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东南亚华侨华人宗教作为母文化——中华传统宗教文化在异时空的一种转型和再生,是源于中华传统宗教文化,广泛地吸收了东南亚本土宗教文化和西方宗教文化而形成的;转型后的东南亚华侨华人宗教在华人社会和所居地社会的当代文化价值体现为共有价值的追求,即获得信仰神灵精神力量战胜困难的勇气、整合华族各方资源、和谐国家社会政治经济关系、丰富人类文化多样性等四方面。东南亚华侨华人宗教的历史角色与当代价值可以作为包括宗教在内的中华传统优秀文化如何继续发挥应有价值与建构和谐社会的启思。  相似文献   

宗教世俗化是宗教发展的必然趋势.华侨华人传统宗教世俗化的主要表现是:传统宗教信仰内容的淡化;宗教崇拜形式的简单化和现代化;传统宗教的伦理化和当地化等.华侨华人传统宗教的世俗化与非世俗化是同一过程的两个方面.在社会的现代化进程中,传统宗教仍将继续在华侨华人宗教文化中居主流地位,继续成为海外华侨华人族群认同的重要标志和民族文化认同、传承的重要形式之一.  相似文献   

移民宗教研究有助于解释移民的社会文化适应和身份认同问题。本文以近代广东移民与广东基督教文化的发展为线索展开,探讨了移民对基督教在广东传播所起的推动作用、域外广东基督教移民社区形成过程、域外广东基督教文化的主要特征、全球化进程中的广东基督教文化圈等问题。研究发现,借助移民社会网络,近代广东基督教文化在全球化与本土化的共生中不断发展壮大,并最终发展为一个联系海内外的广东基督教文化圈。  相似文献   

移民宗教研究有助于解释移民的社会文化适应和身份认同问题。本文以近代广东移民与广东基督教文化的发展为线索展开,探讨了移民对基督教在广东传播所起的推动作用、域外广东基督教移民社区形成过程、域外广东基督教文化的主要特征、全球化进程中的广东基督教文化圈等问题。研究发现,借助移民社会网络,近代广东基督教文化在全球化与本土化的共生中不断发展壮大,并最终发展为一个联系海内外的广东基督教文化圈。  相似文献   

由于交流互动的历史更为悠久、参与更为广泛、影响更为深入,因此血缘宗亲及宗教信徒正成为一国公共外交战略体系中颇具特色的跨国社会资本。相对于本土宗教、传统宗教及其他外来宗教,基督宗教在东南亚华人族群中的传播尤为迅速,已成为影响力与日俱增的跨民族宗教和跨文化宗教代表。华人基督宗教社团在积极推进信仰沟通、族群认同、社会凝聚和共同发展的同时,还依托中国-东盟公共外交网络与中国本土民间团体进行跨境互动。我国应将华人基督宗教视为当前"一带一路"倡议当中的特殊资源,以期夯实中国-东盟公共外交可持续发展的社会民意基础。  相似文献   

基督宗教在中国有四次传入的曲折经历,展示了基督宗教与中国文化相互接触、交流、碰撞、融合的漫长历史和独特意义。其长达1300多年的在华传播构成了基督宗教在中国存在与发展的复杂图景。 就基督宗教四传中国的历史而言,在前两次传播过程中,作为西方基督宗教近代历史上宗教改革运动之产物的基督教(新教)尚不存在;而基督宗教第三次传入中国则以天主教各修会为主,特别是耶稣会的作用和影响极为突出。但在基督宗教第三次入华传播的历史过程中,宗教改革运动后发展起来的基督教亦开始来华传教,在中国沿海各省留下痕迹并产生影响。…  相似文献   

宽容:一种生存方式--以海外华侨华人的生存实践为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张禹东 《哲学动态》2005,(11):21-24
一华侨华人文化的双重特性 中国有几千万旅居海外的华侨华人,其中大约有2000多万分布在东南亚地区.这个数字的概念是:占全世界华侨华人总数的80%;占东南亚地区人口的5%.二战以后,各国华侨陆续放弃中国国籍,成为居住国公民.到20世纪90年代,95%的华侨已经加入当地国籍,这表明原有的华侨社会已经转变为华人社会.这种历史性的变化意味着中国移民的后裔在观念心态上已经从"叶落归根"转化为"落地生根";在政治上已经从对祖籍国的认同转化为对居住国的认同,华人已经成为居住国民族大家庭的一个组成部分.与之相应,华人文化也相应经历了从中华文化--华侨文化--华人文化的转变过程.华侨文化可以看成是中华文化在海外的延伸,是中华文化的构成内容;华人文化不是中华文化在海外的翻版,而是华人居住国社会多元文化的重要内容,是居住地国家文化的组成部分.当然,华侨文化也存在着由于受到居住国社会文化的影响而表现出与中华本土文化相区别的特点.在这个意义上,仍可以把华侨华人文化作为一个复合体来加以考察和分析,而对它们的区别将暂时略去.  相似文献   

孙砚菲 《学海》2014,(2):13-27
本文旨在解答为什么在中国基层社会维系了近千年的传统宗教生态格局在近三十多年里发生了巨大改变,而一个以基督宗教成为强势宗教为特征的新型宗教生态正在快速形成。本文的核心论点是,西方殖民主义激发了中国社会的民族主义情绪,中国最后走向了共产主义革命的道路。革命政权在现代民族国家的建构过程中摧毁了传统宗教生态中主导性宗教的制度支持和社会基础,不期然地为基督宗教在改革开放时代的发展扩展了空间和清除了传统性障碍。为了检验本文提出理论的广适性,笔者把基督宗教近代以来在全球的扩张放置在西方殖民主义和非西方国家民族主义运动互动的视野下,试图解答为什么基督宗教在有些国家和地区成为强势宗教,而在有些国家和地区却处于边缘。  相似文献   

一、发展历程简述在中国近代史上,对于基督宗教的存在与传播不乏一些零星的考证,但基督宗教真正作为一个学科的出现可能要迟至20世纪80年代初,以一些高校和研究机构成立宗教学这个专业作为开始。经过“文革”的人们,应该如何来重新认识宗教在社会中的合理存在?首批基督宗教研究的学者在论证了此合理性的同时,也给予了宗教政策以合理性支持。学者们论证依据便是“基督宗教是西方文化的一种表现形态”。  相似文献   

跨国移民的宗教社会因成为文化全球化的重要表征而倍受关注。研究者们多运用文化适应理论和后殖民主义理论对这一主题进行研究。尽管跨国移民宗教的国际研究已经日益成熟,但是仍然面临着从研究到研究的挑战。以移民个人生活史为方法的研究,以类型移民和特定人口特征移民为对象的研究,以及对移民非制度性宗教的研究都将成为该领域新的研究方向。  相似文献   

Immigration and remarriage are two stressful events that impact on family's functioning and well being. This article examines the effects on families of experiencing both of these transitions simultaneously. A case illustration is presented and implications for practice and for future research are discussed. The article is based on the clinical experience of the writer as well as on her study of stepfamilies from diverse cultural backgrounds.  相似文献   

The Child Immigrant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article uses a developmental perspective to look at the effects of immigration on the young child. Factors influencing the way in which the immigrant family negotiates the ongoing process of settling into the new country are considered. It is argued that the ability of parents to provide an adequate holding environment to protect the young child from too much loss or dislocation is probably the most critical factor in determining whether the child's internal world will be enriched or impoverished by the immigration experience. It is emphasized that immigration is an ongoing process for the entire family. Some clinical material is presented to illustrate how the child's engagement in the process of separation-individuation both shapes and is shaped by, the immigration experience.  相似文献   


As a consequence of worldwide waves of immigration there is a permanent increase of ethnically mixed school classes in countries all over the world. However, there is a lack of empirical studies on interethnic relationships which differentiate immigrant children based on their countries of origin. The present paper focuses on these topics and provides data of both negative and positive aspects of interethnic interactions. Direct and indirect forms of bullying, friendship patterns, and peer acceptance in 326 native and 242 immigrant children aged 11 to 14 (57% native Austrian, 22% former Yugoslavian, 14% Turkish/Kurdish, 7% rest group) in 29 ethnically mixed school classes (6th and 7th grades) were examined. Bullying was measured via the Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire and via peer nomination techniques, friendship patterns via self-ratings. Peer acceptance was defined by social preference scores on positive and negative sociometric items. According to peer ratings Austrian children were found to be more often victims (9%) and bullies (12%) of direct bullying than immigrant children. Prevalence rates in immigrant children varied depending on their country of origin between 2% and 8% for victims and 3% to 7% for bullies. Results suggested that Turkish/Kurdish children are at risk concerning their social integration in class (e.g., they had the fewest number of friends in class, reported higher levels of loneliness at school, and were less accepted by their peers compared to Austrians and former Yugoslavian children). Friendship patterns differed considerably between native children and children of the three immigrant groups. Findings are discussed concerning differences in integration strategies of immigrant children depending on their country of origin.  相似文献   

许佳君  余文学 《学海》2001,(2):56-59
移民安置时间长短、移民安置模式、远迁近迁等因素都直接影响水库移民与安置区原居民的融合.远迁移民在自然环境适应性上,明显表现在地理环境、资源环境和人文环境几个方面;移民社区群体关系分析则表现在地缘关系认同、社会互动等方面;当然,语言、民族、宗教信仰、风俗习惯、生产方式等也是影响移民同安置区原居民融合的因素.  相似文献   

This article briefly highlights the problems of student immigrants and the potential value of transition support groups as a mechanism for addressing these problems.  相似文献   

The healthy immigrant effect (HIE) is the phenomenon in which immigrants show better health than their native-born counterparts but this healthier condition declines with length of residence. This study investigated whether (1) immigrants also show better adaptation than non-immigrants as well as better health, (2) length of residence affects their health and adaptation differently, and (3) differential outcomes are found for different age and gender groups. Utilizing the Canadian Community Health Survey (2011–2012) data, immigrants (N?=?17,555) and non-immigrants (N?=?103,579) were divided into adolescents (15–19 years old), adults (20–49), older adults (50–64), and seniors (65–74) to examine their subjective general and mental health, diagnosed chronic and psychological illnesses, and self-reported daily stress, life satisfaction and sense of belonging. After controlling for key demographics, HIE was found to be more robust in health than adaptation. In general, recent immigrants reported better health conditions than long-term immigrants; however, the two did not differ with daily stress or life satisfaction. The older adult immigrants were the only segment of the immigrant population who did not display HIE; within the immigrant population, working-aged long-term adult immigrants were those experiencing negative well-being in both health and adaptation compared to the same-aged recent immigrants. Regarding diagnosed psychological illnesses, immigrants yielded no difference by age, gender, or length of residence, indicating ‘reluctant’ views on seeking professional help for mental health were persistently held by both recent and long-immigrants. The findings suggest that health policy needs to take into consideration age-related life stages, and enhancement of mental health awareness for immigrant well-being.  相似文献   

Research documents a high prevalence of dating violence among U.S. youth. This violence is linked to a host of negative mental and physical health consequences and high-risk behaviors. African immigrants comprise about 3.9% of all immigrants in the United States and recent trends suggest this population is rapidly increasing. Despite this, limited research exists on dating violence among African immigrant youth. This article summarizes the literature on dating violence in Africa, then highlights the dearth of research on African immigrant youth. The literature suggests that African immigrant girls are in a uniquely vulnerable position that increases their risk for dating violence and other abuses, warranting our attention to the issue. Future research directions and service implications with this population are presented.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the relationships between family, school, and community contexts and academic achievement during middle childhood among children of Portuguese, Dominican, and Cambodian immigrant families. We interviewed approximately 350 children from 2 age cohorts spanning first through third and fourth through sixth grades annually across 3 years. Additionally, we collected interviews with parents, measures from teachers, school administrative information, and community ethnographies to understand the various contexts of children's academic achievement. Using a "mixed-methods" approach, we qualitatively coded children's academic success from school records and teacher's responses about the student into 1 of 5 pathways representing children who were "excelling, positive, neutral, negative, or abysmal" across all 3 years of the study. We then used ordinal regression modeling to examine the relationships between child, family, school, and community factors and child academic pathway. Commonalities in findings across the 3 immigrant groups reveal the importance of good school attendance. Divergences between the 3 immigrant groups highlighted family and cultural influences on positive child academic achievement such as synchronicity between child and school values, the children's own academic self-concepts, and academic aspirations. We integrated quantitative findings with the profiles from ethnographic research of the study's communities for an in-depth examination of the mechanisms behind early educational success among children of immigrants.  相似文献   

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