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自动情绪调节无需意识决定、注意加工及有意控制, 改变着情绪轨迹。迄今为止, 研究仅限于证实其确能低耗高效地改变情绪过程, 尚未对其如何改变情绪过程进行研究。以自动情绪调节的神经机制作为研究对象具有可操作性, 可从行为和心理生理层面, 对自动情绪调节改变情绪过程的机制进行实验研究。研究问题包括:1)通过EEG技术检验自动情绪调节是否影响预备阶段行为反应倾向; 2)自动情绪调节对注意的注意觉醒、注意朝向和注意执行三个阶段的作用机制; 3)自动情绪调节对评价和反应的作用机制; 4)自动情绪调节的可塑性在脑活动上的体现。最终确定自动情绪调节的加工规律, 构建其预备-注意-评价-反应模型, 并为有效控制情绪紊乱和研究出高效的情绪调节干预方案提供理论和实证依据。  相似文献   

孙俊才  卢家楣  吉峰 《心理科学》2014,37(1):240-244
摘要:情绪调节目标决定人们是否调节情绪以及怎样调节情绪。基于情绪调节服务功能的类型差异,可分离出以下类型的调节目标:增加积极体验可满足享乐性需要,社会事务需使用情绪的工具效用,复杂体验的融合可优化自我成长,而情绪体验的文化精致可促进自我与世界的融合。这些目标既可能相互一致,也存在多种冲突,对幸福体验产生综合影响。拓展积极情绪最大化的暂时性适应角色,理解内隐层面的心理因素和文化价值正当性对调节目标的制约,是未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

对644名高一、高二学生进行调节聚焦、毅力和学业情绪的问卷调查,以探讨高中生毅力水平与调节聚焦和学业情绪之间的关系。结果显示:(1)高中男生的毅力水平显著高于女生,高一年级学生的毅力水平显著高于高二年级;(2)高中生的调节聚焦并不完全直接导致毅力的增强或降低,而是通过学业情绪作为中介而间接影响毅力的。促进定向通过高兴的中介作用而增强毅力,通过沮丧的中介作用而降低毅力;预防定向通过生气的中介作用而降低毅力,但是满足的中介作用不显著。  相似文献   

彭义升  方平  姜媛 《心理科学》2011,34(6):1325-1331
随着脑成像等新技术的运用,关于情绪调节脑机制的研究有了很大进展。近期国外情绪调节脑机制的研究在理论模型上有了新发展;研究关注的情绪调节从有意情绪调节扩展到自动情绪调节;研究针对的情绪、情绪调节策略以及目标群体都有了进一步的扩展和深化;情绪调节脑机制的个体差异研究也有了新进展。本文试图对近期国外情绪调节脑机制研究的发展状况进行梳理,并展望未来研究方向,以期为国内研究提供参考。  相似文献   

心理复原的机制:来自特质性复原力个体的证据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
心理复原(力)是指个体在经历对生命具有威胁的事件或严重的创伤后仍然能回复到良好适应状况的心理发展现象。基于能力取向的文献表明, 积极情绪性、情绪调节是特质性复原力机制研究的重要内容; 脑岛和前额叶(特别是vmPFC和OFC)是其敏感的脑区; 作用于杏仁核脑区的5-羟色胺转运蛋白与特质性复原力密切相关。基于这些研究结果, 提出积极情绪与(自动、有意)情绪调节交互作用的双重加工理论和根据实际需要调节情绪的情绪灵活性理论。未来的研究应该就情绪记忆、人格特质等在心理复原中的作用进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文旨在梳理近年来国内外青少年抑郁及其自动情绪调节在相关研究领域的研究成果,以进一步促进青少年抑郁的自动情绪调节研究。首先,阐明了青少年脑发展与抑郁之间的关系,并概括了三种青少年抑郁模型。然后,澄清了自动情绪调节的内涵和经典范式,而且从时间和空间方面,总结了青少年抑郁的自动情绪调节的神经机制的相关文献。最后,未来要加强功能连接研究,采用经颅直流电刺激(t DCS)、重复经颅磁刺激(r TMS)技术开展干预研究。  相似文献   

王巧婷  张晶  温特 《心理科学》2019,(3):550-555
本研究通过成语匹配任务启动情绪调节目标,在情绪flanker任务中考察了自动情绪调节启动对注意偏向的影响。结果表明,中性启动条件下,被试表现出对负性情绪面孔的注意偏向,而情绪调节启动条件下,被试对正性、负性情绪面孔的注意分配不存在显著差异。这一结果说明自动情绪调节可以有效地减弱被试的负性情绪面孔注意偏向。  相似文献   

自动情绪调节对负性情绪面孔注意偏向的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
韩玉昌  隋雪  任延涛 《心理科学》2005,28(3):550-555
本研究通过成语匹配任务启动情绪调节目标,在情绪flanker任务中考察了自动情绪调节启动对注意偏向的影响。结果表明,中性启动条件下,被试表现出对负性情绪面孔的注意偏向,而情绪调节启动条件下,被试对正性、负性情绪面孔的注意分配不存在显著差异。这一结果说明自动情绪调节可以有效地减弱被试的负性情绪面孔注意偏向。  相似文献   

研究旨在考察应对方式、元情绪在不同类型调节聚焦与心理复原力关系中的中介效应。使用简易应对方式量表、调节聚焦量表、特质性元情绪量表和心理复原力量表对随机抽取的安徽省四所初高中899名青少年进行调查。结果发现:(1)调节聚焦、应对方式和元情绪能显著预测心理复原力。(2)促进聚焦不仅能够直接正向预测心理复原力,还能够通过元情绪、积极应对以及消极应对间接预测心理复原力。(3)防御聚焦能够通过消极应对、元情绪以及积极应对间接预测心理复原力。本研究结果显示,元情绪与应对方式能够解释青少年调节聚焦与心理复原力关系的内在机制。  相似文献   

邓欣媚  桑标 《心理科学》2015,(3):594-599
从青少年早期到成人早期,个体情绪调节等高级社会认知功能得到进一步完善,对情绪调节的需求也日趋增长。情绪调节的发展是青少年情绪社会化发展一个重要的任务,学会采用有效的调节策略对自身情绪进行调节是青少年社会性发展的一个重要表现。在众多关于青少年社会行为研究中,对负性情绪调节能力的探究最为成熟与深入。以往研究指出,儿童青少年对负性情绪的体验激活和调控失败都是导致其非适应性行为的原因,情绪调节方式的错误选择会与其外化行为问题和和内化行为问题有很大的关联。由于青少年适应性行为的习得是多种社会性发展指标的重叠和交叉作用的体现,我们无法完全理清其中的复杂交互作用,因此从情绪调节策略的使用效应发展入手探讨个体的适应是寻求问题解决的一个可行手段。 以往研究者认为,成熟且有效的情绪调节指的是,个体能够通过控制自身的激活和唤醒以达到情绪性、生理性和社交的适应,最后达成个人的目标。情绪调节的发展也可被看作是从被动式的、有他人参与的调节(例如,社会性参照)逐渐进步为主动的、有意识的根据外部线索进行的情绪调节(例如,根据指导语提示调整自己情绪状态)。 本研究旨在探究不同年龄被试(青少年早期、青少年晚期、成人早期)在按照不同指导语提示要求下增强调节和减弱调节调节效应量的年龄差异。选取上海市初中生被试35名(22男,13女;M = 14.06岁,SD = 0.42 岁, 年龄范围:13-15岁)、高中生被试37名(13男,24女;M=16.56岁, SD=0.56岁, 年龄范围:16-18岁)以及成人被试35名(9男,26女;M = 23.60岁,SD = 1.96岁, 年龄范围:20-29岁),采用3(年龄:初中生、高中生、成人,被试间变量)? 3(情绪刺激:正性、中性、负性,被试内变量)? 3(调节策略:增强调节、减弱调节、不调节,被试内变量)混合实验设计,使用情绪反应性—调节图片任务(Reactivity and Regulation-Image Task,REAR-I Task)对不同年龄被试情绪调节策略使用的效应量进行考察(Carthy, Horesh, Apter, Edge, & Gross, 2010)。 研究发现,从总体趋势来说,情绪调节策略的效应发展呈V型发展趋势。当不同年龄被试按照指导语要求对其情绪体验进行主动调节时,成人被试的调节效应是最大的,初中生次之,而高中生的调节效应则最低。情绪调节的V型发展趋势与以往研究中关于情绪调节态度以及自我发展的趋势相一致。另外,与增强调节策略的使用相比,减弱调节策略效应的发展是最大的。这可能与中国背景下减弱调节的适应价值有关。  相似文献   

Individuals frequently have to regulate their emotions, especially negative ones, to function successfully. However, deliberate emotion regulation can have significant costs for the individual. Are there less costly ways to achieve emotion regulatory goals? In two studies, we test the hypothesis that more automatic types of emotion regulation might provide the benefits of deliberate emotion regulation without the costs. Study 1 introduces a priming technique that manipulates automatic emotion regulation. Using this priming technique, we show that relative to priming emotion expression, priming emotion control leads to less anger experience in response to a laboratory anger provocation. Study 2 examines the experiential and physiological consequences of automatic emotion regulation. Results suggest that relative to priming emotion expression, priming emotion control reduces negative emotion experience without maladaptive cardiovascular responding. Together, these findings suggest that automatic emotion regulation may provide an effective means of controlling powerful negative emotions.  相似文献   

Automatic Emotion Regulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
How do people effectively regulate their emotional reactions? Why are some people better at this than others? Most prior research has addressed these questions by focusing on deliberate forms of emotion regulation. We argue that this focus has left out an important aspect of emotion regulation, namely, automatic emotion regulation (AER). Our review of the behavioral literature suggests that AER is pervasive in everyday life, and has far‐reaching consequences for individuals’ emotions. However, the behavioral literature has yet to address the mechanisms underlying the observed effects. Because it is difficult to directly measure the processes involved in AER, evidence from neuroscientific studies is particularly helpful in addressing these questions. Our review of the neuroscientific literature suggests distinct neural bases for different types of AER, which provides important clues about the cognitive and behavioral processes that might be involved in AER.  相似文献   

不同情绪调节方式对记忆的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
李静  卢家楣 《心理学报》2007,39(6):1084-1092
个体的情绪调节与其认知的关系是近年来情绪和认知领域中一个重要的前沿研究热点。本研究则通过两个阶段的实验,较系统地探讨了两种情绪调节分类下的四种情绪调节方式(原因调节——评价忽视和评价重视,反应调节——表情抑制和表情宣泄;减弱调节——评价忽视和表情抑制,增强调节——评价重视和表情宣泄)对记忆(视觉和听觉记忆)及记忆评价(即元记忆,视觉和听觉元记忆)的影响。结果表明:(1)评价忽视和评价重视对记忆没有影响;表情抑制和表情宣泄对记忆影响显著(表情抑制影响了听觉记忆,表情宣泄影响了视觉和听觉记忆);(2)评价忽视、评价重视和表情宣泄对元记忆没有影响;而表情抑制影响听觉元记忆;(3)不同情绪调节方式对记忆的影响无性别和专业上的差异,但对元记忆虽无性别差异上的影响,却存在专业上的差异。总之,个体不同的情绪调节方式会对记忆和元记忆产生不同影响  相似文献   

People frequently have to control their emotions to function in life. However, mounting evidence suggests that deliberate emotion regulation often is costly. This presents a dilemma: Is it better to let emotions go or to pay the price of exerting costly control? In two studies, the authors explore whether emotion regulatory processes associated with implicit positive evaluation of emotion regulation might provide the benefits of successful emotion regulation without the costs. In Study 1, the authors introduce a measure of implicit evaluation of emotion regulation (ER-IAT). Study 2 examined whether this measure is associated with actual emotional responses to an anger provocation. It was found that greater ER-IAT scores were associated with lesser anger experience, fewer negative thoughts, lessened self-reported effortful emotion regulation, and an adaptive pattern of cardiovascular responding. These findings suggest that implicit positive evaluation of emotion regulation is associated with successful, automatic, and physiologically adaptive down-regulation of anger.  相似文献   

The ability to regulate one’s emotions is an integral part of human social behavior. One antecedent emotion regulation strategy, known as reappraisal, is characterized by cognitively evaluating an emotional stimulus to alter its emotional impact and one response-focused strategy, suppression, is aimed at reducing behavioral output. People are capable of using these specific emotion regulation strategies when instructed to do so; however, it is equally important to investigate natural and self-selected strategy use. This study was designed to determine to what extent people spontaneously regulate their emotions and the emotion regulation strategies they choose to achieve their regulatory goals. Participants were given no instructions to regulate their emotions before they were shown a negative and a positive film clip, but were instead asked afterwards about the specific strategies that they had used. Participants reported regulating their emotions more to the negative film than to the positive film. Reappraisal was more frequently selected as an emotion regulation strategy than suppression. As expected, participants with high baseline respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) adopted reappraisal strategies more than those with low RSA but, surprisingly, RSA was not associated with facial expressivity. Suggestions for future research in this relatively young field of spontaneous emotion regulation are offered.  相似文献   

陶新华  朱艳  张卜林 《心理学报》2007,39(6):1074-1083
以苏州市聋生这一特殊群体为研究对象,运用问卷调查和半结构式访谈的方法,探讨其心理健康状况及影响因素。结果发现,聋生的心理健康程度不及正常学生,表现在总分以及躯体症状、焦虑担忧、抑郁三个分量表上的得分均高于正常学生。学业压力、应对方式、内部成就动机和外部成就动机是影响聋生心理健康的重要因素,聋生所感受到的社会支持程度要高于正常学生,聋生的成就动机也高于正常学生,而面对压力,他们的行为应对方式却较多退缩性的。造成这种矛盾的原因是家庭和学校教育中对聋生自强、自立、自理能力培养不到位,助长了聋生因残疾而产生的惰性和依赖性行为,对聋生的心理健康产生了消极影响。社会应提倡更多的正常人学习手语,让聋生有更好的社会交往环境  相似文献   

情绪信息对人类的生存非常重要, 研究者一直在探讨情绪产生的本质问题:情绪的产生是“自动”的吗?已有的大量实验证据表明, 情绪可以被快速识别, 甚至在非注意条件下或者无意识条件下, 情绪信息也可以被大脑(尤其是杏仁核)识别。大量实验结果分析了情绪自动化加工的表现, 并探讨了情绪自动化加工的大脑机制:皮层下通路。视觉信息在视网膜接受后, 经上丘脑与枕核传递至杏仁核, 这条通路被称为皮层下通路, 负责情绪信息的快速化加工。但是新的研究对已有的实验范式与技术手段进行了质疑, 反驳情绪的自动化加工, 并质疑皮层下通路存在的可能性。为了进一步理清情绪加工的本质与大脑机制, 今后的研究应当采用更为严格地控制意识、注意资源的实验范式, 以及采用更精确、更高时间与空间分辨率的技术手段。  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2021,66(3):223-239
Studying for the first exam period is a big challenge for freshmen students, especially because they must be able to regulate emotions emerging from this new learning situation. Indeed, it is now recognized that cognitions and emotions interact in learning and that emotion can hinder or support it. However, we argue that it is not only emotions per se but rather how students manage them in the targeted situation (i.e. their emotional regulation skills) that impacts students’ adaptation to this academic context. Using an online survey, this study explored motives in emotion regulation, emotion goals and concrete emotion regulation strategies implemented by students during the preparation of a significant course evaluation. It focuses both on “why” students engage in emotion regulation in the target situation and on “how” this regulation is implemented. A thematic content analysis, processing the data of the 235 respondents, indicates that different motivations in emotion regulation are present among students (hedonic and instrumental motivations to regulate emotions) and that these motivations can be plural among the same students. When instrumental and hedonic motivations are both reported, although the students’ discourse argues that hedonic motivation (feeling good/better) is at the service of instrumental motivation (studying the course), concrete SRE prioritize well-being, through distraction from the course, more than the study of the course (the SRE rarely supports learning). In addition, the most reported emotion regulation strategy is distraction from the course (taking a break and doing something to distract yourself from the course), even in the absence of motivational conflicts. As a result, the theoretical model of motivated regulation (Tamir, 2009; Tamir, 2015) applied to this learning situation offers an innovative reading of why and how university students attempt to manage their emotions in order to learn successfully. Although the current study approaches only the conscious side of emotion regulation, it provides an original perspective on this complex phenomenon without ignoring the context in which it emerges. Finally, this insight should help students, teachers and educational coaches to see emotion regulation as necessary for learning and to set up pedagogical and coaching practices that support the development of SRE, adapted to the learning situation and linked to the emotional states that students wish to experiment in order to optimize learning.  相似文献   

张文海  卢家楣 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1474-1477
情绪调节近年来获得许多研究的关注,呈现跨学科趋势,但对其内涵仍存在争议。本文首先评述了情绪调节研究领域内两种典型的观点--单因素观和双因素观,然后对目前盛行的Gross的情绪调节过程模型进行述评,并从神经科学出发着重于Ochsner的情绪认知控制模型。未来可基于发展观采用观测和经验取样测量开展纵向研究,加强多水平的神经生物学研究,和情绪调节中个体差异的分子遗传研究。  相似文献   

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