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16世纪末,利玛窦(Matteo Ricci,1552—1610)等一些西方天主教传教士带着西学典籍进入中国,刺激了晚明中国会通中西学术思潮的产生和中西学者大量独撰、或合作的著、译作品的产生。汉语天主教文献的激增促使对其进行整理和编目的工作产生,直至今天,这些工作都还未停止。对汉语天主教文献目录编纂史的梳理和研究,将会有助于中国历史文献学、古代史和宗教文化史的研究。本文以纵向的自晚明至今、横向的综合目录和专题目录两种类型的书目为立体纲目,考察了这些书目对天主教文献的著录情况。在此基础上,总结了编纂汉语天主教文献总目录面临的一些困难及思考。  相似文献   

方旭东 《现代哲学》2023,(3):141-154
在晚明奉教士人中,王徵以其“畏天爱人”之说独树一帜,基督宗教原有的信爱论在他这里变成了“畏天”说。论者一般认为,这种“畏”的宗教情感,是王徵以儒释耶的结果。本文挑战了这种流行观点,提出了一个新的解释:王徵“畏天”思想主要来自善书。通过对王徵所用“畏天”一词语义的考辨,作者确定,其用法与善书最为接近。而王徵从小所受的善书教育以及他本人对善书从未间断的修持,证明这种相同不是巧合,而是王徵从善书那里习得的结果。  相似文献   

中西神性思想的相通之处使基督教得以在中国传播并为部分晚明学人所接受,而二者之间的差异则决定了基督教东传的种种曲折与反复,决定了基督教传教士与晚明学人之间的差异:前者旨在"学术传教"①,而后者则重在"以教引实".  相似文献   

作为一位在中国传统文化中成长起来的士大夫,徐光启深受儒学的影响,他对基督教学说(时人称为“天学”)的理解,是在自己已经拥有的儒学背景中展开的.因此,要了解徐光启对天学的认识,必须了解他对天学与儒学关系的论述. 1612年,徐光启为他与熊三拔合作翻译的《泰西水法》写了一篇序,其中这样说道:“余尝谓其教必可以补儒易佛.”也就是说,传教士所传的宗教,可以补充儒家的不足,可以抵制佛教的侵袭.在《辨学章疏》中,他又说:“诸陪臣所传敬事天主之道,真可以补益王化,左右儒术,救正佛法者也.”“诸陪臣”指传教士,他们所传的宗教,大有益于今天的社会.  相似文献   

明清之际"自性理转向经史"的哲学转型是中国哲学史的重大事件之一。其中,以黄宗羲为代表的浙东学术开展出心学向经史之学转型的思想道路,具有重要的理论意义。黄氏在其名著《明儒学案》《孟子师说》中提出一条独特的明代哲学发展脉络,亦即心学的气学视野建构,由此建立了以"理为气之理"与"事的本体工夫论"为主要内容的气学形上学,使得作为知识学的经史之学顺理成章地成为性理之学开展的一部分,展现出逸出传统理学思想藩篱的新意义。  相似文献   

五、易佛补儒 如前所述,"三教融合"与"中西会通"是中国哲学思想发展的总趋势,其焦点是两次中国本土自生学术系统与印、欧外来异质思想文化的冲突与融会;但仔细考察晚明的"三教归一"思潮,它并不同于唐宋之际的"三教融合".  相似文献   

明清之际出现了徐光启、李之藻、杨廷筠为代表的儒家天主教徒,还有其他入教或与天主教有一定联系的儒者,他们面对晚明思想转型,受到传教士“合儒、益儒、补儒和超儒”的影响,在中西文化会通的基础上以求“同”的意识重新审视和反思中国文化的内在精神和历史演变,批判道、佛和宋明理学,回归儒家早期传统,重建上帝信仰。他们在坚守中国文化主体性前提下吸纳西方科学技术及宗教神学,试图用天主教教义和教理来会通、改造、补充甚至超越儒学,化解儒学面临的危机,以天主教精神重建中国人的信仰体系,探索儒学发展的方向和道路,从信仰维度更新发展儒学。  相似文献   

晚明社会隐藏着诸多导致社会变迁因素.在思想层面上,民间宗教作为官方扶持的正统宗教的"异端",教门派别纷繁芜杂,时而演变为普通民众拒抗官府的政治工具;在经济活动中,商品经济萌芽,商品贸易活跃,拥有巨大经济实力的新兴商人阶层要求分享特权阶层之权利.这两方面因素导致晚明社会传统秩序、价值观念遭受冲击和挑战.本文集中研析晚明社会变迁背景,以及冯梦龙、凌蒙初为代表的话本小说之宗教思想,试图揭示晚明话本小说宗教教化社会之目的.本文从以下两个方面进行分析:(一)晚明社会秩序变迁的两大因素:宗教因素和商品经济活动因素.(二)文人士大夫创作的话本小说中所持守的宗教观点和态度.本文得出结论为;作为封建士大夫阶层中的一部分,文人群体不可能对自身所属阶层有质变性的超越.绝大多数话本小说作品主题思想表明:晚明士大夫文人群体极力宣扬和利用正统宗教思想观念,教化社会风尚,旨在维护和恢复传统的社会文化秩序和价值观念.  相似文献   

德清在以佛释老的基础上,实现了弘法护教的佛教理念,在思想认识上超越了宋儒对佛道二教的批评,为晚明的佛道会通提供了有效的途径,这正是德清佛道观思想的意义所在。晚明时期,士大夫中形成所谓"逃禅之风",甚至出现"士大夫无不谈禅"的局面。而佛教僧人也大多倡导儒释道的合一,  相似文献   

晚明汉语西学文本《修身西学》的第十卷第四章《论义德功务》脱胎于17世纪耶稣会神学家莱修斯的《论正义》一书。中西融合之后的义德,一方面体现在契约双方应遵守自愿、公平的原则,另一方面肯定并保障契约双方的合宜之利。而"义德"在儒学体系中,除道义之外,常被用于警惕和对抗"利"的存在。在晚明民间契约已形成常例的状况下,未见儒学之"义"对契约进行系统规范的阐释。儒学在以道德指导经济活动这一现实层面的缺席,为西方契约论在中国的传播提供了空间。同时,西方伦理学中的"正义"东渐也更新了儒学之"义"。  相似文献   

In Experiments 1 and 2, subjects were exposed to letter strings that followed a pattern—the second letter was always the same. This exposure was disguised as a test of immediate memory. Following this training, subjects could discriminate new letter strings following the pattern from letter strings not following the pattern more often than would be expected by chance, which is the traditional evidence for concept learning. Discrimination was also better than would be predicted from subjects' explicit report of the pattern, demonstrating the co-occurrence of concept learning and implicit learning. In Experiment 3, rules were learned explicitly. Discrimination was worse than would be predicted from subjects' explicit report, validating the implicit learning paradigm. In Experiment 4, deviations from a prototypical pattern were presented during training. In the test of discrimination, prototypes were as familiar as old deviations and more familiar than new deviations, even when considering only implicit knowledge. Experiment 5 found implicit knowledge of a familiar concept. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the distinguishing features of a concept can be learned implicitly, and that one type of implicit learning is concept learning.  相似文献   

本研究对类别学习中分类学习与推理学习进行了对比.实验中要求被试从成对呈现的项目中选择一个更典型的A,并且要求被试将典型的A和典型的B画出来.测试中所呈现项目诊断性程度或典型性程度不同.研究结果表明,分类学习者主要受诊断性信息的影响,而推理学习者主要受典型性信息的影响.即,分类学习者关注类别间信息,而推理学习者关注类别内信息.  相似文献   

内隐学习和外显学习关系评述   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
文章从内隐学习与外显学习的区别、联系以及相互作用三方面,对这两个概念集合间的关系进行了辨析。最初,内隐学习这一概念的提出,是源于其与外显学习在现象学、实验操作、神经生理学以及学习机制等方面的诸多不同。近年来,虽然内隐学习的独立地位已被充分确立,但是,也有越来越多的证据表明,内隐学习和外显学习之间的独立性是相对的,它们之间存在紧密的联系和相互作用,任何一个学习任务都是内隐和外显学习的结合物。最后,作者结合自己的实验研究进一步提出了,内隐学习和外显学习之间相互权衡的动态关系。  相似文献   

张振新 《心理科学》2013,36(3):663-668
文章两个实验用于研究间隔学习和测试效应对即刻学习判断及其准确性的影响,结果表明:(1)间隔学习促进记忆保持力,降低即刻学习判断中对困难学习材料的高估并提高学习判断相对准确性。(2)重学前预测试具有增强记忆痕迹的功能,在间隔学习的基础上显著提高了学习判断相对准确性。(3)外部线索应当区分,间隔学习和预测试属于不同的外部线索。  相似文献   

Teaching and learning in a virtual learning environment (VLE)poses some difficulties, but also challenges and opportunitiesto rethink the whole learning process, particularly in abstractsubjects like logic or high level mathematics. On the otherhand, resources and ways to work, now available in VLEs, mightsoon extend to all kinds of environments. In this paper, wewill present experiences at the Open University of Catalonia(UOC), a particular VLE, concerning the whole process of teachinglogic and mathematics. In addition, we will discuss some challengesand we will present some innovation projects allowed by thepresent and near future technologies.  相似文献   

Short texts containing rather difficult pieces of logical argument were presented, sometimes with illustrative graphs and sometimes without, to girls from the sixth form of a grammar school. They were required to study these, and recall afterwards what they were about. It was found that frequently there was a comparatively accurate recall of many of the individual items of the texts, but that certain essential points in the argument were omitted. Thus learning of detail could occur when there was no general understanding of the meaning. The effect of the illustrative graphs was to make the recalls even less coherent.  相似文献   

Montagna  Franco  Simi  Giulia 《Studia Logica》1999,62(2):243-268
We investigate many paradigms of identifications for classes of languages (namely: consistent learning, EX learning, learning with finitely many errors, behaviorally correct learning, and behaviorally correct learning with finitely many errors) in a measure-theoretic context, and we relate such paradigms to their analogues in learning on informants. Roughly speaking, the results say that most paradigms in measure-theoretic learning wrt some classes of distributions (called canonical) are equivalent to the corresponding paradigms for identification on informants.  相似文献   

Two studies compared methods of estimating factor scores for the Child's Report of Parental Behavior Inventory. In Study I, least squares factor scores for 5th and 6th graders were computed and correlated with estimates obtained by multiple regression, weighted summation, and unweighted summation with either (a) all scales best defining each factor, (b) the three best, or (c) the two best defining scales. All three estimation methods were highly accurate, and estimates obtained with three and even two scales per factor still correlated highly with the factor scores. In Study 11, factor scores for college students were correlated with estimates obtained by multiple regression and unweighted summation of the same subsets of scales. Again both estimation methods were highly accurate, and reducing the number of scales did not markedly reduce the correspondence of estimated scores to exact scores.  相似文献   

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