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问题 道德意识是德育心理学中一个重要的问题。 在共产主义道德品质的形成中,人的道德意识和道德行力习惯的关系是相辅相成、辩证统一的。一个人的行为是受他的意识倾向调节的。根据理论与实际相结合的原则,通过各种途径和方法加强对小学生的共产主义思想教育,提高他们的道德认识,不仅可以影响他们的道德意识的内容及其发展方向,而且还可在一定范围内加速他们道德意识的形成与发展,从而在培养他们的道德行为习惯方面起积极的作用。  相似文献   

宗教场所是穆斯林宗教活动与社会活动相结合的公共空间,宗教生活与社会生活的共通性为流动穆斯林的社会关系建构与维护提供了网络平台与支持,对他们适应城市社会有重要的支持作用。从实践的方面来看,城市社区及社会组织、包括宗教组织,应该有构建"社区社会资本"的意识,将社区居民与流动人口的社会网络纳入到"社区社会资本"的构建体系中,主动为他们的交往互动提供空间,通过支持他们的城市社会适应来增加和优化"社区社会资本"的储备及质量。  相似文献   

对汉语母语学生与英语母语学生英语语音意识的发展趋势进行了对比。294名汉语母语学生和109名英语母语学生参加了音节意识任务、首尾音意识任务和音位意识任务测试。研究结果表明:(1)汉语母语学生与英语母语学生发展趋势并不相同:汉语学生英语语音意识发展的迅速期为小学初期,之后发展缓慢;英语母语学生音节意识和首尾音意识随着年级的增长而增长,但音位意识则表现出不规则的变化趋势;(2)随着汉语母语学生年龄的增长,他们与英语母语学生英语语音意识之间的差距并未缩小。  相似文献   

精神、意识有无实体历来是一个有争议的问题。神经科学家从“心网”与“脑网”的关系出发,在这个问题上形成了片面的认识。由于精神、意识依赖于人脑,因而他们就把精神、意识与实体的关系等同于“心网”与“脑网”的关系。我们的基本观点是:首先,精神、意识与实体之间的关系实际上是哲学上的主观与客观的关系;第二,意识作为哲学范畴还有人类意识与个体意识之分,并认为“三个世界”的理论能够较完满地解决这一争端。要揭示意识的本质不能仅仅依赖神经科学家。  相似文献   

技匠形象是《庄子》思想中比较特殊的人物形象,他们承载着庄子的生命美学意识。技匠形象所呈现出的生命意识有"道"与"技"的互释;无为、顺势的生命情怀;虚静、坐忘的追求自由生命;藏与显的生命态度。从生命美学的角度来看,技匠形象所呈现出的生命意识也透露出庄子对生命美学意识的思考。  相似文献   

徐芬  Bruce Homer  Kang Lee 《心理科学》2002,25(6):672-675
该研究探讨了幼儿园中、大班及小学一、二年级儿童在完成字/词意识任务上的年龄差异以及阅读训练对字/词意识发展的影响。实验结果表明:(1)5岁儿童的字词意识尚处于不断的发展之中。6岁及7岁儿童的字意识发展已经达到了成熟水平,但他们的词意识正处于不断的发展之中。(2)初级的阅读训练促进了5岁儿童字意识的发展,但对词意识的发展没有影响。(3)小学语文教学对6岁儿童的口头任务没有影响,但显著地促进了圈词任务成绩的提高。  相似文献   

梁泽光  高瞻 《美与时代》2014,(6):117-117
在21世纪的今天,有创新巴想与创业精神的人在以信息时代为背景的前提下,显得尤为珍贵。而当代大学生作为社会发展的源动力,如何培养大学生的创新意识和创业技能已经成为众多大学育人的主要目标。正所谓知己知彼百战不殆,创新创业俱乐部的出现,对于培养大学生实践、创新及创业,激发他们的创新潜能,增强其市场竞争意识,可以起到关键的助推作用。  相似文献   

《医学与哲学》1998年第4期刊登了李峰、曹俊平的一篇题为《精神、意识到底有无实体》的文章(以下简称精神一文)。精神一文提出了“精神、意识到底有无实体”这一问题,李峰、曹俊平提出的这一问题比他们所解决的问题更有意义。他们这种对精神和意识追根求源的精神...  相似文献   

学龄儿童汉语正字法意识发展的研究   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
李娟  傅小兰  林仲贤 《心理学报》2000,32(2):121-126
该研究以小学一年级、三年级、五年级儿童及大学生为被试,让他们对左右、上下和半包围三种结构类型的90个真字、假字和非字进行词汇判断,以探讨儿童正字法意识的发展,结构类型的相应影响,以及年龄对汉字识别中结构类型效应的作用。结果表明;(1)儿童正字法意识的形成是以识字为基础的逐步发展的过程。小学一年级儿童已萌发了正字法意识,但至五年级时才基本达到了成人水平。(2)只有小学一年级被试的真字识别受结构类型影响。汉字识别中是否存在结构类型效应可能与被试识字经验、材料熟悉性等因素有关.(3)年级内部正字法意识的萌发和年级之间正字法意识发展的差异不受结构类型的影响,但萌发之后各年级内部均是对左右结构汉字正字法意识优于上下结构和半包围结构。  相似文献   

区域性群体与马克思主义意识在中国早期启蒙之关系,是学界研究相对比较薄弱而且值得进一步开拓和深化的新视角和领域。在马克思主义意识启蒙中地位极为重要的湘籍群体,在启蒙他者之前经历了自我被启蒙,并在个体与团体交流、整合依托作用下,实现从个体意识向群体结构意识的递进和转化。他们接受、解读马克思主义的内容有所侧重,对不同受众采取区别启蒙的策略和多路径影响,努力回击了非马克思主义的异向启蒙,从而使正向启蒙不仅效果明显,而且影响范围超越本省,辐射全国。这既是中国马克思主义早期启蒙的典型缩影,又有鲜明的地域传统特色。其强调实践理性,注重切合实际及收获实效,可视为以改造世界为己任的马克思主义理论品格与以"外王经世"、"即知即行"、"注重事功"为特征的湖湘文化的天然契合和主动对接。  相似文献   

Rogers' concept of the 'necessary and sufficient' conditions of therapeutic personality change is introduced and the research evidence concerning the efficacy of the core conditions is reviewed. The use of Truax-and-Carkhuff-type rating scales for measuring the conditions is criticised on the grounds of inadequate validity and sampling procedure. It is suggested that relationship inventories such as those produced by Barnett-Lennard (1962) appear to be better suited to test Rogers' position, although it is conceded that Rogers' hypotheses are in need of some revision.  相似文献   

This study explores broad features of political culture and event of the 1930s and World War 2 years, viewed in relation to the emergence and rapid early growth of the new therapy of Carl Rogers. The paper traces Rogers' early professional life and examines distinctive emphases in sociopolitical thought and development during Franklin D. Roosevelt's leadership as President over the prolonged emergency of the Great Depression and the crisis of the War. The study includes a focus on the President's own outlook and style, pertinent New Deal innovations, and wartime needs. Twelve features of this larger context are discriminated as together having vital importance for the new therapy and its founder. The congruent courses of the macrocontext and of Rogers' innovation are followed to the ending of Roosevelt's life. Direct causation is not attributed, but the evidence adduced newly points to particular contours of a larger environment favorable for the expression of Rogers' values and rare ability. In sum, the author concludes that a synergy of highly conducive historical circumstance and individual exceptionality contributed to the philosophical underpinnings, attitudinal values and early momentum of Rogers' client-centered therapy.  相似文献   

Recent articles by Harlene Anderson and David Bott in the Journal of Family Therapy (Volume 23) are a gratifying examination of the contribution of Carl Rogers' philosophy and practice to family therapy. However, in my view, an already existing highly effective application of Rogers' approach to couple and family therapy was omitted from Bott's review of the literature. My reading of the two articles has inspired the following response given in the spirit of dialogue with the hope of furthering a conversation on this subject.  相似文献   

The teachings of Prescott Lecky on the self-concept at Columbia University in the 1920s and 1930s and the posthumous publications of his book on self-consistency beginning in 1945 are compared with the many publications of Carl Rogers on the self-concept beginning in the early 1940s. Given that Rogers was a graduate student at Columbia in the 1920s and 1930s, the striking similarities between these two theorists, as well as claims attributed to Rogers by Rogers' biographers and writers who have quoted Rogers on his works relating to self-theory, strongly suggest that Rogers borrowed from Lecky without giving him the proper credit. Much of Rogers' writings on the self-concept included not only terms and concepts which were original with Lecky, but at times these were actually identical.  相似文献   

Zelevansky P 《American journal of psychoanalysis》2004,64(2):195-208; discussion 193-4
This article considers aspects of the methodology behind the PBS children's show Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. Too easily sentimentalized--and sometimes satirized--for his exploration of feelings and empathy, Fred Rogers in fact carefully structured each show around an investigation of semiotic, phenomenological, and epistemological concerns: the interpretation of images, words, things, events, and kinesthetic sensation that allows children (and adults) to locate themselves in their everyday experience. Mister Rogers explored both the tools and the considerations that facilitate our ability to negotiate relationships, navigate in space, assimilate desires and fears, and ultimately manifest thoughts, projects, and ideals in concrete form. The periodic insertion of graphic clip art in this essay is meant to enact examples of the kind of reflexive thinking that Mister Rogers' Neighborhood proposes and presents.  相似文献   

Carl Rogers' definitions of congruence are discussed. Four specific requirements are identified for the concept and practice of therapeutic congruence. Drawing on examples from practice, the interface between congruence and the other necessary and sufficient conditions of change is examined.  相似文献   

This paper continues the conversation about the relationship between Carl Rogers and postmodernism initiated by Harlene Anderson and taken up by Maryhelen Snyder. The view adopted here is that postmodernism is undertheorized and there is a need to unravel definitions and concepts which arise from a conflation of social constructionism, post–structuralism and Rogers' existential humanism. It is argued that person–centred principles lie at he heart of therapy and should neither be neglected nor taken for granted.  相似文献   

This research examined two issues relevant to self‐fulfilling prophecies. First, it examined whether children's risk for alcohol use, as indicated by their self‐efficacy to refuse alcohol from peers, moderated their susceptibility to negative and positive self‐fulfilling prophecy effects created by their mothers. Second, it explored behavioral mediators that could be involved in the self‐fulfilling process between mothers and children. Longitudinal data from 540 mother–child dyads indicated that (1) low self‐efficacy children were more susceptible to their mothers' positive than negative self‐fulfilling effects, whereas high self‐efficacy children's susceptibility did not vary, (2) mothers' global parenting and children's perception of their friends' alcohol use partially mediated mothers' self‐fulfilling effects, and (3) these mediators contributed to low self‐efficacy children's greater susceptibility to positive self‐fulfilling prophecy effects. The power of self‐fulfilling prophecies, their link to social problems, and the potential for mothers' favorable beliefs to have a protective influence on adolescent alcohol use are discussed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Object relations theory and self psychology are psychoanalytic perspectives that are especially concerned with interpersonal relations and their mental representations. Object relations theory began as an intrapsychic "singleton" psychology with the work of Freud and Melanie Klein. It subsequently evolved into a multi-person psychology with the work of Bion on groups, as well as the clinical and theoretical contributions of Winnicott and Fairbairn. Kohutian self psychology, which emerged later, has been interested in the relations between the self and significant others as mirroring and idealizing "self-objects." Stolorow's "inter-subjective perspective" emerged from self psychology as a full-fledged multi-person point of view. This article considers the significance of contemporary object relations theory and self psychology as relational, multi-person perspectives in terms of their application to group psychotherapy, focusing upon the group-as-a-whole, projective identification, transitional space and object, and self/self-object relations as particularly useful constructs. A clinical vignette is provided.  相似文献   

Neil Levy argues that while addicts who believe they are not addicts are self‐deceived, addicts who believe they are addicts are just as self‐deceived. Such persons accept a false belief that their addictive behaviour involves a loss of control. This paper examines two implications of Levy's discussion: that accurate self‐knowledge may be particularly difficult for addicts; and that an addict's self‐deceived belief that they cannot control themselves may aid their attempts at self‐control. I argue that the self‐deceived beliefs of addicts in denial and of self‐described addicts differ in kind. Unlike the self‐deception of an addict in denial, that of the self‐described addict allows them to acknowledge their behaviour. As such, it may aid an addict to develop more self‐control. A paradoxical implication is that this self‐deception may allow an addict more self‐knowledge.  相似文献   

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