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段文杰 《心理科学进展》2014,22(10):1616-1627
正念是当代临床健康心理学领域出现的一个新概念, 尽管其应用在临床领域取得了瞩目的成绩, 但对于正念的理论研究却亟待加强。在对正念的三阶段概念演进过程及四种取向的测量工具进行了系统梳理与评价后, 发现目前对正念的理论研究存在两大问题。一是概念不够清晰, 它可以指代一种行为(冥想)、心理状态、心理过程, 甚至是一种人格或类人格特质; 二是测量过于多元, 有状态取向、能力取向、认知取向和特质取向。两大问题的核心在于如何理解正念。基于对问题的分析及以往实证研究, 建议可以借鉴价值实践分类体系(Values In Action Classification), 以类特质为取向, 采用兼顾文化共同性和特殊性的方法, 深入挖掘其独特的核心内涵, 在命名、测量上突显个体对当下经验留心的基本特点。  相似文献   

基于正念的去自我中心机制,提出正念可通过观点采择与社会善念的链式中介对智慧产生正向效应的假设,运用问卷横断自评、正念干预和社会善念的操纵等多种方法从特质与状态层面进行验证(总样本量为909)。研究表明,特质层面的正念与社会善念、智慧两两正相关,可正向预测社会善念与智慧,并验证了社会善念的中介作用(研究1);从状态层面发现正念干预能在短期内有效提升个体的状态社会善念与智慧推理水平,再次验证社会善念的中介效应(研究2);受到操纵的社会善念也能够提升正念对智慧的正向预测效应,不仅验证了社会善念中介作用的稳健性,也验证了社会善念与智慧的因果关联,同时,观点采择与社会善念的链式中介作用也得到了研究结果的支持(研究3),即具备特质正念或进行正念练习时体验状态正念的个体,更易运用观点采择能力,在人际互动中表现出善意关注,由此作出考量他人的智慧决策。  相似文献   

情绪粒度是指个体在相似情绪状态之间做出粒度化细微区分的能力,其中负性情绪粒度对个体的身心健康具有重要意义。在认知层面,负性情绪粒度可以通过情绪调节策略的选择性与有效性,人际情绪技能和充当个体内、外化问题的保护性因子发挥积极作用;在神经生理层面,负性情绪粒度可以通过调节自主和中枢神经系统活动来维持自身稳态。负性情绪粒度的干预技术主要包括情绪词汇训练和正念干预训练等。未来研究应进一步提高负性情绪粒度的测量精度,从个体中心视角探讨负性情绪粒度的动态变化过程,拓展其干预应用,并且关注正、负性情绪粒度作用机制的比较。  相似文献   

正念是指对当下身心体验不带有评判地觉察。基于双加工理论,以正念为核心的训练对个体冲动性不同要素均具有明显干预效果。一方面,有助于降低因情感系统引发的冲动驱力:通过调整个体的奖赏评估与预期,缓和诱发冲动的压力与负性情绪反应,减弱自动化反应的联结和强度;另一方面,提升个体由认知控制系统调节的冲动控制力:增强个体的认知控制和行为抑制能力。由于冲动性驱动因素和控制因素二者加工时序的先后差异和作用方向对抗性特点,正念训练促进两类要素的积极交互影响,缩小冲动性“驱动”与“控制”力量之间的不平衡,为个体更好地回应自身反应与外界刺激提供了有利缓冲,是降低个体冲动性的有效干预手段。  相似文献   

本文回顾了正念干预在创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)领域的应用进展,分析了正念疗法的核心内容、作用机制,创伤后应激障碍患者正念干预具体实施过程及身心干预效果。分析表明,作为辅助药物治疗方式可降低创伤后应激障碍患者创伤后应激症状阳性率,调节皮质醇水平,缓解疼痛与疲乏症状,改善认知功能障碍、心理健康及情绪调节,以提高PTSD患者正念水平及生存质量,目前对于单纯用药疗效差的PTSD患者,正念疗法作为辅助治疗手段来解决其PTSD是非常有益的尝试。  相似文献   

组织惯例能为企业发展提供稳定性和效率,但有时也会因为无法适应环境而变得无价值,甚至老化过时。建设性偏差正是一种来自员工的、自下而上的组织惯例创新与变革的推动力量,但规范挑战的本质使得建设性偏差很难在个体层面展开或是发挥作用。有鉴于此,本项目聚焦于团队建设性偏差,在编制相关行为量表与事件清单的基础上,结合事件系统理论与团队认知-情感的双重过程视角深入探讨团队建设性偏差的形成与影响过程,包括:分析组织惯例僵化背景下团队建设性偏差的形成过程;探索团队建设性偏差与组织惯例更新的倒U形关系及其作用机制。相关研究成果不仅是对以往建设性偏差研究的推进,而且还能为探究组织惯例演化的黑箱过程提供新思路。  相似文献   

正念冥想对情绪的调节作用:理论与神经机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正念冥想可调节个体的负性情绪、促进个体正性情绪,对于心身疾病具有显著的干预效用.正念冥想的再感知模型、正念应对模型、推动性上升螺旋模型以及正念情绪调节模型都强调了正念冥想对情绪的调节作用.认知神经科学的研究发现,正念冥想可促进左侧前额叶脑区激活增强,涉及的脑区主要包括背外侧前额叶皮层(DLPFC)和背内侧前额叶皮层(DMPFC).研究者进一步发现,正念特质是通过改善前额叶对边缘系统反应的调节来实现对情绪的调节作用.而且,这种调节作用还有可能体现为通过冥想训练分离联结在一起的两种自我参照神经机制,从而加强体验性神经机制.另外,研究者还发现,正念冥想训练还可以改变与情绪加工相关的大脑结构.进一步澄清冥想训练与大脑偏侧化的关系和不同类型被试之间的比较研究将成为该领域日后研究的重点.  相似文献   

倪丹  刘琛琳  郑晓明 《心理学报》2021,53(2):199-214
文章基于资源保存理论, 采用体验抽样法收集了一家商业银行114名员工及其配偶的数据。结果表明, 在个体内层面, 员工正念通过员工情感联结策略的中介作用影响其配偶家庭满意度及第二天早上工作投入; 在个体间层面的配偶家庭负面情感表达调节了员工正念与员工情感联结策略的关系及员工情感联结策略的中介作用, 即配偶家庭负面情感表达水平越高, 员工正念对员工情感联结策略的影响及员工情感联结策略的中介作用相对更弱。  相似文献   

考试焦虑导致诸多不良后果,而传统干预模式效果不够理想。正念的疗效获得广泛验证后,学界将其引入考试焦虑的干预中。NIH阶段模型(National Institutes of Health stage model)将心理干预措施的发展划分为基础研究、干预生成/细化、疗效检验、混合“疗效-实效”检验、实效检验、实施和传播6个阶段,其初衷旨在推动干预的实施和传播。基于该模型,首先分析正念影响考试焦虑的机制,尔后从“初步检验疗效”“完善优化干预模式”和“促进实施和传播”三个取向梳理现有考试焦虑的正念干预研究。最后,对照模型初衷,结合正念干预的特异性,提出未来研究应重视探索疗效机制、加强实用性研究、对正念干预的基本问题保持敏感(包括:完整的正念练习应包含开放监控、收集干预依从性数据、重视正念态度的学习、考虑东西方文化不同“自我观”的影响),以更好地促进干预的实施和传播。  相似文献   

情绪复杂性:探讨情绪功能的新视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情绪复杂性指个体情绪体验的多样性、广泛性和深刻性。可从情绪觉察能力和混合情绪两个角度测量情绪复杂性。情绪复杂性既受个体注意分配能力, 社会认知技能和某些人格特质的影响, 也与所处情境密切相关。此外, 情绪复杂性还存在年龄与文化差异。维持情绪复杂性对个体的认知功能和身心健康有重要意义, 如增加个体的环境适应能力和帮助个体从压力中更快恢复。正念训练和情绪聚焦疗法是两种增进情绪复杂性的心理干预手段。  相似文献   

A mindful experiential rather than an analytical ruminative mode of information processing is beneficial in depression. However studies have not taken into account people’s trait mindfulness or trait rumination. This study aimed to examine the effects of state and trait analytical rumination and experiential mindfulness on affect and social problem solving (SPS). Participants filled in the trait mindfulness and trait rumination questionnaires. After mood induction, dysphoric participants with and without a history of depression were assessed for SPS and affect before and after induction of mindful (experiential) or ruminative (analytic) processing modes. Results showed trait mindfulness was negatively correlated with the BDI and trait rumination was positively correlated with the BDI. There was no significant difference between groups after the induced experiential mindful or analytical ruminative processing modes. However, participants who scored high on trait rumination showed significant improvement in SPS after induced mindfulness processing. No such effect was found on trait mindfulness. These findings suggest a useful way to prevent high trait ruminators from developing depressive symptoms or depression. Experiential mindful processing may help reduce the risk of developing depressive symptoms by increasing social problem solving ability in those with low mood and high levels of trait rumination.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that we tend to show impaired memory for self-threatening information, an effect known as mnemic neglect. Mnemic neglect is believed to be due to shallow processing or inhibition of self-threatening information. Mnemic neglect, however, could also be an example of experiential avoidance and mindfulness training has been demonstrated to counteract experiential avoidance. The current study was designed to negate experiential avoidance on a memory task via mindfulness training and attempt to increase recall of self-threatening information. Participants were exposed to a short intervention, either mindfulness or unfocused attention, before being instructed to read and later recall self-referent behaviors. The findings indicated that recall of self-threatening and other self-referent information was increased following the mindfulness but not unfocused attention intervention. The utility of mindfulness as a strategy for negating the experiential avoidance normally associated with self-threatening information and increasing memory performance are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the nature and information processing requirements of detached mindfulness. The construct emerged from the self-regulatory information processing theory of emotional disorder (Wells & Matthews, 1994), and is viewed as a metacognitive state that facilitates change in core underlying pathological processes. Detached mindfulness has multiple components, requiring the activation of metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive monitoring and control, suspension of conceptual processing, attentional flexibility, and a de-centered relationship with thoughts. A model of the cognitive structures and processes supporting the state is presented. Implications of the model for the scientific development and effective use of mindfulness techniques are discussed. Ten techniques for rapidly achieving detached mindfulness in the course of metacognitive therapy are described.Address correspondence to Professor Adrian Wells, Academic Division of Clinical Psychology, The University of Manchester, Rawnsley Building, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9WL, UK; e-mail: Adrian.Wells@manchester.ac.uk.  相似文献   

The adaptability of organisms and human societies depends on the synergistic orchestration of processing modes at many different levels of organization, each with unique informational characteristics. Digital information technology is a narrow transect of this spectrum. Adaptability theory provides a tool for analyzing the interactions between these fundamentally different modes of processing and for delineating the factors that can lead to either positive or negative consequences for human life.  相似文献   

Negative emotional reactivity as measured by neuroticism has been shown to be an important risk factor for the development of depressive symptoms. This study investigated whether the ability to be mindful can protect against the negative effects of this temperamental vulnerability. An English community sample of N = 144 individuals who had completed a neuroticism questionnaire six years previously were assessed for current depressive symptoms and dispositional levels of mindfulness at points of assessment approximately one year apart. Dispositional mindfulness moderated the relation between neuroticism and current depressive symptoms: Neuroticism was significantly related to depression in those with low to medium levels of dispositional mindfulness but not in those with relatively high levels of mindfulness. Further analyzes focusing on particular mindfulness skills indicated that this effect was carried mostly by the ability to describe inner experience. The results suggest that dispositional mindfulness and particularly the ability to describe inner experience are helpful in dealing with negative emotional reactivity in a way that reduces the likelihood of depressive symptoms to develop.  相似文献   

Negative emotional reactivity as measured by neuroticism has been shown to be an important risk factor for the development of depressive symptoms. This study investigated whether the ability to be mindful can protect against the negative effects of this temperamental vulnerability. An English community sample of N = 144 individuals who had completed a neuroticism questionnaire six years previously were assessed for current depressive symptoms and dispositional levels of mindfulness at points of assessment approximately one year apart. Dispositional mindfulness moderated the relation between neuroticism and current depressive symptoms: Neuroticism was significantly related to depression in those with low to medium levels of dispositional mindfulness but not in those with relatively high levels of mindfulness. Further analyzes focusing on particular mindfulness skills indicated that this effect was carried mostly by the ability to describe inner experience. The results suggest that dispositional mindfulness and particularly the ability to describe inner experience are helpful in dealing with negative emotional reactivity in a way that reduces the likelihood of depressive symptoms to develop.  相似文献   

Processing fluency is the ease of processing information about a stimulus, which people can attribute to the experience of enjoyment. Despite consistent findings that processing fluency can affect self-reported judgments, little research has examined whether processing fluency or its interactions with personality traits can affect behavior. The current studies demonstrate that processing fluency is more likely to affect behavior among people higher in trait mindfulness. We manipulated processing fluency with rhyming versus nonrhyming maxims in Study 1 and with regulatory fit versus nonfit in Study 2. Participants higher in mindfulness showed a stronger positive effect for processing fluency on the dependent variable: the number of ideas they listed in a task they continued for as long as they enjoyed it.  相似文献   

越来越多的研究表明,正念冥想训练影响情绪加工。本文从正念冥想训练水平(包括临时训练、短时训练和长期训练)角度出发,系统回顾了不同水平的正念冥想训练对情绪加工的调节效应。综述发现,不同水平正念冥想训练都能够提高个体情绪调节能力,临时正念冥想训练作为一种有效的情绪调节方法影响情绪加工,而短期正念冥想训练和长期禅修训练通过增加个体正念意识,增强个体情绪接受力影响情绪加工。未来的研究需进一步在区分正念冥想训练时间和正念冥想训练类别基础上,探讨正念冥想训练影响情绪加工的认知神经机制。  相似文献   

In the field of sensorimotor activities, progresses achieved over the last fifty years have been largely driven by the Reaction Time (RT) paradigm. Information processing models are set in the context of a global breakdown of sensorimotor activities in multiple concatenated stages, each aggregated in many fundamental operations that are functionally linked. If there is a consensus today about this breakdown, the way stages organize themselves in time however is still much debated. According to one hypothesis, there is no temporal overlap between each stages: the process occurs sequentially. According to another theory, the stages overlap over in time: the process occurs in a parallel manner. A behavioral analysis does not allow to determine between these two hypothesis because the RT represents the final product of the whole sensorimotor pathway, while the temporal organization of the processing of information depends on the nature of the transfer between individual stages. An all-or-nothing information transfer, also called discrete, leads to a sequential organization, while a progressive or continuous transfer brings about a parallel organization. Moreover, contrary to a preconceived notion, data obtained from classical neurophysiology are compatible with both a sequential organization and a parallel organization. Particularly, the great number of connections between the different elements of the nervous system has often seemed difficult to conciliate with a sequential organization. In fact, this argument is inadmissible because it stems from confusion between a temporal organization and an anatomical organization of the processing of information. More generally, our knowledge of the functional anatomy of sensorimotor activities imposes but few constraints on the temporal organization patterns of the processing of information. The lack of interest for the neurophysiological argument seems essentially due to the fact that theses arguments rest on research which is not aimed at the temporal organization of the sensorimotor information processing. Recently, approaches that integrate concepts and methods used in experimental psychology and neurosciences have contributed to putting in perspective the organization of information processing. Electromyography, EEG, reflexology and neuronal recording techniques have been used in the context of two inference logics. The first logic, that we call "factual", is based on the study of functional relations between RT and certain neuronal events. The second logic, that we call "chronometric", is based on the study of the relationships between RT and intervals resulting from the breakdown of the RT in relation to certain neuronal events. Generally speaking, most studies suggest that in tasks where the stimulus is composed of numerous attributes, information processing operates in parallel. On the other hand, when the stimulus is made up of a single attribute, information processing could be operating in a sequential manner. One weakness of this electrophysiological approach is that it has so far only examined relationships between physiological indicators and means RT. We propose here to offset these weaknesses by examining functional relationships between RT distribution variances and certain neuronal events linked to information processing.  相似文献   

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