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“孔颜之乐”的体验由“道德束缚”转变为“道德美感”,是源于这种美是生命主体在悟道、得道、践道的过程中,消融了道德在人生命中的紧张感、异质感,在美之陶冶中自然而然检点身心,从而自觉追求道,自觉运用礼。这种“乐在其中”体验是在道与人之生命相统一后的精神和谐。作为儒家传统命题的“孔颜之乐”在宋代以后多次被理论阐述,宋明理学家对“孔颜之乐”的诠释虽然见仁见智,但相互之间亦存在着共同点,他们在获取“乐”时重视对超越物质基础之上的内在涵养工夫,使“乐”没有摆脱儒家伦理道德成分,指向人与人之间、人与物之间的和谐。  相似文献   

道教的生态观强调人与生态自然万物同生共运的浑然一体,强调生态系统的自然、和谐、生命和健康,反映道、天、地、人之间的自然生态平衡关系。“人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然”是道教生态美的总纲,是道教生态和谐美的最高境界,它反映了生态生命系统与自然生存环境系统的相互协调所展现出来的美的形式。一、生态系统和谐美道教认为生态系统具有规律性,这就是“道”。世界上的一切,包括天地万物和人都是从这个“道”产生的。这个“道”,即是万物之宗,又是万物之始,更是万象之源,使天、地、人等宇宙万物在“道”中实现了生态自然的和谐统一。1…  相似文献   

研究爱,是因为生活需要爱。物质文明进步离不开爱,精神文明建设更应以爱为基石。各种法律是基于人性之恶的假定而建立起来的,其功能是“教人不得为非”,因此,法律对社会生活所进行的调节是消极的。各种伦理道德则旨在“教人应当为善”,其中的主要内容便是强调人与人之间要相互关爱,因此,伦理道德对社会生活的调节是积极的。在教人扬善去恶方面,儒学之仁和基督之爱堪称典范。儒学是中华民族传统文化的主干,其伦理道德对中华各民族产生深厚的影响,在精神文明建设中发挥着巨大的作用。明末清初,天主教传入中国,十九世纪中叶基督教新教也随着中…  相似文献   

在对道德概念进行阐释时,学界一般认为道德调节的范围包括人与人之间、人与社会之间、人与自然之间的关系;也有少数学者提出人与自我之间的关系,但只是强调精神层面的自我,而没有对人与自我“身”“心”两方面之间的矛盾关系进行全面探讨,忽略了生命肉体层面的自我。因而,当前的伦理学理论形成了道德调节关系的部分缺位,这在实践中影响了道德调节功能的更好发挥。笔者认为,道德调节关系的内涵应当拓展,应将人与自我“身”“心”之间的关系包括在内。一1.从道德调节作用得以发挥的机制分析,人与自我“身”“心”之间的关系是与道德调节的其它…  相似文献   

在存在论的意义上,《管子》中的“道”、“德”是被作为重要的哲学范畴运用的,指生命产生的根源和生命存在的内在根据,二者是一体共在的关系。《管子》的“道”、“德”论揭示了人与万物在自然本性层面上的内在一体性和生态伦理的存在论维度,启示我们生态伦理应超越人与自然的外在关系,建立于人与自然内在关系的基础上。  相似文献   

杜光庭(850~933)是唐末五代时著名的“道门领袖”,他曾对道教的哲学理论、思想源流、修道方法、斋醮科仪、神仙信仰等作过比较系统而全面的总结性研究。他在代表作《道德真经广圣义》中所阐述的生死观,从一个侧面表达了唐代道教对生命的基本看法,今天读来对提升现代人的精神境界仍然具有一定的启迪意义。杜光庭在总结前人的形神观的基础上,运用“道气”的概念来说明人的生命是由禀道受气而来,得道则生,失道则死。他说:“有形之物,有情无情之众,禀冲和道气则生,失冲和道气则死也。”①就人而言,人禀道受气、得俱形神,也就具有了现实的生命,…  相似文献   

《管子》的生态哲学思想   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文论述了《管子》的生态哲学,认为:《管子》把天地人看作是一个以“道”根据和调节机制的和谐平衡的有机整体系统,认为天地生态系统遵循着基本的生态法则,阐述了“人与天调”、“天人相因”的内在统一的生态存在论和实践观。《管子》以“道为物要”的生态价值观为基础,把自然现象道德化,把人类的道德推广到自然万物,提出“德润万物”生态伦理命题。《管子》从人与自然内在统一的观点,揭示了自然现象的属性与人的能力品质的内在一致性。《管子》主张遵循天人感应之“时德”的农业生态伦理与政治生态伦理。《管子》把生态伦理法律化、行政伦理化。  相似文献   

佛教慈悲的本质是人与人之间的互相帮助与相互尊重,就是一种为他人的利益与幸福做贡献的利他精神,也是慈悲为怀普度众生的佛教伦理的道德标准.慈悲实践也是生命创造价值、维护生命尊严、实现人的生命同宇宙生命——“终极之存在”的融合.创造价值之过程就是以“慈悲”精神为指导的“利他”实践.这是池田基于天台《法华经》智顗大师利他宗教哲学思想,践履于社会的原点.这一思想对于伦理道德风尚的提倡,转化为社会向善、向上、向高尚的正能量,有借鉴的价值和意义.  相似文献   

出世与入世之间——论道教伦理之要义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宗教伦理思想和道德学说既是宗教神学理论的一个重要组成部分,又是宗教修行实践的指导,是宗教信徒日常生活中的行为规范和原则。因此宗教伦理思想比起宗教的其他神学理论,在教徒中有着更广泛和深入的影响,对教徒的精神和社会生活具有不可替代的作用。道教伦理是以道教信仰为基础的人伦准则和社会行为规范。道教以其“仙道贵生”的生命伦理、“尊道贵德”的社会伦理、“敬神感通”的神学伦理以及“道法自然”与“知和曰常”的生态伦理,涵盖了人与个体(自我)生命、人与人、人与神、人与自然等多重道德关系,以其特有的方式,传递着社会系统的思…  相似文献   

道教是关注生命的宗教。道教经典《度人经》把这一思想概括为:“仙道贵生,无量度人。”通过对“道”的认识和体悟,遵循“道”的原则来完善人的生命,“生道合一”,达到生命无限自由的境界,这就是道教的“成仙得道”。  相似文献   

战争伦理:一种世界观念   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
战争伦理主要论及战争如何受到道德强制,或者说,它涉及道德的进步如何影响到战争。同时,与人类其他活动相比,战争行为更具国际性,因此,战争伦理作为抑制战争的一种道义力量,也更易成为一种世界观念。可以将战争伦理分为军事伦理、军备伦理、军人伦理三个层面,分别代表基于人、武器以及人与武器相结合而采取的行动———作战之上的伦理规范,它们都是随着时代的发展而发展的。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Recent writings in feminist ethics have urged that the activity of caring is more central to women's lives than are considerations of justice and equality. This paper argues that an ethics of care, so understood, is difficult to extend beyond the local and familiar, and is therefore of limited use in addressing the political problems of the modern world. However, the ethics of care does contain an important insight: if references to care are understood not as claims about women's nature, but as reflections on the extent to which moral obligations are both unchosen and conflicting, then an ethics of care can supplement an ethics of justice, and can also provide a more realistic account of both men's and women's moral life.  相似文献   


In evaluating the merits and shortcomings of virtue ethics I focus on some central differences between virtue ethics and rival theories such as deontology and utilitarianism. Virtue ethics does not prescribe strict rules of conduct. Instead, the virtue ethical approach can be understood as an invitation to search for standards, as opposed to strict rules, that ought to guide the conduct of our individual lives. This requires a particular method. The importance of this approach in present times will become clear when we investigate the relation between virtue ethics and postmodernity. In our postmodem age moral concepts are no longer perceived as deriving their meaning from larger frameworks. Instead, their meanings are perceived as being derived from the contingencies that define our particular existences. Thus ongoing grassroots moral engagement is required, and virtue ethics is the appropriate moral framework for doing this. This results in a broadening of rationality insofar as the full richness of our situated lives are factored into our accounts of rationality. At the same time virtue ethics prevents relativism, mainly because it does justice to the social embeddedness of human activities. In order to illustrate the virtue ethical approach I will discuss two key concepts in our moral vocabulary: responsibility and integrity. We will see how these basic concepts can be properly understood only if one takes into consideration the contingencies, inherent paradoxes and tensions in human life.  相似文献   

启新、拓新与创新——论生态伦理学对伦理学的贡献   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
构建和谐社会,必须弘扬生态伦理,繁荣生态伦理学。生态伦理学对伦理学的贡献功不可没,主要体现为:开辟了伦理学研究的新领域,确立了处理人与自然关系的新原则,培育了人对自然的新态度,对传统思想展开了新的系统批判,明确了人类在自然生活中扮演的新角色,对伦理学基本观念进行了新阐释,制定了人类行为新规范。  相似文献   

As scientists advance knowledge of the brain and develop technologies to measure, evaluate, and manipulate brain function, numerous questions arise for religious adherents. If neuroscientists can conclusively establish that there is a functional network between neural impulses and an individual??s capacity for moral evaluation of situations, this will naturally lead to questions about the relationship between such a network and constructions of moral value and ethical human behavior. For example, if cognitive neuroscience can show that there is a neurophysiological basis for the moral appraisal of situations, it may be argued that the world??s religions, which have traditionally been the keepers and purveyors of ethical values, are rendered either spurious or irrelevant. The questions point up broader dilemmas in the interface between science and religion, and raise concerns about the ethics of neurological research and experimentation. Since human beings will still arbitrate what is ??moral?? or ??ethical,?? how can religious perspectives enrich the dialogue on neuroethical issues and how can neuroscience enrich dialogue on religion? Buddhist views on the nature of consciousness and methods of practice, especially meditation practice, may contribute to discussions on neuroscience and theories about the interrelationship between consciousness and ethical awareness by exploring the role that karma, intentionality, and compassion play in Buddhist understandings of the interrelationship between consciousness and ethics.  相似文献   

Applied ethics is relatively new on the philosophical scene, having grown out of the various civil rights movements of the 1950s and 1960s, as well as the student demand that college courses be relevant. Even today, there are those who think that there are no philosophically interesting practical ethical questions, and that applied ethics is not a branch of philosophy at all. This article rejects that view, both because some of the most interesting and respectable philosophers in the world have worked in applied ethics and because applied ethics has been the source of many difficult conceptual questions in theoretical ethics and even metaphysics. These include the grounds for moral status, human identity, how to conceive rights in general and the right to life in particular, the question whether existence itself can be a harm (the nonidentity problem), and the nature of moral principles.  相似文献   

Morality has again become an important focus of research in different scientific disciplines: from biology (ethology), neuropsychology and evolutionary psychology to social psychology, business ethics, and political philosophy. One of the reasons for this renewed interest, no doubt, stems from the tragedies that human beings, individually or in groups, inflict upon the lives of one another and the world at large, e.g., (civil) war, the extinction of species and ecological destruction, climate change, and last but not least – the financial crisis. Moral destitution and collapse, a lack of respect for human dignity and worth, deficits in proper moral functioning at all levels of the world community often discounted or masked by transparent excuses and vacuous rationalizations, are viewed as a principal cause of the social, societal and ecological crises with which we are confronted today. The key to solving these crises must lie, at least partly, in a better understanding and active deployment of morality. However, morality is not only an important topic of study for its potential relationship with antisocial behaviour, but also for its relationship with prosocial behaviour (helping, sharing, etc.). Relationships of morality with both types of negative and positive conduct shed important insight on moral (dis)functioning. Developmental psychology is charged with the specific task of illuminating the growth and evolution of moral functioning in human beings.  相似文献   

在生态伦理学研究中,人类中心主义和非人类中心主义围绕自然存在物有无道德地位等问题展开了激烈争论。这种争论的不可调和性及其观点的不可公度性,意味着生态伦理学自身发生了严重的形而上学危机。如何摆脱这一危机,使生态伦理学研究向纵深发展,成为摆在人们面前的一项重要任务。黑格尔关于人的自由意志是一个否定之否定过程的观点为走出这种争论提供了理论依据,马克思关于人与自然界完成本质统一的思想亦为消解这种对立奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

When thinking about ethics, technology is often only mentioned as the source of our problems, not as a potential solution to our moral dilemmas. When thinking about technology, ethics is often only mentioned as a constraint on developments, not as a source and spring of innovation. In this paper, we argue that ethics can be the source of technological development rather than just a constraint and technological progress can create moral progress rather than just moral problems. We show this by an analysis of how technology can contribute to the solution of so-called moral overload or moral dilemmas. Such dilemmas typically create a moral residue that is the basis of a second-order principle that tells us to reshape the world so that we can meet all our moral obligations. We can do so, among other things, through guided technological innovation.  相似文献   

The spirit of Confucianism, which holds benevolence as its core value, has positive significance in the dialogue between civilizations and in the construction of global ethics. The values represented in Confucian benevolence are similar to the values in Christian Charity. Confucian values such as the doctrine of magnanimity, the idea of putting oneself in the place of another, and the Confucian way of extending love and favors, are crucial resources to hold in close connection with the relationship between human beings and nature, individuals and society, self and others, and one and oneself. The Confucian idea of “differentiated love” is a concrete and practical idea, which can be extended to be “universal love.” Furthermore, the Confucian way of extending love can also be interpreted as eco-ethical: On the one hand, Confucianism affirms the intrinsic value of the universe and calls for a universal moral concern for the ecological world; on the other hand, it recognizes a distinction between human beings and the nature, revealing an eco-ethical awareness of distinction and a consciousness of the differentiation between different ethical spheres. In extracting the instrumental value of ecological resources, Confucians never disregard the intrinsic value of animals and plants. Confucianism puts emphasis on subjectivity, especially the subjectivity of morality. Relationships between man and himself, between self and others, however, are inter-subjective. For Confucians, the universe exists and grows in the process of perfecting oneself, others, and the world. Such an understanding is of modern significance for the exchange and dialogue between civilizations, and the growth of personality and the mental regulation of gentleman today.  相似文献   

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