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张丽锦  暴卿  陈蕾  梁渊 《心理学报》2021,53(9):960-975
“皮亚杰认知发展量表” (IPDT)中的守恒与关系领域经动态化改编后已被证实适用于小学低年级儿童的潜能评估。在此基础上, 本研究旨在构建适用于小学高年级儿童的IPDT表征、分类、规律领域的动态测验; 并运用所构建的IPDT动态测验对低社会经济地位(SES)儿童进行认知潜能评估; 而后经过对低SES儿童的推理认知干预, 进一步考查认知干预在低SES不同潜能儿童的认知能力和数学成就中的促进作用。结果发现:(1)改编的IPDT表征、分类、规律领域的动态测验包含“前测—干预—迁移—后测”4个阶段, 所构建的逐级提示干预方案合理适切, 可以有效区分不同认知潜能水平的小学高年级儿童, 特别是弱势儿童; (2)推理认知干预对由IPDT动态测验细致区分出的不同潜能水平的低SES儿童作用不同, 尽管他们在认知能力与数学成就上均有进步, 但低SES高潜能儿童比低SES低潜能儿童从干预中获益更多。  相似文献   

借鉴行为经济学家开创的应用行为决策于贫困研究的新范式, 选取我国“连片特困地区”的贫困者为研究对象。首先建构“认知和动机双视角的行为贫困陷阱”的立论模型; 然后通过“贫困所致认知后果影响后继决策行为的心理机制和神经机制”, 以及“贫困所致认知和动机后果共同影响后继决策行为的作用机制”来探索贫困所致心理后果与后继决策行为间的因果效应; 最后进行“贫困所致认知功能改变影响后继决策行为的随机控制实验”和“贫困所致自我认同改变影响后继决策行为的现场干预研究”, 旨在通过“扶志和扶智”达到“授人以渔”, 并从中提炼出可供扶贫政策参考的管理对策。  相似文献   

人际运动同步是一种“社会胶粘剂”, 能促进儿童产生更多的亲社会行为。儿童的人际运动同步能力随着年龄的增长不断提升, 其同步表现受到运动方式、节奏刺激类型、同步对象等因素影响。在人际运动同步过程中, 时间感知、运动计划和运动执行三大认知因素参与其中, 既制约着个体同步能力的发展, 也影响个体同步的表现。孤独症作为一种神经发育性障碍, 孤独症儿童表现出异常的人际运动同步。未来的研究不仅要探讨孤独症儿童人际运动同步的异常机制, 还要更多关注人际运动同步训练在孤独症群体中的实际应用和干预效果。  相似文献   

张积家  付雅  王斌 《心理学报》2020,52(4):440-455
采用空间隐喻和重量隐喻的研究范式, 考察彝族人、白族人和摩梭人在亲属词性别概念加工中的空间隐喻和重量隐喻。实验1考察亲属词性别概念加工的上下隐喻。结果表明, 彝族人对“上男下女”词对的反应比对“上女下男”词对快; 白族人在判断长辈亲属词时, 对“上男下女”词对的反应比对“上女下男”词对快; 摩梭人对“上男下女”词对的反应比对“上女下男”词对慢。实验2采用性别概念启动重量概念, 发现亲属词性别概念加工存在着轻重隐喻一致性效应, 性别亲属词对促进对天平倾斜方向的判断。对彝族人而言, 男性亲属词激活了“重”概念, 女性亲属词激活了“轻”概念; 对摩梭人而言, 女性亲属词激活了“重”概念, 男性亲属词激活了“轻”概念; 白族人未表现出亲属词性别对轻重概念激活的差异。实验3采用重量概念启动性别概念。结果显示, 对彝族人而言, “重”概念启动了“男”概念, “轻”概念启动了“女”概念; 对摩梭人而言, “重”概念启动了“女”概念, “轻”概念启动了“男”概念; 对白族人而言, 未发现轻重概念对性别概念启动的显著差异。整个研究表明, 性别文化影响亲属词性别概念加工中的空间隐喻和重量隐喻, 证明了隐喻的文化性。  相似文献   

方琪  栾琨 《心理科学进展》2022,30(5):1143-1157
多团队成员身份(multiple team membership)是指员工在一段时间内以正式身份参与多个团队的工作状态及工作模式。以往围绕“团队数量”和“团队成员身份多样性”展开的研究未能对多团队成员身份的效应形成一致的认识和研究结论。因此, 在系统回顾发展历程、厘清概念内涵的基础上, 提炼出多团队成员身份“多重团队情境”和“多重团队认同”两个关键特征, 并从注意力资源视角、社会网络视角和社会身份视角梳理并发展多团队成员身份的作用机制。最后, 针对以往研究对多团队成员身份关键特征的关注缺失、社会网络视角和社会身份视角下有意义却尚未被探索的问题, 综合技术和时间等因素提出了未来研究建议。  相似文献   

将“自我欺骗”作为一种干预工具,导入信任、爱与优良文化等,对一名躁狂症患者进行了历时6年的追踪治疗。结果表明,患者BRMS分数显著降低,行为问题逐渐消失,因此,“自我欺骗”对躁狂症的矫正与治疗有着积极的效应。  相似文献   

马冰  杨蓉  杜旌  马贵梅 《心理科学进展》2022,30(11):2381-2394
企业往往在员工管理和组织创新上处于“两难困境”——难以提供稳定工作但又不得不依赖员工实现组织创新, 这就使得研究员工工作不安全感对创新行为的影响至关重要。企业员工遭遇不同环境威胁带来的工作不安全感时, 创新行为存在差异。本文在威胁焦点下深化工作不安全感概念, 并基于“以变量为中心”和“以人为中心”的研究思路, 探讨其对创新行为的差异化影响过程。首先, 结合环境威胁来源与主观感知, 把工作不安全感分为岗位焦点工作不安全感和人员焦点工作不安全感两个维度, 并将编制测量量表。其次, 期望运用纵向研究设计, 通过分析多时点的员工-主管配对数据, 基于情境调节焦点和工作激情的链式中介作用, 来揭示岗位焦点工作不安全感对创新行为的负向影响, 以及人员焦点工作不安全感对创新行为的倒U型影响。最后, 将采取“以人为中心”的研究思路, 运用潜在剖面分析方法探讨工作不安全感潜在类型及其对创新行为的影响。研究结果将有助于推进工作不安全感的概念和效用研究, 也为企业如何有效促进创新提供对策建议。  相似文献   

贺晓玲  陈俊 《心理学报》2020,52(2):149-161
为考察3~5岁幼儿“权力”概念的大小、垂直空间和重量多重隐喻的认知发展进程, 研究采用了将权力人物和无权力人物图片放置大圆形或小圆形、垂直空间的上方框或下方框和不平衡跷跷板重端或轻端的图片迫选任务。通过3个实验及综合分析发现:3岁幼儿尚不具备权力隐喻理解能力; 4岁是幼儿权力隐喻理解能力的重要发展时期, 具备正极权力概念的隐喻理解能力, 建立起有权力为“大、高、重”的多重隐喻联结; 5岁幼儿的权力隐喻理解能力进一步增强, 已具备较完整的多重隐喻理解能力, 建立起有权力为“大、高、重”、无权力为“小、下、轻”的多重隐喻联结。3~5岁幼儿“权力”概念的大小、垂直空间和重量多重隐喻理解能力同步发展, 不受隐喻靶域习得时间早晚的影响。系列研究表明, 学龄前幼儿的权力隐喻理解能力发展趋势符合隐喻一致性理论, 隐喻表征的产生并非“有或无”的模式, 而是“渐进”呈现发展。  相似文献   

徐潞杰  张镇 《心理科学进展》2021,29(8):1472-1483
积极交往和消极交往分别会对老年人的心理健康产生有利和不利影响, 然而, 探讨消极交往的负面作用及其机制的研究相对较少。目前研究主要涉及消极交往的类型(社会隔离、丧偶或离婚)、来源(配偶、子女或朋友)及强度, 并探讨感知评估、自尊的中介作用及性别、婚姻、受教育水平等变量的调节作用。社会情感选择理论、优劣势整合理论、社会交换理论及镜中我理论在一定范围内对消极交往的负面作用做出了合理解释。采取“原谅”或“认知疏远”的应对策略能有效缓解消极交往的负面影响。未来研究应进一步考察不同文化背景及社会网络背景下消极交往对老年人心理健康的影响, 同时加强对消极交往的理论研究和线上研究, 并关注相关的干预研究。  相似文献   

“时间”是跨期决策的“必需品”, 人们感知到的延迟时间决定跨期决策的结果。近年来, 研究者发现“时间长度感知”、“时间资源感知”和“时间框架感知”是时间感知作用于跨期决策的主要方式。时间感知的神经作用机制包含微观层面和宏观层面两种。“对数/指数时间折扣模型”、“感知时间基础模型”及“多模态漂移扩散模型”解释了时间感知的作用方式。然而, 现有理论模型还存在诸多局限, 主要包括“长短时距预测偏差”和“实际决策与预期决策偏差”两个方面。因此, 深入探讨时间感知影响跨期决策的基本方式, 分析现有理论模型的局限性并提出整合的机制框架具有十分重要的意义。未来研究亟需进一步整合时间感知的理论模型, 开展脑机制与应用方面的研究, 从深层揭露时间感知的作用本质, 帮助个人与社会更理性地决策。  相似文献   

灾后孤儿亲历双重重大创伤, 是创伤后应激障碍(post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD)的高发群体; 同时, 巨大创伤对其认知功能和行为模式也带来一定程度的影响。本研究拟以灾后孤儿这一特殊群体为研究对象, 考察“PTSD发生发展及其认知神经机制”, 具体如下:(1) 采用序列研究设计, 展开灾后孤儿PTSD流行病学调查, 描述其PTSD发生发展、变化的轨迹和时程特点; (2) 展开横断研究, 考察灾后孤儿认知发展特点, 并通过结构方程模型, 揭示其PTSD发生发展的心理行为机制; (3) 采用眼动和脑电技术展开比较研究, 考察罹患PTSD孤儿的认知神经机制。本研究的研究结果将对今后的灾后孤儿安置及心理援助提供科学建议; 为有针对性地提供心理干预、制定心理干预的总体规划提供科学依据; 力争为今后孤儿的创伤心理的诊断、干预效果评估提供科学客观的指标和方法。  相似文献   

A collaborative study of Cultural Adjustment and Trauma Services (CATS), a comprehensive, school-based mental health program for traumatized immigrant children and adolescents, was conducted to generate practice-based evidence on the service delivery model across two school districts. Program effectiveness was assessed by testing whether client functioning and PTSD symptoms improved as a result of 7 separate service elements. An array of clinical services including CBT, supportive therapy, and coordinating services were provided to all students, and an evidence-based intervention for trauma, TF-CBT, was implemented with a subset of students. Greater quantities of CBT and supportive therapy increased functioning, while greater quantities of coordinating services decreased symptoms of PTSD. TF-CBT services were associated with both improved functioning and PTSD symptoms, although TF-CBT was implemented with fidelity to the overall comprehensive service model rather than the structured intervention model. Results suggest the comprehensive school-based model was effective, though different service components affected different student outcomes. Implications of these findings for immigrant mental health interventions and implementing structured evidence-based practices into community mental health programs are discussed. Suggestions are made for future research on existing mental health practices with immigrants.  相似文献   

儿童贫困问题是世界范围内的一个重大公共卫生问题。近几十年来,国内外的研究发现贫困对儿童的消极心理健康状态和积极心理健康状态均会产生影响。研究者试图从家庭和社会两个层面来解释贫困对儿童心理健康的影响,以揭示其内在影响机制。未来的研究应加强贫困儿童心理健康发展过程中的保护因素研究,探索儿童期贫困对个体心理健康的长期影响及其成因,进一步在我国社会文化背景下开展本土化研究,为实践上的预防和干预提供帮助。  相似文献   

Although Latinos have been a rapidly growing population in the US, little is known about how mental health symptoms may present in Latino children especially in the context of those living in poverty and exposed to violence. We explored the level of violence exposure and trauma symptoms in Latino youth and the relationship of these factors with English language fluency. During 2000–2002, 1,601, Latino students from seven middle schools participated in a school-based screening to identify students with exposure to community violence and symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The students completed a self-report instrument, in either Spanish or English, that combined a modified version of the Life Events Scale and the Child PTSD Symptom Scale (CPSS). Bivariate analyses and multivariate regression models showed that youth with higher English language fluency reported greater violence exposure and PTSD symptoms than those with lower fluency. No difference was found in functioning by English language fluency. English language fluency appears to be related to violence exposure and PTSD symptoms in these Latino youth. We discuss the importance of school-based programs especially designed to serve Latino students of varying English language fluency.  相似文献   

Recent research has provided compelling evidence of mental health problems in military spouses and children, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), related to the war-zone deployments, combat exposures, and post-deployment mental health symptoms experienced by military service members in the family. One obstacle to further research and federal programs targeting the psychological health of military family members has been the lack of a clear, compelling, and testable model to explain how war-zone events can result in psychological trauma in military spouses and children. In this article, we propose a possible mechanism for deployment-related psychological trauma in military spouses and children based on the concept of moral injury, a model that has been developed to better understand how service members and veterans may develop PTSD and other serious mental and behavioral problems in the wake of war-zone events that inflict damage to moral belief systems rather by threatening personal life and safety. After describing means of adapting the moral injury model to family systems, we discuss the clinical implications of moral injury, and describe a model for its psychological treatment.  相似文献   

Using data from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (Research Triangle Institute, 2002), this study examined the impact of corporal punishment (CP) on children's behavior problems. Longitudinal analyses were specified that controlled for covarying contextual and parenting variables and that partialed child effects. The results indicate that parental CP uniquely contributes to negative behavioral adjustment in children at both 36 months and at 1st grade, with the effects at the earlier age more pronounced in children with difficult temperaments. Parents and mental health professionals who work to modify children's negative behavior should be aware of the unique impact that CP likely plays in triggering and maintaining children's behavior problems. Broad-based family policies that reduce the use of this parenting behavior would potentially increase children's mental health and decrease the incidence of children's behavior problems.  相似文献   

A randomized between-group design was used to evaluate the efficacy of a video intervention to reduce post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health problems, implemented prior to the forensic medical examination conducted within 72 h post-sexual assault. Participants were 140 female victims of sexual assault (68 video/72 nonvideo) aged 15 years or older. Assessments were targeted for 6 weeks (Time 1) and 6 months (Time 2) post-assault. At Time 1, the intervention was associated with lower scores on measures of PTSD and depression among women with a prior rape history relative to scores among women with a prior rape history in the standard care condition. At Time 2, depression scores were also lower among those with a prior rape history who were in the video relative to the standard care condition. Small effects indicating higher PTSD and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) scores among women without a prior rape history in the video condition were observed at Time 1. Accelerated longitudinal growth curve analysis indicated a videoxprior rape history interaction for PTSD, yielding four patterns of symptom trajectory over time. Women with a prior rape history in the video condition generally maintained the lowest level of symptoms.  相似文献   

The relationship between war exposure and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been largely investigated but the impact of the combat experience on physical health has only recently merited attention. The authors investigated the relationship between war exposure and psychological and physical health among 350 Portuguese colonial war veterans. The role of current PTSD symptoms as a mediator of these relationships was also investigated. The results showed that 39% of the veterans met criteria for current PTSD diagnosis and psychological distress was present in half of the sample. Pain, fatigue, and sleep problems were the most reported physical symptoms and mental health and gastro-intestinal problems, the most reported illnesses. Combat exposure variables were significant predictors of current health. The results indicated that veterans with higher exposure to war trauma maintained higher current levels of psychological distress and presented more physical health problems and physical symptoms than those less exposed. Mediation analyses showed that current PTSD was a full mediator of the relationship between war exposure and physical health outcomes.  相似文献   

For adult survivors of adverse childhood experiences, primary care is the entryway to treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is estimated 25% of adult primary care patients have PTSD, and they present to their provider more often with pain and non-specific physical symptoms rather than mental health issues. Physicians, even those somewhat knowledgeable about trauma and PTSD, are unlikely to assess for it in order to avoid issues they may not have the time and/or skills to sufficiently address. This is due to PTSD treatment not being a core training competency in graduate-level education and professional training being timely and expensive. Usual care for PTSD consists of medication to manage symptoms and a referral to a mental health clinician. However, substantial disparities and patient, provider, and delivery system-level barriers means survivors are unlikely to follow-through with referrals nor receive adequate treatment when they do. In this theoretical article, we review the trials and tribulations experienced by research teams and argue what is lacking is trauma-informed care. None of the trials reviewed mentioned trauma-informed care as a component of their intervention nor as a recommendation for future studies. We also outline a host of recommendations for best practice protocols that benefit patients and the collaborative care teams meeting them where they are. Trauma-informed care deepens the focus on relational, physiological, and physical safety. Attention to soothing physiological arousal through the physician-patient-clinician triad creates more positive associations toward moving forward in treatment for survivors and providers.  相似文献   

聂衍刚  甘秀英  周虹 《心理科学》2011,34(6):1409-1413
采用问卷调查法对地震地区933名中学生进行调查,考察青少年创伤后应激障碍的状况,并探讨社会支持在人格与创伤后应激障碍之间的调节作用。结果表明:(1)震后六个月,约67.6%的青少年患有PTSD或部分PTSD。(2)大五人格特质中的神经质对事件影响量表总分以及唤醒、侵扰、逃避均有预测作用;宜人性对事件影响量表总分、侵扰、唤醒有预测作用。验证了社会支持在大五人格与逃避、人格与唤醒、人格与事件影响量表总分间调节效应显著的结论。  相似文献   

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