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已有脑成像研究展示了男女脑功能差异, 但功能磁共振信号的频率划分通常基于主观经验, 使脑功能性别差异的生物学解释遭遇瓶颈。本文提出人脑自适应多尺度功能连接算法, 刻画功能连接的时空多尺度特性, 揭示出0.06~0.10 Hz的性别差异:男性较强的连接主要与边缘网络和腹侧注意网络有关, 女性较强的连接主要与腹侧注意网络、视觉网络和额顶网络有关。  相似文献   

刘玲  李荆广  宋宜颖  刘嘉 《心理学报》2012,44(4):446-458
为探索注意控制能力个体差异的遗传来源, 当前研究主要关注儿茶酚胺氧位甲基转移酶(catechol-O-Methyltransferase, COMT)基因对参与注意控制加工的前额叶脑区的调控作用。为进一步回答COMT基因是否也对全脑范围的注意脑区具有调控作用, 本文对17篇遗传影像学研究进行元分析。结果发现, COMT基因Val/Val (vv)基因型的被试在注意控制任务下, 不仅前额叶脑区的激活水平高于Met/Met(mm)基因型的被试, 在前扣带回和后扣带回等前额叶之外的脑区激活水平也高于mm基因型的被试, 而且在这些脑区的效应值(vv>mm)都较大(Cohen’s d > 0.8)。由此, 元分析结果表明:COMT基因不仅调控前额叶脑区, 而且对形成注意控制网络的多个脑区都有调控效应。此结果提示注意控制能力的个体差异可能部分的来自于COMT基因对注意控制网络的调控作用。  相似文献   

郭瑞芳  彭聃龄 《心理科学》2007,30(4):903-905
腹侧通路与背侧通路是视觉加工的两条通路。随着认知神经科学的发展,研究发现腹侧和背侧通路与词汇阅读有关。其中腹侧通路与词汇识别有关,背侧通路与阅读的关系比较复杂。本文简要回顾了两条通路在词汇阅读中的作用。  相似文献   

喙内侧被盖核(RMTg)位于腹侧被盖区(VTA)的尾部, 富含抑制性的γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)能神经元.RMTg是中脑边缘多巴胺系统的一个综合调节器.它的GABA能神经元接受外侧缰核(LHb)的输入, 然后投射到VTA多巴胺能神经元, 进而抑制多巴胺的释放.这三个脑区是奖赏环路的重要组成部分, 其中RMTg在阿片类物质激活的奖赏环路中尤为重要.阿片类物质主要通过抑制RMTg GABA能神经元使VTA多巴胺能神经元去抑制, 进而激活奖赏系统.因此, RMTg有望成为治疗药物成瘾(尤其是阿片成瘾)的一个重要靶点.此外, 胆碱类物质作用于RMTg的毒蕈碱受体能够抑制阿片类物质诱导的奖赏效应.未来研究应深入探讨RMTg调控的负性奖赏环路, 这对弱化觅药动机,促进消退和戒断具有重要意义.  相似文献   

多巴胺活性与攻击相关的脑功能活动呈倒U型关系。本研究对1044名汉族青少年(初次测评时M age=13.32±0.49岁,50.2%女生)的攻击行为进行间隔一年的两次测评,采用多基因累积分范式考察多巴胺系统的多基因功能积分与青少年攻击行为间的关系以及母亲消极教养的调节作用。结果发现,多巴胺系统多基因累积分二次项与母亲消极教养交互影响两个时间点的青少年攻击行为:在较高母亲消极教养条件下,携带较多或较少低多巴胺活性相关等位基因的青少年表现出高水平的攻击行为,呈U型关系;在较低母亲消极教养条件下,多基因累积分二次项与青少年的攻击行为关系不显著。本研究为多巴胺系统基因的联合效应与母亲消极教养调节青少年攻击行为的基因作用机制提供证据。  相似文献   

基因多态性对情绪调节神经回路的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着脑成像和基因分析等新技术手段的综合运用, 情绪调节的神经生物学基础研究有了很大进展。综述相关研究表明: 情绪调节的神经回路涉及背侧-腹侧前额叶、前额叶-杏仁核和皮层-边缘系统的相互作用, 这些神经回路受到5-羟色胺传运体(5-hydroxytryptamine transporter, 5-HTT)、儿茶酚转甲酶 (Catechol-O-methyltransferase, COMT)和色氨酸羟化酶2(Tryptophan hydroxylase 2, TPH2)等基因变异, 以及不同基因多态之间交互作用的影响。情绪调节神经回路的功能出现障碍将导致情绪疾病的产生。  相似文献   

积极效应指相比于年轻人, 老年人更倾向于优先加工积极情绪刺激而非消极情绪刺激。近年来工作记忆的研究发现积极效应会受到情绪效价与任务相关性的影响:情绪效价作为任务相关属性的研究支持工作记忆中存在积极效应, 具体表现为老年人对积极情绪刺激记忆的增强, 以及对消极情绪刺激记忆的减弱; 情绪效价作为工作记忆任务无关属性的研究相对较少, 且未发现一致的积极效应, 提示情绪效价及任务相关性均为影响工作记忆积极效应的关键因素。脑成像的研究初步表明, 工作记忆中情绪加工上的年龄效应与背侧执行系统和腹侧情绪系统的随龄功能变化有关。社会情绪选择理论与双竞争模型对工作记忆中的积极效应具备较大的解释力, 而动态整合理论尚缺乏实证研究支持。未来研究可进一步探究老年人工作记忆不同阶段情绪加工的特点, 澄清不同情绪材料内在编码过程上的差异对积极效应发生机制的潜在影响, 探讨情绪效价及任务相关性影响工作记忆积极效应的关键神经环路, 并揭示情绪工作记忆训练提升老年人认知功能与情绪体验的内在机制及其潜在应用价值。  相似文献   

等量的视觉任务呈现在双侧视野比仅仅呈现在单侧视野能够获得更好的任务表现, 这被称为双侧视野优势(bilateral field advantage BFA)。BFA产生于两个紧密连接的机制:枕叶视皮层内的竞争性相互作用及背侧额顶叶网络自上而下的注意调控。前者主要发生在V1–V4等与视网膜存在拓扑映射关系的视皮层区, 后者则主要涉及两侧的顶内沟、右侧楔前叶及额眼区。未来的研究可以进一步采用三维立体视觉材料探讨BFA, 考察它与其它视野效应间交互的脑机制, 同时也可尝试解决背侧额顶叶网络的各脑区在系统的功能连接方面尚存的争议。  相似文献   

Simon效应是指与反应要求无关的刺激位置和反应位置在同侧时, 个体反应更快更准确的现象。对于Simon效应的产生机制, 大多数研究者认为, 在不同实验情境中获得的Simon效应有共同的产生机制。但是, 越来越多的证据显示, 在刺激形式、排列方式、刺激—反应规则以及反应方式等因素的影响下, 存在两种不同性质的Simon效应, 即视觉运动Simon效应和认知Simon效应。视觉运动Simon效应源于刺激位置自动激活其同侧反应所产生的影响, 认知Simon效应源于转译生成的编码间的相互干扰, 两者分别与背侧通路和腹侧通路的加工有关。  相似文献   

亲社会行为对维持和发展良好的社会关系具有重要作用。亲社会行为中,目前研究较多的是公平、合作与信任。脑成像研究指出,前额叶、脑岛、杏仁核、腹侧纹状体、颞顶联合区等是公平、合作与信任在内的亲社会行为核心脑区。已有研究表明,虽然支配亲社会行为的脑网络可划分为情绪系统(包括脑岛、杏仁核、尾状核等)、认知控制系统(包括前额叶、背...  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that aging is associated with impairment of attention. However, it is not known whether this represents a global attentional deficit or relates to a specific attentional network. We used the attention network test to examine three groups of younger, middle-aged, and older participants with respect to the efficiency of three anatomically defined attentional networks: alerting network, orienting network, and executive control network. Age-related change was found to have the greatest effect on the executive network and the least effect on the alerting network as well as on overall mean response time. Impairment of the orienting network was found to be insignificant. Age-related deterioration of the prefrontal lobe, the dopaminergic system, and function of specific genes may explain the age-related changes in executive attention, which occur after the fourth decade of life.  相似文献   

Attention and working memory are fundamental for selecting and maintaining behaviorally relevant information. Not only do both processes closely intertwine at the cognitive level, but they implicate similar functional brain circuitries, namely the frontoparietal and the frontostriatal networks, which are innervated by cholinergic and dopaminergic pathways. Here we review the literature on cholinergic and dopaminergic modulations of visual-spatial attention and visual working memory processes to gain insights on aging-related changes in these processes. Some extant findings have suggested that the cholinergic system plays a role in the orienting of attention to enable the detection and discrimination of visual information, whereas the dopaminergic system has mainly been associated with working memory processes such as updating and stabilizing representations. However, since visual-spatial attention and working memory processes are not fully dissociable, there is also evidence of interacting cholinergic and dopaminergic modulations of both processes. We further review gene-cognition association studies that have shown that individual differences in visual-spatial attention and visual working memory are associated with acetylcholine- and dopamine-relevant genes. The efficiency of these 2 transmitter systems declines substantially during healthy aging. These declines, in part, contribute to age-related deficits in attention and working memory functions. We report novel data showing an effect of dopamine COMT gene on spatial updating processes in older but not in younger adults, indicating potential magnification of genetic effects in old age.  相似文献   

Control networks and neuromodulators of early development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In adults, most cognitive and emotional self-regulation is carried out by a network of brain regions, including the anterior cingulate, insula, and areas of the basal ganglia, related to executive attention. We propose that during infancy, control systems depend primarily upon a brain network involved in orienting to sensory events that includes areas of the parietal lobe and frontal eye fields. Studies of human adults and alert monkeys have shown that the brain network involved in orienting to sensory events is moderated primarily by the nicotinic cholinergic system arising in the nucleus basalis. The executive attention network is primarily moderated by dopaminergic input from the ventral tegmental area. A change from cholinergic to dopaminergic modulation would be a consequence of this switch of control networks and may be important in understanding early development. We trace the attentional, emotional, and behavioral changes in early development related to this developmental change in regulative networks and their modulators.  相似文献   

Early studies of genetic effects on brain activity have been conducted to investigate primarily either the influence of polymorphisms in dopaminergic genes, especially the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene, on prefrontal cognitive processes such as working memory, or that of polymorphisms in the serotonin transporter gene on the amygdala response to threatening stimuli. Here, we address genetic influences on the neural systems underlying cognitive-affective interactions. Specifically, we assess the effect of the COMT val158met polymorphism on frontal regulation of attention under emotional distraction. Healthy volunteers were scanned while performing a house-matching task with affectively negative versus neutral distractors. Effects of val allele load were examined on frontal regions associated with attentional control and emotion regulation, and on parahippocampal regions associated with perception of houses. As we predicted, val load correlated positively with activity in control- and task-related regions during performance under emotional distraction. These findings provide an initial step toward identifying genetic contributions to interindividual variability in recruitment of mechanisms that regulate affective processing.  相似文献   

When do people cooperate? The neuroeconomics of prosocial decision making   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding the roots of prosocial behavior is an interdisciplinary research endeavor that has generated an abundance of empirical data across many disciplines. This review integrates research findings from different fields into a novel theoretical framework that can account for when prosocial behavior is likely to occur. Specifically, we propose that the motivation to cooperate (or not), generated by the reward system in the brain (extending from the striatum to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex), is modulated by two neural networks: a cognitive control system (centered on the lateral prefrontal cortex) that processes extrinsic cooperative incentives, and/or a social cognition system (including the temporo-parietal junction, the medial prefrontal cortex and the amygdala) that processes trust and/or threat signals. The independent modulatory influence of incentives and trust on the decision to cooperate is substantiated by a growing body of neuroimaging data and reconciles the apparent paradox between economic versus social rationality in the literature, suggesting that we are in fact wired for both. Furthermore, the theoretical framework can account for substantial behavioral heterogeneity in prosocial behavior. Based on the existing data, we postulate that self-regarding individuals (who are more likely to adopt an economically rational strategy) are more responsive to extrinsic cooperative incentives and therefore rely relatively more on cognitive control to make (un)cooperative decisions, whereas other-regarding individuals (who are more likely to adopt a socially rational strategy) are more sensitive to trust signals to avoid betrayal and recruit relatively more brain activity in the social cognition system. Several additional hypotheses with respect to the neural roots of social preferences are derived from the model and suggested for future research.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Selective attention is an intrinsic component of perceptual representation in a visual system that is hierarchically organized. Modulatory signals originate in brain regions that represent behavioral goals; these signals specify which perceptual objects are to be represented by sensory neurons that are subject to contextual modulation. Attention can be deployed to spatial locations, features, or objects, and corresponding modulatory signals must be targeted within these domains. Open questions include how nonspatial perceptual domains are modulated by attention and how abstract goals are transformed into targeted modulatory signals.  相似文献   

Previous findings indicate that the basolateral amygdala (BLA) and the nucleus accumbens (NAc) interact in influencing memory consolidation. The current study investigated whether this interaction requires concurrent dopamine (DA) receptor activation in both brain regions. Unilateral, right-side cannulae were implanted into the BLA and the ipsilateral NAc shell or core in male Sprague-Dawley rats ( approximately 300 g). One week later, the rats were trained on an inhibitory avoidance (IA) task and, 48 h later, they were tested for retention. Drugs were infused into the BLA and NAc shell or core immediately after training. Post-training intra-BLA infusions of DA enhanced retention, as assessed by latencies to enter the shock compartment on the retention test. Infusions of the general DA receptor antagonist cis-Flupenthixol (Flu) into the NAc shell (but not the core) blocked the memory enhancement induced by the BLA infusions of DA. In the reverse experiment, post-training intra-NAc shell infusions of DA enhanced retention and Flu infusions into the BLA blocked the enhancement. These findings indicate that BLA modulation of memory consolidation requires concurrent DA receptor activation in the NAc shell but not the core. Similarly, NAc shell modulation of memory consolidation requires concurrent DA receptor activation in the BLA. Together with previous findings, these results suggest that the dopaminergic innervation of the BLA and NAc shell is critically involved in the modulation of memory consolidation.  相似文献   

Previous findings indicate that the noradrenergic, dopaminergic, and cholinergic innervations of the basolateral amygdala (BLA) modulate memory consolidation. The current study investigated whether memory enhancement induced by post-training intra-BLA infusions of a beta-adrenergic or muscarinic cholinergic agonist requires concurrent activation of dopamine (DA) receptors in the BLA. Rats with implanted BLA cannulae were trained on an inhibitory avoidance (IA) task and, 48 h later, tested for retention. Infusions of the beta-adrenergic agonist clenbuterol into the right BLA, but not the left, enhanced retention, and concurrent infusions of the nonspecific DA receptor antagonist cis-Flupenthixol (Flu) blocked the enhancement. Post-training infusions of the muscarinic agonist oxotremorine into the right BLA also enhanced retention, and concurrent infusions of Flu blocked this effect. Additional experiments investigated whether memory modulation was lateralized to the right BLA. Post-training DA infusions into the right BLA, but not the left, enhanced retention. Post-training infusions of lidocaine or muscimol, which impair retention when infused bilaterally, had no effect when infused unilaterally into either the right or left BLA. These findings, together with earlier work, suggest that the dopaminergic system in the BLA is critically involved in memory modulation induced by noradrenergic and cholinergic influences. Additionally, these findings indicate that the enhancement, but not impairment, of memory consolidation is lateralized to the right BLA.  相似文献   

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