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人类在说话或思考的时候常常伴随着手势。手势是在认知加工或交流过程中自动产生的,具有表征性,同时,手势能够影响人类的认知加工。尽管研究者对手势的概念界定各有侧重,但普遍认为手势不同于直接行动,具有认知功能。手势认知功能的代表性理论模型有词汇索引模型、信息打包假设、表象保持理论、语义特殊性假设和嵌入/延展观。根据手势认知功能研究中主要自变量的不同,可以把手势认知功能分成三种不同的研究范式,即允许-限制手势的研究范式、侧重手势模式改变的研究范式、侧重情境改变的研究范式。今后值得关注的研究方向除了深入探讨手势认知功能的神经机制、加强对手势认知功能的干预研究外,提出了建立更具解释力的手势认知功能的理论模型——"空间化"手势假设。  相似文献   

工作反刍指在没有要求其出现的情境下, 有意识的、重复发生的工作方面的相关想法, 分为工作相关情感反刍与工作相关问题解决沉思两个维度。工作反刍对个体健康、工作及幸福感的影响有“双刃剑”效应。持续性认知理论、压力认知激活模型与认知资源视角理论, 可以解释该效应的内在机制。未来研究应分析影响双刃剑效应的边界条件, 寻求减少消极效应、增加积极效应的途径, 拓展其双刃剑效应心理机制的分析视角和该效应的作用层面。  相似文献   

尹奎  赵景  周静  聂琦 《心理科学进展》2021,29(10):1866-1877
“大五”人格剖面是“大五”人格特质在个体上的高低组合, 充分考虑了人格特质之间的交互作用, 能够反映不同子群体在“大五”人格特质上的数量与质量差异, 是解释以往以变量为中心矛盾性结论的重要途径, 也更契合组织管理实践需要, 对实践有更强的指导意义。“大五”人格剖面数量受到研究情境、样本特征、研究方法等因素的影响, 基于自我适应-自我管理模型可以获取4剖面模型, 且常见的剖面包括灵活适应剖面、普通剖面与执拗剖面。“大五”人格剖面在研究中更多地扮演自变量角色, 探讨其在关键结果变量上是否存在差异。未来可以关注强化“大五”人格剖面研究的理论基础; 加强重复性研究, 识别普适性“大五”人格剖面; 识别“大五”人格剖面的影响因素; 纳入更多人格变量, 更完整刻画人格剖面。  相似文献   

青少年“无聊症候群”问题探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了探讨我国学校青少年“无聊症候群”问题的有关现状及成因,选取浙江省4个地区7所中学的613名中学生为研究对象,采用自编量表进行调查。研究发现:(1)“无聊症候群”问题在青少年群体中具有较高比例;(2)男生总体平均得分显著地高于女生;(3)城区中学学生总体平均得分显著地高于乡镇中学学生;(4)独生子女与非独生子女总体上无显著性差异;(5)六个年级间总体上无显著性差异。  相似文献   

自2014年来, 研究者在视觉加工中发现一种全新的历史效应——序列依赖效应(当前刺激加工向先前刺激方向偏移的吸引性加工偏差)。近期研究发现:该效应广泛存在于视觉加工的各个层面(既包括朝向、空间位置、数量等低级特征, 也包括身份、吸引力、美感等高级属性); 其来源极为复杂(包括感觉编码、高级皮层的反馈调节、工作记忆、决策模板、感知与决策的级联等), 反映出不同层次的过往加工痕迹向当前认知的投射。针对该效应的典型特征、影响因素、认知与神经机制, 已涌现大量研究, 同时也存在严重争论, 亟待研究者深入探讨和厘清。  相似文献   

“时间”是跨期决策的“必需品”, 人们感知到的延迟时间决定跨期决策的结果。近年来, 研究者发现“时间长度感知”、“时间资源感知”和“时间框架感知”是时间感知作用于跨期决策的主要方式。时间感知的神经作用机制包含微观层面和宏观层面两种。“对数/指数时间折扣模型”、“感知时间基础模型”及“多模态漂移扩散模型”解释了时间感知的作用方式。然而, 现有理论模型还存在诸多局限, 主要包括“长短时距预测偏差”和“实际决策与预期决策偏差”两个方面。因此, 深入探讨时间感知影响跨期决策的基本方式, 分析现有理论模型的局限性并提出整合的机制框架具有十分重要的意义。未来研究亟需进一步整合时间感知的理论模型, 开展脑机制与应用方面的研究, 从深层揭露时间感知的作用本质, 帮助个人与社会更理性地决策。  相似文献   

借鉴行为经济学家开创的应用行为决策于贫困研究的新范式, 选取我国“连片特困地区”的贫困者为研究对象。首先建构“认知和动机双视角的行为贫困陷阱”的立论模型; 然后通过“贫困所致认知后果影响后继决策行为的心理机制和神经机制”, 以及“贫困所致认知和动机后果共同影响后继决策行为的作用机制”来探索贫困所致心理后果与后继决策行为间的因果效应; 最后进行“贫困所致认知功能改变影响后继决策行为的随机控制实验”和“贫困所致自我认同改变影响后继决策行为的现场干预研究”, 旨在通过“扶志和扶智”达到“授人以渔”, 并从中提炼出可供扶贫政策参考的管理对策。  相似文献   

生成认知:理论基础与实践走向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶浩生  曾红  杨文登 《心理学报》2019,51(11):1270-1280
生成认知是具身认知思潮中的一个新取向。它主张认知是通过身体活动“生成的” (enacted)。认知的起点不是一个怎样精确表征世界的信息加工问题, 而是行动者在情境中怎样利用知觉来指导自己的行动。认知不是通过精确的心理表征“恢复”世界, 而是通过知觉引导的行动“生成”或“造就”一个自己的世界。认知是具身的行动, 认知结构形成于经常和反复出现的感觉运动模式, 与身体构造和身体活动具有深刻连续性。梅洛·庞蒂的身体现象学对生成认知具有深刻影响。同时, 詹姆斯、杜威等人的实用主义哲学对于实践行动的强调也深刻影响了生成认知。这种认知观强调了“行动”对心智的意义, 引发许多争议, 也促进了心理学研究范式的转变。  相似文献   

王燕  侯博文  刘文锦 《心理学报》2020,52(2):207-215
本研究采用实验启动的方式探讨“好资源”和童年环境对未婚男性性开放态度的影响, 结果发现童年亲子关系(而不是童年经济状况)在资源线索启动和性开放态度之间存在显著调节作用。研究1采用想象启动来控制个体的资源获取状况, 结果发现:童年亲子关系差的个体在“好资源”想象时其性开放态度较“差资源”想象时明显提升。研究2采用图片情境的资源想象方式, 在研究1的基础上进一步把亲子关系细分成亲子沟通、亲子焦虑和亲子回避三个维度, 结果表明:童年亲子回避在男性资源状况启动和性开放态度之间存在显著调节作用, 童年亲子高回避的个体在“好资源”照片情境想象下其性开放态度显著提升, 而童年亲子低回避的个体在“好资源”照片情境想象下其性开放态度明显下降; 此外, 童年亲子回避在性开放态度上的主效应显著, 亲子回避程度高的个体其性开放态度也更高。两个研究共同揭示了“男人有钱就变坏”的情境和群体特殊性。  相似文献   

随着具身认知理论的发展, 基于心理模拟“具身”方式的饮食消费行为研究得到了一些新颖、有趣的研究结果, 为过食与肥胖、食品营销等问题的解决提供了新视角。心理模拟既能促进进食也能抑制进食; 心理模拟容易性因素与动机性因素是影响心理模拟程度的两大类主要前因变量; 未来需要进一步探索心理模拟的容易性因素与动机性因素、心理模拟提高消费欲望与产生腻厌反应的边界条件, 以及利用心理模拟探讨肥胖高危人群——高奖赏敏感性个体过食的深层次内在机制等。  相似文献   

王辉  李广政 《心理科学进展》2021,29(9):1617-1627
手势是在交流或认知过程中产生的、不直接作用于物体的手部运动, 具有具体性和抽象性。其分类主要从手势的来源、手势的内容、手势的意图及手势和言语的匹配性等角度进行划分。不同类型手势在出现时间及发展趋势上存在差异。手势在儿童词汇学习、言语表达、数学问题解决、空间学习及记忆等方面起促进作用, 但对言语理解的影响未得出一致结论。未来可关注不同类型手势与儿童认知发展的关系及对比不同来源手势在各学习领域的优势情况。  相似文献   

常欣  王沛 《心理科学进展》2015,23(2):225-233
针对晚期二语者句法加工能力的发展普遍存在困难这一现象, 近年来采用以ERP为核心技术的脑认知研究发现, 二语者的二语熟练度、一语和二语间具体的句法结构的相似程度、以及以工作记忆为核心的个体认知能力等因素起着各自独立而又相互影响的调节作用, 并且形成了浅层结构理论所主张的晚期二语者的句法加工与母语者有着本质差别的“定性说”与统一竞争模型所主张的晚期二语者和母语者在句法加工上没有本质差别的“量变说”两种理论分野, 二者的分歧集中表现为晚期二语者能否最终形成类母语水平的二语句法加工模式。为此, 需要开展以三个因素如何交互作用为主体的跨语言(二语与一语性质的多样性)研究。  相似文献   

胜任需要挫败是指个体觉得自己很失败或者感觉不能胜任工作。随着知识经济的快速发展, 越来越多的新生代知识型员工在工作中遭受了短期或长期的胜任需要挫败。在经历胜任需要挫败后, 员工在后续的工作中会越挫越勇还是一蹶不振?如果员工会越挫越勇, 如何强化这一积极效应?如果员工会一蹶不振, 如何规避这一消极后果?已有研究无法清晰地解答这些问题。因此, 本研究基于自我决定理论, 综合运用行为实验、认知神经科学实验和现场实验的方法, 依次考察短期和长期的胜任需要挫败对后续任务自主动机的跨期影响, 进而探讨并检验组织层面的发展性反馈、自主性支持以及个体层面的成就目标导向等干预策略的有效性。研究结果拓展了胜任需要挫败和自主动机的相关研究, 有助于指导企业对员工的胜任需要挫败问题进行科学管理和干预, 有益于员工有效应对胜任需要挫败, 充分激发其自主工作动机。  相似文献   

The Effortfulness Hypothesis suggests that sensory impairment (either simulated or age-related) may decrease capacity for semantic integration in language comprehension. We directly tested this hypothesis by measuring resource allocation to different levels of processing during reading (i.e., word vs. semantic analysis). College students read three sets of passages word-by-word, one at each of three levels of dynamic visual noise. There was a reliable interaction between processing level and noise, such that visual noise increased resources allocated to word-level processing, at the cost of attention paid to semantic analysis. Recall of the most important ideas also decreased with increasing visual noise. Results suggest that sensory challenge can impair higher-level cognitive functions in learning from text, supporting the Effortfulness Hypothesis.  相似文献   

Co‐thought gestures are understudied as compared to co‐speech gestures yet, may provide insight into cognitive functions of gestures that are independent of speech processes. A recent study with adults showed that co‐thought gesticulation occurred spontaneously during mental preparation of problem solving. Moreover, co‐thought gesturing (either spontaneous or instructed) during mental preparation was effective for subsequent solving of the Tower of Hanoi under conditions of high cognitive load (i.e., when visual working memory capacity was limited and when the task was more difficult). In this preregistered study ( https://osf.io/dreks/ ), we investigated whether co‐thought gestures would also spontaneously occur and would aid problem‐solving processes in children (N = 74; 8–12 years old) under high load conditions. Although children also spontaneously used co‐thought gestures during mental problem solving, this did not aid their subsequent performance when physically solving the problem. If these null results are on track, co‐thought gesture effects may be different in adults and children.  相似文献   

李恒 《心理科学进展》2014,22(9):1496-1503
指示性手势通常被定义为指明空间中某个物体或处所的手部动作, 但其是否为人类交流系统所独有, 心理学界做了大量研究。通过回顾这一领域的主要理论以及相关争论, 结果发现:动物既可能具有使用指示性手势的能力, 也可以解读手势背后的社会认知意图。未来研究在克服样本数量不一致、实验任务笼统以及研究方法单一等不足的基础上, 还应当注意心理学、语言学以及生物学等多学科的交汇融合。  相似文献   

The effects of prohibiting gestures on children's lexical retrieval ability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two alternative accounts have been proposed to explain the role of gestures in thinking and speaking. The Information Packaging Hypothesis (Kita, 2000) claims that gestures are important for the conceptual packaging of information before it is coded into a linguistic form for speech. The Lexical Retrieval Hypothesis (Rauscher, Krauss & Chen, 1996) sees gestures as functioning more at the level of speech production in helping the speaker to find the right words. The latter hypothesis has not been fully explored with children. In this study children were given a naming task under conditions that allowed and restricted gestures. Children named more words correctly and resolved more 'tip-of-the-tongue' states when allowed to gesture than when not, suggesting that gestures facilitate access to the lexicon in children and are important for speech production as well as conceptualization.  相似文献   

Gestures and speech are clearly synchronized in many ways. However, previous studies have shown that the semantic similarity between gestures and speech breaks down as people approach transitions in understanding. Explanations for these gesture–speech mismatches, which focus on gestures and speech expressing different cognitive strategies, have been criticized for disregarding gestures’ and speech's integration and synchronization. In the current study, we applied three different perspectives to investigate gesture–speech synchronization in an easy and a difficult task: temporal alignment, semantic similarity, and complexity matching. Participants engaged in a simple cognitive task and were assigned to either an easy or a difficult condition. We automatically measured pointing gestures, and we coded participant's speech, to determine the temporal alignment and semantic similarity between gestures and speech. Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis was used to determine the extent of complexity matching between gestures and speech. We found that task difficulty indeed influenced gesture–speech synchronization in all three domains. We thereby extended the phenomenon of gesture–speech mismatches to difficult tasks in general. Furthermore, we investigated how temporal alignment, semantic similarity, and complexity matching were related in each condition, and how they predicted participants’ task performance. Our study illustrates how combining multiple perspectives, originating from different research areas (i.e., coordination dynamics, complexity science, cognitive psychology), provides novel understanding about cognitive concepts in general and about gesture–speech synchronization and task difficulty in particular.  相似文献   

Most theories of choice assume that decisions derive from an assessment of the future outcomes of various options and alternatives through some type of cost-benefit analyses. The influence of emotions on decision-making is largely ignored. The studies of decision-making in neurological patients who can no longer process emotional information normally suggest that people make judgments not only by evaluating the consequences and their probability of occurring, but also and even sometimes primarily at a gut or emotional level. Lesions of the ventromedial (which includes the orbitofrontal) sector of the prefrontal cortex interfere with the normal processing of "somatic" or emotional signals, while sparing most basic cognitive functions. Such damage leads to impairments in the decision-making process, which seriously compromise the quality of decisions in daily life. The aim of this paper is to review evidence in support of "The Somatic Marker Hypothesis," which provides a systems-level neuroanatomical and cognitive framework for decision-making and suggests that the process of decision-making depends in many important ways on neural substrates that regulate homeostasis, emotion, and feeling. The implications of this theoretical framework for the normal and abnormal development of the orbitofrontal cortex are also discussed.  相似文献   

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