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道德责任判断的直接目的在于找出可称赞或谴责的原因,对行为者做出合理、公正的道德判断,使其承担应当承担的道德责任,从而减少和消除不公,融洽社会关系,引导行为主体朝向更崇高的目标.道德责任判定涉及行为者与行为之间的关系、行为后果和价值标准等方面.实际后果是道德责任判断的现实根据;因果关系是道德责任判断的逻辑根据;社会历史理性是道德责任判断的最终价值根据.  相似文献   

试论甲型H1N1流感防控中个体的道德责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甲型H1N1的防控不仅是国家、政府、专门机构及专业人员的责任,同时也是每个社会成员应该承担的责任。个体责任缺失是甲型H1N1在我国流行的主要原因之一。导致个体道德责任缺失的原因主要包括:社会中主体的原子化对个体道德责任的排斥、非理性社会心理对个体道德责任的冲击和公共卫生防疫体制中薄弱环节对个体道德责任的影响。基于道德责任产生的基础不同,不同的个体应该承担不同的道德责任。  相似文献   

甲型H1N1的防控不仅是国家、政府、专门机构及专业人员的责任,同时也是每个社会成员应该承担的责任.个体责任缺失是甲型H1N1在我国流行的主要原因之一.导致个体道德责任缺失的原因主要包括:社会中主体的原子化对个体道德责任的排斥、非理性社会心理对个体道德责任的冲击和公共卫生防疫体制中薄弱环节对个体道德责任的影响.基于道德责任产生的基础不同,不同的个体应该承担不同的道德责任.  相似文献   

消费的自由与消费的社会责任   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在社会主义市场经济条件下,消费者有自由选择的权利,但这并不意味着人们在消费过程中就可以忽视甚至否认应当承担的社会责任.这些社会责任包括:第一,对生态环境的社会责任;第二,对预防疾病,搞好公共卫生安全的责任;第三,对社会风气的道德责任.  相似文献   

跨国公司:财富与社会责任   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
跨国公司在不同国度的不同表现表明:在资本面前,道德、社会责任并不具有价值的优先性,而是财富、利润更具有逻辑上的优先性;资本对于社会生活中道德法则与社会责任的态度,取决于资本运行的社会背景。在全球化过程中,一方面,发展中国家应当对跨国公司的社会责任问题保持高度的警觉;另一方面,跨国公司亦应自觉承担起社会责任,确立其经济活动的道德底线。  相似文献   

论主体道德责任   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究主体承担道德责任的原因、范围和限度,分析道德责任感的发展阶段和构成要素,增强主体道德责任感,能使人们尤其是人文学科工作者自觉地承担起对社会、他人和国家的道德责任,因而具有很强的现实意义。本文试图对主体道德责任问题进行初步的探析。作为社会主体的人,都负有这样或那样的道德责任。可以说,“每一个在道德上有价值的人,都要有所承担,不负任何责任的东西,不是人而是物。”①1.主体对自己行为负有一定道德责任的原因。对于这个问题,先哲们作了许多探讨,集大成者应首推康德,在康德的道德哲学体系中,责任占有非常重…  相似文献   

谁应该承担引起气候变化的责任,是一个十分复杂且充满争议的问题。从个人自主的排放行为来看,责任归咎原则要求个人应该为出于自愿选择的温室气体排放行为承担引起气候变化的道德责任。从个体行为与集体责任的关系来看,单个的温室气体排放行为聚集在一起就会引起宏观上的气候变化,因而个体需要承担因果责任,也应承担道德责任。全球气候治理要求那些排放得越多的国家,应该向气候变化的受害者提供赔偿,因为他们集体性地引起气候变化问题。同时,也要求那些过错更大的人应该承担更大的赔偿责任。集体责任的一般要求不会消除个人所应担负的道德责任。  相似文献   

在自然生殖的范围内,对于没有生育能力的人来说,其生育权利和相应的生育责任不具有真正的道德价值和实在意义。生殖技术的发展突破了自然生殖的传统藩篱,给生育权利和生育责任带来了前所未有的道德冲击和伦理挑战。尽管应用生殖技术和拒斥生殖技术都会受到谴责和称赞,但是不应当囿于这样的道德悖论而裹足不前。实际上,生育权利内部的冲突蕴含着生育权利对生殖技术视阈的生育责任的诉求。生育责任源自行动者完成事件的因果属性,这意味着生育技术主体必须对其行为后果做出回应。这种回应主要有三大层面:人类实存律令赋予生殖技术的责任、生育技术自身蕴含的责任以及生殖技术应用的责任。因此,我们应当在把握生育权利和生育责任的内涵和二者内在联系的基础上,利用先进的生育技术正当地维系生育权利,勇敢地承担相应的生育责任,进而彰显出崇高无上的人性尊严和道德目的。  相似文献   

近年来,社交网络上涌现出大量具有真人特征的虚拟人物,他们以第一人称视角叙事以获得影响力,然而其背后的道德伦理问题也逐渐浮现。当社交媒体虚拟人犯错时,不同文化背景的人们对其道德判断会有何不同?本文基于心智感知理论,通过5个主要实验探索中西方文化差异对虚拟人道德责任判断的影响和机制。研究表明,在被告知虚拟人的不道德行为后,比起西方文化,中国文化影响下的人们认为虚拟人需要承担更大的道德责任;但这种文化差异没有出现在对真人的道德责任判断上(实验1a~1c)。并且不论虚拟人是由真实人类还是人工智能驱动,这种文化差异都会存在(实验1c)。这种文化差异通过感知心智能力来中介(实验2)。具体而言,比起西方文化,中国文化影响下的人们认为虚拟人的心智能力(特别是感知力)更高,因此需要承担更大的道德责任。此外,对虚拟人更大的道德责任判断会导致中国文化(相比西方文化)影响下的人们更倾向于对虚拟人施加道德惩罚(实验3)。本文通过实证研究将道德责任判断和心智感知的对象拓展到虚拟人上,并揭示了中西方文化差异及其后续影响。  相似文献   

在道德生活中,人们之间的关系应当是一种相互的权利与义务关系。道德义务的实质,即是社会和他人对个体的行为要求。但是,由于人们之间的利益关系不可能只是单向的义务关系,因此,有社会和他人对个人的行为要求,也必然有个人对社会和他人的行为要求,这种行为要求,属于道德范围的,便是道德权利。道德权利的客观基础便是社会和他人对个人利益应负的责任。  相似文献   

To test the causal status of responsibility in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), an experiment was executed in which responsibility was experimentally manipulated. OCD patients, non-OCD anxiety controls, and non-patients executed a classification task in either a high or a low responsibility (LoRes) condition. Subjective ratings related to danger and responsibility indicated that the manipulation was successful. Subjective OCD-like experiences and checking behaviors were higher in OCD patients in the high responsibility (HiRes) condition than in all other groups. Although the checking subscale of the Padua Inventory correlated with subjective ratings in the OCD patients in the HiRes condition, it was not associated with checking behaviors. The results confirm the hypothesis that responsibility plays a causal role in OCD.  相似文献   

The cognitive-behavioural theory of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) proposes that a key factor influencing obsessional behaviour is the way in which the intrusive cognitions are interpreted. The present paper reports an investigation of links between clinical symptoms (of anxiety, depression and obsessionality) and responsibility beliefs. These beliefs include not only measures of general responsibility attitudes (assumptions) but also more specific responsibility appraisals consequent on intrusive cognitions. The characteristics of two new questionnaires specifically designed to measure these beliefs were assessed in patients suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, in patients suffering from other anxiety disorders and in non-clinical controls. The scales measuring negative beliefs about responsibility were found to have good reliability and internal consistency. Comparisons between criterion groups indicate considerable specificity for both assumptions and appraisals with respect to OCD. There was also good evidence of specificity in the association between responsibility cognitions and obsessional symptoms across groups, and that this association was not a consequence of links with anxiety or depressive symptoms. Although the two measures were correlated, they each made unique contributions to the prediction of obsessional symptoms. Overall, the results are consistent with the hypothesis that responsibility beliefs are important in the experience of obsessional problems.  相似文献   

Violence against healthcare professionals is a serious but understudied global problem and one that lacks evidence-based solutions. The current research offers a novel explanation and intervention for addressing this issue: We propose that low feelings of control among patients and their family members play an important role in shaping doctor-patient relationships. To regain a sense of control, we suggest that patients attribute responsibility to doctors for their suffering, which may in turn lead to aggressive behavioural intentions against one's doctors. We conducted three studies to understand whether individuals with low perceived control blame doctors more, and whether threats to their sense of control cause participants to attribute more responsibility to doctors. Study 1 found that feelings of lack of control were an important predictor of attributing responsibility for negative illness-related incidents to doctors in a manner consistent with blame. Study 2 specified that the chaotic and unpredictable nature of illness, and not just its negative valence, is what drives attributions of increased responsibility to doctors. Study 3, which utilized a field setting in hospitals, found that an experimental intervention to increase feelings of control decreased frustration against (Study 3a/3b) and intention to harm doctors (Study 3b). These findings suggest that increasing feelings of control among patients can improve patient-doctor relationships. We also discuss the role of control and scapegoating during the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the significance of the existential notion of authenticity for medical ethics. This is done by analyzing authenticity and examining its implications for the patient-professional relationship and for ethical decision-making in medical situations. It is argued that while authenticity implies important demand for individual responsibility, which has therapeutic significance, it perpetuates ideas which are antithetical both to authentic interaction between patients and professionals and to fruitful deliberation of moral dilemmas. In order to counteract these consequences, an alternative idea of authenticity is introduced. According to this idea, authenticity is not regarded primarily as individual sovereignty, but as an ability to participate in a dialogue in which the subjectivity of both partners is respected. Such practice, based on mutual trust and responsibility, would enhance common decision-making and overcome the alienation between patients and professionals.  相似文献   

医疗过失的法律责任   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
引起医疗纠纷的事实可分为应由医方承担责任的事实和不应由医方承担责任的事实,只有医方符合法律责任的构成要件-即医疗行为的主体是医疗单位、主体有过失或违反义务的行为、有损害后果、而且主体的行为与损害后果之间有因果关系,才需承担法律责任,以消除只有损害后果医方就要承担法律责任和只有鉴定为医疗事故的才承担法律责任等方面的误区。  相似文献   

Successful and failed renal transplant patients were compared concerning their perceptions of the initial decision to undergo transplantation. Results suggest that, relative to successful transplant patients, failed transplant patients recalled the circumstances of the initial decision in a manner that lessened personal responsibility for that decision. In essence, they indicated that they had had little choice but to make the decision they had made. There was slight evidence that failed transplant patients diffused responsibility for the decision or its outcome onto others. Implications for patient involvement in medical decision making and for the informed consent procedure are discussed. It is concluded that cognitive factors may play a role in undermining possible self-recrimination following failed treatment decisions in which a patient has been involved.  相似文献   

责任的二重性及责任意识的培养——基于心理学的视野   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
责任就是做好分内应做之事,既包括职务客观要求的“应做之事”,也包括个体主观认同的“分内之事”,体现出客观与主观二重性。这一特性决定了责任意识包含对应做之事进行客观认识的“责任认知”与对分内之事进行主观认同的“责任情感”二个方面。培养责任认知可以按照传统的教育方法,但责任情感的培养却需另辟蹊径。该文基于心理学的研究成果,从责任分散效应、责任归因理论与角色扮演理论等出发提出了培养责任意识的几条途径。  相似文献   

Mixed findings have been obtained in prior research with respect to the presence and severity of memory and metamemory deficits in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). We tested the hypothesis that experimentally induced increments of subjective responsibility would lead to a disproportionately strong decline of memory confidence and enhanced response latencies in OCD while leaving memory accuracy unaffected. Twenty-eight OCD patients and 28 healthy controls were presented a computerized memory test framed with two different scenarios. In the neutral scenario, the participant was requested to imagine purchasing 15 items from a do-it-yourself store. In the recognition phase, the 15 needed items were presented along with 15 distractor items. The participant was asked to decide whether items were on his or her shopping list or not, graded by subjective confidence. In the responsibility scenario, the general experimental setup was analogous except that the participant now had to envision that he or she was a helper in a region recently struck by an earthquake, dispatched to provide 15 urgently needed goods from a nearby town. In line with prior work by our group, samples did not differ in either condition on memory accuracy in a subsequent recognition task. As hypothesized, OCD participants were less certain in their responses for the high responsibility condition than controls. Whereas patients and controls did not differ in their subjective estimates for memorized items, patients expressed stronger doubt that their earthquake mission was successful. The findings indicate that low memory confidence in OCD may only be elicited in situations where perceived responsibility is high and that patients may share higher performance standards ("good is not good enough") than controls when perceived responsibility is inflated.  相似文献   


This paper asks how we should conceptualize the relationship between responsibility and obligation. Its central concern is the relevance of considerations of obligation to the attribution of responsibility for what we do or bring about. The paper approaches this issue through an examination of Kant’s complex, challenging and instructive theory of responsibility, in which strict obligation plays a pivotal role in attributions of responsibility for the outcomes of our actions. Even if we do not accept Kant’s strongly juridical concept of responsibility, his theory provides insight into the way in which we should see the connection between responsibility and obligation.  相似文献   

This article is about ‘role responsibility’ as understood by H. L. A. Hart in his taxonomy of responsibility concepts in his book, Punishment and Responsibility. More particularly, it focuses on what I call ‘public, institutional role responsibility’. The main arguments are that (1) such role responsibility is based on authority and power rather than physical and mental capacity; and (2) the foundation of role responsibility in authority has significant implications for what Hart referred to as ‘liability–responsibility’, which I unpack in terms of ‘attribution’, ‘accountability’ and ‘liability’. The article addresses possible objections to the authority-based analysis of role responsibility based on the concept of ‘moral’ responsibility, and on understandings of what types of question are ‘philosophical.’  相似文献   

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