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牙科正畸隐形矫治技术是随着计算机革命应运而生的新型矫治技术.它与传统矫治技术相比在美观舒适和治疗预见性方面有诸多提高.最早只有Align Technology Inc(ALGN)这个跨国公司垄断经营,其运作方式也不同于传统矫治装置.由于它扩大了正畸患者群并面向非正畸专业的牙医出售其产品,其经营宣传已经开始影响到正畸医疗的服务格局.这样,很容易令人联想到此技术将结束传统矫治技术的时代.通过分析其时代背景和运作方式及技术局限性,认为隐形矫治器仍应作为传统矫治器的有力补充,而成为正畸学发展的助推器,而不应失去掌握着传统矫治技术的正畸医师的监控,导致盲目市场扩大化而伤害患者的健康利益.总之,隐形矫治技术不应是传统矫治技术的终结.  相似文献   

口腔正畸治疗时间长,患者依从性难以保证,这时医患交流对于治疗就尤为重要。正畸治疗各阶段良好的医患交流可以统一医患双方对矫治目标的理解差异,增进患者的信任感,争取患者最大程度的积极配合,防止错袷复发,减少医疗纠纷,取得令医患双方更加满意的矫治效果。  相似文献   

本文探讨片段弓矫治技术在前牙外伤中的应用效果。利用方丝弓矫治器对上前牙外伤68例患者(共89颗外伤牙,其中29颗松动Ⅱ度,51颗松动Ⅲ度,9颗完全脱位)进行复位、固定,并在治疗结束后半年、一年进行随诊观察。一年后固定成功率达到90%以上,患牙及颌骨复位精确,咬合关系恢复良好,并发症少。应用片段弓矫治技术治疗前牙外伤可获得良好的疗效,该技术安全可靠。  相似文献   

浅谈口腔正畸学科发展的相关性研究锦州医学院口腔系(121000)张玉霞任何一门学科的发展都和其他学科的发展密切相关,口腔正畸学亦不例外,这从它的发展历程可以得到证明。最初是用贵金属来治疗正畸患者,由于价格昂贵,可接受的人很少。后来材料学家与正畸学家通...  相似文献   

论市场经济条件下的文化运作方式王南社会是一个由经济、政治、文化三个既相对独立而又相关的子系统构成的有机整体,因而,建立社会主义市场经济就绝不仅仅是经济领域的变革,绝不仅仅涉及到经济运作方式的转变,而必然同时是政治、文化运作方式的转变。对于政治运作方式...  相似文献   

在新的历史时期,心理矫治方法在中国监狱得到了普遍应用。这是因为,导致犯罪的心理原因较突出,罪犯是心理问题的高发人群,需要开展心理矫治,以提高改造质量。心理矫治通过运用心理科学知识、技术和方法,在心理评估的基础上,善用罪犯寻求改变的心理,通过心理卫生教育、心理咨询、心理治疗等措施,帮助其调节不良情绪,改变不良的认知方式,改善或消除异常心理,达到完善其人格(个性)的一种活动。  相似文献   

任何文化都有自己独特的思维方式,也可以说,某种独特的思维方式是某种文化传统的凝结,它将它的文化母体的素质固定下来,而又反过来规范着、强化着这些素质。道教是中国土生土长的宗教,它的思维方式带着神学的、富于幻想的色彩。但它作为中国古代文化的一个产儿和一条支脉,它的思维方式在主要的方面与一般中国人的传统思维方式是一致的。因此,探究道教的思维方式,不仅对于道教研究本身,而且对于理解中国古代文化中思维方式的特点,都是不无裨益的。本文只从道教徒建立其教义、指导其方术的若干文献着手,探讨其思维方式,并由之略探其与一般的传统思维方式的关系。  相似文献   

后现代主义主要运用了折衷主义的手法,将历史装饰符号络与现代设计结合起来,打开了装饰艺术的新篇章。而银行建筑由于其特殊的发展历史,同时受到后现代主义的影响,将西方古典装饰元素以多样化的手法运用到银行的建筑形态之中。昆明银行建设不应一味地运用欧洲古典建筑元素,而应更多地借鉴民族建筑,用不同方式加以重组,同时对中国传统钱庄的形态加以提炼,形成自己的风格与文化特征。  相似文献   

魏晋玄学关于宇宙本体思想的逻辑演进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏晋玄学究竟是一种什么样的思想文化?它出现在魏晋时代到底有何思想价值?也就是说,中国传统的思想文化为什么在继先秦诸子、两汉经学之后要出现和能出现这样一种以究玄为主要方式的思想文化?对这一问题的解读,尽管离不开对魏晋时期社会经济、政治、思想文化状况的分析研究,以及在此基础上对魏晋玄学之历史发展的分梳、阐述,但主要的方面不应是对魏晋玄学作史的考察,而应是对其作哲学的考察,即首先要确定玄学思想的哲学主题。  相似文献   

CI是Corporate Identity的缩写,它是企业的经营宗旨与行为在视觉形象上的体现,也是企业占领市场的一种方式、方法。导入CI艺术设计完善企业形象,建立和加强CI艺术设计的运作管理,是一个非常重要课题。中原地区的企业家们应塑造出高水准的企业CI艺术形象,从而提高中原地区企业的知名度,更好地迎接国际、国内的挑战。  相似文献   


With the dramatic growth in the number of adults undergoing orthodontics to correct malocclusion, and those undergoing surgical orthodontics or orthognathic surgery to correct skeletal discrepancies in the orofacial region, it is important to examine the psychological characteristics of these patients before and after treatment is completed. This paper serves as a general review and summarizes the findings of two major longitudinal studies of patients seeking surgical correction and compares them with people who underwent conventional orthodontics, those who rejected any treatment, and those who sought cosmetic surgery. Both studies revealed that most women seeking surgical orthodontics focused on aesthetic improvement as a motive, whereas men sought to improve their appearance and mastication. Women were also more likely to report problems with the temporomandibular joint as a motive. Men and women scored similarly on a measure of body image, although women reported lower facial image presurgically and higher postsurgically than did men. The greatest gains following surgery were in facial and profile image for both men and women. Orthodontic patients showed less improvement, while those rejecting treatment experienced a decline in body image. Many functional improvements did not occur until 24 months postoperatively; lingering paraesthesia was described by 49% of the sample. Emotional reactions included anxiety preoperatively, and depression postoperatively, especially among patients scoring high on neuroticism and those experiencing other major life events. These studies reveal that people seeking surgical orthodontics are within the normal range of most personality measures and experience greater gains psychologically than do conventional orthodontic patients.  相似文献   

诱导细胞凋亡:一个有希望的治疗恶性肿瘤的新模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长期以来,人们一直被肿瘤的无限增殖所困惑。传统的肿瘤治疗也主要围绕这一认识展开。本文辩证分析了细胞的增殖与凋亡这一对矛盾,认为:肿瘤的本质应该是增殖与凋亡的失衡,诱导细胞凋亡将会成为肿瘤治疗的新模式  相似文献   

本文通过对现代口腔正畸学发展历程的探讨,阐明该学科的发展既要依赖于整体科学技术的进步与突破;也要求科学工作者具备有良好的人文关怀修养;更需要有能够促进本门学科发展的自由创新的学术平台;同时还要建立起多种学科的相互渗透与交叉发展的大科学思想。  相似文献   

As the Internet has changed communication, commerce, and the distribution of information, so too it is changing psychological research. Psychologists can observe new or rare phenomena online and can do research on traditional psychological topics more efficiently, enabling them to expand the scale and scope of their research. Yet these opportunities entail risk both to research quality and to human subjects. Internet research is inherently no more risky than traditional observational, survey, or experimental methods. Yet the risks and safeguards against them will differ from those characterizing traditional research and will themselves change over time. This article describes some benefits and challenges of conducting psychological research via the Internet and offers recommendations to both researchers and institutional review boards for dealing with them. ((c) 2004 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study investigates drug consumption and risk behaviors among female students between 8th and 12th grade in two communities in the city of Santiago, Chile. Based on studies of university populations, we hypothesize that the students' reports of their consumption of licit drugs will tend to be consistent with their actual use of said drugs using two methods to investigate consumption, while their consumption of illicit drugs will be susceptible, and will tend to be under-reported when evaluated through traditional self-report measures. In order to compare the two methods, a cross-sectional study was designed that would compare reported drug consumption, first using the peers method, and then by means of traditional self-report in a group of 350 students. The results show that women's reports of licit drug consumption converge using the two methods, while as earlier suggested, women's illicit drug consumption was found to be under-reported when traditional methodologies were used.  相似文献   

The situational specificity hypothesis in personnel selection holds that variation in observed validity coefficients across studies for the same test and job is due to subtle variations from setting to setting in what constitutes job performance. This hypothesis therefore predicts that, if the setting does not vary, validity will not vary. Using data from a single large-sample validity study ( N = 1,455), this research generated numerous small-sample studies for which the setting (organization, job, test, criterion measure, applicant pool, time period, and sample size) was held constant. It was found that even under these circumstances there was substantial variability across studies in (a) observed validity coefficients, (b) significance levels, and (c) (using traditional data analytic methods) conclusions about the presence or absence of validity. These findings disconfirm the situational specificity hypothesis and argue strongly against traditional data-analytic procedures and the practice of reliance on single small-sample studies. In contrast to the erroneous conclusions produced by traditional data-analytic procedures, meta-analytic methods correctly estimated the population observed validity at .22 and correctly indicated that all between-study variance in observed validities was due to sampling error alone.  相似文献   

随着网络使用的普及,网络欺负日益成为普遍的社会公共问题,尤其在青少年群体中易引发广泛的危害。研究聚焦于被欺负者和欺负者潜在转换的视角,考察有过线下被欺负经历的个体是否实施网络欺负的可能性更高,且是否是道德推脱在其中起中介作用,而此作用还会受到高自尊的增强。以中学生为对象,间隔六个月时间,在时间1测量了线下受欺负情况、道德推脱和自尊,在时间2测量了在网络上欺负他人的情况。结果发现,在控制了性别、年级、社会赞许性之后,线下受欺负程度可以显著正向预测网络欺负的程度,且道德推脱在其中起到正向的中介作用。此外,这一中介作用还受到自尊的调节,随着自尊的增强,在线下越受欺负的青少年就越会通过道德推脱合理化其攻击行为,从而在网上做出更多对于他人的欺负行为。  相似文献   

随访是临床工作的重要组成部分之一,是患者治疗后治疗效果的反馈。正畸医生重视随访工作不仅可以观察患者的远期疗效,提高科研水平,还可以反思治疗过程中存在的潜在问题,总结经验。因此,将临床随访应用于口腔正畸工作中对医患双方都是有益的。  相似文献   

In order to provide insights into why discrimination protocols with three stimuli sometimes tend to be less sensitive than protocols with two stimuli, two experiments were conducted. In these experiments, the relative effects of memory decay and memory interference were investigated. Both experiments involved purified water and/or solutions of low NaCl concentration. In Experiment 1, three protocols were compared: the traditional same-different test (Protocol 1), the same protocol with a rinse between the two samples (Protocol 2), and Protocol 2 with an added time delay between the first sample and the intermediate rinse (Protocol 3.) The decrease in measured d' values as time delay increased indicated that memory decay might be a factor for tests with three stimuli, such as the triangle method, rendering it less sensitive than tests with two stimuli, such as the same-different method. In Experiment 2, four protocols were compared: the traditional same-different test, the two-rinse same-different test, the triangle test, and what will be called duo same-different test. The experimental design allowed the individual consideration of memory decay and interference effects. From this last experiment, the substantial effect of memory interference was uncovered. Further experimentation will be necessary to estimate the exact relative effects of memory interference and memory decay.  相似文献   

The subtle relationship between feeling and thinking, affect and cognition has fascinated philosophers and writers since time immemorial, yet, empirical research on this topic was relatively neglected by psychologists until recently. There have been many claims emphasising the beneficial cognitive and behavioural consequences of positive affect. Many recent works suggest that negative affect may also facilitate optimal performance in many situations, consistent with evolutionary theories suggesting the adaptive signalling function of various affective states. This paper reviews traditional and current psychological theories linking affect to social thinking and behaviour. A variety of empirical studies from our laboratory will also be presented, demonstrating that in many situations, negative affect promotes optimal performance in cognitive and social tasks, including tasks such as memory, social judgements, motivation, and strategic interpersonal behaviours. These results will be interpreted in terms of a dual‐process theory that predicts that negative affect promotes a more accommodative, vigilant, and externally focused thinking strategy. The relevance of these findings for recent affect–cognition theories will be discussed, and the practical implications of negative affect promoting improved social thinking and performance in a number of applied fields will be considered.  相似文献   

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