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基于以往对自我透视和价值偏好的研究,本研究提出自我差异是引发价值偏好出现分离的原因之一。两项研究对这一假设进行了检验。结果发现:相对于害怕的可能自我,大学生在期望可能自我上体验到更大的差异;在可能自我差异激活后,理想主义价值在个体的价值系统中占据主导地位,而在当前自我差异激活后,实用主义价值占据主导地位;当下目标和当前自我同时启动时,与当下目标未启动时,两组个体对价值偏好无显著差异。  相似文献   

孙晓玲 《应用心理学》2009,15(2):139-147
该研究对大学生时间自我透视与价值偏好之间的关系进行了探讨。结果发现,当从远期的时间距离来透视自我(可能自我知觉)时,个体更加偏好理想主义价值;当个体从近期的时间距离来透视自我(当前自我知觉)时,个体更加偏好实用主义价值。但是,时间自我透视与价值偏好之间并非遵循严格的线性关系。此外,研究还发现,上述规律只出现于个体对自我的知觉中,个体对他人的时间透视并未表现出类似的规律。  相似文献   

孙晓玲  李晓文 《心理科学》2012,35(2):264-269
以概念启动和情境启动的方式分别激活了可能自我知觉和当前自我知觉,借以检验对自我提高动机和自我增强动机的影响。结果发现:(1)相对于当前自我,可能自我启动后,个体对自我的评价更低,更乐意接受反馈,也更能注意到测试对自己的帮助;(2)一年级学生在读了明星学生的新闻后对自己的评价更低,对明星的评价更高;四年级学生则相反。这表明,消极反馈和可能自我的同时出现引发了自我提高动机,消极反馈和当前自我共同激活了自我提高动机。  相似文献   

杜伟宇  卢晓艳 《心理科学》2011,34(6):1422-1427
自我是一个人所持有的关于自我特征的信念,不同的理想和现实自我差异可能带来不同的消费选择。本研究以在校大学生作为被试,通过阅读不同的理想与现实自我材料,启动被试的理想与现实的自我差异,考察其对消费者产品属性选择偏好的影响。结果发现:现实与理想自我差异小的被试,更偏好享乐属性强的产品;现实与理想自我差异大的被试,更偏好功能属性强的产品。  相似文献   

调节焦点理论提出,自我调节过程中存在着提升焦点和预防焦点这两种不同的目标追求策略。基于以往研究,本研究提出,自我解释和时间距离会交互影响着人们的调节焦点。研究结果发现,自我解释能够显著地预测调节焦点;独立自我解释更可能激活个体的提升焦点倾向,而依赖自我解释更可能激活个体的预防焦点倾向。此外,近期时间距离启动条件下,独立和依赖自我解释使得个体的调节焦点的差异倾向性更为明显,但是对远期时间距离的知觉则使得依赖自我解释的个体更加偏离预防焦点倾向,趋向于提升性焦点,并与独立自我解释差异不大。  相似文献   

王财玉 《心理科学》2013,36(4):956-959
自我-品牌联结指消费者使用品牌构建、强化和表达自我的程度。本文试图通过未来时间距离下自我品牌价值偏好的研究,揭示出大学生消费价值观的发展变化。实验1通过操纵时间距离揭示了大学生消费价值观的变化,结果表明:在近期时间距离下,大学生功能性价值的自我-品牌联结强于象征性价值,在未来时间距离下,象征性价值则强于功能性价值。实验2通过操纵成败反馈情景启动自我认知探讨了其发生机制,结果表明:在积极反馈情境下,随着时间距离延伸,大学生象征性价值的自我品牌联结逐渐强于功能性价值;而在消极反馈情景下无论近期还是远期,功能性价值一直强于象征性价值。结论:随着时间距离延伸,大学生消费价值观从实用主义过渡到理想主义,其机制是积极自我认知偏向的启动。  相似文献   

本研究首次探讨高中生选科的自我-他人决策差异。结果发现:(1)当科目难度与兴趣存在冲突时,个体倾向于为自己选择低难度低兴趣科目,而为他人选择高难度高兴趣科目;(2)自我-他人决策差异存在程度效应:为近的社会距离他人(朋友)选科时自我-他人决策差异缩小;(3)预期内疚在高中生选科的自我-他人决策差异中起中介作用:相较于为自己选科,为陌生人选择低难度低兴趣科目诱发更高的预期内疚,从而降低其为陌生人选择低难度低兴趣科目的偏好。这些发现拓展了自我-他人决策差异的研究范畴,对家长、学校和教育咨询公司的选科指导具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

先前的研究表明人们在加工和自我相关的信息时会更加敏感,形成自我偏见,然而这种敏感性可能会因为语境的不同而不同。本研究运用功能磁共振成像技术,考察单语语境(全局控制)和混合语境(局部控制)对自我偏见的影响。结果发现,单语第二语言(L2)语境下,自我-消极比他人-消极引发左侧额下回和左侧顶下小叶更大的激活;双语第一语言(L1)语境下,自我-积极比他人-积极引发右侧楔前叶更大的激活。这表明语境引发的语言控制影响双语者解决身份与情绪关联之间的冲突。  相似文献   

研究探讨自我损耗后女性对高热量食物的偏好,更重要是,还将检验自我抽离能否有效帮助女性降低高热量食物的选择偏好。实验1研究发现,高损耗组女性对高热量食物的反应时要短于低热量食物,而低损耗组在这两个水平上不存显著差异;实验2进一步研究发现,自我损耗后,控制组女性对高热量食物的产品支付意愿要高于低热量食物,但经过自我抽离的女性对高热量食物的产品支付意愿则低于低热量食物。因此,自我损耗后女性对高热量食物的偏好会增强,但自我抽离则能有效降低女性对高热量食物的选择偏好。  相似文献   

社会价值取向反映了人们对自己和他人分配结果的一种稳定偏好,影响着个体对提议公平性的认知及规范执行。同时,自我-他人决策差异也是影响规范执行的重要因素,但目前尚不清楚价值取向和社会距离如何影响公平规范执行。本研究选取了20名合作者和20名个人主义者,使用单次匿名最后通牒博弈任务,考察了资产分配情景中价值取向对自我-他人决策时公平规范执行的影响。结果表明:(1)相比自我决策条件,合作者在替他人决策时更多的接受不公平提议,而公平提议的接受率不受社会距离的调节;个人主义者的提议接受率则不受社会距离和提议类型的交互影响;(2)合作者替他人决策时的接受阈限显著高于自我决策,而个人主义者在自我决策和替他人决策时的接受阈限无显著差异。这些结果表明价值取向能够调节自我-他人决策时,人们对不公平提议的规范执行。  相似文献   

Despite increased longevity, many people fail to save the funds necessary to support their retirement. In an attempt both to elucidate and remedy this failing, research exploring the “future-self continuity” hypothesis has revealed that temporal discounting is decreased and saving increased when connections between one’s current and future self are strengthened. Here, we explored the possibility that a basic component of mental imagery – spatial visual perspective – may be an important determinant of people’s decisions to spend now or save for the future. The results of two experiments supported this prediction. Rates of saving were enhanced when a distant-future event was generated from a third-person vs. first-person vantage point, an effect that was mediated by visual bodily awareness during mental imagery.  相似文献   

Humans show a systematic tendency to perceive the future as psychologically closer than the past. Based on the clinical hypothesis that anxiety would be associated more with future threat life events, whereas depression with past loss events, here we explored whether people with anxiety- and depression-related personality traits perceive differently the psychological distance of temporal events. Results showed that the common tendency to perceive the future as psychologically closer than the past is exaggerated in individuals with anxiety-related personality traits, whereas this asymmetry drastically shrinks in individuals with depression-related personality traits. Beyond substantiating the hypothesis that the past and the future are differently faced by people with depression- and anxiety-related personality traits, the present findings suggest that temporal orientation of one’s self may be greatly altered in anxiety and depression.  相似文献   

This study explores self‐concept among indigenous young people from different ecocultural niches in Chiapas (Mexico) through a particular self‐concept task. Previous theory and research has described 3 cultural models linked with specific sociodemographic settings that foster particular psychologies. Our aim was to compare the results of the self‐concept test among indigenous groups from different sociodemographic settings in order to observed possible differences. We predicted that individuals from rural communities with little formal education (hypothesised to be Interdependent) would have self‐concepts with more social and less personal components than would those with an urban, highly educated (hypothesised to be Independent), and we expected a third group of highly educated young people living in an urban context but with a rural background (hypothesised to be autonomous‐related group) to value social and personal components equally. The results supported this hypothesis. Based on ecocultural theory, it is suggested that sociodemographic contexts affect the self‐concept.  相似文献   

本文从识解水平理论角度研究问题表征对伦理判断的影响。本文推断,事件的时间距离使得人们更容易形成高识解表征,能更好地辨别决策困境中的伦理原则;未来结果考虑特征高的管理者更关注决策的长期后果,也倾向于维护伦理原则。研究用两个实验递进验证了假设。139位大学生被试参加了实验1,结果支持了假设;实验2采用92位MBA学生的样本重复检验结论,并进一步验证未来结果考虑如何调节影响时间距离与伦理判断之间的关系。  相似文献   

Procrastination is a common and pervasive problem associated with a range of negative outcomes across a variety of life domains that often occurs when people are faced with tasks that are seen as aversive. In this paper, we argue that as a form of self‐regulation failure, procrastination has a great deal to do with short‐term mood repair and emotion regulation. Moreover, we contend that a temporal understanding of self and the mood‐regulating processes involved in goal pursuit is particularly important in understanding procrastination, because the consequences of procrastination are typically borne by the future self. After summarizing the research on the priority of short‐term mood regulation in procrastination, we then draw the connection between the focus on short‐term mood repair and the temporal disjunction between present and future selves. We present research that exemplifies these intra‐personal processes in understanding temporal notions of self characterized by procrastination, and then link these processes to the negative consequences of procrastination for health and well‐being. We conclude with a discussion of possible avenues for future research to provide further insights into how temporal views of the self are linked to the dynamics of mood regulation over time in the context of procrastination.  相似文献   

People dream of countless ideal possible selves they hope to become, but they have a difficult time actualizing them. In the present work, we review and integrate prior research regarding possible selves, self‐regulation, and interpersonal relationships. We draw on multiple perspectives to define ideal possible selves and clarify their structure. We suggest that framing self‐regulation of an ideal possible self as relating to one's ideal possible self affords an explanation that ideal possible selves can (but sometimes do not) motivate current self‐regulation. We discuss two ways ideal possible selves motivate current self‐regulatory behavior: through increased vividness of the ideal possible self and through commitment to the ideal possible self. These routes pave the way for future research designed to help people increase their efforts toward becoming their ideal possible selves.  相似文献   

The current research challenges the widespread truism that recalling a positive self necessarily increases self-esteem, whereas recalling a negative self necessarily decreases self-esteem. Four experiments demonstrate that chronically happy people show a relative increase in self-esteem by recalling either a positive or a negative self. Chronically sad people, however, show a relative decrease in self-esteem by recalling either a positive or a negative self. These effects are due to divergent perceptions of mood congruence between the recalled self and the current self. Specifically, happy people perceive high mood congruence between a recalled positive self and the current self but low mood congruence between a recalled negative self and the current self. In contrast, sad people perceive high mood congruence between a recalled negative self and the current self but low mood congruence between a recalled positive self and the current self. Independent of chronic mood, mood congruence leads to perceptions of temporal recency, whereas mood incongruence leads to perceptions of temporal distance. In line with the inclusion-exclusion model of social judgment, perceived temporal recency elicits assimilation effects on self-esteem, whereas perceived temporal distance elicits contrast effects on self-esteem.  相似文献   

Do people perceive themselves as becoming more attractive across time? The present studies investigated whether individuals (a) judge their previous self as physically less attractive than their current self and (b) judge their future self to be physically more attractive than their current self. The studies also investigated when temporal biasing of attractiveness is most likely to occur. In Study 1, students rated their present and past attractiveness. The results revealed that participants' ratings of past attractiveness were lower than current ratings, but only among individuals for whom attractiveness was important to their self‐concept. In Study 2, participants rated their present attractiveness and their expected attractiveness in 5 years. The results revealed that ratings of future attractiveness were higher than current ratings, but only among individuals who frequently engage in social comparisons. The implications of the results are discussed with respect to self‐appraisals of attractiveness and psychological well‐being. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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