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杨海波 《心理科学》2012,35(3):694-700
为了探讨哪一类别商品的平面广告更适合于采用幽默的诉求方式,研究随机选取160大学生为被试,以16则改编平面广告为实验材料,以广告类型(幽默,非幽默)、商品类别为自变量,以广告评价、广告顺序为协变量,以商品的印象程度、喜爱程度、购买意向为因变量,进行平衡设计实验。结果表明,幽默广告具有较好广告效果,可以提高受众对大宗工具、小奖赏和小工具型商品的记忆;幽默平面广告更适用于低风险、功能性商品,不适用于高风险、享乐性商品。  相似文献   

广告的有效性很大程度上取决于消费者个体特征与广告诉求之间的一致性。以往研究忽略了文化衍生的权力感作为关键心理特征与不同诉求广告之间的匹配性效应。本文探讨文化衍生的权力感(个人权力感vs.社会权力感)对广告诉求偏好的影响及其作用机理。研究结果表明, 启动个人(vs.社会)权力感的消费者更加偏好感性(vs.理性)诉求广告, 其中唤醒度发挥中介作用。当启动个人(vs.社会)权力感时, 个体更加强调满足自我需要和寻求挑战以不断提高地位与声望, 更容易激发兴奋等高(vs.低)唤醒度, 从而更加偏好感性(vs.理性)诉求广告。此外, 合理化需要在文化衍生的权力感通过唤醒度对广告诉求偏好的影响中起到调节作用。在不启动合理化需要时, 文化衍生的权力感通过唤醒度对广告诉求偏好发挥影响的中介效应显著; 而当启动合理化需要时, 上述中介效应不显著。本文基于文化取向的视角揭示了权力感影响广告诉求偏好的心理机制与边界条件, 为企业根据文化衍生的权力感差异制定广告营销策略等方面提供实践启示。  相似文献   

基于刻板印象内容模型,作者将广告诉求分为诚意诉求和能力诉求,并研究了广告诉求和品牌来源国刻板印象对品牌态度的交互影响。通过两个实验,作者发现广告诉求和来源国刻板印象之间的匹配程度正向地影响消费者处理广告信息的流畅性,进而导致积极的情绪体验。消费者将这种积极情绪错误地归因到品牌上,从而产生积极的品牌态度。这一发现证实品牌来源国信息可以在消费者无意识的状态下通过情绪体验影响不同广告诉求的说服效果。  相似文献   

基于自我建构理论和情绪理论, 本文探讨了自我建构与广告诉求对品牌认同的交互作用、影响机制及边界条件。通过3个实验, 我们发现对于独立自我建构的消费者来说, 能力广告诉求更能提高品牌认同感, 而对于相依自我建构的消费者来说, 热情广告诉求则更有效; 同时我们也验证了广告诉求到愉悦感到品牌认同最终到购买意向的因果链模型, 并确定了企业类型对该机制的调节作用。  相似文献   

丁家永 《心理科学》2000,23(5):632-633
1 引言  多年来广告心理研究一直受到行为主义心理学模式的影响 ,尤其研究主要是从广告影响下受众感受广告的心理和行为反应作为研究的内容 ,如受众对广告的感知觉、在广告影响后形成的表象与记忆以及有关的一系列联想等。研究是把广告与受众分割开来 ,忽视从二者统一的整体过程上把握受众感受广告以及形成表象时心智模式与情感 (品牌态度 )的变化规律。正是基于上述观点 ,以往的许多广告缺乏活力和针对性 ,广告效果可想而知。 90年代美国著名广告理论专家D .E .Schultz等人合著的《整合营销传播》一书出版 ,为困惑与探索中的广…  相似文献   

网络广告的心理传播效果及其理论探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络广告现已得到众多商家的重视与青睐。研究发现, 网络广告的心理传播效果明显受到广告自身特点(如网络广告的形式、互动性、情感元素、产品类型)、受众状态(如受众的期待、卷入度、先前经验、性别)、以及网络环境等因素的影响。学者们利用修正的精细加工可能性模型、互动广告模型、网络广告心理效果模型等对该类广告效应进行理论解释。但现有研究也依然存在一些问题, 如影响因素有待拓展、研究方法有待创新、因变量指标有待规范、理论总结不力等。  相似文献   

广告传播途径与人们对产品确信度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王沛  张国礼 《心理科学》2005,28(3):614-618
通过三个实验考察了广告传播途径与人们对产品确信度之间的关系。实验一发现,中心传播途径能够增加被试对科技品的确信度,而边缘途径能够增加被试对日用品的确信度;中心途径能够增加场独立被试对产品的确信度,边缘途径能够增加场依存被试对产品的确信度。实验二发现,反自身利益的广告传播更能够增加被试对产品的确信度;实验三发现,间接传播能够增加被试对产品的确信度,产品类型与传播途径及传播途径与被试认知风格之间都存在着交互作用。  相似文献   

品牌诉求是关于品牌精神和内涵的一种责任语言。随着科技的进步,经济的发展,品牌的诉求点也要随之变化,只有这样才能使目标消费者为之所动。广告是传达品牌诉求的有效手段,同时,品牌的诉求定位对广告的创意也有着重要的指导意义。广告通过媒介向目标受众诉说,以求达到所期望的反应。只有好的广告创意,才能吸引消费者的眼球,从而达到预期的效果。雕牌是洗化市场的领跑者,这很大程度上得益于在其品牌成长的不同阶段不同的品牌诉求。  相似文献   

为了探讨广告干预对危机品牌的消费者品牌态度和信任的影响,采用实验组与控制组对照的前测后测设计,其中实验组采用2×2因素型被试间实验设计。结果表明:广告干预对被试的内隐品牌态度发生了一定程度的影响,对被试的外显品牌态度和品牌信任则发生了很大程度的影响;高渗透广告相较于低渗透广告能驱使消费者对危机品牌产生更为正向的外显品牌态度;理性诉求广告相较于感性诉求广告能驱使消费者对危机品牌产生更为正向的外显品牌态度;广告的渗透程度和诉求方式对内隐品牌态度的影响存在交互作用;品牌信任受双重态度驱动。  相似文献   

名人广告是通过将产品品牌与名人形象或声誉相联系而期望提升产品附加值的广告,这是现代广告中最为常见的诉求方式之一。现有研究发现,名人广告的传播效果明显受到来自名人自身的特点、产品与广告特点、受众状态、及广告播放环境等诸多因素的影响。学者们利用参照群体模型、联想学习理论、4“Fs”模型等对名人广告效应进行理论解释。但现有研究也依然存在一些问题,如影响来源有待扩展、研究方法有待创新、生态效度偏低等。  相似文献   

幽默的社会理论强调幽默在社会交往情境中娱乐基础上的交际功能,可更好地解释人们日常生活中的幽默现象。根据幽默的社会理论,研究者从幽默发出者的幽默创作、幽默接收者的幽默理解以及各种社会交往情境的幽默应用等角度来探讨幽默。文化背景对幽默的创作和理解具有重要影响,中西方幽默存在文化差异。最后指出社会理论框架下的幽默研究的不足并提出一些建议。  相似文献   

幽默是人类一种独特又普遍的现象,其研究具有重要的应用价值。已有的研究对正常人和特殊个体幽默的神经机制进行了探讨,主要涉及幽默加工的双阶段理论模型和神经机制、幽默加工中的认知和情感因素研究、幽默加工脑机制的个体差异以及幽默加工的大脑不对称性。未来的研究需在更宽的视野中对幽默的加工阶段模型以及幽默与其它心理过程之间的关系进行探讨  相似文献   

贬损型幽默指包含贬损意味同时令人发笑的信息。释放论、优越论、失谐?解决理论与良性进犯理论尝试解释了其心理机制。贬损不一定好笑,群体身份和态度、接收者与贬损对象的心理距离以及人格、文化差异等均会影响幽默效果。贬损型幽默可以起到释放偏见与表达社会支配倾向的作用,对人际交往的作用则不一致。贬损型幽默的整合性过程模型串联描述了贬损型幽默的机制、前因和后效,可作为未来研究的框架。未来亦可继续探讨贬损型幽默的消极影响,以及其对群际关系和社会公平的潜在积极作用,并关注到中国社会文化背景下的贬损型幽默。  相似文献   

Advertising theory tends to presume, sometimes implicitly, that advertising mediates brand choice through its effect on brand attitudes. This article addresses the limitation of using brand attitude measures at or near the time of advertising exposure to predict the relative ability of a set of alternative advertising message appeals to directly influence brand‐choice decisions. The results suggest that the ability of advertising‐generated brand attitudes to predict advertising effects on brand choice declines when (a) consumers’ motivation to deliberate is greater at the time of brand choice than at the time of attitude formation, (b) the message appeal of the brand assigned the most favorable attitude rating is not accessible, not perceived to be at least as diagnostic as competitor appeals, or both, and (c) attitude differences among brand alternatives are small.  相似文献   

Humor and mental health are interconnected as is evidenced by a large number of studies. However, associations are only small and inconsistent as the operationalization of humor poses a methodological challenge. The Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ ) differentiates four humor styles that might be beneficial or harmful to mental health. The aim of the present study was to meta‐analytically aggregate studies using the HSQ to assess the associations of different humor styles with four areas of mental health (self‐esteem, life satisfaction, optimism, depression). An extensive electronic database literature search identified 37 studies that reported correlations between the HSQ scales and the four areas of mental health in 45 independent samples (total N = 12,734). In total, 16 meta‐analyses were conducted. Moderating effects of participant age, sex, and geographic region were examined via subgroup analyses and meta‐regression. Humor styles differed in terms of their associations with mental health. Health‐promoting humor styles were overall positively correlated with mental health (small‐to‐medium effect sizes). Self‐defeating humor was overall negatively correlated with mental health. Aggressive humor was overall unrelated with mental health. Moderator analyses suggested geographic differences (Eastern vs. Western samples) and sex differences for some of these associations. Fostering specific humor styles may be beneficial for mental health. In addition, observing the habitual use of humor styles might help therapists to develop a better understanding of their clients. Differences in the utilization and the correlates of humor styles in Eastern and Western societies, and sex differences, need to be addressed in future research.  相似文献   

The humor effect refers to a robust finding in memory research that humorous information is easily recalled, at the expense of recall of nonhumorous information that was encoded in close temporal proximity. Previous research suggests that memory retrieval processes underlie this effect. That is, free recall is biased toward humorous information, which interferes with the retrieval of nonhumorous information. The present research tested an additional explanation that has not been specifically addressed before: Humor receives enhanced attention during information encoding, which decreases attention for context information. Participants observed humorous, nonhumorous positive, and nonhumorous neutral texts paired with novel consumer brands, while their eye movements were recorded using eye-tracker technology. The results confirmed that humor receives prolonged attention relative to both positive and neutral nonhumorous information. This enhanced attention correlated with impaired brand recognition.  相似文献   

Highly creative advertisements are the end-products of creativity in advertising, and their creation is generally thought to be driven by strategic planning. Thus, 534 Clio-awarded advertisements from the years 2011–2014 were content-analyzed to determine whether implications of two popular planning frameworks, functional matching and the Foote, Cone, and Belding Planning Model, were present in the industry’s best creative work. Since 1960, the Clio Award Program has annually recognized the world’s most creative advertisements. Clio-awarded advertisements are selected by panels of advertising experts specifically constituted to offset gender and country of origin bias. The study found that implications of the two planning frameworks were not present in the industry’s most creative work: types of value-expressive appeals were more frequent than types of utilitarian appeals in Clio-awarded advertisements, regardless of the nature of the advertised products or the category of media used to deliver product messaging. These findings support previous research, which found that highly creative advertising rarely is based on strategic considerations. However, they were inconsistent with other research regarding the presence of the two planning frameworks in general TV advertising.  相似文献   

We examine whether the cleverness of a brand's humor attempt affects consumers' brand attitudes and engagement. A clever humor attempt is any humor attempt wherein the consumer feels she must make mental connections to solve the joke (e.g., understand a cultural reference, understand the dual meaning of a pun). Across five studies, we demonstrate that as the cleverness of a humor attempt increases, consumers report higher brand attitudes and are more engaged with the brand. This effect is mediated by perceptions of brand warmth and competence and moderated by consumers' need for cognition.  相似文献   

幽默可以促进沟通效果,实践中许多企业运用幽默来回应消费者抱怨。然而既有文献对于幽默能否以及如何有效化解抱怨缺乏系统深入的研究。本文则基于良性冲突理论与关系范式理论探究了企业幽默式抱怨回应策略对不同关系范式下消费者的影响。通过二手数据分析和实验法,本文发现:对于唤醒度较低的负面情感导致的消费者抱怨,企业幽默(相较于非幽默)的抱怨回应策略更有助于改善消费者品牌态度;而且,不同类型的幽默化回应作用不同,自强型幽默的抱怨回应对改善共有关系范式下消费者品牌态度更有效,自嘲型幽默的抱怨回应则有助于改善共有和交易关系范式下消费者的品牌态度;幽默回应策略与关系范式通过影响消费者的良性评价而作用于品牌态度。  相似文献   

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