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不孕症女性患者的污名或歧视现象是一个值得关注的话题.在我国,不孕污名的产生具有传统文化背景.不孕污名影响患者的身心健康,造成患者社会隔离,提出相关对策对改善不孕症女性患者及其家属认知与态度,提高不孕女性心理保健水平是有积极意义的.  相似文献   

心理疾病污名形成理论述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
心理疾病污名是加诸于患者身上的耻辱标记,妨碍患者的治疗和康复。心理疾病污名的成因理论包括功能主义和生物文化两个派别,污名的发展模型解释了污名的形成过程,身份威胁模型对污名的作用机制进行了阐述。通过抗议、教育和接触可以有效地减少污名。在中国开展相关研究应注重分析传统文化、心理疾病类型与污名的关系,探讨各种减少污名策略的可行性  相似文献   

国外心理疾病烙印影响研究概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心理疾病污名足加诸在心理疾病患者身上的耻辱标记,世界卫生组织2001年指出"心理和行为障碍患者康复的最大阻碍就是社会对他们的污名和与之相连的歧视".作者对国外污名领域的研究进行了回顾,论述了心理疾病污名的概念、有关其影响机制的理论和实证研究.从公众污名和自我污名两方面论述了污名对心理疾病患者的影响以及消除污名的方法.  相似文献   

心理疾病自我污名是心理疾病患者内化公众的消极刻板印象、偏见和歧视,形成自我偏见和歧视的现象.心理疾病自我污名会给患者带来一系列的负面影响,是心理康复过程中的一个高危因子.自我污名可能是通过引发患者的消极认知、负面情感和自我歧视行为来危及心理康复过程的.对自我污名的干预应针对患者和社会公众分别加以实施.未来可以从理论构建、测量工具和干预措施的改进,以及去污名与心理康复的融合等方面展开自我污名本土化的研究.  相似文献   

艾滋病污名的形成机制、负面影响与干预   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘颖  时勘 《心理科学进展》2010,18(1):123-131
艾滋病污名主要包括实际污名、感知污名和自我污名, 这些不同形式的污名给艾滋病患者带来了精神上的痛苦、社会资源的剥夺等一系列的负面影响。归因理论、社会文化理论和道德理论分别从社会心理学、社会不平等和文化道德的角度阐述了艾滋病污名的形成机制。从这些机制出发, 减少艾滋病污名可以结合接触假设、知识传播以及认知行为疗法, 并注意改变艾滋病患者的自身观念。未来的艾滋病污名研究应更多地从社会文化以及道德的角度进行跨文化的量化研究。  相似文献   

羞辱感在女性不孕症患者中普遍存在;导致女性产生社会隔离感、自尊和自我效能感降低等不良心理应激;进而影响患者的身心健康.回顾国内外相关文献;从羞辱的定义和分类出发;对女性不孕症患者羞辱感存在的现状、产生原因、对患者的影响;以及相应的干预措施进行综述;以期为改善女性不孕症患者的心理健康提供参考.  相似文献   

污名现象及其心理效应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
污名本质上是一种消极的刻板印象,是社会对某些个体或群体贬低性的、侮辱性的标签,对被污名者有着深刻的影响。文章从三个方面对污名的相关研究做了简要的回顾。首先介绍了几种污名的相关定义;然后介绍了污名的心理效应,包括污名他人的功能,污名对群体和个体的影响,以及社会公众对污名的态度和应对过程;第三介绍了两个污名研究的主要领域:一个是污名群体知觉、应对歧视规律的污名歧视研究,另一个是可隐匿污名的相关研究,如隐匿污名的心理过程,隐匿的情绪反应以及揭示污名的心理意义等。最后,提出了未来研究的几点展望,可隐匿污名的相关研究,内隐社会认知研究和消除污名消极影响的干预研究  相似文献   

心理疾病内隐污名是个体无法内省或精确识别的与心理疾病有关的痕迹, 它潜在地调节着个体对心理疾病患者的观念和行为。心理疾病内隐污名的主要测量方法包括内隐联想测验、简式内隐联想测验、启动任务和生理心理测量。当前该研究领域集中在内隐污名的成分、公众内隐污名、自我内隐污名、去污名化评估等方面。未来研究可从心理疾病内隐污名的构成与结构、认知神经基础、测量整合和本土化等角度做进一步探讨。  相似文献   

污名应对研究:发展脉络、理论取向与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨柳  刘力 《心理科学进展》2008,16(5):815-825
污名应对是指被污名者运用不同策略来反抗社会赋予他们的贬低性标签的动态过程。这一领域的研究正在从站在污名施予者的立场考察污名的影响转向到强调被污名者作为主动应对者。目前,对污名应对的研究有三种理论取向:权衡比较取向、认同威胁取向和个人与情境互动取向。污名应对研究对于改善被污名者的心理健康和改进消除污名影响的政策等有重要意义。未来应进一步加强对可隐藏性污名应对的研究,综合使用量化和质性研究范式,关注污名应对的纵向研究,加强污名应对理论的实际应用  相似文献   

应激与应对的理论发展构建了污名应对研究的基本框架。污名应对策略是指被污名者在具体污名情境中为减少压力的消极影响而有目的地采用的情绪、认知和行为反应。目前, 关于被污名者应对污名策略的研究, 特别是艾滋病污名应对策略的研究日趋增多。根据不同的划分标准, 可以区分出问题聚焦性与情绪聚焦性策略、卷入与摆脱策略以及前摄性与反应性策略; 对于可隐藏污名而言, 还涉及到表露/隐藏策略。在研究方法上, 质性研究范式日益发挥重要作用。未来应该注重污名应对策略的情境性, 加强不同污名领域的专题研究, 关注对应对策略的评价并构建污名应对策略的层次模型。  相似文献   

Remennick  Larissa 《Sex roles》2000,43(11-12):821-841
Drawing on Goffman's stigma framework, this in-depth study explored the experiences of 26 infertile Jewish women in Israel, the country with a strong pronatalist ideology, both institutional and popular. The findings are in line with the key postulates of the stigma concept: women's coping strategies included selective disclosure, avoidance of exposure of their “hidden disability,” and other information management techniques. Infertility became a “master status” for these women, undermining any other merits and achievements they might have. Most women fully internalized and endorsed the pronatalist discourse by way of pursuing long-term and burdensome infertility treatments, at any personal cost. The paper argues that resistance to stigma of infertility is only possible where women dare question the motherhood imperative, which is clearly not the case with most Israelis. Material and mental resources needed for resisting the stigma of infertility are found among few educated professional women. The paper suggests three theoretical inferences: (a) stigma as a psychological response is graded by the extent of individual's conformity with the dominant norms; (b) the stigma of childlessness is most devastating for the less educated women without career or other nonfamilial aspirations; and (c) in pronatalist societies, the coping and management approach to the study of infertility is more relevant than the resistance approach suggested by some authors.  相似文献   

流动儿童歧视知觉与心理健康水平的关系及其心理机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蔺秀云  方晓义  刘杨  兰菁 《心理学报》2009,41(10):967-979
为了探讨流动儿童所感受到的歧视对他们心理健康水平的影响, 以及应对方式和自尊在其中所起的作用, 从北京市公立学校和打工子弟学校选取1164名流动儿童、从公立学校选取525名北京儿童、从流动儿童主要来源地的农村选取568名农村儿童作为被试, 采用问卷调查的形式, 测查了流动儿童感受到的歧视、他们的心理健康水平(社交焦虑、孤独感、抑郁)、应对方式和自尊。研究发现: (1) 流动儿童所感受到的社会歧视在学校类型、流动性上存在显著的差异, 打工子弟学校的流动儿童得分显著高于公立学校的, 流动性高的儿童得分显著高于流动性低的, 但在性别上不存在显著差异, 也不存在学校类型与性别和流动性的交互作用; (2) 流动儿童的心理健康水平在性别、学校类型和流动性上存在显著的差异, 女孩、来自公立学校的流动儿童、流动性高的儿童的心理健康水平显著差于与之相对应的被试, 除在社交焦虑和抑郁上存在学校类型和性别的交互作用外, 在孤独感上不存在学校类型和流动性的交互作用; (3) 不同类别儿童在心理健康水平上存在显著差异, 流动儿童在社交焦虑、孤独感上最差; (4) 除消极应对与自尊、积极应对与抑郁相关不显著外, 歧视、心理健康水平、应对方式、自尊两两之间都相关非常显著; (5) 歧视知觉对心理健康水平有显著的直接影响, 也通过应对方式和自尊对心理健康水平产生显著的影响。自尊不仅在歧视知觉与心理健康水平之间起到显著的部分中介作用, 在应对方式和心理健康水平之间也起到了显著的部分中介作用。  相似文献   

We examined traits of open-mindedness, kindness, hope, and social intelligence in the context of mental health stigma. Stigma – a process that objectifies and dehumanizes a person who has mental illness – diminishes people’s ability to control their behavior as coping with stigma requires self-regulation. Exploring mental health stigma through the lens of character strengths allows for understanding individual differences and kinds of characteristics that help decrease the ramifications associated with stigma of mental health. Several tasks explored the effects of character strengths on implicit and explicit mental health stigma: implicit association task, measures of willingness to interact with those with a mental health disorder, and a social distance task of self, friend, and person with a disorder. Character strengths of social intelligence and kindness were indicative of less stigma of mental health. More open-minded individuals tended to not hold individuals diagnosed with a mental health disorder personally responsible for acquiring that disorder.  相似文献   

One of the greatest barriers to individuals with mental illnesses in achieving their life goals is the stigma of mental illness. A major focus of mental health advocates is tearing down this stigma. Approaching this task from a research-informed perspective is important to ensure that resources are wisely spent, and adopted strategies are effective. This article provides a review of existing research regarding public stigma reduction, looking at approaches within mental health and other stigmatized communities. Recommendations are made for adopting approaches involving Targeted, Local, Credible, and Continuous Contact.  相似文献   

To add to the dialogue regarding the long-term recovery and wellbeing of war and tsunami-affected women in Sri Lanka, we utilised the Conservation of Resources Theory (COR, Hobfoll, 2009) to inform an investigation of direct and indirect effects. The study was specifically designed to assess how traumatic exposure may represent a form of loss which may associate with related losses in the form of external and internal stigma which may then associate with poor mental health outcomes. The data for this study were collected in 2016 from a sample of 379 widowed women in Eastern Sri Lanka; participant spouses died in the civil war, in the tsunami, or from health or other problems. Our analyses yielded a model suggesting associations between remembered trauma event exposure from war and disaster, external stigma, internalised stigma and mental health symptom distress. Results further yielded direct and indirect effects suggesting that trauma may represent a form of loss, and potentially lead to distress through the weight and challenges of stigma.  相似文献   

污名对大学生心理求助行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生群体的心理健康问题是全社会一个不容忽视的问题,然而,由于心理疾病的污名化,大学生为了避免自己和家人遭受歧视而回避求助,本文通过文献调查法,探讨污名的内涵、影响因素、污名的分类及对大学生心理求助行为的影响,提出对策减少心理疾病污名感,提高大学生心理求助行为,促进大学生心理健康。  相似文献   

Many children and teenagers living with mental health problems experience stigma from within their peer group, yet this remains an under-researched topic in developmental science and the broader mental health literature. This paper highlights the limitations of adopting measures, concepts and theories that have exclusively emanated from the adult mental health literature. We argue that the social context of children and adolescents is critical in understanding the development and maintenance of stigma towards those with mental health problems, alongside the changing developmental needs and abilities of children and adolescents. In this article we argue that a theory proposed to explain the development of stereotypes and prejudice in childhood has potential as a framework for integrating existing research findings on mental health stigma in childhood and adolescence and providing direction for further research. The need for interventions that are grounded within the developmental science literature and that explicitly state their theory of change are identified as key research priorities for reducing stigma during childhood and adolescence.  相似文献   

Background and Objectives: The aim of this study was to further understanding of the relationship between social support, internalized and perceived stigma, and mental health among women who experienced sexual violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Methods: Drawing from baseline survey data collected in eastern DRC, researchers conducted a secondary cross-sectional analysis using data from 744 participants. Regression and moderation analyses were conducted to examine associations between social support variables, felt stigma, and depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Results: Emotional support seeking and felt stigma were positively associated with increased symptom severity across all three mental health variables. Stigma modified associations between emotional support seeking and depression (t?=??2.49, p?=?.013), anxiety (t?=??3.08, p?=?.002), and PTSD (t?=??2.94, p?=?.003). Increased frequency of emotional support seeking was associated with higher mental health symptoms of anxiety and PTSD among women experiencing all levels of stigma.

Conclusions: Enhancing understanding of social support and stigma may inform research and intervention among Congolese forced migrant populations across circumstances and geographic locations. Implications for practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

Although stigma is a major barrier to treatment for those with mental health concerns, it is poorly understood when stigma is more or less influential in mental health treatment decisions. In the current work, we examined whether psychological distance—the removal of an event from direct experience—reduced the influence of internalized stigma on willingness to seek treatment. Specifically, we tested the hypothesis that psychological distance versus proximity (e.g., seeking treatment in three months vs. in two days, respectively) decreases the negative influence of stigma on willingness to seek treatment. We focused on a population for whom mental health treatment decisions are personally-relevant: individuals who had previously sought mental health treatment. Experiment 1 showed that the extent to which these individuals internalized (i.e., personally endorsed) stigma about mental illness predicted lower intentions to make an appointment with a mental health care provider for themselves (but not another person). Experiment 2 replicated this result using a different measure of psychological distance (temporal distance) and extended this finding to behavior (time spent reading mental health resources). Overall, this research demonstrated that internalized stigma disrupts mental health treatment-seeking intentions and behaviors when they are psychologically proximal, but not when they are distant. Potential applications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

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