, 即创造性认知重评, 这种调节策略伴随着大脑海马的新颖联结形成和杏仁核的积极情绪唤醒。然而这些工作采用“指导式”的重评更像是对重评解读的“理解”而非主动的情绪调节; 鉴于主动情绪调节的产生难度较大, 造成创造性认知重评在实际应用上的两难困境。基于此, 本项目拟指导受试者进行创造性认知重评的学习, 通过学习将这种策略迁移并且应用到生活中的负性情绪调节事件中。具体研究内容包括:(1)行为学上, 探索创造性认知重评在大学生群体和青少年群体负性情绪调节中的迁移效应; (2)影像学上, 探索创造性认知重评迁移前后在脑认知表征模式上的变化。本项目是对已有工作基础的延伸和拓展, 为验证和推动创造性认知重评成为一种可学、可用、高效的情绪调节策略奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

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