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采用2(公正世界信念状态:公正vs不公正)×2(中奖者的个性品质:正向vs负向)被试间实验设计,以在校大学生为被试,考察公正世界信念是否具有跨情境动机效应。结果发现:预先激活的公正世界信念状态迁移到了回忆不同个性品质中奖者奖金数额这个不同情境中,影响了人们的记忆。表明公正世界信念存在跨情境动机效应。  相似文献   

采用记忆再认范式,通过词组再认任务(实验一)和图形偏好选择任务(实验二)操纵同伴赞同率,诱发对不同赞同率下人际关系的感知,探索感知到的人际关系对个体记忆从众的影响。两个实验一致发现,被试对高赞同率的同伴更为信任、与他们的关系也更为亲密;更重要的是,被试的回忆也与高赞同率同伴的记忆更为一致(即回忆更为从众),具体表现为,同伴判断正确时,被试的词组再认正确率更高,同伴判断错误时,被试的词组再认正确率更低。实验二还发现,被试与同伴一起回忆时的正确率要低于被试单独回忆的正确率,从众倾向降低了被试的记忆准确度。本研究表明,情境诱发的短期人际关系的变化会影响记忆从众;回忆不单纯是一个基本认知过程,它可以受到社会关系、社会认知的调节。  相似文献   

张永红  黄希庭 《心理科学》2005,28(4):775-779
采用事后回溯设计,考察了大学生公众时间回溯式记忆的特点。研究选取1995到2001年之间发生可辨别的新闻事件14项,要求被试对新闻事件的时序、时点和时距进行回忆。结果表明:(1)公众事件回溯式时点记忆的正确率随时间的远近发生变化,较远的时间回忆正确率低,而较近的时间回忆正确率较高,存在近因效应。(2)公众事件的回溯式时距估计受真实时距的影响,短时距容易被高估,长时距容易被低估。(3)公众事件的回溯式时序回忆存在近因效应和首因效应,被试对发生较远的事件总是倾向于估计得更远,对发生较近的事件也倾向于估计得较近。而对两者中间的事件的顺序估计较为混乱。(4)本实验研究的公众事件回溯式时间记忆符合时间的重构理论和分段综合模型。  相似文献   

最近几十年以来, 情绪对记忆的影响越来越受到认知心理学家的关注。本文总结了我在中科院心理研究所师从傅小兰研究员攻读博士学位期间所开展的主要研究工作。我的研究以中文词语为学习材料, 分别考察了在编码过程中和编码结束后诱发情绪对项目记忆和来源记忆的影响。当情绪在编码阶段被诱发, 主要的研究发现如下:1)负性情绪增强自由回忆, 但正性情绪只呈现出增强自由回忆的趋势。2)负性情绪降低总体再认记忆, 但正性情绪对总体再认记忆没有影响。此外, 正性和负性情绪均不影响“记得”反应的正确率; 然而, 负性情绪降低了“知道”反应的正确率, 正性情绪对“知道”反应的正确率没有影响。3)正性和负性情绪均对来源记忆(即对词语字体颜色的记忆)没有影响。当情绪在编码结束后被诱发, 主要的研究发现如下:1)对女性被试而言, 负性情绪增强了项目记忆的巩固, 然而, 对男性被试而言, 正性和负性情绪均不影响项目记忆的巩固。2)无论对男性还是女性被试, 正性和负性情绪对来源记忆的巩固均没有影响。本研究的上述发现对建立情绪和记忆的关系具有理论意义, 对如何在教学情境中如何利用情绪诱发促进学生的记忆巩固也具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

回忆准备就绪程度的判断发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验采用 3× 3× 2 (年龄 ,材料 ,性别 )三因素混合实验设计 ,按照学习成绩好、中、差分层随机选取小二、初二、大二被试各 18名 ,其中男女各半 ,选用三种不同的实验材料 ,对被试回忆准备就绪程度的判断发展进行了实验研究 ,得到结论如下 :回忆准备就绪程度的判断准确性随年龄增长而提高 ;回忆准备就绪程度的判断的发展总体上与材料难度无关 ;回忆准备就绪程度的判断发展总体上的性别差异不显著 ;回忆准备就绪程度的判断水平与记忆成绩之间有较高正相关。  相似文献   

为了明确诱发(IRE)及个体习惯化的自发(SRE)认知重评策略对情绪唤醒反应及情绪记忆的影响,在测量被试SRE水平的基础上,先呈现一系列中性与负性情绪图片,要求被试对图片内容进行自然观看或认知重评,同时记录被试的主观与生理唤醒水平,之后对图片进行自由回忆及再认测试。发现IRE显著降低了情绪唤醒水平及再认正确率,但只对情绪唤醒反应较高的LR(SRE水平较低)被试有效。结果提示,IRE对情绪唤醒反应与情绪记忆的调控受到SRE的影响。  相似文献   

采用“学习—再认”范式,以有或无外部特征的不同性别面孔照片为材料,研究面孔记忆的性别差异,结果表明:(1)有外部特征时,女性被试对不同性别面孔的记忆成绩均好于男性被试;无外部特征时,女性被试与男性被试的记忆成绩不存在性别差异;(2)比起男性照片,女性可记忆更多的女性照片,表明女性在面孔记忆中存在自我性别偏见;男性也是可记忆更多的女性照片,存在反向的性别偏向;(3)无论被试性别和照片性别,均是有外部特征的面孔照片的记忆效果更好;有外部特征的情况下,女性的自我性别偏见更明显。  相似文献   

以大学生为被试,采用2(记忆方式:自我调控、程序预设)×2(测试间隔:5分钟、3天)的混合设计,考察记忆监控的准确性对有效记忆的影响。结果发现:(1)在即时测试中,“自我调控”组的回忆成绩与“程序预设”组之间的差异未达显著水平,但在延时测试中,后者的成绩显著高于前者;(2)“自我调控”条件下被试的学习判断相对准确,未出现高估;(3)“自我调控”未导致记忆的有效保持,可能是由于被试低估了程序预设那些可暂时提取的词对的作用。  相似文献   

该研究选取30名被试,采用任务分离实验研究范式探讨不同表面特征图片对内隐记忆和外显记忆的影响。以32张动物图片为实验材料,其中鱼类和鸟类图片各半。两类图片中一半为黑白图片,另一半为彩色图片,所有实验材料用E—Prime软件呈现在电脑上。结果表明:(1)不同表面特征图片的再认成绩(外显记忆)显著好于偏好再认成绩(内隐记忆),即外显记忆成绩好于内隐记忆;(2)在再认测验和偏好判断测验中,再认成绩和偏好再认成绩在图片表面特征的两个水平上存在显著差异;(3)控制组的偏好再认成绩显著好于实验组的偏好再认成绩,即控制组的内隐记忆好于实验组。结论:刺激材料的表面特征既是外显记忆的内容,也是影响外显记忆的重要因素;内隐记忆的作业成绩高度依赖于刺激材料的表面特征,刺激材料的表面特征是影响两种记忆的重要因素。  相似文献   

记忆编码之后的情绪对中性词语记忆巩固现象的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在被试记忆中性词语之后加入情绪图片,人为地诱发被试的正中负三种情绪,旨在考察情绪通过影响记忆的巩固过程对记忆中性词语的影响。实验结果发现,再认时与正负情绪图片配对的词语再认率显著高于与中性情绪图片配对的词语,且正负两种条件下的再认率差异不显著;性别主效应和交互作用都不显著,即在所有被试中都发现了类似的情绪记忆优势效应。  相似文献   

采用威胁信息(蛇类)和非威胁信息(龟类)为实验材料,以词汇和图片两种方式呈现,来探讨是否存在对威胁信息的记忆优势,然后添加威胁和非威胁场景以探究不同的场景启动对威胁信息记忆的影响。结果发现:(1)对威胁信息存在记忆优势,对图片信息的记忆优于词汇信息;(2)在威胁场景下,对威胁词汇和图片信息存在记忆优势,在非威胁场景下,对威胁图片信息存在记忆优势,而对威胁和非威胁词汇的记忆无差异。  相似文献   

采用与食物图片相关的点探测任务和学习—再认范式考察超重女性对不同热量食物信息的注意偏向和记忆偏向。结果发现:(1) 超重女性对高热量食物信息存在注意警觉—注意脱离困难模式,对低热量食物信息仅表现为注意回避模式。(2) 超重组女性对高热量食物信息的再认正确率显著高于正常体重组,而对低热量食物信息的再认成绩组间差异不显著。研究结果证实了超重女性对高热量食物信息投入更多的认知资源,存在注意偏向和记忆偏向。  相似文献   

青少年负性情绪信息记忆偏向的情绪弹性和性别效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨情绪弹性和性别变量对青少年再认记忆负性情绪信息的影响,该实验采用再认记忆测验范式,以49名青少年为被试,以负性情绪图片为实验材料,考察了不同情绪弹性和性别的青少年再认负性情绪图片时的错误率差异。结果发现,情绪弹性对再认记忆负性情绪图片的主效应显著,统计效力明显。性别对再认记忆负性情绪图片的主效应显著,统计效力明显。情绪弹性与性别在再认记忆上的交互作用不显著。这说明青少年负性情绪信息加工过程中产生的记忆偏向效应受情绪弹性和性别因素的影响。  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the effect of eye-closure on visual and auditory memory under conditions based on the retrieval of item-specific information. Experiment 1 investigated visual recognition memory for studied, perceptually similar and unrelated items. It was found that intermittent eye-closure increased memory for studied items and decreased memory for related items. This finding was reflected by enhanced item-specific and reduced gist memory. Experiment 2 used the Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm to assess auditory recognition memory for studied, related and unrelated words that had (vs. had not) been accompanied by pictures during encoding. Pictures but not eye-closure produced a picture superiority effect by enhancing memory for studied items. False memory was reduced by pictures but not eye-closure. Methodological and theoretical considerations are discussed in relation to existing explanations of eye-closure and retrieval strategies.  相似文献   

个体认知方式与材料复杂性对视空间工作记忆的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李寿欣  周颖萍 《心理学报》2006,38(4):523-531
采用计算机呈现的Corsi积木点击任务,探讨了不同认知方式个体对材料的路径、结构和数量复杂性不同的视空间工作记忆的广度。研究结果表明:(1)场独立性认知方式是影响视空间工作记忆广度的一个重要的个别差异变量,在路径复杂或呈现的材料结构随机的条件下,场独立者的视空间工作记忆广度明显高于场依存者;(2)材料呈现的路径、数量是影响视空间记忆广度的重要因素,在路径简单或数量少的情况下被试的视空间记忆广度要明显得高  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Recent studies suggest that human memory systems are "tuned" to remember information that is processed in terms of its fitness value. When people are asked to rate the relevance of words to a survival scenario, performance on subsequent surprise memory tests exceeds that obtained after most other known encoding techniques. The present experiments explored this effect using survival scenarios designed to mimic the division of labor thought to characterize early hunter-gatherer societies. It has been suggested that males and females have different cognitive specializations due to the unique survival tasks (hunting and gathering, respectively) they typically performed during periods of human evolution; the present experiments tested whether such specializations might be apparent in memory for words rated for relevance to these activities. Males and females were asked to rate the relevance of random words to prototypical hunting and gathering scenarios or to matched, non-fitness-relevant control scenarios (gathering food on a scavenger hunt or in a hunting contest). Surprise retention tests revealed superior memory for the words when they were rated for relevance to hunting and gathering scenarios, compared with when they were rated for relevance to the control scenarios, but no sex differences were found in memory performance.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated whether survival processing enhances memory for location. From an adaptive perspective, remembering that food has been located in a particular area, or that potential predators are likely to be found in a given territory, should increase the chances of subsequent survival. Participants were shown pictures of food or animals located at various positions on a computer screen. The task was to rate the ease of collecting the food or capturing the animals relative to a central fixation point. Surprise retention tests revealed that people remembered the locations of the items better when the collection or capturing task was described as relevant to survival. These data extend the generality of survival processing advantages to a new domain (location memory) by means of a task that does not involve rating the relevance of words to a scenario.  相似文献   

本研究分别在无时间压力和有时间压力的条件下,通过两个实验探究了图标语义距离?目标数量以及目标类型对雷达界面信息工作记忆的影响?结果发现无时间压力下图标语义距离在工作记忆的编码提取上没有差异,而有时间压力下,强语义图标相较于弱语义图标在工作记忆的提取上具有优势;且无论是在无时间压力下还是有时间压力下,工作记忆容量最佳为3个目标项;对敌机的提取时长于友机长于不明飞行物?结果表明仅在有时间压力下强语义图标在信息提取上具有优势,验证了工作记忆容量的限制,为雷达界面的设计提供了参考意见?  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine whether recognition memory for information and/or its source are influenced by confirmation bias. During Phase 1, subjects were shown a summary about the issue of gun control and asked to indicate a position on the issue. During Phase 2, 12 abstracts (Experiment 1) or social media posts (Experiment 2) were shown, one at a time. Posts in Experiment 2 were associated with either friends or strangers. Participants indicated whether they wanted to read a more extensive version of each abstract (Experiment 1) or post (Experiment 2). Phase 3 was the memory phase. Thirty-two abstract titles (Experiment 1) or posts (Experiment 2) were shown one at a time. Participants indicated yes or no, and whether they recognized the titles/posts from the last phase. Recognition memory for information that supported the participants' viewpoint was higher than that for opposing information.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that recognition memory for sounds is inferior to memory for pictures. Four experiments were conducted to examine the nature of auditory and visual memory. Experiments 1–3 were conducted to evaluate the role of experience in auditory and visual memory. Participants received a study phase with pictures/sounds, followed by a recognition memory test. Participants then completed auditory training with each of the sounds, followed by a second memory test. Despite auditory training in Experiments 1 and 2, visual memory was superior to auditory memory. In Experiment 3, we found that it is possible to improve auditory memory, but only after 3 days of specific auditory training and 3 days of visual memory decay. We examined the time course of information loss in auditory and visual memory in Experiment 4 and found a trade-off between visual and auditory recognition memory: Visual memory appears to have a larger capacity, while auditory memory is more enduring. Our results indicate that visual and auditory memory are inherently different memory systems and that differences in visual and auditory recognition memory performance may be due to the different amounts of experience with visual and auditory information, as well as structurally different neural circuitry specialized for information retention.  相似文献   

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