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B族Ⅰ型清道夫受体(SR-BI)具有经典的清道夫受体功能,且是HDL的高亲和力受体,并能介导HDL中胆固醇的选择性摄取、影响血浆HDL-C水平以及介导非酯化胆固醇在脂蛋白和细胞之间的双向运动,具有抗动脉粥样硬化的作用.其研究过程反映了相对真理与绝对真理、现象与本质的辩证关系.当新现象被逐一发现,相对真理就逐渐确立,而循序渐进并运用创造性思维,最终将揭示事物的本质,实现相对真理向绝对真理的转化.  相似文献   

近年来,我国哲学界就相对真理与绝对真理的问题进行了一些新的探讨。最近,本刊编辑部陆续收到这方面的稿件,观点各异;现将其中有代表性的观点作一综述。一、是否应当抛弃相对真理与绝对真理的概念?孙凤武(内蒙古呼伦贝尔盟党校)在来稿中说,不宜使用绝对真理与相对真理的概念。他认为,马克思主义经典作家使用“永恒真理”、“绝对真理”、“相对真理”等概念是带有偶然性的,是借用了当时流行的提法的。实际上,经典作家都认为“真理是过程”(列宁  相似文献   

王永昌同志的《相对真理之总和所构成的绝对真理是不存在的》(见《国内哲学动态》1981年第2期)一文认为:“相对真理之总和所构成的绝对真理是不存在的”,因为这种提法“割裂”了绝对真理和相对真理的辩证关系。我认为王文所提出的观点和论据都是不能够成立的。这关系到马克思主义真理观的根本问题,应该讨论清楚。  相似文献   

胜义谛又名真谛、第一义谛,此对世谛或名世俗谛而言。谛是真理的意思。真理有二:一是相对真理,二是绝对真理。世俗谛多为相对真理,胜义谛多为绝对真理。相对真理由世间有漏智慧所通达,绝对真理由出世间无漏智慧所亲证。故胜义谛者,世尊在《分别缘起初胜法门经》中说:“若自内证最胜义智所行境界,非安立智所行境界,名胜义谛。”[1]此中的“义”即是境,“胜”即殊胜的无漏智慧,意思是说,真如实相的绝对真理,是最胜智慧所行(证)之境,故名“胜义”。胜义谛既是绝对真理,当然绝对者,非转变性,非虚假性,常恒如如,故又名“真谛”。真谛于诸谛中第一…  相似文献   

真理——认识主体对存在于意识之外、不依意识为转移的认识对象所再现的符合于客观现实的反映;为社会实践检验过的人的感觉、表象、概念、判断、推理、理论中的客观内容。真理是愈来愈全面地、深刻地反映着相互作用的、变化的矛盾客体的认识成果的这种无限联系着的连贯性、继承性。这种对真理的历史观点是辩证唯物主义区分相对真理和绝对真理的基石;与这一点相联系,马克思主义把认识看做是从相对真理向绝对真理的辩证运动。真理问题是辩证逻辑的最主要的问题之一。不应把真  相似文献   

《反杜林论》未论述相对真理和绝对真理关系,可从三个方面见出。一、恩格斯针对杜林绝对主义的真理观,只着力论述了真理的相对性问题,指出任何真理都是不断发展的,人类永远不可能获得具有思维的至上性和无条件真理权的“永恒真理”,人的认识成果总具有相对  相似文献   

血压高低与并发症发生是一种线形关系.没有这样一条分界线,将高血压产生的并发症截然分开.相同血压对年龄不同的正常人有不相同的意义,相同的血压对存在不同合并症患者产生的结果也不一样.制定科学合理的血压标准并且又不断予以修订就是从相对真理向绝对真理发展的过程.  相似文献   

长期以来,哲学界用由相对真理不断接近或转化为绝对真理等观点来理解真理的过程性。近年来,哲学界有些同志认为,要理解真理的过程性,还应当研究真理的层次性,并对真理层次的含义及其基本的类型等问题,提出了一些值得进一步研究的意见,现综述如下:  相似文献   

高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)水平与发生冠心病的危险性呈负相关。HDL通过促进胆固醇逆转运、改善内皮功能、抗氧化、抗炎和抗血栓而发挥心血管保护作用。HDL已成为冠心病防治工作的新靶点,生活方式和调脂药物的干预能升高HDL-C,然而HDL的功能比HDL-C血浆水平更重要,多项以HDL为靶点新的治疗措施正在研究中,临床上如何评价HDL-C升高的疗效价值及升高HDL-C的药物和策略有着重要意义。进一步研究HDL的结构、代谢和功能能够深入了解脂质代谢过程和动脉粥样硬化发生机制,使干预HDL成为动脉粥样硬化防治新的目标。  相似文献   

β3肾上腺素受体分子结构与β1和β2受体有所不同;β3受体与心肌收缩活动有关;对心肌具有负性肌力作用,其作用可能是通过Gi蛋白、一氧化氮合成酶和环磷酸鸟苷介导等途径进行的;β3受体参与心衰的发病过程,心衰时,β1受体密度下调,而如受体密度上调,受体表达增多。  相似文献   

Diet is commonly thought to be an environmental influence on serum lipid concentrations. This study evaluated whether total caloric and fat intake predict total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), and triglyceride (TRIG) concentrations for environmental, as compared with genetic, reasons among 137 monozygotic and 67 dizygotic young adult twins. When genetic influences were controlled by correlating differences between monozygotic co-twins, a significant association remained between diet and TC, LDL, and HDL, suggesting that these dietary and serum lipid measures correlate for environmental reasons. Twin structural equation modeling confirmed these results. Overall, these results provide additional support for the hypothesis that diet is an environmental influence on TC, LDL, and HDL.  相似文献   

The authors assessed the association between lipid responses to acute mental stress and fasting serum lipid levels 3 years later in 199 middle-aged men and women. Total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol increased following moderately stressful behavioral tasks. LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and total:HDL ratio measured 3 years later were predicted by acute stress responses independent of gender, age, socioeconomic position, change in body mass, smoking, alcohol consumption, or hormone replacement therapy baseline lipid levels. The odds of clinically elevated cholesterol were significantly greater in the highest compared with the lowest stress tertile, independent of baseline levels and covariates. Acute lipid stress responsivity may reflect processes that contribute to the development of elevated blood cholesterol concentration.  相似文献   

Many, but not all people experience diminished health, performance and well-being as a function of exposure to stress. However, the underlying neurophysiological processes which characterize hardy or resilient people are not well understood. This study examines psychological hardiness and several indicators of cardiovascular health, including body mass index (BMI) and blood cholesterol markers in a sample of 338 middle-aged adults enrolled in a national security education program. Hierarchical regression analyses reveal that after controlling for the influence of age and sex, high hardiness is related to higher HDL – high density lipoprotein and less body fat (BMI). Lower hardiness is associated with greater total cholesterol to HDL ratio, a cardiovascular disease risk factor. These results suggest that psychological hardiness confers resilience in part through an influence on cholesterol production and metabolism.  相似文献   

This study evaluates concurrent and over time associations of personality with measures of three serum lipids associated coronary heart disease morbidity, namely, high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL‐C), low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride (TRI). Participants were individuals who underwent a health examination at two points of time, T1 (N = 3835) and T2 (N = 2283), about 2.5 years apart. Personality was assessed by the Five‐Factor Model. Health, socioeconomic status and healthy lifestyle behaviours (smoking intensity, physical activity and body weight) were controlled. Regression analyses indicate that the personality factors of neuroticism, extraversion and conscientiousness are each significantly associated with HDL‐C and TRI, both concurrently and over time. However, most of these associations decreased to marginal significance when adjusted for body weight or physical activity as possible mediators. Both concurrent and over time associations of the openness personality trait with HDL‐C and TRI were significant and persisted after adjustment for measures of a healthy lifestyle. This study emphasizes the importance of collecting measures of a healthy lifestyle to better understand how personality might influence serum lipids. Copyright © 2013 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

Relations between repressive coping and a variety of health‐related variahles including insulin, lipids, catecholamines, and cellular immune components, were investigated in a laboratory study of acute stress among a sample of healthy male college students (N ‐ 83). Compared to nonrepressors, at baseline, repressors had fewer numbers of circulating CD4 (T‐helper) cells, greater numbers of natural killer (NK) cells. lower high‐density lipoprotein (HDL), a higher total/HDL cholesterol ratio, and higher fasting insulin levels. In response to an acute laboratory stressor (Stroop Color Word Conflict Test). repressors demonstrated an attenuated increase in the number of circulating NK cells compared to nonrepressors. Confounds such as physical activity, age, and smoking were unrelated to the dependent measures.  相似文献   

This study extended current research linking spirituality to health by investigating the relationship between extrinsic and intrinsic spirituality and cardiovascular risk factors. Participants included 111 healthy males and females, ages 28 to 63. Measurements consisted of the Lifestyle Assessment Questionnaire (LAQ), a version of Kelly's Repertory Grid, hematological analysis, and blood pressure. A greater sense of spirituality was associated with lower cholesterol risk ratios (total cholesterol/HDL) and triglyceride levels. In addition, the structural or organizational characteristics of intrinsic spirituality were associated with several other hematological measures. Further research will help clarify the association between mechanisms underlying spirituality and health, including susceptibility to cardiovascular disorders.  相似文献   

It is not clear that whether the effects of fasting and downset meal pattern on lipid profile are limited only to Ramadan or do they remain after that month. The cohort study was conducted on 49 women aged 20–45 who worked at Shahid Motahari hospital in Isfahan. They put on groups of 23 consuming downset meal and 26 non-consuming downset meal persons. Serum triglyceride, cholesterol, LDL, and HDL were measured on the 3 days before the beginning, 3 and 30 days after the end of Ramadan. Repeated measure test was used to determine the changes during times and the interaction effects between times and nocturnal eating pattern. This study showed that fasting causes some short-term and mid-term changes in triglyceride and HDL that is mostly attributable to changes in dietary habits during Ramadan, rather than downset meal pattern.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of phospholipids and cholesterol on the binding of [3H]-AMPA to rat telencephalic membranes. Phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, sphingomyelin, and cholesterol were without effect at concentrations up to 1.5 mg/mg protein. Only phosphatidylserine increased [3H]-AMPA binding in a dose-dependent manner. This effect was due to an increase in the affinity of the low affinity component of [3H]-AMPA binding. These results indicate that the distribution of phosphatidylserine in membranes modulates the properties of the AMPA/quisqualate receptor.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the interpretation of heng dao 恆 道 (sometimes translated as "the constant dao") and its fundamental character in the Laozi.It argues against the prevailing interpretation of dao as an unchanging metaphysical substance or reality,and maintains that the fundamental feature of heng dao is both dynamic and eternal.Heng dao is beyond language because of its dynamic character,but the Laozi nevertheless strives to express it in three aspects:1) its flexibility and adaptability as represented in the metaphor of water;2) its movement of reversal and return;3) and in its existential significance as a guide for life.Heng dao can be called the non-objectified dao,which produces law,principle,rule,method,and so on.Looked at in this way,the dynamic character of heng dao can be called non-objective.  相似文献   

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