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社会身份重要性和社会认同对群体参照效应的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究选取四个参照条件(国家、民族、性别、职业),探讨个体内部的社会身份重要性、以及个体对其不同社会身份的社会认同度对群体参照效应的影响。结果表明,在个体内部,社会身份重要性越重要,相应的群体参照效应也越大,而社会认同的高低对群体参照效应的大小没有显著影响。这表明在个体的自我内部,不同的社会身份是按照重要性来排列,越重要身份越靠近个体自我概念的核心,而且这种重要性也影响着集体自我相关信息的认知加工。  相似文献   

"义乌穆斯林现象"是发生在全球化、市场化背景下的劳动力国际性流动的典型社会经济现象。义乌穆斯林群体的构成有其特殊性、复杂性和多样性,而群体的社会活动又具有跨地域和跨国主义的特征,他们不仅在社会关系上形成了在原住地和羁留地之间的具有共时性多股绞合的特质,并且建立起了一种跨越地理、文化和政治领域的社会场域,基于此,义乌穆斯林群体的族群认同也因特殊的社会互动关系和多元性的社会身份而独具特色。  相似文献   

薛婷  陈浩  乐国安  姚琦 《心理科学》2013,36(1):183-188
为探究社会认同、群际威胁和群体情绪如何同时影响内、外群体态度,本研究以中日撞船事件为考察蓝本向天津市431名大学生被试进行调查研究,结果发现:国家认同在认同威胁对两种群体态度的总影响和通过群体愤怒的间接影响中都起到负向的调节作用;群际威胁和群体情绪在社会认同与内、外群体态度之间具有显著中介作用。结论:国家认同在对群体态度的影响中起基础性作用,不同群际威胁与不同群体情绪相对应进而影响群体态度。  相似文献   

采用新的研究范式,探讨长期认同和短期认同同时存在条件下的社会认同与群体参照效应,并通过二者的比较来考察两种认同共存下集体自我的趋向。结果表明:在社会身份长期认同和短期认同同时存在的条件下,社会认同与群体参照效应的变化一致,均没有向内群体取向;集体自我对共存的两种认同条件均有趋向;同时验证了文化背景对个体集体自我的影响。  相似文献   

全球化时代下,现代国家大都面临着多元宗教共存的社会现实,这就形成了以宗教为载体的次级共同体与以公民身份为载体的统一国家共同体之间相互融合,不断调适的互动.直接表现为,公民群体在具有多重身份、多重认同取向的时候进行身份选择的情形,其要点在于“宗教多元的公民社会与国家统一的平衡关系问题”.而在此身份选择的进程中,宗教认同与公民身份认同形成了“一体双元”互动模式,即以利益-制度关系为基础赞同与否互动和以文化-心理关系为基础的归属与否互动.  相似文献   

全球化迅速改变着传统的生活方式和观念, 影响着人们的国家认同建构。跨界民族的国家认同具有复杂性、模糊性和不稳定性, 在全球化时代受到的冲击更大。一旦跨界民族的国家认同偏低, 就会影响跨界民族的国家情感, 危及边疆地区甚至国家的社会稳定。本项目拟通过4个研究, 预期实现以下目标:①将国家认同分成文化认同和公民认同两种成分, 并编制符合民族实际状况的跨界民族国家认同问卷; ②探讨民族认同、穆斯林认同在群际歧视知觉与国家认同间的中介作用; ③理清民族内隐理论对国家认同的影响; ④探讨管理体制、民生政策、经济发展水平和民族政策对国家认同的影响, 并尝试建立跨界民族国家认同数据库, 及时把握跨界民族国家认同的动态建构过程。研究结果对完善民族政策、开展宣传教育具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

“民族认同,国家认同”与青少年自尊的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自尊被普遍认为是青少年的发展中的一个重要因素,已有研究发现它与心理幸福感呈显著的正相关,并与沮丧和绝望呈显著的负相关。就是由于自尊的心理上的重要性,所以有大量的研究来探讨它的影响因素。大多数对自尊的研究主要关注的是个体的能力和人际问的经历来作为自尊主要成分。尽管自尊的个人资源明显是很重要的,但是这样的关注忽略了自尊的群体成员方面的影响。本文就是探讨群体认同,尤其是考察民族认同和更广层面的国家认同.对少数民族青少年自尊的预测。  相似文献   

社会认同理论视野下的社会认同威胁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王沛  刘峰 《心理科学进展》2007,15(5):822-827
社会认同威胁是指,在社会比较的情况下,由于群体地位的差异,某一群体的个体在认知、情感上,对自我、所属群体身份的不承认,而产生的一种心理上的疏离感和剥夺感、自卑感。社会认同威胁的结果包括3类:脱离群体、改变群体的状态、接受消极的社会认同结果。外显“社会威胁”的测量方法以问卷调查为主。测量“社会威胁”的内隐方法则以心脏血压和平均动脉血压作为测量指标。社会认同威胁的实验研究将群体分化为内群体和外群体,操纵群体地位的差异,通过模拟社会游戏来了解群体的社会认同威胁及其生理反应。未来的研究将重点关注下述问题:对社会认同威胁概念的建构、跨文化研究及其内隐过程的分析  相似文献   

基于对江苏1317名基督徒的抽样调查,本文探讨了基督徒对中华文化认同的影响因素。研究发现受教育程度成为影响信徒文化认同的主要世俗身份变量,教育程度越高,信徒对中华文化的认同度越强;但宗教身份变量,即宗教认知与宗教实践对个体的文化认同影响呈现多变性。以上发现对于提高宗教信徒的文化认同实践工作有参考价值。  相似文献   

认同整合——自我和谐之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹慧  张妙清 《心理科学进展》2010,18(12):1839-1847
认同整合(Identity integration)是认同研究领域的一个新的研究思路。认同整合是一个特质性的概念, 用于测量同时具有两(多)重不同身份认同者如何看待他们的两(多)重身份之间的关系的个体差异。个体可能认为他们所拥有的两(多)重身份是和谐统一的, 也可能认为这两(多)种身份之间是相互对立, 相互分离, 或者彼此冲突的。认同整合的概念已经被用于文化、种族和性别等领域的研究, 并被证明对文化适应、心理健康和创造性等有积极作用。但作为新概念, 需要深入探讨其作用机制及对其他相关领域的贡献, 尤其是探讨如何在中国背景下应用该概念来解决实际问题。  相似文献   

An analysis of the 1995 Belgian General Election Survey indicates that the bipolar national identity variable, which contrasts citizens who identify exclusively with the Belgian nation with those who identify exclusively with the Flemish or Walloon subnation, measures not only the direction but also the intensity of national feelings. Respondents who are located at the middle of the scale tend to have a weak identification with both the nation and the subnation. On the basis of a structural equations modeling approach involving a test of the construct equivalence in the two regions and a control for agreeing-response bias, it is shown that the bipolar national identity variable and attitude toward foreigners are inversely related in Flanders and Wallonia. In Flanders, citizens with a strong subnational identification tend to have a negative attitude toward foreigners; those with a strong Belgian identification are more positive. This relationship became more pronounced after controlling for the respondents' level of education. In Wallonia, a reverse but less pronounced relationship was found. These findings support the hypothesis that the relationship between the variables of national identity and attitude toward foreigners is not intrinsic, but is at least partly determined by the social representation of the nation.  相似文献   

This study investigated the development of national identification in children growing up in the Basque Country. The sample consisted of 246 children aged 6, 9, 12 and 15 years old who belonged to three linguistic subgroups: children who spoke only Basque with their parents in their home, children who spoke only Spanish in their home, and children who spoke both Basque and Spanish in their home. It was found that national identifications differed in the three linguistic subgroups. Furthermore, the three subgroups exhibited different evaluations of, and feelings towards, the national ingroup and a number of national outgroups. The positive and affective distinctiveness ascribed to the Basque and Spanish national groups was correlated with the strength of identification with the Basque and Spanish groups, respectively. The attitudes towards national outgroups which were exhibited by these children did not show any changes as a function of age. It is argued that the cognitive‐developmental account of the development of national attitudes is unable to explain the patterns of findings which were obtained, but that social identity theory can explain the correlation between the strength of national identification and the positive and affective distinctiveness which was ascribed to the ingroup. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although considerable research has been conducted on consumer attitude towards foreign products, most of these studies focus on the attitude of products from Western developed countries. Our study intends to investigate the effects of consumers' national identification and culture sensitivity on their perceived risk of buying products from Eastern developing countries. Especially, this study advances the literature by identifying the mediation effect of consumer ethnocentrism and the moderating effect of consumer value consciousness. Taking China and India as focal emerging economies, the consumer survey (n = 308) in the United Kingdom produced the following results. First, U.K. consumers' national identification is positively related to their perceived risk of buying Eastern products through consumer ethnocentrism, whereas their cultural sensitivity has a negative relationship. Second, the effect of consumer ethnocentrism on the perceived risk of buying Eastern products is moderated by consumer value consciousness. Third, value consciousness also attenuates the indirect relationships between national identification or cultural sensitivity and perceived risk via consumer ethnocentrism.  相似文献   

Social identity complexity refers to individual differences in the interrelationships among multiple ingroup identities. The present research conducted in the Netherlands examines social identity complexity in relation to Muslim immigrants' national identification and the attitude toward the host majority. Three studies are reported that focused on the interrelationship between ethnicity and religion and examined social identity complexity in different ways. Study 1 showed that lower social identity complexity is associated with lower national identification. Studies 2 and 3 examined the interaction between ethnic and religious group identification. For Muslim identifiers, higher ethnic identification was related to lower national identification and higher ingroup bias (Studies 2) and lower endorsement of national liberal practices (Study 3). In contrast, for those who did not strongly identify with Muslims, higher ethnic identification was associated with higher national identification, stronger endorsement of Dutch liberal practices, and more positive stereotypes about the Dutch outgroup (Study 3).  相似文献   

Social group membership and its social-relational corollaries, for example, social contact, trust, and support, are prophylactic for health. Research has tended to focus on how direct social interactions between members of small-scale groups (i.e., a local sports team or community group) are conducive to positive health outcomes. The current study provides evidence from a longitudinal cross-cultural sample (N = 6,748; 18 countries/societies) that the prophylactic effect of group membership is not isolated to small-scale groups, and that members of groups do not have to directly interact, or in fact know of each other to benefit from membership. Our longitudinal analyses suggest that national identification (strength of association with the country/society of which one is a citizen) predicts lower anxiety and improved health; national identification was in fact almost as positively predictive of health status as anxiety was negatively predictive. The findings indicate that identification with large-scale groups, like small-scale groups, is palliative, and are discussed in terms of globalization and banal nationalism.  相似文献   

People report less variability within in-groups than within out-groups when they make their ratings on traits on which the in-group has a higher central tendency than the out-group. [Simon, 1992a] and [Simon, 1992b] proposed that this effect is motivated by the need to protect a positive social identity. The present research tested the necessity of the social identity motive by using participants who were not members of any of the target groups that they judged. In Study 1 (= 60), psychology undergraduate students reported significantly less intragroup variability on positive traits among a group of fashion designers that won a fashion competition than among a group that lost. Study 2 (= 75) found a reverse effect on negative traits and confirmed the mediating role of perceived central tendency. These results demonstrate that the social identity motive is not necessary to explain the effect of central tendency on ratings of intragroup variability, and that the effect is more general than previously reported.  相似文献   

We focus on school misconduct and how ethnic teacher discrimination, ethnic identification, and host national identification are associated with school misconduct of male and female immigrant adolescents. Additionally, we verify the moderating role of ethnic identification and host national identification. The results show that discrimination and host national identification are related with the school deviance of immigrant adolescents. The relationship between discrimination and school deviance differs for male and female adolescents. Ethnic identification and host national identification only moderate the relationship of ethnic teacher discrimination and school delinquency for girls who experienced ethnic teacher discrimination on a frequent basis.  相似文献   

People tend to infra-humanize by attributing more human essence to their in-group than to out-groups. In the present article, we focus on the attribution of primary and secondary emotions to operationalize the human essence. We propose that, in order to infra-humanize, people need to be categorized in meaningful groups. In addition, we argue that what differentiates meaningful from nonmeaningful groups is that the people essentialize, perceiving members of the group as sharing an underlying, common essence. Also, we hypothesize that participants will identify more with their in-group in the case of meaningful groups. Three types of groups were created to manipulate the meaningfulness of the categorization. Participants were either randomly assigned to a group or they chose their group as a function of their preferences for a colour or the type of career they wished to pursue. As expected, infra-humanization occurred only where the categorization's criterion was meaningful. In addition, in-group identification, but not essentialism, mediated the impact of the categorization criteria on the tendency to infra-humanize. Data also showed that infra-humanization is different from classic in-group favouritism. This is because in-group favouritism, but not infra-humanization, was observed in the situation where group membership was based on random assignment. In other words, for infra-humanization to occur mere categorization is not enough; meaningfulness is also needed. For in-group favouritism to arise, the knowledge of being part of a group is a sufficient prerequisite. The discussion focuses on conditions for reducing infra-humanization and on the relationship between in-group favouritism and out-group derogation.  相似文献   

The present paper examines the relationship between Blacks' implicit and explicit racial attitudes and the extent to which perceived negativity from out-groups moderates the two attitudes. Results from two studies provide converging evidence that perceived negativity is related to both implicit and explicit attitudes, but in opposite directions. While perceived negativity showed a significant positive correlation with in-group bias on explicit measures, it was negatively correlated with in-group bias on implicit measures, such that Blacks who believed that Whites generally dislike Blacks showed significantly lower levels of implicit in-group bias compared with African Americans who believe that Whites positively regard Blacks. African Americans' level of exposure to out-groups was also negatively related to implicit in-group bias, but this relationship was mediated by perceived negativity.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the effects of reading different types of online comments about a company on people's attitude change based on individual's prior attitude toward the company. Based on Social Judgment Theory, several hypotheses were tested. The results showed that the effects of online comments interact with individuals’ prior attitudes toward a corporation. People with a strong negative attitude toward a corporation were less influenced by other's online comments than people with a neutral attitude in general. However, people with a prior negative attitude were more affected by refutational two-sided comments than one-sided comments. The results suggest that the effects of user generated content should be studied in a holistic manner, not only by investigating the effects of online content itself, but also by examining how others’ responses to the content shape or change individuals’ attitudes based on their prior attitudes.  相似文献   

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