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青少年民族认同发展的三阶段理论模型和黑人民族认同发展模型的提出,为研究少数民族青少年的民族认同发展提供了一定的依据。少数民族青少年民族认同的发展与应付能力,自我效能感等因素有积极的相关,在一定程度上可以提高自尊,比如消极民族刻板印象的影响,增加心理归属感等。而且可以促发少数民族青少年亲社会态度的形成。  相似文献   

近年来,群体认同与个体心理健康的关系得到了研究者的关注。本研究通过对相关文献的梳理与归纳发现:民族、国家、学校、家庭等不同种类群体的认同,群体认同数量与个体心理健康的关系显著;群体认同与个体心理健康之间的关系受群体认同动机和个体对群体评价的调节,并依赖于自尊、社会支持、控制知觉、归因方式等因素的中介;未来应利用多种方法继续研究群体认同与个体心理健康关系的调节变量与作用机制。  相似文献   

民族认同是一个终生动态发展的过程。青少年的民族认同影响到民族文化的传承和发展,而且民族认同和文化适应、心理健康、人格发展、亲社会行为等紧密相关。本研究选取1328名11~20岁的青少年为被试,探求青少年民族认同(包括对本民族认同和中华民族认同)在不同年龄阶段的特点,发现20岁是青少年认同的关键时期,母亲的受教育程度等对民族认同有显著影响作用。  相似文献   

为探讨大学生学校认同对责任感的影响及其机制,本研究采用问卷调查与实验相结合的方法,通过系列研究揭示二者之间的相关与因果关系,并检验了集体自尊和个体自尊的中介效应。结果发现:(1)大学生学校认同对其责任感具有显著的正向影响;(2)集体自尊在大学生学校认同对责任感的影响中发挥完全中介作用,而个体自尊无显著中介效应。这表明大学生学校认同通过形成集体自尊而提升其责任感。  相似文献   

通过对620位在校大学生进行问卷施测,探讨大学生群体认同、自尊和心理疾病污名之间的内在关系,并使用LISREL 8.70建构了彼此之间的关系模型,进行了中介效应分析.结果发现:(1)群体认同显著地负向预测自我污名,且通过自尊和公众污名这两个中介变量影响自我污名;(2)自尊显著负向预测自我污名,公众污名显著正向预测自我污名.结论:三个变量之间相关非常显著;所建构的模型具有较高的拟合度.  相似文献   

社会认同作为个体在群际和内群体层面的社会联结,总体上对抑郁产生了积极影响,表现为认同程度、认同重要性、认同群体数量以及认同变化的影响等4个方面。现有研究从需求、认知和行为层面探讨了社会认同影响抑郁的中介因素,并检验了身份认同动机和消极群体评价两个调节因素。社会认同视角下的4种理论分别从社会医治、心理资源、认同变化以及认同层次等不同角度解释了社会认同影响抑郁的心理机制。未来应厘清社会认同对抑郁的深层影响机制,重视社会认同影响抑郁的调节因素,及建构社会认同影响抑郁的能动-共生模型。  相似文献   

目的:本研究旨在了解80后北漂群体的城市认同、自尊与社会心理融合之间的关系。方法:采用《农民工城市认同问卷》、《社会距离量表》和《自尊量表》,对北京927名80后被试进行调查,其中492名北漂者,435名非北漂者。结果:(1)80后北漂群体的城市认同和社会心理融合的得分都显著低于80后非北漂群体,但其自尊得分显著高于非北漂群体。(2)80后北漂群体的城市认同能够正向预测其社会心理融合,增加了自尊变量之后,城市认同对社会心理融合的预测作用有所下降。结论:自尊在城市认同与社会心理融合中起到了部分中介的作用。  相似文献   

采用内群体认同问卷、主观幸福感问卷和听障朋友支持问卷对366名特殊教育学校的听障青少年(10~12年级)进行问卷调查,探讨听障青少年群体认同中的不同维度(满意度、团结性和中心性)与主观幸福感的关系,以及听障朋友支持在其中的中介作用。结果发现:(1)群体认同的满意度、团结性、中心性与主观幸福感、听障朋友支持两两之间呈显著正相关;(2)听障朋友支持仅在群体满意度与主观幸福感间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

采用四个子实验通过社会认同与群体参照的比较来探讨二者的关系。结果表明:自尊和抑郁对社会认同影响很大,但很少影响群体参照效应;控制自尊和抑郁两种人格特质的影响之前,社会认同与群体参照的变化一致——"认同的一定记得住";控制自尊和抑郁两种人格特质的影响之后,社会认同与群体参照的变化出现了分离——"认同的不一定记得住"。  相似文献   

政治认同发源于政治共同体成员人格中与所属共同体及亚群体有关的自我认同的叙事建构,是共同体成员对所属共同体及亚群体过去历史、当下主权、现行政体、未来使命的综合的能动性反应,包括认知层面的认可和赞同、情感层面的归属和依恋、行为层面的支持和拥护,表现为不同程度的认同状态,并且会随着人格的成长、自我认同的发展、以及共同体命运的变化而不断变化。政治认同是社会稳定的基础,已有研究多是从政治学、社会学角度对其进行论述,随着近年来大众对社会心态的日益关注,理解政治认同议题中的心理学因素愈显迫切。目前心理学视角下的政治认同研究还处于起步阶段,未来研究需进一步厘清政治认同结构、编制测量工具、探讨形成过程,关注未来预期和移情的影响、关注中国现实问题、以及政治教育的实际效果。  相似文献   

Ethnic identity has been linked to a number of healthy psychological outcomes for African American adolescents. The levels of conflict and cohesion in the family environment have also been found to be predictive of adolescent mental health. This study examined whether the ethnic identity and levels of conflict and cohesion in the family environments were related to adolescents’ psychological adjustment. Participants included 61 African American adolescents, ages 10–14 years old, and their parents. Hierarchical regression models were used to determine the cumulative effects of ethnic identity and family functioning on adolescent mental health, specifically adolescent levels of depression, self-esteem, and interpersonal functioning. Results indicated that having a positive ethnic identity and a cohesive family environment were most strongly associated with psychological adjustment. Implications of these results are discussed in terms of family interventions.  相似文献   

What causes adolescents to be materialistic? Prior research shows parents and peers are an important influence. Researchers have viewed parents and peers as socialization agents that transmit consumption attitudes, goals, and motives to adolescents. We take a different approach, viewing parents and peers as important sources of emotional support and psychological well-being, which increase self-esteem in adolescents. Supportive parents and peers boost adolescents' self-esteem, which decreases their need to turn to material goods to develop positive self-perceptions. In a study with 12–18 year-olds, we find support for our view that self-esteem mediates the relationship between parent/peer influence and adolescent materialism.  相似文献   

In Europe and particularly in Bulgaria, Roma represent the largest low‐status minority group that is subjected to marked public intolerance and discrimination. This study examined links among Roma (N = 207) and Bulgarian (N = 399) adolescents’ ethnic, familial, and religious identities as salient identity aspects for their psychological wellbeing. Results indicated that, as expected, Roma youth reported lower levels of wellbeing than Bulgarian youth. The latter revealed a weaker religious identity than Roma youth, whereas no ethnic group differences emerged regarding Bulgarian or familial identity. Furthermore, we observed that collective identity was higher in older participants of both groups. Finally, a multigroup analysis using structural equation modeling showed that collective identity was a positive predictor of wellbeing for both Roma and Bulgarian adolescents. Findings demonstrated differences in salience as well as structural communalities regarding ways in which collective identity affects wellbeing of youth from two ethnically diverse communities.  相似文献   

Bi-ethnic adolescents of marriage migrant mothers in Korea are often encouraged to be “pure” Koreans for their adjustments and not given the opportunities to explore their ethnic identity or to learn about their mother’s culture of origin. Existing studies conducted with mono-ethnic minorities in other countries, however, do not support this belief. We tested a conceptual model on the role of ethnic socialization, ethnic identity and self-esteem on school adjustment among bi-ethnic adolescents in Korea based on social identity theory and theoretical models of ethnic socialization and ethnic identity. We used data from 2015 National Survey of Multicultural Families. The study sample consisted of 296 adolescents aged 9–18 who were born between Korean fathers and Vietnamese marriage migrant mothers. We used structural equation modeling to specifically examine the association between ethnic socialization in terms of parents’ linguistic socialization and adolescents’ school adjustment mediated by ethnic identity in the form of ethnic regard and self-esteem among bi-ethnic adolescents. The results verified the hypothesized model, showing positive relationships between linguistic socialization and ethnic regard, ethnic regard and self-esteem, self-esteem and school adjustment, and ethnic regard and school adjustment. Additionally, the results of bootstrapping test showed that the indirect effect of linguistic socialization on self-esteem through ethnic regard was significant. The indirect effect of ethnic regard on school adjustment through self-esteem was significant and the indirect effect of linguistic socialization on school adjustment via ethnic regard and self-esteem was also significant. These results shed light on the important role of ethnic identity fostered at home among bi-ethnic adolescents of marriage migrant mothers in Korea.  相似文献   

身份认同动机(identity motive,简称身份动机)是引导个体进行身份建构、寻求特定的自我概念与自我评价的心理需要,主要包括自尊、效能、连续、意义、独特、归属六种动机。近十年的研究表明,不同的身份动机在身份的建构、维持、防御与改变等过程中协同发挥作用,而且动机的满足可以增强幸福感和心理适应。未来研究应进一步检验动机维度、考察发展规律、开发实验范式、探究神经机制。  相似文献   

为探讨网络小说阅读与青少年自我概念清晰性的关系以及角色认同和沉浸感在其中的中介作用,本研究对有网络小说阅读经验的480名中学生进行问卷调查。结果发现:(1)网络小说阅读、角色认同、沉浸感两两之间显著正相关,且均与自我概念清晰性呈显著负相关;(2)网络小说阅读通过角色认同和沉浸感的中介作用对青少年自我概念清晰性产生负面影响,且该中介作用包含了三条路径——角色认同、沉浸感的简单中介作用以及角色认同—沉浸感的序列中介作用。这一结论有助于引导青少年健康阅读网络文学,并促进其自我概念发展。  相似文献   

The study focuses on the psychological significance of ethnic minority identity among youth of Chinese origin living in the Netherlands. Relations of perceived group status and cultural values (allocentrism) with 3 measures of psychological well-being are examined. In addition, the mediating role of components of collective self-esteem (self-evaluation of ethnic in-group) is assessed. Collective self-esteem and psychological well-being depended more on perceived group status than on cultural values. Evidence was found primarily for the idea that components of collective self-esteem act as a mediating variable between perceived social status and psychological well-being. Different components function as mediators for different measures of well-being, suggesting that there are different mechanisms through which ethnic identity factors influence different aspects of psychological functioning.  相似文献   

K M Thompson 《Adolescence》1989,24(96):837-849
Strain or problem-solving models posit that deviance persists because it enhances youths' psychosocial properties and is therefore functional for adolescents. However, empirical tests of this assumption have been limited to determining whether a moderately social activity like delinquency produces time-ordered changes in self-esteem. This research examines whether a highly social activity like alcohol use improves adolescents' relations with peers and self-esteem over time. The results of a four-year panel study show that the effects of early alcohol use are limited to enhancing peer relations only among adolescents who use alcohol in order to be part of the group. Early alcohol consumption also has a delayed effect on boosting self-esteem, but this effect is restricted to youths who equate drinking with sophistication. The lack of generality of these findings and how the psychological functions of drinking might cancel these effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Two experimental questionnaire studies were conducted to test whether assimilation ideology affects the relationship between ethnic self-esteem and situational well-being of Turkish-Dutch participants. Social identity theory argues that ethnic identity can buffer the effects of group identity threat on well-being, and self-esteem research suggests that a positively evaluated self-aspect can form an important source of well-being. Results show that in an assimilation context, ethnic self-esteem is positively related to feelings of global self-worth and general life-satisfaction. The findings suggest that ethnic self-esteem is an important factor for well-being in an assimilation context that undermines minority group members ability to live their ethnic identity and threatens their group’s positive distinctiveness.  相似文献   

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