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该研究采用实验法,以183名大学生运动员为被试,以心率变异性为指标,在情绪诱发和认知任务的两种情况下,系统考察了不同情绪状态、不同情绪调节策略下运动员自主神经反应的特点,结果表明:情绪诱发情况下,运动员心率变异性分别受情绪状态和情绪调节策略影响.正性情绪的情绪稳定性小于负性情绪,认知重评策略更为有效;认知任务情况下,运动员心率变异性受情绪状态和情绪调节策略的共同影响.负性情绪条件下表达抑制策略的效果减弱,正性情绪条件下认知重评策略更为有效.  相似文献   

采用认知重评和表达抑制策略考察不同民族文化对负性情绪调节主观体验和事件相关电位活动的影响。结果发现,汉族和少数民族文化个体在两种策略下均呈现负性情绪感受显著降低,并且汉族表达抑制的情绪体验得分低于少数民族。此外,负性情绪图片相比中性图片诱发了更大的P2成分,表达抑制相比认知重评在额-中区诱发了更大的P3成分。更重要的是,900~1200ms时间窗内,汉族个体认知重评和表达抑制后LPP波幅均降低,但少数民族文化个体仅在认知重评条件表现出LPP波幅的显著下降。以上结果表明不同民族文化背景下负性情绪调节的效果不同。  相似文献   

以101名中职生为被试,采用不同难度的工作记忆任务,探讨认知重评与表达抑制两种情绪调节策略对消极元刻板印象激活的认知效应的影响。结果发现:(1)情绪调节策略对元刻板印象激活的认知效应具有影响,且与认知任务的难度有关;(2)在低难度工作记忆任务中,情绪调节策略对元刻板印象激活的认知效应没有影响,在中等难度任务中,认知重评减弱了激活的认知效应,但表达抑制没有影响,在高难度任务中,认知重评没有影响,表达抑制反而增强了激活的认知效应。总之,不同情绪调节策略会对消极元刻板印象激活的认知效应产生不同的作用。  相似文献   

采用3(情绪调节策略:认知重评、表达抑制、无策略)×3(英语词汇性质:积极、中性、消极)的混合实验设计,考察在诱发负性情绪条件下,采用不同情绪调节策略对大学生记忆不同性质英语词汇的影响。结果表明:两自变量对英语词汇的再认和回忆主效应均显著,交互作用也显著,使用情绪调节策略被试的词汇再认和回忆成绩优于无策略组,但使用认知重评和表达抑制两种策略的被试在再认和回忆成绩上无显著差异;认知重评和无策略组对中性词汇的回忆成绩均优于积极和消极词汇。结果说明情绪调节对大学生的英语词汇记忆成绩有不同影响。  相似文献   

以轻度负性图片为实验材料,采用自发性和指导性的认知重评策略,结合情绪的主观评定和生理指标,考察认知重评的创造性对负性情绪调节的影响,以及特质焦虑是否在其中起调节作用。结果发现:(1)自评和他评的认知重评创造性与情绪调节有效性呈显著正相关;(2)相比低创造性的认知重评,高创造性的认知重评对负性情绪的调节效果更好,并伴随着适应性的生理反应,皮电和心率显著下降;(3)相比低特质焦虑个体,高特质焦虑个体更容易体验到高负性情绪,但经过认知重评后两者的情绪调节效果无显著差异。结果表明,创造性认知重评促进负性情绪调节,特质焦虑在创造性认知重评与负性情绪调节之间不起调节作用。结果支持认知重评的创造性重构理论。  相似文献   

生活经验和文献证明,男性相比女性有更少的情绪表达行为。据此,本研究假设表达抑制进行负性情绪调节具有男性优势,而采用认知重评调节时可能没有该性别差异。在不同的实验阶段,被试分别采用自由观看、表达抑制和认知重评策略观看负性情绪图片,同时记录事件相关电位(ERP),以及使用各种策略之后的主观情绪体验。结果表明,采用表达抑制和认知重评调节情绪后,被试报告的负性情绪体验没有出现男女差异。然而,对ERP晚期正电位(Late Positive Potential,LPP)的统计分析发现,LPP的中期(2000~3000 ms)与晚期(3000~4000 ms)波幅均出现了调控策略与性别的交互作用。对男性而言,负性图片诱发的LPP波幅(2000~4000 ms)在表达抑制条件下相比自由观看条件出现显著降低,但女性没有出现上述效应。此外,在LPP各个时间窗口,采用认知重评策略进行情绪调节时均无显著性别差异。上述结果表明采用表达抑制策略进行负面情绪调节时,男性具有相比女性更好的调控效果。这提示男性比女性更适合采用抑制情绪表达的方式进行日常情绪管理。这种性别优势可能来源于社会对男女性性别角色的不同期望。  相似文献   

采用事件相关电位技术,考察了认知重评和分心两种情绪调节策略对负性情绪体验和脑电活动的影响。结果发现,认知重评后被试的负性情绪体验强度和LPP波幅(300~1300ms)比简单注视条件下低;分心后被试的负性情绪体验强度比简单注视条件下低,但LPP波幅显示比简单注视条件下高。这说明认知重评和分心对负性情绪体验和脑电活动的影响不同,负性刺激再次呈现时认知重评优于分心策略的调节。该研究为认知重评和分心的比较研究提供了神经电生理学方面的证据。  相似文献   

孙岩  吕娇娇  兰帆  张丽娜 《心理学报》2020,52(12):1393-1406
认知重评作为高度适应性的情绪调节策略, 是否消耗随后任务所需的认知资源仍存在争议。以往研究把重评作为单一策略研究, 并未区分重评亚型对这一问题进行探索。本研究采用情绪调节与认知控制结合的任务, 考察自我关注和情境关注两种重评亚型调节情绪的效果, 以及对随后认知控制的影响是否存在差异。结果发现两种重评策略都能有效调节情绪, 但调节效果存在差异。从行为角度看, 与中性刺激相比, 负性刺激会引发更高的负性情绪水平, 对随后冲突任务的认知控制能力更差。进一步从神经机制水平来看, 增加负性情绪可能会进一步消耗随后任务可用的认知资源, 与自我关注重评相比, 采用情境关注重评降低负性情绪后, 对随后冲突任务的认知控制能力更强。说明两种重评亚型并不同质, 不仅在调节情绪的效果上存在差异, 而且会引发不同的认知控制后果; 同时, 负性情绪水平越高, 认知控制能力可能会越差。  相似文献   

研究使用两种推理题作为实验材料.比较了负性情绪诱发状态下情绪调节策略使用与否以及不同情绪调节策略对推理的影响.结果发现,认知重评组的成绩好于表达抑制组和无调节组,存在显著差异;表达抑制组与无调节组之间不存在差异.此外,在表达抑制组上,男生的图形推理成绩好于女生,存在显著的性别差异.因此,个体不同推理任务的成绩与是否使用调节策略、使用什么策略及性别有关.  相似文献   

情绪、情绪调节策略与情绪材料记忆的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
研究采用实验法,以288名中小学生为被试,考察了不同情绪状态、不同情绪调节策略与不同类型情绪材料记忆的关系。结果表明:(1)快乐情绪的再认反应时短于悲伤情绪,快乐情绪的再认正确率高于悲伤情绪。(2)表达抑制策略下,词汇与图片的再认反应时无显著差异;认知重评策略下,词汇的再认反应时短于图片;对词汇和图片的再认反应时,认知重评组短于表达抑制组;认知重评组的再认正确率高于表达抑制组。(3)快乐材料再认反应时短于悲伤材料;快乐情绪下快乐材料的再认正确率高于悲伤材料,悲伤情绪下悲伤材料的再认正确率高于快乐材料。  相似文献   

Cognitive control and emotional control share many similarities, but the specific relationship between these processes is not well understood. This study explored the relationship between three types of cognitive control (working memory updating, response inhibition and set-shifting) and two emotional regulation strategies (expressive suppression and cognitive reappraisal). Corrugator electromyography, behaviour and self-reports of affect were measured as indices of emotion regulation. Results indicate that working memory updating predicted negative affect reduction during reappraisal and during expressive suppression. This study specifically shows that the working memory component of cognitive control is associated with negative affect reduction. Response inhibition and set-shifting were not specifically related to negative affect reduction, but these variables did predict aspects of emotional behaviour and regulation. These results suggest a general role for cognitive control in some aspects of emotion regulation as well as a specific modulatory role for working memory updating in the regulation of negative affect.  相似文献   


Negative emotions affect the acceptance of out-groups. Here, we investigated whether modifying negative emotions would affect perceptions of out-groups. We experimentally manipulated the use of two emotion regulation strategies: suppression of emotional expression and cognitive reappraisal, the latter involving reframing a situation to mitigate its emotional impact. Using a population-based sample (N = 317), we conducted an online randomized controlled trial. Participants regulated their emotions while reading threatening news about out-groups. Not only reappraisal, but also suppression increased immediate acceptance of out-groups. The effect of reappraisal was partly mediated by decreased disgust, suggesting unique effects of reappraisal on this emotion. In the suppression condition acceptance decreased at high levels of habitual emotion regulation, whereas reappraisal showed an opposite tendency. Previous research may have underestimated the importance of different emotion regulation strategies on prejudice, and that relatively simple interventions can affect prejudice. The findings are of interest to prejudice prevention programs.  相似文献   

Most empirical studies of emotion regulation have relied on retrospective trait measures, and have not examined the link between daily regulatory strategies and every day emotional well-being. We used a daily diary methodology with multilevel modelling data analyses (n = 187) to examine the influence of three emotion regulation strategies (mindfulness, cognitive reappraisal and emotion suppression) on the experience of daily negative and positive affect. Our results suggested that daily mindfulness was associated with lower negative and higher positive affect whereas the converse pattern was found for daily emotion suppression; cognitive reappraisal was related to daily positive, but not negative affect. When daily mindfulness, suppression and reappraisal were included in the same models, these strategies predicted unique variance in emotional well-being. Random slope analyses revealed substantial variability in the utility of these strategies. Indeed the presumably “adaptive” cognitive reappraisal strategy seemed to confer no benefit to the regulation of negative affect in approximately half the sample. Additional analyses revealed that age moderates the effect of cognitive reappraisal on daily negative affect: Higher use of reappraisal was associated with more negative affect for adolescents (aged 17 to 19) but became associated with less negative affect with increasing age. We interpret these results in line with a contextual view of emotion regulation where no strategy is inherently “good” or “bad”.  相似文献   

The selective recall of positive memories is thought to be an effective mood repair technique, but little research has examined individual differences in the motivation or ability to implement this strategy. This study examined factors considered likely to impact valenced memory recall: dysphoria and emotion regulation strategies (i.e., cognitive reappraisal and suppression). Dysphoria was related to memory negativity but not positivity, whereas cognitive reappraisal was associated with positivity but not negativity. Suppression was not reliably related to the valence of self-reported memories, but was associated with increased accessibility of negative memories, as indicated by a response time measure. Our results indicate a relationship between cognitive reappraisal and more positive memory and suggest that the experience of dysphoria is more strongly related to negativity than positivity of memory. Our findings highlight the utility of examining emotion regulatory variables, in addition to mood, in the study of valenced memory recall, and underscore the importance of including both behavioral and self-report memory measures.  相似文献   

Emotion Regulation in Adulthood: Timing Is Everything   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Emotions seem to come and go as they please. However, we actually hold considerable sway over our emotions: We influence which emotions we have and how we experience and express these emotions. The process model of emotion regulation described here suggests that how we regulate our emotions matters. Regulatory strategies that act early in the emotion-generative process should have quite different outcomes than strategies that act later. This review focuses on two widely used strategies for down-regulating emotion. The first, reappraisal, comes early in the emotion-generative process. It consists of changing how we think about a situation in order to decrease its emotional impact. The second, suppression, comes later in the emotion-generative process. It involves inhibiting the outward signs of emotion. Theory and research suggest that reappraisal is more effective than suppression. Reappraisal decreases the experience and behavioral expression of emotion, and has no impact on memory. By contrast, suppression decreases behavioral expression, but fails to decrease the experience of emotion, and actually impairs memory. Suppression also increases physiological responding in both the suppressors and their social partners.  相似文献   

In these studies, the correlates of spontaneously using expressive suppression and cognitive reappraisal during stressful speeches were examined. Spontaneous emotion regulation means that there were no instructions of how to regulate emotions during the speech. Instead, participants indicated after the speech to what extent they used self-motivated expressive suppression or reappraisal during the task. The results show that suppression is associated with less anxiety expression, greater physiological responding, and less memory for the speech while having no impact on negative affect. In contrast, reappraisal has no impact on physiology and memory while leading to less expression and affect. Taken together, spontaneous emotion regulation in active coping tasks has similar consequences as experimentally induced emotion regulation in passive tasks.  相似文献   

罗利  黄敏儿 《心理学报》2016,48(11):1455-1466
研究采用EPQ、ERQ及PANAS收集了青年、中年及老年三个年龄组共870份有效数据, 分析了认知重评和表情抑制在外倾和神经质与正负情绪之间中介效应及发展模型差异。主要结果:(1)外倾−正情绪, 神经质−负情绪之间存在高相关。(2)与青年组和老年组比, 中年组的神经质与负情绪的相关最弱。(3)三个年龄组的认知重评在神经质与负情绪之间都存在显著的中介效应, 中介效应值在中年组为最强。(4) 表情抑制在外倾与正负情绪之间显著的中介效应仅出现在中年组。研究分析, 认知重评和表情抑制是减弱特质−情绪之间密切度的有效调节机制。  相似文献   

One's ability to properly regulate emotion is critical to psychological and physical well‐being. Among various strategies to regulate emotion, cognitive reappraisal has been shown to modulate both emotional experience and emotional memory. However, most studies of reappraisal have focused on reappraisal of negative situations, with reappraisal of positive emotion receiving considerably less attention. In addition, the effects of reappraisal on emotional reactions to stimuli are typically only assessed either immediately or after a short delay, and it remains unclear whether reappraisal effects persist over longer time periods. We investigated the effect of cognitive reappraisal on emotional reactions and long‐term episodic memory for positive and negative stimuli. Men and women viewed emotionally negative, positive, and neutral pictures while they were instructed to either increase, decrease, or maintain the initial emotional reactions elicited by the pictures. Subjective ratings of emotional valence and arousal were assessed during the regulation task and again after 1 week. Memory for the pictures was assessed with free recall. Results indicated that pictures accompanied by instructions to increase emotion were better recalled than pictures reappraised to decrease emotion. Modulation of emotional arousal elicited by stimuli persisted over a week, but this effect was observed only for men. These findings suggest that cognitive reappraisal can have long‐lasting effects on emotional reactions to stimuli. However, the sex differences observed for the effects of reappraisal on emotional reactions highlight the importance of considering individual differences in the effects of regulation.  相似文献   

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