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信任博弈范式测量信任的有效性一直存在争议。一方面, 社会偏好与风险偏好可能在范式变动中对投资信任水平产生影响, 降低信任博弈的内部效度。另一方面, 信任博弈与量表信任的相关水平较低, 这可能和态度与行为差异、测量类型差异以及测量范式的不足有关。虽然存在争议, 但总体而言, 信任博弈范式仍然是较为适宜的信任测量手段。未来信任博弈范式可在:验证信任博弈范式变动的科学性; 进一步澄清信任博弈范式与量表信任的低相关问题; 拓展信任博弈范式的测量维度以及提升信任博弈范式的生态效度等方面继续完善。  相似文献   

论公共信任:概念与性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信任是一种与未知领域的行动相联系的信念,而公共信任是公共生活特有的一种信任。公共信任有两大特性:其一,公共信任是一种普遍信任,即对一般他人的信任,还包含了制度信任的内容;其二,公共信任是信任者与被信任者的利益博弈,具有策略价值,同时也是建立在利他主义基础上的道德品性。这两大特性是深刻认识并解决当前社会"信任危机"的关键。  相似文献   

由于信息的结构性垄断的特征,社会网络不仅仅是信息的传递而且是既定社会人情关系和庇护关系的体现.就当前我国社会信任问题而言,由于社会结构分化呈现为断裂和边界固定化的状况,信息更是体现结构性的垄断.这种垄断导致了一系列的政治、体制和社会的信任问题,尤其是结构、阶层之间的隔离导致群际之间的沟通阻塞,这就是体制洞或结构洞存在的原因和表现,它致使私人之间的社会网络在日常生活的沟通交往中占据主要地位,私人信任替代体制信任.  相似文献   

群际信任是衡量群际关系的一个重要尺度.群际信任指人们在群际互动中对其他群体成员的行为或意向做积极预期而且愿意承受相应的风险,这种信任主要是由群体成员所属的社会身份所决定的,表现为内群体成员对外群体成员的信任.影响群际信任的因素包括社会群体身份及其表征和群体之间的接触经验,增进群际信任的方法主要包括社会认同与群际接触两大类方法.未来的研究需结合已有进展和社会现实问题对中国的群际信任问题及增进方法进行深入和系统的探讨.  相似文献   

从信任修复的时间阶段模型来看,以往研究主要探讨了信任违背发生后的修复策略及效果,而鲜有研究从违背前的视角对此展开探索。为检验社会善念能否作为信任修复的‘事前’策略及其修复效果的边界条件,本研究采用Somi范式操纵违背方的社会善念,通过让信任方完成信任博弈游戏来考察其感知到的社会善念对信任修复的效果及社会距离与时间距离在其中发挥的调节作用。实验1结果表明,感知社会善念有助于促进受损信任的修复,感知高(vs.低)社会善念的被试修复效果更好;实验2发现社会距离调节了感知社会善念对信任修复的影响,面对社会距离远(vs.近)者的信任违背,感知到高社会善念的被试有更好的修复效果;实验3不仅再次验证了前两个实验的发现,还进一步发现时间距离调节了社会距离与感知社会善念对信任修复的影响,即当社会距离远的违背方回应时间距离短时,感知高社会善念的被试修复效果更好,当社会距离近的违背方回应时间距离长时,感知高社会善念的被试修复效果更好。由此可见,违背发生前信任方感知到违背方的社会善念能在一定程度上修复受损信任,但其效果受到社会距离与时间距离的制约。这些发现对未来探讨信任修复的事前策略及社会善念理论的应用均有一定启示意义。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨不同友谊状态下,初中生的社会比较对认知与情感信任的影响,及两种信任在社会比较与亲密度变化关系中的中介作用。有效被试为522名(M=12.87岁, SD=0.67),开学初让被试提名一位最亲密朋友,期中考试后让其比较与该好友的成绩排名并评价对好友的认知与情感信任水平,随后重新评价该好友的亲密度。结果表明:在亲密朋友(第二次依旧为最亲密的朋友)中,向下比较的情感信任高于向上比较,社会比较不影响认知信任;在普通朋友(第二次亲密度降低的朋友)中,向上比较的认知和情感信任均高于向下比较;社会比较只通过认知信任影响亲密度变化(完全中介),即相比于向下比较,向上比较时的认知信任水平较高,从而更有利于维持友谊的亲密性。  相似文献   

谢军 《伦理学研究》2004,(1):104-108
责任与信任都是社会生活的基础 ,是人作为理性存在的理性要求。人的存在本质上既是孤独的 ,又力图摆脱孤独。孤独使人具有责任意识 ,成为道德的存在 ,摆脱孤独使人获得信任 ;责任与信任都与他者紧密联系 ,责任是为他者而存在 ,信任是与他者之共在 ;信任是社会交往的前提 ,保持信任虽不出于责任但却合乎责任 ,因而也具有道德价值。  相似文献   

公共管理:治理模式及其构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对社会治理模式的概念分析及回溯表明,在西方国家的新公共管理运动背景下,特别是在中国以建设服务型政府为目标的行政改革中,作为社会治理模式的公共管理理论已经形成.在这一理论中,公共管理作为一种新型的社会治理模式,是建立在服务精神和服务原则基础上的服务型社会治理模式,它以信任-合作机制的生成为基本特征,具有"服务-信任-合作"三位一体的关系图式.  相似文献   

现代社会面临的重要问题是如何有效地促进人们之间的相互合作,达到社会公共利益的最大化。因此,有关社会困境(social dilemma)的研究成为社会心理学领域的热点。随着群体理论的发展,研究者的研究视角逐渐从个体(individual)转向群体(collective),关注层级结构的群体(hierarchical groups)中,管理者或管理机构(权威)的特征和行为对个体合作行为的影响。其中,权威信任(trust in authority)和公正感(fairness)是影响个体态度和合作行为的重要变量。政治信任(political trust)也可以看作权威信任的一种,即在社会背景下,公众对社会管理权威(政府机构)的信任。未来研究应尝试在实验室里对政治信任的作用和机制进行探究,并进一步探究公正感在政治信任对态度及合作行为关系中的中介作用。  相似文献   

徐芬  王杨丽  马凤玲 《应用心理学》2012,18(2):120-128,138
本研究通过对129名大学生的信任倾向和社会适应的研究,考察了大学生的信任倾向对社会适应的影响。研究结果显示,信任倾向与社会适应的各个指标之间显著相关,即信任倾向越高,个体的人际适应、自我适应与情绪适应就越好。而且信任倾向能够直接预测自我适应,并通过自我适应的中介间接影响人际适应和情绪适应。  相似文献   

While literature demonstrates that the relationship between religion and well-being is generally positive, information about the mechanisms is still far from clear. Two hundred and sixty-eight Chinese were recruited to examine how Protestant spirituality is related to well-being in Hong Kong. Path analysis demonstrated the complex relationship between various spirituality dimensions (religious belief, experience, and practice) and well-being variables, manifested in life satisfaction, social trust and sense of community. While spirituality may directly predict life satisfaction, the relationship between spirituality and social trust are fully mediated through sense of community. Furthermore, the well-being at the community level (feeling sense of community and social trust) appears to affect the well-being on the personal level (life satisfaction). These findings not only show that the influence of religion on people’s well-being can be richly diverse, but also match with the emerging literature on the positive effects of social capital on health and well-being.  相似文献   

为探讨大学生社会排斥对社交焦虑的影响以及负面评价恐惧和人际信任在二者之间的作用机制,研究采用大学生社会排斥问卷(SEQU)、社交焦虑量表(SASSCS)、负面评价恐惧量表(BFNES)及人际信任量表(ITS)对450名大学生进行测试。结果表明:(1)大学生社会排斥不仅对个体的社交焦虑水平产生影响,还会通过负面评价恐惧的中介作用对社交焦虑产生影响;(2)人际信任能够调节大学生社会排斥对社交焦虑的直接作用,具体而言,与高人际信任的大学生相比较,较低人际信任的大学生的社会排斥对社交焦虑的预测作用更加显著。  相似文献   

为探讨大学生社会排斥对社交焦虑的影响以及负面评价恐惧和人际信任在二者之间的作用机制,研究采用大学生社会排斥问卷(SEQU)、社交焦虑量表(SASSCS)、负面评价恐惧量表(BFNES)及人际信任量表(ITS)对450名大学生进行测试。结果表明:(1)大学生社会排斥不仅对个体的社交焦虑水平产生影响,还会通过负面评价恐惧的中介作用对社交焦虑产生影响;(2)人际信任能够调节大学生社会排斥对社交焦虑的直接作用,具体而言,与高人际信任的大学生相比较,较低人际信任的大学生的社会排斥对社交焦虑的预测作用更加显著。  相似文献   

In this paper we argue that there is much to learn about “wild justice” and the evolutionary origins of morality – behaving fairly – by studying social play behavior in group-living mammals. Because of its relatively wide distribution among the mammals, ethological investigation of play, informed by interdisciplinary cooperation, can provide a comparative perspective on the evolution of ethical behavior that is broader than is provided by the usual focus on primate sociality. Careful analysis of social play reveals rules of engagement that guide animals in their social encounters. Because of its significance in development, play may provide a foundation of fairness for other forms of cooperation that are advantageous to group living. Questions about the evolutionary roots of cooperation, fairness, trust, forgiveness, and morality are best answered by attention to the details of what animals do when they engage in social play – how they negotiate agreements to cooperate, to forgive, to behave fairly, and to develop trust. We consider questions such as why play fairly? Why did play evolve as it has? Does “being fair” mean being more fit? Do individual variations in play influence an individual’s reproductive fitness? Can we use information about the foundations of moral behavior in animals to help us understand ourselves? We conclude that there is likely to be strong selection for cooperative fair play because there are mutual benefits when individuals adopt this strategy and group stability may also be fostered. Numerous mechanisms have evolved to facilitate the initiation and maintenance of social play, to keep others engaged, so that agreeing to play fairly and the resulting benefits of doing so can be readily achieved.  相似文献   

What is it to trust someone? What is it for someone to be trustworthy? These are the two main questions that this paper addresses. There are various situations that can be described as ones of trust, but this paper considers the issue of trust between individuals. In it, I suggest that trust is distinct from reliance or cases where someone asks for something on the expectation that it will be done due to the different attitude taken by the trustor. I argue that the trustor takes Holton’s ‘participant stance’ and this distinguishes trust from reliance. I argue that trustworthiness is different from reliability and that an account of trustworthiness cannot be successful whilst ignoring the point that aligning trustworthiness with reliability removes the virtue from being trustworthy. On the question of what it is distinguishes trustworthiness from reliability, I argue that the distinction is in the opportunity for the trustee to act against the wishes of the trustor and the trustee’s consideration of the value of the trust that has been placed in them by the trustor.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that Protestant theological conservatism is associated with lower levels of generalized trust. In this article, we ask: What are the implications of theological conservatives’ lower trust levels? Specifically, does their lower trust impact environmental cooperation? Past research finds that trust promotes cooperation, and we theorize that because theological conservatism undermines trust, it should negatively impact cooperation directly. Thus, we suggest an interaction between trust and theological conservatism on cooperation. We test the arguments in the context of environmental social dilemmas, including decisions about recycling, water and energy consumption, and individuals’ willingness to protect the environment, using data from the 2010 General Social Survey. Our results support the theory that trust levels among Protestant theological conservatism more acutely undermine environmental cooperation, and we further discuss the implications of these findings.  相似文献   

Katherine Hawley 《Synthese》2014,191(9):2029-2045
You can trust your friends. You should trust your friends. Not all of your friends all of the time: you can reasonably trust different friends to different degrees, and in different domains. Still, we often trust our friends, and it is often reasonable to do so. Why is this? In this paper I explore how and whether friendship gives us reasons to trust our friends, reasons which may outstrip or conflict with our epistemic reasons. In the final section, I will sketch some related questions concerning trust based on the trustee’s race, gender, or other social identity.  相似文献   

One of the clearest results in previous studies on social trust is the robust positive relationship with educational attainment. The most common interpretation is that education has a causal effect on social trust. The theoretical argument and empirical results in this article suggest a different interpretation. We argue that common preadult factors such as cognitive abilities and personality traits rooted in genes and early‐life family environment may confound the relationship between educational attainment and social trust. We provide new evidence on this question by utilizing the quasi‐experiment of twinning. By looking at the relationship between education and social trust within monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs, we are able to avoid potential confounders rooted in genetic factors and common environmental influences because the monozygotic twins share both. The results suggest that when controlling for such familial factors the estimated effects of education on social trust are close to zero and far from reaching statistical significance. Further analyses show that the relationship between education and social trust largely is driven by common genetic factors.  相似文献   

胡锦涛在中共十八大上提出:必须坚持维护社会公平正义。对社会公正的认知直接决定着民众的政治信任, 进而影响民众对政府的合作。近年来频发的群体性事件即是非合作行为的典型表征。然而, 国内外研究中至今没有直接探讨社会公正与政治信任影响合作行为的实证支持, 更无法进一步揭示其作用于合作行为的过程和条件。鉴于此, 本研究将社会公正分为分配公正和程序公正, 将政治信任分为工具信任和情感信任, 采用实验室研究、现场研究和问卷调查研究相结合的方法, 探讨社会公正对合作行为的过程机制, 建立其通过工具信任和情感信任作用于合作行为的双路径模型; 并进一步分析结果依赖性对这一路径模型的调节作用。本研究有望提出社会公正与政治信任影响合作行为的双路径模型及其调节变量, 一方面在理论上深化和拓展本领域的研究, 另一方面实践中通过提升公正感、强化过程变量(政治信任)、干预调节变量(结果依赖性)等策略促进合作行为。  相似文献   

One of the main aspects of the Web 2.0 revolution has been social commerce that has resulted in many people across the world increasingly engaging with commercial activities over social media platforms. However, the academic and research interest in social commerce is still low, and more studies are required to accelerate awareness of the most important issues relating to social commerce, in particular, social trust and value cocreation. Thus, the present study aims to propose a conceptual model that is intended to enable greater understanding of the causal interactions between social commerce constructs, social trust, and customer value cocreation. We collected data using a sample of 300 followers and fans of online Facebook communities, and we analysed them by using a structural equation model. The results show that social commerce constructs positively impact on social trust. Furthermore, we found that social trust positively impacts on the three dimensions of customer value cocreation. We found that social trust mediates the relationship between the social commerce and customer value cocreation dimensions. The paper presents a considerable theoretical contribution for being the first study that links social commerce constructs with social trust. The linkage between social commerce constructs, social trust, and customer value cocreation dimensions will also be beneficial for social media marketing strategists and managers.  相似文献   

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