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抑郁反刍是指个体把注意力集中在抑郁症状以及这些症状含意的行为和想法, 包含反复思虑抑郁症状、抑郁的可能原因、以及抑郁可能引起的后果。抑郁反刍主要表现出对负性信息过度关注、认知控制缺陷以及非适应性的自我参照加工等认知特点。基于这些特点, 近期脑成像研究发现, 抑郁反刍主要与杏仁核、前额叶以及默认网络等脑区或神经网络有关。未来应在不同亚型抑郁反刍的神经机制、基因以及开发有效的干预技术与方法等方面展开深入研究。  相似文献   

黄好  罗禹  冯廷勇  李红 《心理科学进展》2010,18(9):1449-1457
厌恶是由令人不愉悦、反感的事物诱发的情绪。根据刺激类型的不同, 厌恶可以分为不同的类型。脑岛和基底节是厌恶加工的主要脑区, 前扣带回、杏仁核、丘脑、内侧前额叶也参与厌恶加工。对已有研究的总结发现, 不同类型的厌恶、不同感觉通道的厌恶加工可能具有不同的神经基础。在未来的研究中, 应当注重研究厌恶加工的认知机制、神经基础以及与厌恶相关的神经递质等问题。  相似文献   

张亮  孙向红  张侃 《心理科学进展》2009,17(6):1133-1138
自然环境中人类情绪信息的交流是依靠多个感觉通道实现的,多通道整合是情绪加工的基础。近年来的行为学、电生理学与神经成像的研究表明,情绪信息的加工具有跨通道自动整合的特点,它发生在认知加工的早期阶段,与颞上回、颞中回、海马旁回和丘脑等脑区密切相关。不同情绪的整合既有共同的神经基础,又有各自独特的加工区域。情绪信息的整合机制还可能与加工类型及注意资源有关。在未来研究中,实验的标准化、动态化、自然化有助于提高研究的准确性和研究间的可比性,而对特殊群体的研究,以及综合研究情绪加工与注意等其他认知过程则有助于我们进一步探索多通道整合的神经机制。  相似文献   

应激传染是指个体在观察或接触到另一个处于急性应激状态下的个体时,不自觉地受到对方负面情绪的影响,在生理与心理上将自己的状态与对方匹配。应激传染的实验范式分为替代应激与交叉应激两种类型。在替代应激范式中,观察者通过隔板观察,接受来自示范者单一或多个感觉通道传递的应激信息。在交叉应激中,观察者在示范者受到应激之后直接与示范者接触,通过多种感觉通道接受示范者传递的应激信息。不同感觉信息引发应激传染的行为反应具有相似性,都伴随自主活动减少、焦虑行为增加以及皮质醇水平升高,其背后的神经环路与关键脑区并不完全一致。相比单一感觉通道(视觉、听觉与嗅觉),多感觉通道引发的应激传染效应更强。杏仁核是应激传染的热点脑区,在不同的应激传染实验范式中均观察到显著激活。未来的研究需要在重视应激传染实验范式的基础上,根据不同感觉通道影响应激传染的神经机制确定研究需要关注的脑区。  相似文献   

自发性知觉经络反应(autonomous sensory meridian response,ASMR)是指在特定的视听刺激下,某些个体(ASMR敏感个体)在头皮后部、颈部乃至全身体验到一种令人极度愉快和放松的刺麻感的现象。其中,刺麻感的产生可能是个体大脑中负责感觉和肌肉运动的脑区高度激活引起的; 而与情绪和奖赏有关脑区的高度激活以及心率和呼吸频率的下降可能是产生愉快和放松感的重要原因。相比普通个体,ASMR敏感个体具有较高的神经质、共情特质、感觉受暗示性和特质正念。这可能说明ASMR敏感个体的感觉敏感性较高,情绪稳定性较弱,且比较关注自己身体的内外感受。这些个性特质可能导致ASMR敏感个体对某些视听刺激中所包含的一些感觉和情绪信息更加敏感,对其反应也更加强烈。目前,ASMR已经被用于抑郁,压力,失眠和慢性疼痛等的临床治疗以及商业广告之中。但ASMR可能会干扰个体的执行功能,在认知控制需求较高的情景下应尽量避免接触ASMR刺激。  相似文献   

多感觉整合是对不同感官信息进行选择、联系、统一乃至解释的加工过程, 它需要神经系统不同功能区域的共同投入与相互协调, 以实现多种感觉信息的时间捆绑以及全局性的预测编码。而γ神经振荡因具有反映神经皮层兴奋/抑制的平衡状况, 实现多感官信息的时间同步, 以及通过跨频耦合实现全局性预测编码的特点, 在多感觉整合的加工过程中发挥着重要作用。相比正常个体, 自闭症患者神经系统中的GABA中间神经元存在结构与功能异常, 导致γ神经振荡紊乱, 由此破坏了正常的时间同步以及预测编码加工, 并最终引发多感觉整合失调。基于上述因果关联, 未来研究可结合无创可逆性干预技术, 以γ节律神经振荡为生物反馈指标, 形成科学系统化的临床干预治疗方案。  相似文献   

通常人们接收到来自不同感觉通道的信息时, 首先在大脑中各个分离的区域单独进行加工处理, 而后在多感官区进行整合。前人关于言语感知中视听整合加工的神经成像研究认为, 视觉和听觉信息能够相互影响; 两者进行整合的关键区域是人脑左后侧的颞上沟, 其整合效应受时间和空间因素的限制。未来的研究应致力于建立更加合理的实验范式和数据分析方法来探讨整合加工的脑区机制, 把多感官整合研究进一步延伸到更加复杂的领域。  相似文献   

工作记忆可以同时保存多个信息并且容量有限, 这一内在机制是工作记忆研究的重点问题。视觉和言语等研究领域都发现工作记忆能够存储多个信息单元, 但对振动触觉工作记忆是否能存储多个频率信息目前尚无相关研究。由于振动触觉频率刺激和视觉刺激具有不同的神经编码机制, 以及振动频率信息是通过躯体感觉产生的模拟的、单维的、参数化信息, 振动触觉工作记忆容量及其加工存储机制的研究也必不可少。首先, 本项目将采用新的实验范式, 探究不同的刺激呈现方式以及不同反应报告方式下, 振动触觉工作记忆的容量及其认知机制。其次, 本项目也将同时运用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)技术, 来阐述振动触觉工作记忆加工存储的神经机制。探究基于触觉频率信息的参数工作记忆容量及其神经机制是完善工作记忆模型的重要补充, 将有助于提高我们对工作记忆系统的理解, 并为视觉、听觉、触觉多模态感知觉信息的跨通道研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

大脑可以对来自不同感觉通道的信息进行处理与整合。与单一感觉通道相比, 个体对同时呈现在不同感觉通道的目标信号的响应会更快。对于这种现象的一种主要理论解释是共同激活模型, 该模型认为来自不同通道的刺激在特定的脑区汇聚整合, 比如顶叶内沟、颞上沟和前额叶皮层区域。整合后的信号强度更大, 可以更快地触发反应, 但是信号的整合发生在认知加工的哪一阶段目前尚未有明确结论。当个体对出现在不同感觉通道之间的任务转换进行加工时, 产生与感觉通道相关的任务转换的损失小于跨感觉通道转换损失与任务转换损失的总和, 这为与感觉通道相关的转换代价来源于任务设置的惯性和干扰提供了证据。而在单通道和多通道之间发生转换时, 跨通道转换代价会减小甚至消失, 这是由于同时发生的多感觉整合抵消了一部分损失, 这种现象支持了共同激活模型理论。然而, 多感觉信号整合对任务转换的神经加工过程产生怎样的影响并不清楚, 在未来的研究中可以把多感觉整合范式同经典的任务转换范式结合改进, 进而确定跨通道转换的加工机制和多感觉信号整合的发生阶段。  相似文献   

大脑电刺激是历史悠久但近年来才广泛应用在人类被试上的实验技术。通过对颅内刺激位点进行电刺激, 并分析引发的暂时性行为功能变化和记录位点的电位活动, 大脑电刺激技术可以揭示认知加工过程中脑区内的功能作用与脑区间的有效连接。通过对听觉语言加工过程相关的丘脑、听觉皮层、高级语言皮层进行电刺激, 现有研究发现了各个脑区的不同功能特点以及不同脑区间的信息传递机制, 为进一步探索听觉语言加工的神经机制提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

Anxiety disorders are commonly treated with exposure-based therapies that rely on extinction of conditioned fear. Persistent fear and anxiety following exposure therapy could reflect a deficit in the recall of extinction learning. Animal models of fear learning have elucidated a neural circuit for extinction learning and recall that includes the amygdala, ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), and hippocampus. Whereas the amygdala is important for extinction learning, the vmPFC is a site of neural plasticity that allows for the inhibition of fear during extinction recall. We suggest that the vmPFC receives convergent information from other brain regions, such as contextual information from the hippocampus, to determine the circumstances under which extinction or fear will be recalled. Imaging studies of human fear conditioning and extinction lend credence to this extinction network. Understanding the neural circuitry underlying extinction recall will lead to more effective therapies for disorders of fear and anxiety.  相似文献   

大脑的知觉加工并非单纯由外部刺激驱动,而是存在自上而下的知觉调控。尽管这一现象被大量实验研究证实,但其神经机制仍然是认知神经科学研究的重要问题。本研究系统介绍了知觉调控的神经基础、实现形式、研究范式,及其理论模型,分析指出了当前研究面临的主要问题,并对未来的研究进行了展望,以期促进该问题研究的进一步开展。  相似文献   

It is argued that during ongoing visual perception, the brain is generating top-down predictions to facilitate, guide and constrain the processing of incoming sensory input. Here we demonstrate that these predictions are drawn from a diverse range of cognitive processes, in order to generate the richest and most informative prediction signals. This is consistent with a central role for cognitive penetrability in visual perception. We review behavioural and mechanistic evidence that indicate a wide spectrum of domains—including object recognition, contextual associations, cognitive biases and affective state—that can directly influence visual perception. We combine these insights from the healthy brain with novel observations from neuropsychiatric disorders involving visual hallucinations, which highlight the consequences of imbalance between top-down signals and incoming sensory information. Together, these lines of evidence converge to indicate that predictive penetration, be it cognitive, social or emotional, should be considered a fundamental framework that supports visual perception.  相似文献   

Abnormal decision making is a central feature of neuropsychiatric disorders. Recent investigations of the neural substrates underlying decision making have involved qualitative assessment of the cognition of decision making in clinical lesion studies (in patients with frontal lobe dementia) and neuropsychiatric disorders such as mania, substance abuse and personality disorders. A neural network involving the orbitofrontal cortex, ventral striatum and modulatory ascending neurotransmitter systems has been identified as having a fundamental role in decision making and in the neural basis of neuropsychiatric diseases. This network accounts for the dissociations among decision-making deficits in different clinical populations. Ultimately, a more refined and sophisticated characterization of such deficits might guide the early diagnosis and cognitive and therapeutic rehabilitation of these patients.  相似文献   

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is established as a therapy for movement disorders, and it is an investigational treatment in other neurologic conditions. DBS precisely targets neuroanatomical targets deep within the brain that are proposed to be centrally involved in the pathophysiology of some neuropsychiatric illnesses. DBS is nonablative, offering the advantages of reversibility and adjustability. This might permit therapeutic effectiveness to be enhanced or side effects to be minimized. Preclinical and clinical studies have shown effects of DBS locally, at the stimulation target, and at a distance, via actions on fibers of passage or across synapses. Although its mechanisms of action are not fully elucidated, several effects have been proposed to underlie the therapeutic effects of DBS in movement disorders, and potentially in other conditions as well. The mechanisms of action of DBS are the focus of active investigation in a number of clinical and preclinical laboratories. As in severe movement disorders, DBS may offer a degree of hope for patients with intractable neuropsychiatric illness. It is already clear that research intended to realize this potential will require a very considerable commitment of resources, energy, and time across disciplines including psychiatry, neurosurgery neurology, neuropsychology, bioengineering, and bioethics. These investigations should proceed cautiously.  相似文献   

康冠兰  罗霄骁 《心理科学》2020,(5):1072-1078
多通道信息交互是指来自某个感觉通道的信息与另一感觉通道的信息相互作用、相互影响的一系列加工过程。主要包括两个方面:一是不同感觉通道的输入如何整合;二是跨通道信息的冲突控制。本文综述了视听跨通道信息整合与冲突控制的行为心理机制和神经机制,探讨了注意对视听信息整合与冲突控制的影响。未来需探究视听跨通道信息加工的脑网络机制,考察特殊群体的跨通道整合和冲突控制以帮助揭示其认知和社会功能障碍的机制。  相似文献   

抑郁障碍和焦虑障碍是两种最常见的精神障碍。使用激活似然估计(activation likelihood estimation,ALE)元分析对抑郁和焦虑障碍患者治疗后出现的一致脑区激活改变进行评估,并考察不同条件下这一改变的差异。研究共纳入25篇文献,结果发现:(1)抑郁和焦虑障碍接受治疗后,枕下回(inferior occipital gyrus,IOG)等脑区激活增加;豆状核(lentiform nucleus)等激活减少。(2)a.心理治疗产生的脑激活改变为豆状核活动的减少;药物治疗则在于扣带回(cingulate gyrus)等活动增加,而楔前叶(precuneus)等活动减少。b.任务下成像治疗后激活增加的脑区为扣带回等,减少的脑区为楔前叶等;静息下成像,治疗后枕下回等激活增加,额内侧回(medial frontal gyrus,MFG)等激活减少。c.抑郁障碍治疗后的脑激活变化为扣带回等活动增加,楔前叶等活动减少;焦虑障碍在于前扣带回/额内侧回(anterior cingulate/MFG)活动减少。研究表明治疗会给抑郁和焦虑障碍带来一致的脑区激活改变;治疗方法、成像状态和障碍类型不同,治疗后脑区激活改变也存在差异。  相似文献   

The introduction of deep brain stimulation (DBS) as a treatment for medication-refractory essential tremor in the late 1980s revealed, for the first time, that "chronically" implanted brain hardware had the potential to modulate neurologic function with surprisingly low morbidity. Over time, the therapeutic promise of DBS has become evident in Parkinson's disease and dystonia. In some experienced centers, complex tremor disorders, such as posttraumatic Holmes tremor and the tremor of multiple sclerosis, are being increasingly targeted. More recently, other indications, including obsessive-compulsive disorder, Tourette's syndrome, major depression, and chronic pain, have been proposed. As the field has expanded, our knowledge about potential cognitive side effects of DBS has also expanded. This article reviews the current knowledge regarding the impact of stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus, globus pallidus internus, and ventralis intermedius nucleus of the thalamus on symptoms in essential tremor, Parkinson's disease, and dystonia. Also discussed are the emerging targets, what is known about the cognitive sequelae of DBS, and what has been learned about the complications and therapeutic failures.  相似文献   

Although the vagus nerve has traditionally been considered to perform efferent functions, in reality it performs significant afferent functions as well, carrying information from the body, head, and neck to the brain. Preliminary studies examining this afferent activity led to the theory that vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) could successfully control seizure activity in persons who are refractory to antiepileptic medications. Unlike other forms of brain stimulation, VNS is unable to directly stimulate multiple discrete areas of the brain; however, through several pathways, it is able to relay sensory information to higher brain regions. An implantable VNS device known as the VNSTM NeuroCybernetic Prosthesis (NCP) System has been used in approximately 9,000 epilepsy patients in Europe and the United States since 1994. The implant has reduced seizure frequency by an average of 25% to 30%, with minimal side effects. Studies underway are also showing some degree of success in the management of treatment-refractory depression. The future efficacy of the implantable system in other disorders may depend on whether the implant can be more precisely focused to affect different brain regions. Research in this area is underway.  相似文献   

The visual system historically has been defined as consisting of at least two broad subsystems subserving object and spatial vision. These visual processing streams have been organized both structurally as two distinct pathways in the brain, and functionally for the types of tasks that they mediate. The classic definition by Ungerleider and Mishkin labeled a ventral "what" stream to process object information and a dorsal "where" stream to process spatial information. More recently, Goodale and Milner redefined the two visual systems with a focus on the different ways in which visual information is transformed for different goals. They relabeled the dorsal stream as a "how" system for transforming visual information using an egocentric frame of reference in preparation for direct action. This paper reviews recent research from psychophysics, neurophysiology, neuropsychology and neuroimaging to define the roles of the ventral and dorsal visual processing streams. We discuss a possible solution that allows for both "where" and "how" systems that are functionally and structurally organized within the posterior parietal lobe.  相似文献   

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