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压力反应、压力应对与睡眠质量关系述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
压力反应是个体应对应激源作用时所产生的非特异性表现, 而压力应对是个体社会生活中一种综合的压力适应过程。压力反应及其应对是压力与睡眠质量之间的重要变量。生理、认知、情绪和行为等方面的压力反应与睡眠质量有直接的交互作用, 而认知调节、情绪调节、应对方式、社会支持和人格倾向等压力应对因素则能够改变压力与睡眠之间相互作用的强度、持续时间以及最终结果。  相似文献   

使用问卷测试方式对城市居民的心理凝聚感和压力源之问的关系进行研究。结果发现,在7种压力源因子和压力源总分中,经济收支和工作压力、家庭生活事件、知识技能更新3个压力源因子和压力源总分在三个级别的心理凝聚感组之间存在显著差异,心理凝聚感水平高的被试,对外界工作生活事件产生了最低的压力评价。职业、经济收入不同的群体在心理凝聚感的得分上存在显著的差异,经济收入高的个体有较高的心理凝聚感。说明不同心理凝聚感水平的被试面对相同的工作生活压力,其压力认知评价存在差异。  相似文献   

家庭抗逆力理论是近年来风险应对研究领域中被引最高的理论之一。该理论的提出源自McCubbin等人对军人家庭应对战争危机的观察与思考,得益于早期学者对家庭压力和家庭系统理论的探究。经数次修订后,该理论经历了由静态特征到动态变化的发展过程,形成了一个具有较广泛内涵与外延的理论体系。其早期应用集中于创伤修复、家庭压力应对等主题,之后涉及复原力等更丰富的研究议题,已成为临床干预工作的实践导引和COVID-19大流行以来国家和社会、家庭和个体层面“危机事件—适应能力”关系的重要解释机制。其应用面临来自元理论研究、方法学及跨文化与社会变迁观点的挑战。未来研究应明晰概念与整合模型、使用混合方法与制定评估指标体系、强化家庭抗逆力理论的本土化研究与构建中国特色家庭抗逆力理论体系。  相似文献   

资源保存理论(conservation of resources theory, COR)是组织行为学研究近30年中被引最高的理论之一。COR的提出源自Hobfoll对临床应激障碍的观察与思考, 历经了多次修订后该理论逐步由一个压力-反应模型发展成了一个以个体资源存量及其动态变化解释行为动因的动机理论, 形成了一个具有较广泛外延的理论体系。组织行为学是资源保存理论标志性文献的施引文献的核心来源。大量组织行为学研究对COR中的资源损失漩涡、获得螺旋等核心过程进行了实证检验, 涉及广泛的研究议题, 使COR成为了理解员工心理与行为动因的最具影响力的理论之一。COR在组织行为学中的应用面临一定的挑战, 其中有来自认知评价理论、适应理论的观点挑战, 也有其作为一个“跨界理论”带来的挑战。组织行为学研究在应用COR时应充分尊重其理论要义, 避免削足适履。  相似文献   

压力和应对的研究是跨文化心理学研究的一个重要组成部分,其研究对于理解东西方的文化差异有着重要意义.文章从文化视野中的压力和应对的理论模型及集体主义和个体主义这对文化模式出发,探讨了在环境系统、个体系统、暂时条件、认知评价和应对技能等方面存在的文化差异,最后指出压力和应对的跨文化研究应注意的问题.  相似文献   

组织政治技能是个体在组织中生存和获得职业发展的重要能力之一,也是组织行为学研究中的重要领域。研究主要从中国文化的视角,探讨组织政治技能对个体自身的影响作用。结果显示,组织政治技能与工作满意度之间存在线性关系,而非曲线关系;组织政治技能中的处世圆通和面子和谐两个维度有利于缓解工作压力,而人际敏锐可能增加个体的工作压力感;自我评价对于组织政治技能与工作压力和工作满意度之间关系的中介效应不显著;工作压力在处世圆通、人际敏锐和面子和谐三个维度与工作满意度之间起完全中介作用。这些结果表明,组织政治技能对于个体来说是非常重要的能力,可以帮助个体缓解工作压力,提高工作满意感,进而促进个体的职业发展。  相似文献   

通勤压力作为一种新型压力源,近年来逐渐成为组织管理领域的前沿话题。通勤压力是指个体在通勤过程中所遭遇的压力事件以及所产生的紧张反应,它对员工的工作态度、工作状态以及工作行为均会产生一定的负面影响,影响强度取决于员工的个人特征、家庭压力以及所处的工作情境。资源保存理论和控制理论是解释通勤压力消极影响的主要理论。未来研究可进一步完善测量工具,考察不同通勤模式的差异化影响效应,丰富边界机制等。  相似文献   

以往研究指出青少年阶段是情绪障碍的高发时期, 各种情绪问题深刻影响青少年的身心健康。通过文献分析得出青春期压力所采取的应对方式(即个体对压力事件做出反应的稳定方式)可能是决定青少年情绪障碍易感程度的核心因素; 而认知训练可降低该易感性, 从而提高青少年的心理健康水平。为了验证上述观点, 综合采用行为调查与生理测量, EEG/ERP与fMRI手段, 拟开展如下4个方面的研究工作:1)青春期发育阶段影响个体负性情绪易感性的大脑机制; 2)认知应对方式与青春期发育阶段的交互作用对负性情绪易感性的影响及大脑机制; 3)认知训练(包括注意训练、解释训练与接受训练)对健康青少年负面情绪易感性的调节作用及大脑可塑性机制; 4)认知训练对青少年抑郁/焦虑症患者情绪应对方式与临床症状的影响及大脑可塑性机制。通过上述系列研究, 揭示青少年更高情绪障碍易感性的认知神经机制, 找出并培养有利于青少年身心健康的情绪应对方法, 从而为情绪障碍的临床治疗奠定理论与实践基础。  相似文献   

传统儒家应对观包含了压力源、应对资源和应对方式三个部分。首先,儒家认为压力的来源就是道德方面的缺陷;而儒家的应对资源是以道德修养为基础的理想人格;儒家对压力的认知和应对也充满了道德因素。纵观儒家压力应对的全过程,儒家既注重个人内在的道德修养,又注重道德修养的外在表现。传统儒家应对观不仅具有理论意义,而且还具有指导实践的现实意义,既可以提高个体的自我效能感,还能提高个人完成目标、克服困难的动机,也给予个体更多的自我调节的方法。  相似文献   

工作反刍指在没有要求其出现的情境下, 有意识的、重复发生的工作方面的相关想法, 分为工作相关情感反刍与工作相关问题解决沉思两个维度。工作反刍对个体健康、工作及幸福感的影响有“双刃剑”效应。持续性认知理论、压力认知激活模型与认知资源视角理论, 可以解释该效应的内在机制。未来研究应分析影响双刃剑效应的边界条件, 寻求减少消极效应、增加积极效应的途径, 拓展其双刃剑效应心理机制的分析视角和该效应的作用层面。  相似文献   


This study explored whether discriminative facility in dealing with threatening situations is negatively associated with distress. Discriminative facility entails the ability to (1) “accurately” appraise the controllability of stressors and (2) use more problem-focused relative to emotion-focused coping with controllable stressors and at the same time more emotion-focused relative to problem-focused coping with uncontrollable stressors. We conducted a preliminary study to obtain “accurate” appraisals of the controllability of two stressors. In the main study, college students (N = 109) provided information regarding their appraisal of the controllability of the two stressors, how they coped with these two stressors, and their level of both stressor-specific distress and general distress. The relationship between coping strategy (problem- vs emotion-focused) and stressor-specific distress was found to be a function of the controllability of the stressor. Specifically, with controllable stressors, the high use of problem-focused coping was associated with less distress than the high use of emotion-focused coping. The opposite was found to be the case with uncontrollable stressors. More importantly, discriminative facility was negatively related to general distress. The results suggest that discriminative facility in the appraisal of and coping with stressors is an important mediator in the experience of psychological symptoms as a result of stress.  相似文献   

压力情境认知评价与工作倦怠的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
田宝  李旭培  滕秀杰  时勘 《心理科学》2012,35(1):165-170
为探讨压力情境认知评价与工作倦怠的关系,选取北京、河南两家公司的303名员工进行了调查。分层结果分析发现,在控制了人口统计学因素之后,挑战评价对玩世不恭存在显著正向预测作用,控制评价对情绪衰竭、玩世不恭和成就感低落存在显著负向预测作用;进一步分析发现,控制评价在情绪中心应对和情绪衰竭、问题中心应对与成就感低落之间按的关系上具有调节作用。结果表明,压力情境认知评价是影响员工工作倦怠的重要因素。  相似文献   

职场内外部死亡提醒对员工绩效具有双刃效应已得到诸多研究的支持,但该现象背后的统一理论解释缺乏深入探讨。基于压力交互理论构建的模型指出,死亡提醒通过压力源认知评估与状态死亡意识的链式中介影响员工绩效。具体而言,员工对死亡提醒这一压力源的威胁性评估与挑战性评估分别影响其状态死亡焦虑与状态死亡反思,进而对任务绩效、组织公民行为和反生产行为产生双刃效应。最后,基于模型梳理了个体资源与情境资源等相关边界条件,并提出未来可探析死亡提醒双刃效应的过程机制、边界条件以及组织干预策略。  相似文献   


Stress, coping, and appraisal were explored in order to better understand the factors associated with smoking cessation. Employees from 61 worksites received one of three programs which incorporated the use of self-help manuals, incentives, social support groups, and cognitive-behavioral techniques. Results indicated successful quitters perceived less stress in their lives, used more problem-focused coping and less emotion-focused coping, and perceived more control over their stressors than participants who were not able to quit smoking.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the appraisal and coping process in acute, time-limited stressful situations in a stress experienced group: 54 Swedish police officers. Each police officer retrospectively reported their thoughts, emotions, and actions during five recent stressful job events. The relations among appraisals of threat and of coping options, seven forms of problem- and emotion-focused coping strategies, and selfrated performance were examined. Compared with previous studies of ordinary people in stressful situations, the police officers felt less threatened, appraised the situations as more solvable, and used considerably more problem-focused forms of coping. Age had a significant effect on appraisal, while organizational position had a significant effect on coping. Using latent profile analysis, four appraisal styles were obtained. Consistency of cross-situational appraisal style amongst individuals was high. The functional relationships among variables, i.e. appraisal, coping, and performance, are discussed.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study examined how individuals cope over 4 stages of a merger. The study replicated and extended past coping research by examining changes in coping variables over time. Employee appraisals, coping resources, negative emotions, and emotion-focused and problem-focused coping strategies were measured. Negative appraisal, social support, perceived control, and emotion-focused coping significantly changed across stages. Coping variables exhibited linear, quadratic, and cubic trends over time, highlighting the complex and dynamic nature of the coping process. The findings provide important insight into how company management may influence employee coping during a merger. Implications for future research also are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examined a relational model of appraisal that specifies the situational and dispositional antecedents of appraised problem-focused coping potential, itself a hypothesised antecedent of the emotions of hope/challenge and resignation. The hypothesised relational antecedents of this appraisal were tested in a quasi-experiment in which individuals varying in self-perceived and objectively assessed math ability attempted to solve math problems on which difficulty was manipulated. Findings for the critical test problem largely conformed to predictions: Under difficult conditions, but not easy ones, increasing math ability was generally associated with elevated appraisals of problem-focused coping potential, increased hope/challenge, reduced resignation, and increased likelihood of solving the problem. However, problem-focused coping potential, hope/challenge, and the likelihood of solving the problem were all lower, and resignation was higher, for the highest ability participants, than would be predicted from their ability levels. Comparable findings were not observed for appraisals of emotion-focused coping potential or its theoretically associated emotion of anxiety, providing evidence of discriminant validity for the examined model. The results of a mediational analysis supported the hypothesis that the effects of the quasi-experimental design on hope/challenge and resignation were mediated by their effects on appraised problem-focused coping potential, lending support to the proposition that appraisals play a causal role in emotion elicitation.  相似文献   

According to appraisal theory, emotions result from an individual's meaning analysis of the implications of his/her circumstances for personal well-being, and individual differences in emotion arise when individuals appraise similar situations differently. Relational models of appraisal attempt to describe the situational and dispositional antecedents of appraisals, and should allow one to predict such individual differences. In this article, we review three examples of our efforts toward developing relational appraisal models. In two, we start with a particular appraisal component, motivational relevance and problem-focused coping potential (Smith & Lazarus, 1990), respectively, and describe and test the relational model proposed for that component. In the third, as a precursor to developing a true relational model, we examine another appraisal component, emotion-focused coping potential, from a more dispositional perspective. We conclude by considering both the potential value of relational appraisal models, and future directions in the development of these models.  相似文献   


Taylor (1995) constructed a comprehensive framework of stress and adaptation, which considers internal and external resources/impediments as moderators, based on previous studies and models. However, most past research used correlation designs and has not taken into account all of the framework's components within one study. This study tested the effects of the event (minor, major), primary appraisal (benign, severe), coping (problem-focused coping (PFC) versus emotion-focused coping), external resources (with/without social support), and internal impediments (hostility), on estimated distress (dependent variable) in written imagined stressful daily scenarios. All components except hostility were experimentally manipulated within subjects in the scenarios. The scenarios were rated by 281 Dutch students. The variables event, appraisal, and social support significantly and independently affected estimated distress. Event and appraisal synergistically interacted in relation to estimated distress. Finally, appraisal interacted with coping such that the distress-reducing effects of PFC occurred only in benign events, while coping did not affect estimated distress in severely appraised events. This study experimentally tested most components of Taylor's framework, and showed that events, appraisal, and social resources were independent determinants of estimated distress, and that appraisal interacts in a complex manner with the event and with coping.  相似文献   

Based on the attributional reformulation of learned helplessness theory (Abramson, Seligman, & Teasdale, 1978) and Lazarus and Launier's (1978) primary-secondary appraisal theory of stress, the present study sought to examine teleworkers' reactions to their work-related problems. The role of attributions about the sources, and cognitions about the consesquences, of these problems in promoting positive adaptation was addressed. In particular, it was predicted that teleworkers who made optimistic attributions and cognitions would be more likely to employ problem-focused coping strategies and, as a result, report more positive psychological and job-related outcomes. Based on a survey sample of 192 teleworkers, the results indicated that a tendency to engage in self-blame was related to the use of emotion-focused coping strategies. In turn, there was evidence linking emotion-focused coping strategies to negative outcomes and problem-focused coping strategies to positive outcomes. The results are discussed in relation to attributional approaches to stress which highlight the importance of cognitions about the consequences of negative events. Finally, implications for the training of teleworkers are presented.  相似文献   

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