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在医学实践中,临床医学家都懂得治疗任何疾病都离不开心理治疗。医生的职业和在社会上的特殊职能应该是一位懂得艺术的医学家、生物学家、哲学家和心理学家。现代医学临床学需要的医生,是热爱生命、充满生活气息,既有高超医学水平又有高尚道德修养;既有极强的洞察力,能深入病人的内心世界,又能做细腻说明解释工作的医生。决不是只会追求真理,以冷漠超然态度来接待身体虽然虚弱痛苦,但精神上对生命抱着无限希望的病人的医生。医生治疗疾病的对象是人。绝不是单纯有病  相似文献   

冷漠是从事人道职业--医生最危险的敌人,其产生从一般层面上看是医生的医疗阅历增加,因"熟视无睹"而使同情心的"阈值"上升,更深层次的原因还在于医学人文精神的缺失.医学是自然科学、人文科学和社会科学综合的学科,医学倘若缺乏必要的人文关怀,就会失去应有的人性温暖,就没有拯救生命的诚意.德艺双馨,仁医之道.  相似文献   

冷漠是从事人道职业——医生最危险的敌人,其产生从一般层面上看是医生的医疗阅历增加,因"熟视无睹"而使同情心的"阈值"上升,更深层次的原因还在于医学人文精神的缺失。医学是自然科学、人文科学和社会科学综合的学科,医学倘若缺乏必要的人文关怀,就会失去应有的人性温暖,就没有拯救生命的诚意。德艺双馨,仁医之道。  相似文献   

医生位于医疗活动的第一线,直接与患者接触,其职业形象代表了广大医务工作者在公众心目中的印象.调查和访谈的结果显示,当前医患之间出现信任危机,医生的职业形象也在无形中影响着医患关系.医患纠纷发生时,除传统解决医疗纠纷的方式外,"医调委"的第三方介入调解模式也取得一定成效.缓和医患关系,营造和谐的医疗环境,并不只是医方的责任,需要国家、医院和医生、患者三方共同努力,而加强医学生人文教育也是不容忽视的一个方面.  相似文献   

大医院过度扩张已是不争的事实,加速了医疗资源的不合理分配,是造成看病贵的重要原因.医院自身有责任,主管部门与权威媒体实际上在鼓励大医院过度扩张.是医院社会使命重要,还是过度扩张重要,这是培育职业精神、践行社会使命必须做出的艰难抉择.  相似文献   

比较三级医院与二级医院医生职业认同水平及影响因素。选取河北某二级医院和北京某三级医院医生为研究对象,应用一般情况量表,医生职业认同调查问卷和社会支持评定量表为调查工具,分析医生职业认同影响因素。结果显示医生职业认同三级医院医生得分(3.47±0.46)高于二级医院(3.32±0.40),P0.05。三级医院医生社会支持总分是职业认同的主要预测因子(P0.05),R~2=15.7%。二级医院医生,月均收入和社会支持总分是职业认同的主要预测因子(P0.05),R~2分别为10.7%和15.2%。结果提示应重视社会支持对医生职业认同的重要性。  相似文献   

为了解综合医院的医生职业疲劳情况,选择山东省多个地级市的二甲以上综合医院为样本单位进行调查,发现医生普遍存在中度以上的职业疲劳,疲劳程度居于前三位的科室是妇产科、儿科和肿瘤科。结合当前医疗改革和医患关系紧张等背景,从多个视角研究造成职业疲劳的影响因素,并将医生职业疲劳与影响因素进行回归分析,结果表明,医生职业疲劳程度与工作量、医患压力、晋升压力和考核压力之间存在强正相关性,其中工作量影响最大,考核压力相对最小。  相似文献   

采用关系等级问卷、亲密关系经历问卷和内隐联想测验(IAT)分别作为研究依恋表征的外显和内隐的测量工具,以103名处于恋爱关系中的大学生和研究生为被试,探讨一般依恋表征和特殊依恋表征的意识性与无意识性以及它们的一致性。结果发现:(1)一般依恋表征和特殊依恋表征中,安全型和恐惧型的个体在无意识层面上的反应时表现与外显理论相符,过度投入型的被试意识和无意识的表现不一致;(2)个体在无意识水平上对目标人物积极评价的差异与个体在意识水平上的依恋状况(一般依恋关系和婚恋关系)有关。(3)一般依恋表征中过度投入型和冷漠型被试,内隐联想测验和外显依恋量表结果一致的占33%;特殊依恋表征中过度投入型和冷漠型被试,内隐联想测验和外显依恋量表结果一致的占37%。  相似文献   

医务人员的言行都体现了一种职业精神,其医学行为在病患眼里是希望、责任、义务、信任、公正和平等以及等等.病史采集和体格检查是医生的基本功,而正是这项基本技能却随着临床检查仪器和设备的不断更新,正被越来越多的医生所轻视,"望、闻、问、切"正逐渐成为医学历史的痕迹.病史采集和体格检查既体现了一位医生的医疗技能,也蕴含着丰富的人文哲理,是医患相互信任、配合的出发点和归宿,是医生与患者交流和沟通的极其重要行之有效的手段,也是疾病诊治的基本条件和必备元素.  相似文献   

过度医疗:一个紧迫的需要综合治理的医学问题   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:15  
临床上,过度医疗司空见惯,受多因素影响。过度医疗不但引起患者的额外风险、身心负担、伤害、经济支出,还影响人类可持续发展。过度医疗在心脏病介入、过度使用辅助检查、抗生素滥用等表现尤为明显,要真正实现“以病人为中心”的目标,医院管理者、每位医生和全社会必须共同努力,探索有效控制过度医疗的机制和途径。  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that mild autistic-like characteristics can be measured among relatives of individuals with autism and in the general population. These characteristics have been referred to as the broader autism phenotype (BAP), and include pragmatic language difficulties, aloofness, and rigidity. Evidence is growing to suggest that individuals with BAP encounter difficulties in their social interactions. Recent work demonstrates that college students scoring high on the BAP report more loneliness (Jobe & Williams White, 2007) and more interpersonal problems (Wainer, Ingersoll, & Hopwood, 2012). Because intimate relationships are important in development and are very salient in emerging adulthood, the authors examined the relation of the BAP to romantic attachment and empathy among young adults. Higher BAP scores were associated with lower empathy and higher attachment anxiety and avoidance. Specifically, pragmatic language difficulties were related to higher rates of avoidant attachment and this relationship was mediated by empathy. In contrast, pragmatic language deficits were directly related to anxious attachment.  相似文献   

以往研究表明共情的特点包括自动化与情境依赖性。但是, 有关共情的理论模型与潜在神经机制仍存有争议。为更好地适应现实需求, 研究重点从共情的结构和功能角度逐渐向塑造和调节共情发展。近年来, 有研究者提出自上而下的心理过程与共情调节有关, 特别是共情的目标表征形式, 以及目标的价值权衡。因此, 考虑到共情的目标导向性对于共情的内部构建与外部表现形式的影响, 建议未来研究考虑从自上而下视角考察共情的可调节性。  相似文献   

John Michael 《Topoi》2014,33(1):157-172
In recent years, there has been a great deal of controversy in the philosophy of mind, developmental psychology and cognitive neuroscience both about how to conceptualize empathy and about the connections between empathy and interpersonal understanding. Ideally, we would first establish a consensus about how to conceptualize empathy, and then analyze the potential contribution of empathy to interpersonal understanding. However, it is not at all clear that such a consensus will soon be forthcoming, given that different people have fundamentally conflicting intuitions about the concept of empathy. Thus, instead of trying to resolve this controversy, I will try to show that a fair amount of consensus is within reach about how empathy can be a source of interpersonal understanding even in the absence of a consensus about how to conceptualize empathy. As we shall see, the main controversy concerns a few phenomena that some researchers view as necessary conditions of empathy, but which others view either as merely characteristic features or as consequences of empathy. My strategy will be to try to show how empathy can generate interpersonal understanding by virtue of these phenomena—regardless of whether one chooses to conceptualize them as necessary conditions of empathy.  相似文献   

Gender differences among incarcerated adult felons along dimensions of moral reasoning and moral character were examined. Previous work was extended by comparing adult male and female felons, and by exploring the relationship between moral reasoning and moral character. Subjects completed the Socio-moral Reflection Questionnaire, which measures moral reasoning. Moral character was assessed by a socialization scale, two empathy measures, and two autonomy questionnaires. Discriminant function analysis revealed that men were higher than women on moral reasoning, lower on socialization, higher on role-taking empathy, lower on emotional empathy, and more internal in locus of control. Moral reasoning was correlated with role-taking empathy and locus of control. Implications for theories of gender differences in moral reasoning and criminality were discussed.  相似文献   

The current renewal of interest in empathy is closely connected to the recent neurobiological discovery of mirror neurons. Although the concept of empathy has been widely deployed, we shall focus upon one main psychological function it serves: enabling us to understand other peoples’ intentions. In this essay we will draw on neuroscientific, psychological, and philosophical literature in order to investigate the relationships between mirror neurons and empathy as to intention understanding. Firstly, it will be explored whether mirror neurons are the neural basis of our empathic capacities: a vast array of empirical results appears to confirm this hypothesis. Secondly, the higher level capacity of reenactive empathy will be examined and the question will be addressed whether philosophical analysis alone is able to provide a foundation for this more abstract level of empathy. The conclusion will be drawn that both empirical evidence and philosophical analysis can jointly contribute to the clarification of the concept of empathy.  相似文献   

Emyr Vaughan Thomas 《Ratio》1999,12(2):195-209
Wittgenstein is widely recognised as a philosopher with a markedly ethical character to his thought. This paper seeks to highlight the dimension of selflessness and renunciation in this ethical character. It also seeks to show that there are distinct differences in Wittgenstein's implicit conception of what an ethical selflessness amounts to in the early and the later periods. The concept of absolute safety enables us to appreciate the connections between the early Wittgenstein and a particular type of nineteenth-century obsession with a selflessness that combines with a self-sufficient capacity to stand aloof from anxiety in the face of the human condition involving meaninglessness and death. In the early Wittgenstein that aloofness came close to a solipsistic and, in some ways, self-affirming apartness from everything other than the self. In contrast, the ethical spirit that permeates Wittgenstein's later thought is imbued with a sense of the immersion of the self ultimately and absolutely 'in the world'. The sense in which this latter phrase is used is defined further in the paper.  相似文献   

The discovery of mirror neurons has led to some exciting research into the role of the brain and human empathy. Empathy is a significant element in human relationality and, therefore, human spirituality. This article will focus on the links between mirror neurons and human empathy and education. It will then examine how technology may be a factor in causing the erosion of empathy in today’s world, leading to school violence and bullying. It will conclude by offering some guidelines for educational programmes which may lead to the nurturing of children’s empathy.  相似文献   


Empathy involves a mapping between the emotions observed in others and those experienced in one’s self. However, effective social functioning also requires an ability to differentiate one’s own emotional state from that of others. Here, we sought to examine the relationship between trait measures of empathy and the self-other distinction during emotional experience in both children and adults. We used a topographical self-report method (emBODY tool) in which participants drew on a silhouette of a human body where they felt an emotional response while watching film and music clips, as well as where they believed the character in the film or performer was feeling an emotion. We then assessed how the degree of overlap between the bodily representation of self versus other emotions related to trait empathy. In adults, the degree of overlap in the body maps was correlated with Perspective Taking. This relationship between cognitive empathy and degree of overlap between self and other was also found with children (8–11 years old), even though children performed worse on the task overall. The results suggest that mapping emotions observed or imagined in other’s bodies onto our own is related to the development of empathy.  相似文献   

In this essay, I analyze two memoirs--Rafael Campo's The Poetry of Healing: A Doctor's Education in Empathy, Identity, and Desire and Abraham Verghese's My Own Country: A Doctor's Story of a Town and Its People in the Age of AIDS--which describe the effects of treating HIV/AIDS on each doctor's identity, on his desire for community and belonging, and on his identification and/or disidentification with the medical profession in the United States. My readings of Campo and Verghese revolve around three key terms provided by Campo's subtitle: identity, empathy, and desire. I shift the order of these terms in Campo's subtitle because I want to read identity, empathy, and desire in Campo and Verghese through and along with the theoretical "pragmatics" of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari.  相似文献   

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