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作者详细考察了“Bedeutung”一词在德语中的标准意义,以及弗雷格在其著述中使用它的各种情况,并仔细回顾了在英语哲学界对这个词的翻译和理解所发生的争论及其理由。他不太赞成把“Bedeutung”译为“meaning”(意义)和“significance”(意谓)一类的词,他还反驳了支持这类译法的三个论证。“公正地讲,‘reference’(所指)和‘refer to’(指称)是得到最广泛认可的翻译。”他区分了“Bedeutung”的水平意义和垂直意义,前者是指语言表达式相互之间的关系,后者是指语言表达式与语言之外的对象之间的关系,并认为弗雷格更多地从“对象”的意义上使用“Bedeutung”一词。鉴于弗雷格使用“Bedeutung”的模糊性和怪异性,作者建议用“reference”及其近似词来翻译“Bedeutung”及其近似词,它兼有“指称”(作为关系)和“所指”(作为对象)的模糊性;并把该德语原词置于相应译文之后的括号内。  相似文献   

马一浮以“六艺论”自觉挺立了儒学的教化维度。马一浮非常重视《论语》,并将其置于“六艺之教”的观照下以显现“大义”。他认为《论语》处处都体现了“六艺”大旨:《论语》有“问仁”“问政”“问孝”三大问目,其中凡答问仁都是“‘诗’教”义,答问政都是“‘书’教”义,答问孝为“‘礼乐’教”义。又“‘易’教”是“礼乐教”之原,因而“‘礼乐’教”即蕴涵“‘易’教”;“‘春秋’教”是“‘诗’教”“‘书’教”之用,因而“‘诗’教”“‘书’教”中自然有“‘春秋’教”。这一诠释进路的意义在于:一是将《论语》融摄于“六艺之教”,继承并贯彻了儒学“教化”观念,使“六经”在儒学现代化这一学术视野中依然可以“在场”。二是重新绾合“六经”和《论语》在本源意义上的联系,为“六经”是孔子之教提供了极为有力的佐证。  相似文献   

“充实之谓美”是孟子伦理美学命题 ,它着眼于尽心、知性 ,针对“有诸己”的主体 ,并不涉及主体以外的客体 ,因此 ,将“充实之谓美”理解为“世界上一切事物 (包括人 )其‘天性’得到充分发展 ,以至完备 ,这就是美” ,进而认为“美是顺乎‘天性’的发展” ,似乎是值得再讨论的。  相似文献   

把休谟难题解读为“能否从‘是’中推出'应该'”忽视了休谟难题中“新关系”的重要地位,是把该难题片面化为其第二层涵义的结果.“新关系”是休谟难题中的第一层涵义,是正确解读其第二层涵义的基础.“新关系”必然是一个陈述式道德命题,它的主语人称是第一人称“我”.道德调节功能的本质属性给“新关系”主语人称确定为第一人称提供必然性.陈述式道德命题自身的人称特性给“新关系”主语人称确定为第一人称提供可能性.在全面解读“新关系”的基础上,休谟难题的准确表述就是“能否从‘是’中推出‘我应该’”这种形式.  相似文献   

国内外都曾有学者认为, 从哲学-文化传统的特性上说, 西方是两个世界, 而中国是一个人生(世界)。韦伯曾经把儒教伦理与清教伦理在对待尘世的态度上作过如下鲜明的对照: “如果说儒教对世间万物采取一种随和态度的话, 那么清教伦理与‘世界’则处在一种强烈而严峻的紧张状态之中。”“在中国从未出现过与‘现世’的紧张对峙, 因为从来没有一个超世的、提出一个伦理要求的上帝作过伦理的预言。”(韦伯, 第257、259页) 钱穆对这种差异作了如下说明:“西方人常看世界是两体对立的, 在宗教上也有一个‘天国’与‘人世’的对立。在中国人观念里, …  相似文献   

去年(指1978年。——译者注)11月3日,唯物论研究协会的第一次学术讨论大会在法政大学召开了。在这次讨论大会上,进行了“自由问题——以公民的自由为中心”、“辩证法和矛盾”这两个问题的讨论,有十位先生发表了个人的研究成果。在“关于自由问题”的讨论中,清真人、藤田勇、宫本十藏几位先生分別以《社会主义民主的‘伦理基础’和‘公民的自由’》、《自由的问题——关于公民的自由》、《公民自由的历史性质——以‘无产阶级革命’和‘公民’的自由为中心》为题作了报告。清先生首先要大家注意这个问题:“个人自由”、“自律的个人”、“个性”等资产阶级的“公民自由”,应该怎样作为社会主义民主的“伦理基础”加以继承呢?从这一点出发,他注意到黑格尔等人的德国唯  相似文献   

一般认为,实质蕴涵是日常语言里的“如果,则”的逻辑抽象,二者的区别仅仅在于:日常语言里的“如果,则”往往要求前后件有更多的意义方面的联系,而实质蕴涵却不要求这一点,它只是从真假情况这个角度刻划了日常语言里的“如果,则”的真假关系;从真假值方面来考虑,实质蕴涵充分地,完全地表现了日常语言中那些相应的联接词的意义。这等于说,在真假关系上,二者不可能矛盾,日常思维认为真的,实质蕴涵也认为真,日常思维认为假的,实质蕴涵也认为假。只不过因为实质蕴涵舍弃了意义方面的联系,故而是一个更为宽广的概念,即它认为真的一些命题,日常思维并不认为  相似文献   

本刊1999年第4期第58页“作者单位”应为“复旦大学经济管理研究所”;1999年第5期第28页第11行“市场规划”应为“市场规则一;1999年第6期目录及封面要目中“‘哲学’须得把握‘自己””应为“‘哲学’须得把握住‘自己’”;同期目录上,“马克思主义与18世纪启蒙哲学”一文作者“陈悦”应为“陈锐”。1999年第7期“程敏政的朱、陆‘早同晚异’论及其历史意义”一文标题,因作者失误,应改为“程敏政的朱、陆‘早异晚同’论及其历史意义”。谨向作者和读者致歉。更正  相似文献   

医学的现代性遗产和后现代世界的冲突在不断加剧,导致了对医学语言理解的困境和伦理意义的丧失。后现代主义极力寻求人类理解的解释性基础,使后现代医学语言的伦理选择成为可能。在后现代语境下,医学语言的伦理应该是摆脱现代性“文化霸权”的一种诠释学的谈话,是一种境遇伦理。  相似文献   

引子:基督的逾越是我们逾越的先身“逾越”,就其字面意义来讲,是越过、跨过之意。然则更确切、更深层地讲,“逾越”乃是一伟大的“创举”。为什么说是“创举”呢?我们经常说什么“这是一道‘不可逾越’的鸿沟”、“这为他来说是一‘不可逾越’的心理障碍”等等诸如此类的  相似文献   

A provocative view has it that word meanings are underdetermined and dynamic, frustrating traditional approaches to theorizing about meaning. Peter Ludlow’s Living Words provides some of the philosophical reasons and motivations for accepting one such view, develops some of its details, and explores some of its ramifications. We critically examine some of the arguments in Living Words, paying particular attention to some of Ludlow’s views about the meanings of predicates, preservation of bivalence and the T-schema, and methods of modulating meaning.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between meaning and sources of meaning among a sample of South African university students (N = 139; female = 44 0.6%; mean age = 19.76, SD = 1.82). The students completed the Purpose in Life (PIL), the Sources of Meaning Profile-Revised (SOMP-R) measures, and naïve sketches. Results from the data analysis using correlational and regression analyses indicate the students’ purpose of life scores are accounted for by sources of meaning related to self-transcendence, collectivism, and individualism. The findings from the qualitative analysis highlights the importance of an individualist and collectivist focus during academic studies as a source of meaning. Students who report a more extensive network of meaningful sources are also more likely to indicate higher scores on purpose in life.  相似文献   

Locke's claim that the primary signification of (most) words is an idea, or complex of ideas, has received different interpretations. I support the majority view that Locke's notion of primary signification can be construed in terms of linguistic meaning. But this reading has been seen as making Locke's account vulnerable to various criticisms, of which I consider two. First, it appears to make the account vulnerable to the charge that an idea cannot play the role that a word meaning should play. I argue that the role Locke actually gives to signified ideas is not susceptible to this criticism. Second, it appears to make Locke guilty of at least some degree of semantic idealism. I argue that Locke is not guilty of this and that he makes a proper distinction between the non-referential relation that holds between a word and its primary signification and the referential relation that holds between a word and things the word is used to speak about.  相似文献   

Embodiment、认知科学以及传统意义理论的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
智能是一个有"意义"的活动;认知科学与意义理论之间存在有效的互动。概念/命题的传统意义理论是传统认知科学研究的重要理论基础。Embodiment支配的涉身认知科学研究是对基于规则演算的传统认知科学的现实修正。涉身认知科学与相应的哲学思想产生了一种更为全面的涉身意义理论。涉身意义理论提供了全面揭示和了解智能的一条可能路径。  相似文献   

李晓文 《心理科学》2002,25(6):683-685
本研究选取发展良好与适应不良的三--五年级小学生为被试,用问卷形式向他们呈现各种情景,要求被试评价自己对情景的情绪体验。通过比较分析两组被试的情绪评价得分,揭示被试的主观意义特征。被试的反应显示,两组被试之间存在着内部强化机制差异和交往价值取向差异,适应不良学生表现出对负性意义敏感和表达的淡化。  相似文献   

Pilgrimage on the Road to Santiago is flourishing, even in late modern times characterised by detraditionalisation, individualism and pluralism. A large number of these pilgrims is either not explicitly religious at all, or only moderately religious. Why, then, do they submit to this ancient Christian ritual, and what are the psychological consequences? After a short introduction to the study of implicit religiosity and different perspectives on rituals from the past to today, current research on pilgrimage is reviewed and pilgrimage to Santiago is analysed as a personal ritual from a perspective of implicit religiosity. In the psychological theory of implicit religiosity, rituals are identified as one of three universal religious structures (along with myths and experiences of transcending) with strong meaning-making potential. Personal rituals are defined as formalised patterns of action, pointing beyond the actual event to a particular meaning imbued by the actor. Data from 85 pilgrims on the Road to Santiago are presented. Motives for peregrination, base-line sources of meaning, experienced meaningfulness and crises of meaning are reported, as well as changes in sources of meaning, meaningfulness and crises of meaning immediately after the pilgrimage and four months later. The majority of pilgrims (about two third) is motivated by a “need for clarification.” Multidimensional scaling shows that pilgrims either travel for explicitly religious reasons (conviction) or in search of clarification (quest); they either draw motivation from vertical transcendence (religiosity or spirituality) or from apparently purely secular reasons, such as athletic challenge. Religious and spiritual motives are mostly reported by highly religious individuals. A need for clarification is primarily stated by individuals who suffer from a crisis of meaning. Crises of meaning are significantly more frequent among pilgrims before the journey than in the general population. For the entire sample of pilgrims, the meaning-making potential of pilgrimage is supported by the data. Directly after the journey, as well as four months later, pilgrims experience life as significantly more meaningful, and crises of meaning are overcome. Pilgrims also report a strengthened commitment to vertical selftranscendence, horizontal selftranscendence and selfactualisation. These changes occur independently of the motivation for pilgrimage.  相似文献   

两个实验以合理型主题信息条件下的句子为对照材料.其它型主题信息条件下的句子为实验材料,考察合理型和非合理型主题信息条件下汉语歧义句意义建构的时间进程和特点。结果表明:(1)合理型主题信息可以顺利地建构一个稳定的基础心理表征;不合理型主题信息则没有这种效应;矛盾型主题信息则引导读者重构一个新的心理表征。(2)在合理型主题信息条件下,语境主要起到证实主题信息区和歧义区所建构的基础表征的作用;而在不合理型、矛盾型主题信息的条件下,语境的作用首先是验证所建构的基础心理表征和歧义句的意义频率,然后有效建构歧义句的意义。  相似文献   

Two studies examined the role of holistic thinking in meaning-making and gratitude during the COVID-19 pandemic. Correlational and mediational evidence showed that participants with high holistic thinking tended to construct more meaning from the pandemic and feel grateful, compared to participants with low holistic thinking (Study 1). Experimental manipulation of holistic thinking elicited behavioral choice for books on life meaning, which predicted gratitude (Study 2). These results cannot be explained by individual differences in the perception of threat (Study 1) or distress (Studies 1–2) associated with the pandemic. They cannot be explained by demographic factors such as age or gender, or cultural constructs such as ethnicity, educational level, or religiosity (Studies 1–2). These findings push understanding forward. They strengthen interdisciplinary links, fusing positive psychology with the social cognition of thinking styles. We discuss promising directions for future research with cross-cultural implications.  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported a hemispheric asymmetry in processing dominant (e.g., paper) and subordinate (e.g., farmer) associations of ambiguous words (e.g., pen). The majority of these studies, however, applied randomly ordered presentation and collected right-hand responses only. Generating responses solely with the right hand and the randomly ordered presentation of association type might have affected natural hemispheric expertise. We explored the putative relationships between responding hand and experimental design manipulations in processing lexical ambiguity. Ambiguous target words were laterally presented following word pairs that could be associated to the dominant or subordinate meaning of the target word. We manipulated the responding hand and the experimental context by presenting the semantic associations in a random (Experiment 1) and a blocked ordered presentation (Experiment 2). The results of Experiment 2 supported the right hemisphere expertise hypothesis, whereas the results of Experiment 1 can be best explained by the direct access model where stimuli are processed by the hemisphere receiving them first, without relying on hemispheric expertise. We conclude that without manipulating the responding hand, there is a risk of misinterpreting direct access results as evidence for hemispheric expertise. Moreover, we suggest that a blocked ordered presentation might encourage participants to use the expert hemisphere for the blocked factor. A new theoretical framework is presented to explain the findings.  相似文献   

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