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基于进化心理学的生命史理论,通过两个实验探讨性别比和童年经济状况同男性性态度间的关系。实验1和实验2分别采用图片和文字材料启动被试的性别比感知,结果发现感知性别比和童年经济状况对未婚男性的"随意性行为"态度表现出显著的交互效应:童年家庭经济状况差的未婚男性在感知到周围女性数量相对充裕的情境下,其性开放态度会较感知到周围男性数量充裕时明显上升;童年家庭富裕的男性的性开放态度在不同感知性别比下保持相对稳定。  相似文献   

本研究采用实验启动的方式探讨―好资源‖和童年环境对未婚男性性开放态度的影响,结果发现童年亲子关系(而不是童年经济状况)在资源线索启动和性开放态度之间存在显著调节作用。研究1采用想象启动来控制个体的资源获取状况,结果发现:童年亲子关系差的个体在―好资源‖想象时其性开放态度较―差资源‖想象时明显提升。研究2采用图片情境的资源想象方式,在研究1的基础上进一步把亲子关系细分成亲子沟通、亲子焦虑和亲子回避三个维度,结果表明:童年亲子回避在男性资源状况启动和性开放态度之间存在显著调节作用,童年亲子高回避的个体在―好资源‖照片情境想象下其性开放态度显著提升,而童年亲子低回避的个体在―好资源‖照片情境想象下其性开放态度明显下降;此外,童年亲子回避在性开放态度上的主效应显著,亲子回避程度高的个体其性开放态度也更高。两个研究共同揭示了―男人有钱就变坏‖的情境和群体特殊性。  相似文献   

王燕  侯博文  刘文锦 《心理学报》2020,52(2):207-215
本研究采用实验启动的方式探讨“好资源”和童年环境对未婚男性性开放态度的影响, 结果发现童年亲子关系(而不是童年经济状况)在资源线索启动和性开放态度之间存在显著调节作用。研究1采用想象启动来控制个体的资源获取状况, 结果发现:童年亲子关系差的个体在“好资源”想象时其性开放态度较“差资源”想象时明显提升。研究2采用图片情境的资源想象方式, 在研究1的基础上进一步把亲子关系细分成亲子沟通、亲子焦虑和亲子回避三个维度, 结果表明:童年亲子回避在男性资源状况启动和性开放态度之间存在显著调节作用, 童年亲子高回避的个体在“好资源”照片情境想象下其性开放态度显著提升, 而童年亲子低回避的个体在“好资源”照片情境想象下其性开放态度明显下降; 此外, 童年亲子回避在性开放态度上的主效应显著, 亲子回避程度高的个体其性开放态度也更高。两个研究共同揭示了“男人有钱就变坏”的情境和群体特殊性。  相似文献   

基于进化领域的生命史理论,采用两种实验启动的途径探讨性别比、童年经济状况和女性长短期择偶偏好间的关系。结果表明:女性在长期择偶中更为重视男性的“好爸爸”和“好资源”,在短期择偶中更为重视男性的“好基因”;性别比在女性长期择偶的“好爸爸”偏好上具有显著主效应,在“女多男少”情境下女性对“好爸爸”的偏好水平会较“男多女少”时明显提高;性别比和童年经济状况在女性长期择偶“好爸爸”偏好上的交互效应显著:童年贫穷女性在“女多”情境下会明显提高对长期择偶“好爸爸”的偏好水平,童年富裕女性在性别失衡情境下对长期“好爸爸”的偏好保持相对稳定。  相似文献   

本研究分别采用文字启动和图片启动两种方式,探讨不同性别比下男性择偶标准的动态变化。实验1和实验2的结果均显示:相比于男多女少启动,在女多男少启动下,男性对女性"好资源"的要求会明显升高。不同性别比启动和男性资源获取能力(而不是童年经济状况)在男性择偶标准上存在着交互效应。相比于男多女少启动,资源获取能力强的男性在女多男少启动下对女性好资源的要求会明显提高,而资源获取能力弱的男性在两种启动下对女性好资源的要求没有显著变化。结论:对资源获取能力强的男性而言,对女性"好资源"的偏好是择偶选择过多时所产生的奢侈需求。  相似文献   

本文分别以90名和70名大学生为被试,通过问卷调查和实验任务的方式,探究童年环境、当前环境压力、时间感知和跨期选择四者之间的关系。结果表明:(1)童年环境影响时间感知,相比童年社会经济地位高的个体,童年社会经济地位低的个体更倾向于高估时距。(2)在正常环境下,个体时间感知完全中介作用于童年环境和跨期选择之间的关系,童年环境通过影响个体时间感知进而影响个体的跨期选择。(3)在当前环境压力下,时间感知并未起到中介作用。研究表明,时间感知在童年压力与在当前环境压力条件下,对跨期选择的影响作用不同。  相似文献   

为了解广州市监狱男性服刑人员情绪智力状况,采用随即抽样法对300名监狱男性服刑人员进行问卷调查。结果表明:①人口学变量对调控他人情绪、运用情绪的影响比较大,其次是自我调控情绪,最后是感知情绪。②学历高的、职业地位高的男性服刑人员更容易感知情绪。③学历高的、年龄小,家庭比较贫穷的男性服刑人员更容易进行自我情绪的调控。④在调控他人情绪方面,非独生、学历高、年龄大、入监前社会地位高的职业者、已婚、无期的男性服刑人员表现更好。⑤在运用情绪方面,非独生、学历高、年龄小、家庭经济状况比较富裕、无期的男性服刑人员表现比较好。结论:男性服刑人员在自我调控情绪、运用情绪方面表现比较好,总体情绪智力为中上水平。  相似文献   

为了解广州市监狱基层男性警察情绪智力状况,采用随即抽样法对100名监狱基层警察进行问卷调查。结果表明:①人口学变量对感知情绪、自我调控情绪的影响比较大,其次是调控他人情绪,而对运用情绪没有影响。②年龄较小、学历高的、未婚的监狱警察更容易感知情绪。③处于基层、任务繁重、学历高的、未婚的监狱警察更容易进行自我情绪的调控。④在调控他人情绪方面,非独生、年轻的警察表现更好。结论:监狱基层警察在感知情绪、自我调控情绪、运用情绪方面表现比较好,总体情绪智力为中上水平。  相似文献   

本研究旨在考察大学新生短期择偶态度的变化轨迹,以及家庭客观经济地位对大学新生短期择偶态度的影响及其性别差异。采用社会性性态度问卷与家庭社会经济地位问卷,以贵州省某高校的942名大一新生为研究对象进行每月1次共4次的追踪调查。潜变量增长建模与群组分析的结果表明:(1)新生的短期择偶态度呈线性增长趋势且具有显著的性别差异,即男性的初始水平和增长速度均高于女性;(2)家庭SES正向预测短期择偶态度的初始水平且能显著减缓短期择偶态度的增长速度,同时该预测作用不具有性别差异。研究结果支持了性策略理论与生活史理论的观点;同时,为大学新生入学过渡期内的适应教育与性安全教育提出了建议。  相似文献   

刘炜  张智君  赵亚军 《心理学报》2012,44(10):1297-1308
数量适应是指观察者在知觉上适应刺激数量的过程, 这一过程可以通过考察适应后其数量感知的变化加以揭示。目前对这一现象的争论焦点在于它是对数量的单独适应还是对非数量表面信息的适应。本研究通过改变刺激点大小和刺激组块两种方式, 探讨非数量表面信息对数量感知和数量适应的影响。实验一证明刺激点大小不会对数量感知产生显著影响。实验二发现刺激组块会对数量感知产生显著影响。实验三在前两个实验基础上发现:刺激大小不对数量感知产生显著影响, 也不影响数量适应, 而刺激组块能显著改变数量感知, 并按照改变后的数量感进行适应。三个实验的结果说明:表面信息只有在影响到数量感知时才会影响适应, 数量适应是基于数量感知的加工而产生的适应现象。  相似文献   

College students perceive their risks for negative outcomes from sexual behavior as lower than that of their peers. We examined whether similar biases would occur when undergraduates rated their own, their close friends', and the typical college student's attitudes regarding casual sex and sexual responsibility. Participants rated their own attitudes relative to all others' as the least permissive and most sexually responsible. Close friends' attitudes were rated as less permissive and more responsible than the average college student's. Finally, individuals with unrestricted sociosexual orientations and men attributed more permissive and less sexually responsible attitudes to both themselves and close friends than did individuals with restricted sociosexual orientations and women. These latter effects were absent when rating the typical college student.  相似文献   

Sociosexual orientation includes individual differences in sexual attitudes and behaviors, in relation to the extent in which an individual could be sexually active without affective bonds and commitment. Sociosexuality is related to sexual behavior and can speak to the differences between men and women in how they express their sexuality ( Simpson & Gangestad, 1991 ; Hebl & Casi, 1995 ; Ostovich & Sabini, 2004 ). This study explores sociosexual orientation and sexual behavior in Mexican adults, in order to identify differences in sociosexual orientation related to biological sex and relationship status. It also assesses the relationship between sociosexual orientation and sexual behavior and to predict sexual behavior from sociosexual orientation. The sample was composed of 209 Mexican adults between 19 and 61 years of age. Thirty‐seven percent were male, and 63% were female. Participants answered a standardized Spanish version of the Sociosexual Orientation Inventory ( Simpson & Gangestad, 1991 ) and a Sexual Behavior Inventory developed for the present project ( García Rodríguez, 2007 ). In general, there is great variability in the frequency of each of the sexual behaviors assessed and in the total number of sexual partners. Moreover, participants perceive themselves restricted in their sexual attitudes and behaviors. Men are more permissive and less restricted in attitudes and behaviors than women, and individuals who are dating informally have a higher behavioral sociosexual orientation than those who are living with their partner. Additionally, the higher sociosexuality, the more frequent sexual practices are and the higher the number of sexual partners. Finally, sociosexuality predicts the frequency of sexual practices and the number of lifetime sexual partners.  相似文献   

This study examined whether gender roles, particularly male role beliefs and sexism, may underlie self-reported attitudes toward and participation in casual sex and intoxication prior to sexual contact in a sample of heterosexual undergraduate men from the United States. We utilized online survey methods to examine whether men’s (N?=?223 from a large mid-Atlantic University) endorsement of traditional masculinity (power and status, toughness, and anti-femininity) and sexist attitudes regarding women’s roles (hostile, benevolent) were related to engagement in casual sex (i.e., number of one-time-only sex partners), and whether masculinity was related to intoxicated sexual contact (i.e., propensity to consume alcohol prior to sexual contact). Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) revealed that, as expected, endorsement of the toughness male role norm was positively associated with favorable attitudes toward casual sex, and endorsement of benevolent sexism was negatively associated with favorable attitudes toward casual sex. Favorable attitudes toward casual sex, in turn, were positively associated with men’s reported number of casual sex partners, as partially mediated by intoxicated sexual contact. Further, toughness endorsement was positively associated with number of casual sex partners via its positive association with intoxicated sexual contact; whereas power and status demonstrated the opposite, negative pattern. We discuss the contribution of this research to the broader literature on gender roles and sexual behavior and the utility of the findings for interventions aimed at reducing men’s casual sex behavior and intoxication prior to sexual contact.  相似文献   

Prior research has distinguished between emotional versus sexual infidelity. Two studies examined the development of the Perceptions of Dating Infidelity Scale (PDIS) to assess attitudes toward specific behaviors that constitute these types of infidelity in romantic relationships. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses indicated three factors to the scale: Ambiguous, Deceptive, and Explicit behaviors. In both studies, there were gender differences on ratings of the behaviors. The construct validity of the scale was assessed with measures of sociosexual orientation, guilt, and coping with unwanted sexual situations. It was found that the Ambiguous behaviors were positively correlated with avoidance of unwanted sexual situations, while the Deceptive and Explicit scales were positively correlated with guilt and avoidance and negatively associated with an unrestricted sociosexual orientation and acting on attractions toward friends.  相似文献   

Research has found that men impute more sexual meaning to others' behavior than do women. However, little research has examined the possibility that men and women share perceptions of the sexual connotativeness of certain behaviors but diverge in their perceptions of other behaviors. In Study 1, 162 male and 186 female undergraduates, predominantly Caucasian, rated the degree to which each of 27 behaviors of male and female targets connoted a desire for sexual intercourse. Multivariate analyses of variance revealed that, whereas men perceived all but two of the female target behaviors more sexually than women, men and women differed in their perceptions of the sexual connotativeness of only about half of the male target behaviors. A factor analysis revealed three factors for both male and female target behaviors, reflecting mundane dating behaviors, romantic behaviors, and sexual behaviors. Relative to women, men perceived only the mundane dating behaviors more sexually, although regression analyses showed these effects to be moderated by subjects' attitudes toward women. Study 2 examined the extent to which sexually relevant attitudes (e.g., sex role stereotyping, adversarial sexual beliefs, and rape myth acceptance) moderate subjects' perceptions of the sexual connotativeness of the behaviors. Men, particularly those who endorsed traditional, sexually relevant attitudes, were more likely than women to impute sexual meaning to the behaviors. The implications of this for dating situations are discussed.The author wishes to thank Mark Leary and two anonymous reviewers for their comments and suggestions on earlier versions of this article.  相似文献   

Correlational research has linked mate availability to human sexual behavior, whereby unrestricted sociosexuality seems to be most common under conditions of female abundance. In this study, 71 heterosexual men were randomly assigned to one of two mate availability priming conditions, mate scarcity or mate abundance, and subsequently completed measures of sociosexuality as well as infidelity intentions. Results indicated that men in the mate abundance condition reported stronger sociosexual attitudes and desires, and among those currently in relationships, stronger infidelity intentions. These findings were contrasted with those from a separate sample of 66 heterosexual undergraduate women. Mate scarcity had no effects on women's sociosexuality or infidelity intentions. Findings suggest that when mates are scarce, men will adopt a sociosexual orientation aimed at maintaining a single partner.  相似文献   

In a population-based sample of 193 men who had sex with men in South Beach, Miami-Dade County, Florida, two indicators of social context—choice of sexual relationships and perceived HIV-infection status—were used to analyze residents who engaged in certain sexual practices with their partners. The vast majority (88.6%) of respondents reported engagement in anal sex during the previous 12 months; 20.2% reported unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) with ejaculation with any partner and 12.4% reported UAI with ejaculation with one or more casual partners. Findings supported the hypothesis that primary partner relationships and perceived HIV status are important variables for understanding engagement in UAI with ejaculation. Men who engaged in such behaviors with casual partners were more likely to have negative attitudes towards condoms, report difficulty communicating desires for safer sex, disagree with the belief that AIDS is fatal, and be intoxicated during anal intercourse. Men who reported engaging in anal intercourse, but who never shared unprotected ejaculations, were most likely to be unknowingly infected with HIV, suggesting that many men may become infected while following what they believe to be “safer sex practices.” In designing effective interventions, public health authorities need to take into account socially embedded risk-negotiating practices.  相似文献   

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