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作为新的价值观,集体主义与个人主义是有本质区别的,它们分别植根于不同的社会关系基础上,有着不同的历史特征;但是,前者对后者又有着深刻的历史继承关系,集体主义充分吸取了个人主义的有价值因素,所以,集体主义是比个人主义更高层次的价值观。集体主义的这个形成过程,使它具有了比个人主义更强大的生命力。  相似文献   

个人主义是一种社会政治哲学和道德价值观,主张一切价值均以人为中心,尤其强调个人尊严、个人权利、个人价值、个人平等和个人自由.个人主义不等于利己主义,更不等于极端自私自利、损人利己和无政府主义.个人主义与集体主义有本质区别,在发展社会主义市场经济过程中,不能以个人主义为主导价值观,要坚持集体主义价值导向,反对极端个人主义价值观,正确评价个人主义价值观,抑制其消极作用,肯定其积极作用.  相似文献   

集体主义是一个具体的历史的概念。集体主义的实现是个历史过程。构成这一过程的肯定性前提,是血缘共同体意义上的原始集体主义,否定性中介是资本主义市场经济社会独立的个人和个人主义,否定之否定是社会化生产力与公有制基础上走向个人与社会全面统一的社会共同体主义。  相似文献   

新文化运动时期的中国集体主义思想首先遭遇了西方个人主义的否定,接着它吸纳个人主义个性解放的积极内涵,完成了由传统的宗法集体主义向着马克思主义集体主义的历史性转变。在这一过程中,它不但经过脱胎换骨的浴火重生,守住了中国传统文化"社会本位"的价值观,也为中国传统集体主义向社会主义文化的发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

个人主义与市民社会——关于个人主义的一种解释   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
个人主义是西方化发展的一条主线。个人主义可分为极端个人主义与合理个人主义两种。过去人们认为个人主义是在资本主义发展过程中逐步形成的道德原则,与资本主义制度相适应。实际上个人主义是以商品经济为基础的市民社会的产物,资本主义有市民社会,社会主义有市民社会,个人主义在社会主义国家也存在。只是社会主义国家以建立“真正的”集体主义为道德目标,所以它极力反对极端个人主义,只允许合理个人主义存在和发展,并且限制于市场社会领域,反对泛滥于国家生活领域。  相似文献   

什么是领土权?一个国家如何拥有对一块土地的领土权?当代政治哲学家已经发展了诸种领土权理论以回答上述问题,而洛克式领土权理论大概是最早最有影响力的一种。经典的洛克式领土权理论是个人主义的,强调国家的领土权是个体土地所有者在社会契约中通过转让部分土地所有权而奠定的。当代洛克式政治哲学家约翰·西蒙斯和海勒·斯戴纳均持这一立场。但卡拉·奈恩在《全球正义与领土》一书中挑战了这种个人主义的进路,进而提出一个集体主义的洛克式领土权理论。本文旨在梳理、考察当代洛克式领土权理论内部的个人主义与集体主义进路的纷争,并论证这两种理论各有其内在困境,最后扼要提及整合个人主义与集体主义洛克式领土权理论的可能思路。  相似文献   

集体主义是社会主义社会正确处理个人利益和社会利益关系的价值判断标准和导向,是社会主义道德基本原则,然而近年来,有些人对集体主义进行歪曲和否定,企图以资产阶级功利主义或个人主义取而代之。为此,本文就有关集体主义的几个是非问题  相似文献   

刘庚子:深化个人主义研究的三个向度改革开放以来,中西价值观念发生了显著的冲突,其实质和核心是个人主义对集体主义的挑战。要有力以回应个主义的挑战,并按照社会主义市场经济新秩序的要求,实现集体主义的创造性转换,就有必要深化对个人主义的理论研究。长期以来,...  相似文献   

这里译出的是布伯尔的《人的问题》(Das Problem des Menschen》海德堡1961年版)的结束语。作者以“第三者”的姿态出现,批评了自康德以来德国思想传统中的个人主义与集体主义思潮,提出一套否认阶级关系、“超越”个人主义与集体主义、主张人与人“接触”、“交往”的所谓“居间者”理论。作者说集体主义现在处于鼎盛时期,因此他号召人们“揭竿而起”,反对集体主义,即马克思主义。显然,这是一种反动的资产阶级个人主义理论,只不过采取了更加虚伪、更加迷人的手法罢了。  相似文献   

"集体主义过时论"辨析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
集体主义是我国公民道德建设的基本原则.本文通过对集体主义与个人主义、集体主义与市场经济之间关系的辨析,论述了集体主义与社会主义市场经济的内在一致性,阐明了集体主义的当代意义,批驳了所谓"集体主义过时论"的错误观点,并进而强调,发扬集体主义精神,必须反对个人主义.  相似文献   

Do differences in individualism and collectivism influence values, self-concept content, relational assumptions, and cognitive style? On the one hand, the cross-national literature provides an impressively consistent picture of the predicted systematic differences; on the other hand, the nature of the evidence is inconclusive. Cross-national evidence is insufficient to argue for a causal process, and comparative data cannot specify if effects are due to both individualism and collectivism, only individualism, only collectivism, or other factors (including other aspects of culture). To address these issues, the authors conducted a meta-analysis of the individualism and collectivism priming literature, with follow-up moderator analyses. Effect sizes were moderate for relationality and cognition, small for self-concept and values, robust across priming methods and dependent variables, and consistent in direction and size with cross-national effects. Results lend support to a situated model of culture in which cross-national differences are not static but dynamically consistent due to the chronic and moment-to-moment salience of individualism and collectivism. Examination of the unique effects of individualism and collectivism versus other cultural factors (e.g., honor, power) awaits the availability of research that primes these factors.  相似文献   

个体主义/集体主义是衡量文化的重要维度。两者的价值取向有所区别,前者关注自我的独特性,而后者关注自我与他人的关系。近年来研究者发现了众多影响个体主义/集体主义的新因素并构建了理论。这些理论中有4个理论非常具有代表性:现代化理论、气候-经济理论、传染病理论以及大米理论。其中后3个理论从远因的角度来对个体主义/集体主义的成因进行了探讨,为研究者探究个体主义/集体主义成因提供了新思路。未来个体主义/集体主义影响因素的研究可以用多种测量方法综合的方式或者从基因的角度来进行探索。  相似文献   

The current study examined ethnic differences in horizontal and vertical dimensions of individualism and collectivism among 96 African American and 149 European American college students. Participants completed the 32-item Singelis et al. (1995) Individualism/Collectivism Scale. Multivariate analyses of variance results yielded a main effect for ethnicity, with African Americans being significantly higher on horizontal individualism and European Americans being higher on horizontal collectivism and vertical individualism. A moderated multiple regression analysis indicated that ethnicity significantly moderated the relationship between individualism and collectivism. Individualism and collectivism were significantly and positively associated among African Americans, but not associated among European Americans. In addition, collectivism was related to grade point average for African Americans but not for European Americans. Contrary to the prevailing view of individualism-collectivism being unipolar, orthogonal dimensions, results provide support for individualism-collectivism to be considered as unipolar, related dimensions for African Americans.  相似文献   

This article investigates the impact of individualism–collectivism on a person's willingness to donate organs. In Study 1, an online survey showed that individualism–collectivism was significantly and positively associated with participants' willingness to register as organ donors while perceived benefit mediated this relationship. Study 2 demonstrated the causal effect of individualism–collectivism on organ donation intentions using a priming technique. Participants primed with collectivism were more likely to register as organ donors than those primed with individualism. Our findings provide unique insights into whether cultural values (i.e., individualism–collectivism) can predict people's organ donation intentions.  相似文献   

个人主义与集体主义结构的验证性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王永丽  时勘  黄旭 《心理科学》2003,26(6):996-999
本文用实证方法通过对中国大陆303名被试的调查,对个人主义、集体主义的维度及其测量问卷的构想效度进行初步验证,结果支持Triandis提出的个人主义、集体主义可以分成水平、垂直两个维度,在个人水平上,个人主义与集体主义有四种类型的构想。验证性因素分析表明,Singelis的问卷有较好的构想效度,但在中国被试的测试结果上表现出一些题目的不适合,有待于进一步修正。  相似文献   

Although there has been progress in the definition, antecedents, and consequences of individualism and collectivism, there are some fundamental issues that need to be resolved. This study examined two such issues: the dimensionality of individualism and collectivism, and the relationship of these constructs to authoritarianism. Thirty-eight American undergraduates judged the similarity among 15 concepts that have previously been shown to be reflective of elements of individualism, collectivism, and authoritarianism. Multidimensional scaling revealed two dimensions: individualism versus authoritarianism and active collectivism versus withdrawal from group involvement. Unlike the conception by Hofstede (1980) that individualism and collectivism are opposites, these results strongly suggest they are orthogonal. Furthermore, authoritarianism was construed as the opposite of individualism. Implications of these findings for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Models of culture are operationalized as individualism and collectivism and have not given sufficient attention to other organizing axes—especially how a society handles power, dependence, and equality. Shavitt, Lalwani, Zhang, and Torelli (2006) make a significant contribution by first reminding the field of power distance (Hofstede, 1980) and then moving beyond a single factor to highlight benefits of Triandis’ (1995) horizontal (valuing equality) individualism–collectivism and vertical (emphasizing hierarchy) individualism–collectivism model. But this approach makes it difficult to disentangle the effects of power and individualism or collectivism; priming procedures and experimental variations of power can counter this limitation. Moreover, current horizontal/vertical approaches do not distinguish between having and not having power, although social cognition research documented differential effects of high and low power on content of self‐concept, relationality, and cognition, which suggest previously neglected cultural differences.  相似文献   

A considerable degree of research in cross‐cultural consumer psychology has focused on the effects of individualism–collectivism on consumer preference for advertising appeals. Recently, psychologists have demonstrated a growing interest in the individual‐level manifestations of individualism–collectivism. Idiocentrism refers to person‐level individualism, whereas allocentrism refers to person‐level collectivism. Drawing on individualism–collectivism theory, in this article we look at the lifestyle of idiocentrics and allocentrics. Our findings suggest a convergence between the etic‐ and emic‐level approaches, thus strengthening individualism–collectivism theory. The emic‐level findings of this study also suggest additional questions to be explored at the etic level. Finally, we make suggestions for applications in consumer communication.  相似文献   

摘要 本文采用问卷调查和字词辨别反应时任务的方法,考察了大学生对个体姓名信息反应时与文化倾向性之间的关系。结果表明:(1)自陈式《垂直、水平个人-集体主义问卷》的集体主义维度上具有较低的区分效度,有待改善;(2)在视觉通路中,个体对自我的姓名、姓、名的加工时均具有一定的优先性,并发现个体对自我姓名的知觉模式为整体知觉;(3)姓名信息所蕴含的文化信息与文化倾向问卷中所测量的信息具有一定的相关,支持并验证了文化倾向问卷的内容效度;同时研究发现姓、名作为自我结构的标识物比姓名更佳。  相似文献   

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