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道德作为生存的策略是人类进化中自我完善的文化工具。人性缺陷是道德存在的前提,自我意识是道德生成的基础,追求自由是道德实现的主要目标,生产力状况是道德演化的决定因素,实现信任是道德建构的核心任务。随着人类生活经验的积累和生存能力的增强,人类的发展面临着不同的矛盾与冲突,道德建构也就表现出不同的手段和途径。依据社会信任的实现方式,我们可以将道德演化的历史阶段划分为自然伦理阶段、经验伦理阶段、制度伦理阶段和技术伦理阶段。  相似文献   

环境伦理是对传统伦理的新发展,拓展了传统道德人格概念的内涵.这种拓展意味着对道德人格的规定不能仅仅局限于人际道德的领域,而应扩展到自然道德上来.生态文明时代必然通过环境伦理这种新型道德形态来塑就人,而生态文明又必须通过生态人格来反映这个时代的特征和内涵.  相似文献   

道德选择是人的存在方式,做人的过程就是通过不断进行道德选择而逐渐成"人"的过程。"爱"具有"伦理"属性,是道德选择合理性的标准。"爱"与道德选择需要对人之生命的尊重,而尊重人之生命又是建立在人存在的意义和价值基础上的。人对自身存在意义的追求是人区别于其他生命的最重要特征,是人类自身朝着独立的、有尊严的、自由的价值主体迈进的重要一步。也是人摆脱野蛮和愚昧而实现文明高尚和超越的重要环节。人要不断摆脱时空与自然力的限制,不断适应环境、提高生存能力,并不断创新和发明来展现生存的价值和意义。  相似文献   

和谐社会公民道德生活探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
和谐社会是一种理想的社会道德状态,它包括天人和谐、人际和谐和人的身心和谐。构建和谐社会的关键是要让人们过上一种有道德的生活,而道德生活是在物质生活基础上的超功利的精神性审美生活,是旨在促进人与自然、人与社会、人与人、人的身心和谐的创造性生活。生态伦理教育、政治伦理教育、经济伦理教育和文化伦理教育将为和谐社会的公民道德生活提供正确的价值导向。  相似文献   

从人的生命本性看道德与伦理的区分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道德、伦理作为人类特有的现象,必然与人的生命本性有着内在关联.人的超自然性蕴含着做人问题,道德、伦理是做人问题在人的个体性与社会性两个方向上的解决.道德是个体做人方向与方式的选择,伦理是包含底线伦理和社会道德的规范系统.道德、伦理的区分具有重要的伦理学意义.  相似文献   

关怀伦理的心理特征及应用价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关怀伦理是从心理视角来对现代人际道德关系进行重构的一种新的道德模式。关怀伦理表现为关怀人的感情、情绪和态度等,还表现为人的关系、相关人与情境的关系,因之是一种情境伦理。关怀伦理对于构建和谐社会具有重大的实践意义,可以用它来解决人际之间存在的分离问题,帮助我们建立起相互间可信赖、可依恋的关系,注重倾听差异,重视差异,以达成和谐的道德生活。  相似文献   

现代社会的"道德迷宫"及其伦理出路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伦理作为社会的一种文化存在,是为人类生命过程提供解释并帮助人们应对生存困境的一种努力。现代社会转型导致了人类道德活动空间的变化,传统道德哲学提供的理论及其原则已无法解释和应对现代社会复杂的道德状况,伦理危机状态下的社会成员生活在无所适从的"道德迷宫"之中。在伦理危机四起、"道德迷宫"叠出的现实社会,根据现实社会结构的变化实现相应的伦理建设成为我们当前亟须解决的迫切任务。组织伦理是帮助社会摆脱现代性伦理危机,走出"道德迷宫"的关键。  相似文献   

普世伦理视域中的公平与正义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上世纪末普世伦理以一种平静的启示语调出现于我国,随之争议四起。如今,争论的硝烟依然未尽,但逐渐清晰的情景是,越来越多的人赞同:确实存在一些超越不同民族、不同文化差异的道德内容,即普世伦理,它是人类共同的精神财富;作为普世伦理的道德不是高层次的道德要求,而是底层的或最低限度的道德要求;作为国际社会成员的个人、社群和民族国家都应当倡导普世伦理并努力使之制度化,以改善人类目前的生存状况。本文拟继续探讨的问题是:公平与正义是否也可被纳入普世伦理的视域?如果可以,其基本概念及相互关系是什么?作为普世伦理的公平与正义有何…  相似文献   

审视社会治理,人际标识主要包括身份、角色与行动。历史地看,中国传统农业社会的社会治理以纲常伦理精神为指导,人际标识主要是等级身份。近代以来,随着人的存在境况由"神人同在"转变为个人本原的"非此即彼",契约伦理成为工业社会典型化的伦理精神。等级身份分化为身份与角色两种因素,社会治理活动更多呈现为具有一定流动性的组织化的角色扮演。在当前全球化、后工业化进程中,人的存在境况不再是个人本原的非此即彼,而是人的共生共在,一种新的合作伦理将取代契约伦理为社会治理的合作行动提供道德支撑。合作行动成为主要的人际标识,在具体治理场境中的每一个人都是合作行动体系中自觉的行动者,通过具体的合作行动来定义自己并证明自己的角色扮演。  相似文献   

<正>一、农业系统的伦理学结构农业伦理学就是探讨人类对自然生态系统农业化过程中发生的伦理关联的认知,亦即对这种关联的道义诠释,判断其合理性与正义性。农业的本质是人们将自然生态系统加以农艺加工和农业经营的手段,在保持生态系统健康的前提下来收获和分配农产品,以满足社会需求的过程和归宿。在这里首先要明确自然生态系统经人为干预而农业化,实现自然生态系统与社会生态系统的系统耦合。概括地说,就是农业生态系统内部各个组分之间时空序列中物质的给予与获取,或付出与回报的伦理关联。  相似文献   

It can be (and has been) claimed that one of the central thematic concerns in Erich Fromm’s immense body of critical work is the exposition of a new “radical” humanist ethic, based upon the normative foundations of human solidarity/relatedness and love. The role of community in this ethic is vital, as Fromm argues for the existence of an intrinsically human need for belonging and communion. According to Fromm, the breakdown of traditional societies in modernity and the adoption of strong anti-traditionalist paradigms in both liberalism and Marxism has paradoxically led to the desire in the contemporary individual to “escape” this freedom, too often resulting in an uncritical adoption of what Eric Hobsbawm calls “invented traditions” in order to rediscover a shared sense of humankind. This article therefore contends that 1) Fromm advocates a form of “critical communitarianism”; and 2) that critical communitarianism can provide a strong foundation for an ethical confrontation with neoliberal modernity, and thereby a reconsidered form of community through human solidarity.  相似文献   

This paper undertakes two tasks. Firstly, it argues that the concept of subjective rights has no place in a Christian ethic of community, even in a "natural-law" ethic, because it is wedded, both historically and necessarily, to a theologically doubtful foundation of individual and collective proprietorship of human and non-human nature. Secondly, it elaborates and alternative communal ethic of love, law and natural order from within the Augustinian Platonist tradition of individual and collective non-proprietorship, concentrating on the theological contributions made by the medieval Franciscans (especially St. Bonaventure) and later by John Wyclif.  相似文献   


In this article religion is defmed in terms of our concern for the fulfilment of our most fundamental natural desires, especially those that seem beyond all human power to fulfil, such as the achievement of death-transcending life or a complete and enduring community between free beings such as human persons are. A god is always seen as the source of power sufficient to achieve this in us. Our conceptions of our god and of human nature are therefore always linked. The arguments for the existence of a god in the history of European philosophy show this. From the cosmological arguments of pre-modern times, through arguments from design and anthropological arguments in the modern period, to a contemporary argument from interpersonal relationships, a deepening insight into human nature produces an ever more comprehensive conception of a god, one that is not incompatible with a scientific world-view, or the secular rejection of the supernatural in the name of human freedom.  相似文献   

A Great Plains land ethic is shaped by an intimate knowledge of and appreciation for the evolution, ecology, and aesthetics of the plains landscape. The landscape evokes a sense of wonder and mystery suggested by the word "sacrament." The biblical concept of "covenant" points to God as a community-forming power, a creative process that has evolved into the earth community to which we humans belong. In contrast to an anthropocentric ethic which emphasizes human dominion over nature, a Theo-centric land ethic seeks a balance, reflected in Genesis 1–3, between humans who are members of the earth community and moral agents accountable to God for the earth. A land ethic identifies concrete practices of metanoia and healing: agricultural practices to address the loss and degradation of soil; conservation and protection of water sources; utilization of wind and solar energy; and prescribed burning to restore processes vital to the prairie ecosystem. The concept of subsidiarity suggests that practices of metanoia and healing are a combination of wise public policy balanced by personal, family, church, business, and community responsibility.  相似文献   

何建华 《现代哲学》2006,46(1):37-44
经济与伦理都以利益为共同基础与最终指向,二者都有规则的含义,都体现了人类的理性原则。但这并不否定两者之间所存在的差异和冲突。经济与伦理的冲突是由社会分工为前提的实践方式的分化所引起的,是以经济学与伦理学的分工为前提的。构建经济学的伦理维度,旨在用人类整体理性方式来反思经济活动及经济主体之间的关系,从而为市场经济秩序提供伦理辩护,奠定经济发展的价值基础。  相似文献   

Frederick Ferré 《Zygon》1993,28(4):441-453
Abstract. Two major contenders for the role of robust environmental ethics claim our allegiance. One is Baird Callicott's, based on the land ethic formulated by Aldo Leopold; the other is that of Holmes Rolston, 111, sharply distinguishing environmental from social (human) ethics. Despite their many strengths, neither gives us the vision we need. Callicott's ethic leaves too much out of his picture; Rolston's leaves too much disconnected between nature and humankind. A really usable environmental ethic needs to be both comprehensive and integrated. For that, we need a worldview that includes the human in nature but also affirms the unique values of personhood.  相似文献   

Ralph Wendell Burhoe 《Zygon》2005,40(4):983-986
Abstract. This brief piece summarizes the author's lifelong personal credo, particularly his attempt to translate traditional religious wisdom into modern scientific concepts. Contemporary science reveals to us the vast system of natural processes that has brought the universe, our planet, and our species into existence. This natural system is in fact a "more-than-human 'Lord of History,'" corresponding to traditional ideas of God. This Lord of History not only has created us but also sustains us—not just externally but also our interior psychic and spiritual nature. We are challenged to discern the requirements that this system of natural processes places upon us; if we conform to these requirements, we shall be blessed, and we will be enabled as co-creators of our future evolution.  相似文献   


Martin Heidegger’s existential account of care in Being and Time (2010) provides us with an opportunity to reimagine what the proper theoretical grounding of an ethic of care might be. Heidegger’s account of care serves to deconstruct the two primary foundations that an ethic of care is often based upon. Namely, that we are inevitably interdependent upon one another and/or possess an innate disposition to care for fellow humans in need. Heidegger’s account reveals that both positions are founded upon an ontic (meaning factual existence), as opposed to an ontological (which refers to the nature of being), understanding of care. The distinctions between an ontic and ontological understanding of care are significant. Yet, I maintain that they are not completely incompatible. Both Heidegger and care ethicists contend that our existence with others is understood through a relational ontology. Furthermore, there are certain ontological structures from Heidegger which resonate with an ethic of care. Two key existential structures are leaping-ahead and being-guilty. These existential structures are latent in care ethics, and by explicitly revealing them I reinforce the connection between Heidegger’s account and care theory. Lastly, I develop the theoretical foundations of care ethics by proposing an existential ethic of care.


This paper examines the contributions that the international human rights community can make to the definition and framing of a practically effective global ethic, especially in light of ongoing concerns about social and economic justice, environmental issues, and systematic abuses of vulnerable populations. The principal argument is that the human rights movement in all of its dimensions (moral, legal, political) provides the pivotal foundation for a practicable global ethic now and for the foreseeable future. Evidence for the truth of this claim is discerned in the movement's contemporary efforts to intersect explicitly with other areas of international law and politics. Examples adduced include developments with respect to the rights of indigenous peoples, decision making about the environment, and transitional justice.  相似文献   

Conclusion Jesus was asked by what authority did he heal. I suggest that the authority of the healing ministry of Jesus occurred because his work was a part of the inbreaking of God's Reign, was consistent with call to covenantal obedience within the Jewish community and because his life was the incarnation of God's righteousnes. The authority of the contemporary Christian therapist is different in degree not in kind. Our authority emerges when healing occurs that is consistent with the Sermon on the Mount, when the people of God have blessed our service and when our lives approximate the ethic of the Reign of God. It is my hope that an ethic of God's Reign, a normative people and our personal character as disciples of Christ might more significantly shape the therapeutic process.This is the third article in a series published in Pastoral Psychology. The first two appeared in the previous two issues.  相似文献   

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