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对自我构念、自我效能感、关系和谐以及主观幸福感之间的关系进行分析。以275名企业员工,事业单位人员以及公务员为被试进行问卷调查,使用回归以及结构方程模型的方法进行分析。结果发现:独立自我比互依自我对主观幸福感的预测作用显著更大;独立自我显著地正向预测生活满意度和积极情绪,对消极情绪的预测作用不显著;互依自我显著地正向预测积极情绪,对生活满意度和消极情绪的影响不显著;自我效能感、关系和谐分别在独立自我与主观幸福感、互依自我与主观幸福感之间起中介作用。  相似文献   

为探讨父母粗暴养育与儿童睡眠质量的关系及核心自我评价与消极情绪在其中的作用,采用粗暴养育量表、睡眠质量量表、核心自我评价量表、消极情绪量表对792名四、五年级儿童进行施测。结果发现:(1)母亲粗暴养育显著消极预测儿童睡眠质量,而父亲粗暴养育对儿童睡眠质量的直接预测作用不显著;(2)核心自我评价与消极情绪在母亲粗暴养育与儿童睡眠质量间起链式中介作用,而仅有消极情绪在父亲粗暴养育与儿童睡眠质量间起完全中介作用;(3)该中介模型存在显著的儿童性别差异。该结果强调了父母粗暴养育作用于儿童睡眠质量的差异性,并揭示其不同的作用机制,为改善儿童睡眠质量提供了参考。  相似文献   

本研究探讨了自我控制在身体活动对大学生睡眠质量影响中的中介机制。采用日志法,调查了156名大学生连续七天的白天身体活动情况、晚上自我控制水平和夜间睡眠质量。研究发现:(1)多水平中介分析表明,每天的身体活动无法预测当晚的自我控制水平和睡眠质量,当晚的自我控制水平可以积极预测当夜的睡眠质量;(2)整体的身体活动与自我控制和睡眠质量均有显著正相关,自我控制在身体活动与睡眠质量间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

基于幽默的释放理论、积极情绪的扩建功能理论和集体文化下生活满意度的预测指标提出自我提升幽默通过情绪幸福和社会支持两个链式中介变量提升生活满意度的假设模型。采用幽默风格问卷中的自我提升幽默维度、主观幸福感量表中的积极情绪和消极情绪维度、多维领悟社会支持量表和生活满意度量表对884名大学生进行调查。构建结构方程模型,联合显著性检验和Bootstrap检验表明了多重中介效应显著,总中介效果量为63.6%,其中通过情绪幸福这一中介路径的中介效果量最大,达47.3%。未来研究可探讨在个体主义文化背景下的不同链式中介效应。  相似文献   

目的:基于感恩对生活满意度的独特预测作用,在应对方式、自尊、情绪、一般自我效能感中探讨哪些中介变量可能是感恩能够独特预测生活满意度的原因。方法:采用Rosenberg自尊量表、一般自我效能感量表(GSES)、积极情绪和消极情绪量表(PANAS)、简易应对方式问卷(SCSQ)、大五人格简版问卷(NE0-FFI)测量338名大学生。结果:(1)控制性别、人格后一般自我效能感、应对方式、消极情绪的回归效应不显著;自尊和积极情绪的回归效应显著。(2)控制性别、人格后自尊的中介效应显著,积极情绪的中介效应不显著,自尊和情绪的对比中介效应显著。结论:(1)应对方式、消极情绪、一般自我效能感等中介变量在感恩与生活满意度间的中介作用可能受人格的影响。(2)自尊可能是感恩能够独特预测生活满意度的原因,自尊与生活满意度可能存在因果关系。  相似文献   

睡眠不足已然成为当代中小学生普遍面临的问题。为考察社会支持与情绪调节自我效能感在睡眠不足与中小学生负性情绪关系间的中介作用,研究采用睡眠不足问卷、抑郁-焦虑-压力量表简体中文版、社会支持评定量表和情绪调节自我效能感量表,以整群抽样法抽取江苏、安徽1103名中小学生进行调查。结果发现:(1)睡眠不足显著正向预测中小学生负性情绪;(2)社会支持与管理消极情绪自我效能感在睡眠不足与中小学生负性情绪间发挥单独中介作用;表达积极情绪自我效能感的中介作用不显著;(3)社会支持与管理消极情绪自我效能感在睡眠不足与中小学生负性情绪间发挥链式中介作用。可见,睡眠不足对中小学生负性情绪有显著预测作用,社会支持、管理消极情绪自我效能感在其中具有单独及链式中介效应。  相似文献   

为探讨民警在社交媒体中自我呈现策略与工作满意度的关系,以及积极情绪的中介作用,采用积极情感消极情感量表、工作满意度量表以及自我呈现问卷对242名民警进行问卷调查,结果表明:(1)民警在社交媒体中的积极自我呈现和真实自我呈现分别与积极情绪、工作满意度两两之间显著正相关,积极自我呈现与积极情绪、工作满意度的相关性更高;(2)民警在社交媒体中的积极自我呈现和真实自我呈现对工作满意度有正向预测作用,并通过积极情绪的中介作用对工作满意度产生影响。  相似文献   

以631名初中生为被试,采用问卷法考察父母教养方式与初中生攻击行为的关系,同时探讨越轨同伴交往的中介作用,以及该作用是否受自我控制的调节。结果发现:(1)消极父母教养方式对越轨同伴交往、攻击行为均有显著的正向预测作用;(2)越轨同伴交往在消极父母教养方式与初中生攻击行为之间起部分中介作用;(3)自我控制可以调节越轨同伴交往对初中生攻击行为的作用,对于低自我控制个体,越轨同伴交往起部分中介作用;对于高自我控制个体,越轨同伴交往的中介效应不显著,消极父母教养方式对攻击行为仅有直接作用。  相似文献   

为探讨自我同情对拖延的影响及其作用机制,采用自我同情量表、大学生拖延量表、大学生羞耻量表和接纳与行动量表对795名大学生进行调查,结果发现:(1)自我同情对大学生拖延行为具有负向预测作用;(2)羞耻在自我同情与大学生拖延行为的负向效应中起到中介作用;(3)经验回避、羞耻在自我同情和大学生拖延行为之间起链式中介作用。  相似文献   

李昳  陆桂芝  李勇 《心理科学》2018,(5):1261-1267
为明确自我关注对社交焦虑的影响机制,建构了一个有调节的中介模型,考察负面评价恐惧、关系型自我构念的作用以及性别差异。选取446名大学生进行问卷调查。结果表明:(1)自我关注部分通过负面评价恐惧的中介作用间接预测社交焦虑;(2)关系型自我构念调节中介模型的前半路径:在高关系型自我构念下,自我关注可以显著预测负面评价恐惧;在低关系型自我构念下,该预测作用不显著;(3)有调节的中介模型存在性别差异:在女生群体中,负面评价恐惧的中介效应大于男生群体,且关系型自我构念的调节作用显著;而在男生群体中,该调节效应不显著。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, emotional intelligence (EI) has received much attention in the literature. Previous studies indicated that higher trait or ability EI was associated with greater mental distress. The present study focused on mediating effects of positive and negative affect on the association between trait EI and mental distress in a sample of Chinese adults. The participants were 726 Chinese adults (384 females) with an age range of 18–60 years. Data were collected by using the Wong Law Emotional Intelligence Scale, the Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale, and the General Health Questionnaire. Hierarchical regression analysis showed that EI was a significant predictor of positive affect, negative affect and mental distress. Further mediation analysis showed that positive and negative affect acted as partial mediators of the relationship between EI and mental distress. Furthermore, effect contrasts showed that there was no significant difference between the specific indirect effects through positive affect and through negative affect. This result indicated that positive affect and negative affect played an equally important function in the association between EI and distress. The significance and limitations of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

积极情感消极情感量表(PANAS)的修订   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
邱林  郑雪  王雁飞 《应用心理学》2008,14(3):249-254,268
以情感二维结构理论为基础,对Watson等(1988)编制的积极情感消极情感量表(PANAS)进行了修订。收集了几种主要的情感环丛模型中积极情感和消极情感项目后,用专家评定法剔除了不属于情绪描述词的项目,并用问卷法考察了这些情感体验的典型性,试测后确定了积极情感和消极情感项目各9项构成最终量表。最后用自评、同伴评价和认知测量法对量表的心理测量学属性进行了较为全面的分析。结果表明,修订后的PANAS中各项目具有良好的区分度,是情感幸福感有效和可靠的测量工具。  相似文献   

为探讨网络受欺负、压力感、抑郁和青少年睡眠问题的关系,采用网络受欺负量表、抑郁-焦虑-压力量表、匹兹堡睡眠质量自评量表和传统受欺负量表对682名中学生进行调查,结果发现:(1)网络受欺负、压力感、抑郁以及睡眠问题两两之间显著正相关;(2)网络受欺负不仅直接正向预测青少年的睡眠问题,还可以通过压力感的单独中介作用以及压力感与抑郁的链式中介作用来间接影响睡眠问题。研究结果进一步揭示网络受欺负对睡眠问题的作用机制,能为减少网络受欺负对青少年情绪健康和睡眠质量的消极影响提供有益建议。  相似文献   

本研究探讨家庭收入与青少年睡眠质量的关系以及歧视知觉、自尊在其中的中介作用。采用家庭收入问卷、歧视知觉问卷、Rosenberg自尊量表(SES)与匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)对广东省某地区两所中学1053名青少年进行匿名施测。结果发现:(1)以PSQI得分≥8作为睡眠问题的参考界值,青少年睡眠问题的检出率为15.60%;(2)歧视知觉、自尊在家庭收入与青少年睡眠质量关系中起链式中介作用。因此,家庭收入既直接影响青少年的睡眠质量,又通过歧视知觉、自尊的链式中介作用影响青少年的睡眠质量。  相似文献   

This study examined the affective mediators of the relationship between trait emotional intelligence and life satisfaction in young adults and the widespread or limited affective mediators between the different groups in demographic factors, e.g., gender, students and non-students, family conditions. Six hundred and twenty participants completed the Wong Law Emotional Intelligence Scale, the Satisfaction with Life Scale and the Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale. Results using structural equation modeling showed that both positive affect and negative affect acted as mediators of the relationship between trait EI and life satisfaction and the indirect effect of trait EI on life satisfaction via positive affect was stronger than that via negative affect. Moreover, multi-group analyses found that the paths did not differ by gender and family conditions, but positive affect was more strongly associated with students’ life satisfaction, compared to non-students. Implications and limitations of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Although considerable research has shown that sleep loss results in decreased positive affect, findings regarding change in negative affect are inconsistent. Such inconsistency may be due in part to variability in individual difference factors, such as chronotype, which is associated with both sleep and affective outcomes. Chronotype represents the tendency to be a morning- or evening-type person and is underpinned by the timing of circadian processes linked to sleep and mental health. The present study examined the predictive effect of chronotype above and beyond that of depression on affective response to sleep restriction in a sample of healthy sleeping adults (n = 73). Participants completed measures of chronotype and depression at baseline and measures of positive and negative affect before and after one night of sleep restriction (4 hours between 4 a.m. and 8 a.m.). Results indicate a large, significant decrease in positive affect following sleep restriction, but no statistically significant change in negative affect. Subsequent analyses showed that chronotype predicted affective response to sleep restriction, such that eveningness predicted a medium, significant increase in negative affect following sleep restriction, controlling for depression—however, there was no association between chronotype and change in positive affect in response to sleep restriction. These findings highlight a differential effect of sleep loss on positive and negative affect and suggest that evening chronotype may confer a distinct vulnerability for increased negative affect following sleep loss.  相似文献   

采用自我同情量表、感恩问卷、创伤后应激障碍症状核查表和创伤后成长问卷对雅安地震4.5年后的499名中学生进行调查,以考察自我同情对创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)和创伤后成长(PTG)的影响,并检验感恩在其间的中介作用。结果发现,积极自我同情可以直接负向预测PTSD、正向预测PTG,消极自我同情可以直接正向预测PTSD;积极自我同情可以通过感恩负向预测PTSD、正向预测PTG,消极自我同情可以通过感恩正向预测PTSD、负向预测PTG。研究显示,积极的自我同情可以缓解青少年的PTSD、促进PTG的发展,而消极自我同情会加重青少年的PTSD;感恩在自我同情与PTSD和PTG之间发挥了显著的中介作用。  相似文献   

We examine how optimism predicts creativity both directly and through the mediating role of positive affect and the positivity ratio (the ratio between the frequency of positive and negative affective states). Five hundred and ninety five employees reported their positive and negative affect, as well as their optimism. Their creativity was reported by supervisors. The main findings are the following: (1) optimism predicts creativity both directly and through the mediating role of positive affect and the positivity ratio; (2) the relationship between the positivity ratio and creativity is curvilinear, in such a way that an “excessive” ratio is detrimental to creativity. The findings stress the relevance of optimism both for individuals and organizations, and suggest that examining positivity ratios is fruitful in the creativity domain, as it has been in other domains, and that negative affect should not be viewed simply as an obstacle when studying employees' creativity.  相似文献   

采用大学生压力量表、反刍思维量表、青少年心理韧性量表和匹兹堡睡眠指数量表调查684位大学生(被试平均年龄为20.26岁;SD = 1.08),探讨反刍思维和心理韧性在压力和睡眠质量之间的链式中介作用。结果表明:(1)压力对睡眠质量有显著的负向预测作用;(2)压力可通过反刍思维和心理韧性的独立中介作用及反刍思维和心理韧性的链式中介作用间接预测睡眠质量。本研究揭示了压力和睡眠质量的关系及作用机制,深化了大学生压力对睡眠质量影响的研究。  相似文献   

Empirical studies on the relationship between affect and creativity often produce conflicting results. This inconsistency has led us to believe that the relationship between affect and creativity may be better understood by looking at potential moderators. Our study looked specifically at trait affect and self‐perceived creativity. Using the Affect Infusion Model (AIM) theory with problem clarity as the potential moderator, we hypothesized that when individuals are faced with problems that lack clarity, trait affect has greater sway over their self‐perceived creativity. Our results provided evidence that problem clarity moderated the relationship between positive trait affect and self‐perceived creativity; the positive relationship between positive trait affect and self‐perceived creativity is stronger when problem clarity is low and weaker when problem clarity is high. No moderating effect was found in the relationship between negative trait affect and self‐perceived creativity.  相似文献   

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