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20 0 3年 1月 9~ 1 0日 ,由香港浸会大学应用伦理学研究中心主办的“应用伦理学研讨会”在香港召开。来自大陆、香港及台湾的四十余位专家、学者参加了会议。大家围绕着当代应用伦理学诸多领域 (如生命伦理、经济伦理、政治伦理、环境伦理、管理伦理等 )的前沿性课题进行了广泛、深入的讨论 ,主要内容如下 :一、应用伦理学的基础问题应用伦理学在世界范围内的勃兴 ,已是哲学界的一个无可争辩的事实。然而围绕着“应用伦理学是不是一门新的学科、是不是一种新生事物”这一主题 ,却存在着激烈的争论。有学者认为 ,应用伦理学是一种新生事物 ,…  相似文献   

以“人类是否对自然承担直接道德义务”的问题为根据,可以将西方环境伦理学划分为非人类中心主义和人类中心主义两种类型。这两种类型的环境伦理学存在尖锐的分歧和激烈的争论背后却具有理论基础、价值立场的一致性。从理论基础的一致性看,它们都割裂自然观与历史观的辩证统一关系,这使得它们不去探讨一定的社会制度和生产方式下人类和自然之间的实际的物质与能量交换关系是如何断裂的,进而把生态危机的本质归结为生态价值观的危机,秉承的都是一种抽象的文化价值决定论;从价值立场的一致性看,它们不仅都是为资本主义制度和生产方式辩护的伦理学,而且漠视人民群众和发展中国家为了消除贫困追求生存的发展权与环境权,是一种以追求“生活质量为导向”的“西方中心主义”的环境伦理学。我国的生态文明理论研究开始于对西方环境伦理学的引进、评介,由此形成借鉴或认同人类中心主义或非人类中心主义两种类型的生态文明理论。随着学术界对西方环境伦理学在理论基础和价值立场上的缺陷的认识更加深入,学术界提出了环境伦理学本土化的理论主张,这也使得学术界开始运用马克思主义关于人与自然关系的理论,在吸收西方环境伦理学积极成果的基础上,建构中国形态的生态文明理论,并由此形成了不同理论谱系的生态文明理论,并最终形成了习近平生态文明思想。西方环境伦理学关于生态本体论、生态价值观等问题的争论,对我国不同理论谱系的生态文明理论都产生了影响,厘清这种影响不仅有利于促进环境伦理学的本土化,而且有利于我们建构一种能够既维护中国的发展权与环境权,又有利于促进全球环境治理的中国形态的生态文明理论。  相似文献   

孙中山的伦理思想是在近代中国人民反帝反封建的斗争中形成的,其形成标志着中国近代民族资产阶级伦理思想的成熟。他的基于“民生史观”的道德起源和本质论;张扬“自由、平等、博爱”的道德观;“为主义而奋斗”的人生观;包含着许多合理积极宝贵内容,值得认真地继承与弘扬。  相似文献   

2001年10月25-26日,“第二次全国应用伦理学讨论会”在湖南长沙召开,本次会议由中国社会科学院应用伦理研究中心、中南大学、湖南师范大学主办。与会代表80多人,提交论文80余篇,对应用伦理学的一些重要问题展开了热烈而富有建设性的讨论。一、关于应用伦理学的基本理论。应用伦理学基本理论对于本学科的建设和发展至关重  相似文献   

中国伦理学会与北京市哲学会伦理学组于11月21日上午联合举行了一次“什么是无产阶级人生观”问题的讨论会。到会的有伦理学工作者和报刊编辑40余人。会议就“什么是无产阶级人生观”和当前一些报刊开展人生观问题讨论所提出的一些观点展开了讨论。发言的同志一致认为当前报刊开展人生观问题讨论很必要,很有现实意义。但还认  相似文献   

马克思主义的人生观和世界观在马克思主义的历史唯物主义中是统一的。历史唯物主义明确反对从“抽象的人”、“人的当下存在”出发理解人生的有关问题,但这并不一定意味着坚持历史唯物论就要排斥从个体生命的视角研究人生的问题。我们的马克思主义理论研究和建设工作,应重视对马克思主义人生观理论的发掘和整理,为社会主义精神文明建设和和谐社会的构建作出贡献。  相似文献   

中国环境伦理学在三十年的发展历程中,通过对环境伦理学的学科性质和地位等十大问题的广泛研究和探讨,初步形成了或明确了理论框架、研究界域和价值立场,同时也提示了中国环境伦理学未来的发展路向应当是:建构一种既基于“地方性知识”又兼容“普遍性知识”,既具有形上价值启导又具有实践效度的环境伦理学.  相似文献   

引导行为者做出保护环境的正确行动是环境伦理学的首要任务,但正确行动理 论在环境美德伦理学中尚未引起足够重视。后果主义环境伦理学将正确行动诉诸最好的或足 够好的后果;义务论环境伦理学将正确行动解释为普遍化的道德规则;而环境美德伦理学从 美德角度来界定正确行动。整体而言,环境美德伦理学语境下的正确行动理论呈现出多样化 的研究态势,但同时还面临着“人类中心主义”“循环论证”以及“不确定性”等质疑。 澄清这些疑点,有助于推进环境美德伦理学研究的深入。  相似文献   

略论生态伦理学所隐含的思维方式革命   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
略论生态伦理学所隐含的思维方式革命雷健坤生态伦理学或称环境伦理学是伴随着20世纪六、七十年代环境保护主义运动而日益彰显的一种全新伦理思潮。它可谓是伦理思想史上一次“哥白尼式”的革命,因为它对近代以来“人力自然立法”的主体性伦理学表示了根本的怀疑与否定...  相似文献   

萨特从“意识的意向性“出发建构的实存主义,具有反对本质主义的显赫动机;由实存主义出发得出“他人就是地狱”、自我与他人正相冲突的结论,也具有反对规范伦理学的典型意义;但以此出发构建一种伦理学的理论主张却是不可能实现的。根本原因在于:作为其理论基石的实存主义依然是一种形而上学的致思路径,以此为视点无法与具体的伦理经验相兼容,而且必然陷入悖谬。  相似文献   

This article defends a conception of philosophy popular outside the discipline but unpopular within it: that philosophy is unified by a concern with the meaning of life. First, it argues against exceptionalist theses according to which philosophy is unique among academic disciplines in not being united by a distinctive subject matter. It then presents a positive account, showing that the issue of the meaning of life is uniquely able to reveal unity between the practical and theoretical concerns of philosophy, while meeting a range of desiderata for a typical specification of subject matter. After showing how recent analytic work on “the meaning of life” has conflated the traditional question with issues of social meaningfulness, it offers an explanation of why the traditional question has become marginalised in philosophy. The reasons are not good, however, so it concludes that philosophy should embrace its popular image.  相似文献   

Environmental ethics is both a moral philosophy and an applied ethics.This duality has led some people to feel confused about environmental ethics' identity and to cast doubts on its legitimacy.This paper,by distinguishing and exploding environmental ethics' two patterns of inquiry (the moral philosophy pattern and the applied ethics pattern) and their characteristics,tries to resolve the discipline's identity crisis and to argue for its legitimacy.  相似文献   

In the past thirty years environmental ethics has emerged as one of the most vibrant and exciting areas of applied philosophy. Several journals and hundreds of books testify to its growing importance inside and outside philosophical circles. But with all of this scholarly output, it is arguably the case that environmental ethics is not living up to its promise of providing a philosophical contribution to the resolution of environmental problems. This article surveys the current state of the field and offers an alternative path for the future development of environmental ethics toward a more publicly engaged model of applied philosophy.  相似文献   

生活哲学:一种哲学观   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
哲学观问题日益引起学者们的关注。本文从分析生活概念入手,尝试性地提出一种哲学观——生活哲学观,此种哲学观认为,哲学是人生活的一种形式,其功能在于保持人的生成意识。  相似文献   

本文从利益调适、人生心态、人生意志、人生消费等多方面论证了加强人生观研究是构建社会主义和谐社会的内在需要,并在此基础上提出了社会主义和谐社会需要确立利益兼顾、诚信友爱、进取而又平和、身心和谐的人生观。作者还提出,建设社会主义和谐社会的人生观可以从中外文明中汲取宝贵的精神滋养.  相似文献   

<周易>是中国占代生命哲学的源头."生生之谓易"、"一阴一阳之谓道"、"兼三才而两之"是其生命哲学中的重要命题,构成了其生命哲学思想.在<周易>生命哲学思想的影响下,中国画把绘画作为体悟宇宙生命的外化形式,重视生命意象的表达,以生命精神为绘画的最高原则.以阴阳和谐为绘画的最高境界,以人品、胸次为绘画的必要前提.<周易>的生命意识和生命情调构成了中国绘画的内在特质和永恒魅力.  相似文献   

This article considers the relationship between business ethics and philosophy, specifically in relation to the field and persons working in it. The starting point is a grammatical one: business ethics by the rules of grammar belongs to ethics. In terms of academic disciplines, it belongs to applied ethics, which belongs to ethics, which belongs to practical philosophy, which belongs to philosophy. However, in the field of business ethics today one will seldom meet colleagues from philosophy; instead, they will come from business, applying business studies perspectives, approaches, and increasingly quantitative methods. This article provides empirical evidence that today the three top journals with “business ethics” in their titles (and “awarded” a high impact factor) are mostly run (in terms of their editorial boards) by business scholars with PhDs in business. The article compares the three journals today with their inaugural issues and finds that at their inception all three were run by a majority of philosophers. The article discusses six possible explanations for this shift and provides suggestions for how to bring business ethics back to philosophers (and vice versa).  相似文献   

Abstract: Assume for the sake of argument that doing philosophy is intrinsically valuable, where “doing philosophy” refers to the practice of forging arguments for and against the truth of theses in the domains of metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and so on. The practice of the history of philosophy is devoted instead to discovering arguments for and against the truth of “authorial” propositions, that is, propositions that state the belief of some historical figure about a philosophical proposition. I explore arguments for thinking that doing history of philosophy is valuable—specifically, valuable in such a way that its value does not reduce to the value of doing philosophy. Most such arguments proffered by historians of philosophy fail, as I show. I then offer a proposal about what makes doing history of philosophy uniquely valuable, but it is one that many historians will not find agreeable.  相似文献   

Contemporary Chinese ethics faces two theoretical tasks: expansion in breadth and exploration in depth. The former refers to the opening of the problem area, and the latter refers to the deepening of ethics itself. To get out of the dilemma that academic results in the area are abundant in quantity but low in quality, contemporary Chinese ethics should expand and deepen in the three dimensions, namely, “no longer,” “being” and “not yet.” Within the framework of “no longer,” efforts should be made to deepen the studies of the history of moral concept and practice, and the ethics of culture from the perspective of genetics; with regard to the perspective of “being,” the ethical reflection on public crisis, system and Lnstitutional ethics, the dilemma of virtue theory and normative theory, and the conflicts and generalization between different moral paradigms will become the difficulties that require in-depth analysis and demonstration. As for the contemporary Chinese ethics towards “not yet,” attention must be paid to the duality of modern technology, the origin of human ethics based on building a community with a shared future for mankind and the moral philosophy that goes deep into people’s minds. To complete the above theoretical tasks, one must have judgment, thinking, and willingness, which can only be cultivated in the experience and thinking of “practical” life.  相似文献   

解读现代版希波克拉底誓言   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着医学的飞速发展,医学伦理学、医学哲学被赋予了新的科学内涵。这一内涵在现代版"希波克拉底誓言"中得以具体体现。从行善原则、生命价值原则、尊重自主原则、公平公益原则、有利与不伤害原则、医疗最优化原则、医疗保密原则等方面对该誓言进行了全面阐述,其中蕴涵着丰富的社会哲学、价值哲学、道德哲学等哲学思想。  相似文献   

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