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丧亲是悲伤辅导中常见的临床问题。介绍了国外学者有关丧亲的意义重构理论研究与策略运用,国外学者从建构主义理论视角,提出通过意义建构、获益发现和身份改变的途径进行丧亲的意义重构,促使居丧者对丧亲进行归因和诠释,寻找丧亲后的意义,从丧亲中发现潜在的获益,认同自我的现状和身份,形成积极的认知、情绪和行为模式应对丧亲,减少复杂悲伤的不良影响。以期为我国的丧亲理论和悲伤辅导研究与实践提供借鉴和启示,更好地为丧亲群体提供心理服务。  相似文献   

刘开 《天风》2023,(8):59-60
<正>愤怒是丧亲哀伤中常见的情绪。对基督徒来说,丧亲哀伤的愤怒可能指向逝者、自己、他人或上帝。直面愤怒、正确认识愤怒、合宜表达愤怒有助于减少愤怒情绪对丧亲者身心灵健康的侵害。一、丧亲哀伤中的愤怒情绪根据丧亲哀伤的研究,一般来说,人们面对丧亲事件的最初反应是拒绝接受现实,接着是哀伤和愤怒,最后是重新建立自我,并开始走出哀伤。  相似文献   

刘长江  郝芳 《心理学报》2011,43(4):432-441
以往研究表明, 社会价值取向对社会困境中合作行为变异的解释量不高。本研究指出, 初始资源配置导致个体处于某种优劣势位置上, 从而影响社会价值取向不同的个体的合作行为。研究设置了两人互动和多人互动两种情境, 通过变化被试所拥有的初始资源的相对价值或相对数量来操作优势差异, 检验亲社会者和亲自我者在社会困境中的心理与行为差异。研究结果表明, 在初始资源处于相对劣势位置时, 亲社会者比亲自我者表现出更高的合作水平。  相似文献   

张超陈冰  赵玉芳 《心理科学》2022,45(6):1428-1435
亲群体行为在个体的成长与发展中具有重要的适应价值。三个研究探讨了社会排斥对亲群体行为意向的影响以及权力感的调节作用。研究1采用问卷法考察社会排斥与亲群体行为意向的关系,发现社会排斥能够正向预测亲群体行为意向;研究2与研究3采用实验法操纵社会排斥,并分别通过回忆法启动个体状态权力感(研究2)、测量特质权力感(研究3),发现在社会排斥下,相比于低权力感者,高权力感者的亲群体行为意向更高,结果证实了权力感能够调节社会排斥对亲群体行为意向的影响。  相似文献   

教师支持是师生关系的重要指标,由教师和学生共同建构;学生的学业和行为特征会影响教师支持,但是以往研究主要关注学生个体特征的影响,极少考察学生所在小群体的作用。本研究以个体和其所在圈子的学业成就、亲社会行为、攻击行为为特征,考察其对教师支持的影响,结果发现:(1)个体的学业成就积极预测后续教师支持的增加;(2)在高学业成就圈子中,个体学业成就的提高能够预测教师支持的增加,而在低学业成就圈子则不能;(3)与男生相比,在低亲社会圈子中的女生获得的教师支持更少,而在高亲社会圈子中的女生则能够获得比男生更高的教师支持。  相似文献   

敬畏对内能影响个体的精神世界,实现自我超越,对外能使个体更多地关注他人;且自我超越也能促进个体对他人的共情关注。但目前还未有实证研究探讨敬畏是否能通过共情以及自我超越−共情的中介预测亲社会倾向。为检验这一假设,本研究招募了1347名大学生并测量了其敬畏特质、自我超越、共情和亲社会倾向。结果显示:(1)敬畏、自我超越、共情和亲社会倾向各维度两两相关显著;(2)敬畏直接预测亲社会倾向各维度,也能通过自我超越和共情的多重中介间接预测,且自我超越的中介效应最大。本研究从内、外因素进一步深化了对敬畏与亲社会倾向关系的认识,频繁的敬畏体验有助于提升个体的自我超越及对他人的共情关注,促进亲社会倾向。  相似文献   

通过19次个体箱庭和2次家庭箱庭治疗,对一名12岁复杂哀伤的丧亲女孩W进行了个案研究。发现:(1)箱庭治疗能提高丧亲青少年的个体和家庭功能,促进青少年个体和家庭哀伤任务的完成;(2)W的个体箱庭经历了在混乱重复中寻找秩序、重建自我、转化与整合、自我治愈力展现四个阶段;(3)W的哀伤经验经历了在治疗者促进下分享—象征性表达—主动地象征性表达—直接而主动地表达哀伤经验最终获得哀伤任务完成的变化过程。  相似文献   

姚琦  吴章建  张常清  符国群 《心理学报》2020,52(12):1421-1435
基于高成本价值信号理论, 本文探究了权力感对炫耀性亲社会行为的影响。5个实验的结果表明:权力感促使个体更愿意从事炫耀性亲社会行为, 高(vs. 低)权力感个体更倾向购买炫耀性亲社会产品, 更愿意进行炫耀性捐赠且捐赠金额较高, 也更愿意参与炫耀性善行, 其机制在于高权力感者具有较高的自我矫饰动机。本文对理解权力感对个体行为的影响、丰富权力感与亲社会行为的研究文献有理论贡献, 对有效引导高权力感者从事亲社会行为具有实践价值。  相似文献   

生者与逝者的关系不会因为死亡而终止, 在逝者离世之后, 生者可能继续与逝者保持持续的、内在的联结, 这被称为“持续性联结”。持续性联结在不同文化中均普遍存在, 已有研究从联结控制点、联结的引发者等维度对其进行分类, 近年来, 持续性联结对丧亲后适应的影响成为丧亲及哀伤研究中的热点。持续性联结与丧亲后适应的关系呈现出复杂且不一致的研究结论。未来的研究应该在本土文化背景下去探索持续性联结的表现及特定意义, 思考持续性联结的分类并编制本土化的测量工具, 与此同时, 应该在理论驱动下去开展持续性联结与适应关系的实证研究。  相似文献   

网络信息的纷繁复杂,让人们担忧因错失信息而导致自身的利益受损,本研究探讨这种现象的加剧对个体的亲社会行为的影响。本研究分别使用问卷法(研究1)和实验法(研究2),探究错失恐惧对亲社会行为的影响以及在其过程中人际安全感的中介作用和基本心理需要满足的调节作用。结果发现:(1)个体的错失恐惧程度负向预测了其亲社会行为;(2)人际安全感在错失恐惧对亲社会行为的影响中起中介作用,高的错失恐惧水平会降低个体的人际安全感,从而减少个体的亲社会行为;(3)基本心理需要满足在错失恐惧对亲社会行为的负向预测作用中起调节作用,当个体的基本心理需要满足程度低的时候,错失恐惧对亲社会行为的消极影响显著增强。  相似文献   

A case of death results in the formation of a social group, the group consisting of the bereaved, which remains in existence for a brief spell only, but which calls for careful attention. 124 widowed persons were questioned about their reaction to their loss, and changes in their habits after bereavement. Factors of influence are indicated, important among them dependence on the deceased, the age of the bereaved person, and physical and mental health.  相似文献   

There is debate whether continuing bonds with a deceased person help or hinder adaptation to bereavement. This longitudinal study examined causal relationships between continuing bonds and symptoms over time. Following attachment theory predictions, suddenness of separation was examined as a moderator. Data were obtained from 60 bereaved spouses at 3 points across the first 2 years of bereavement. Measures included expectedness of death, grief and depression measures, and a continuing bonds index. Persons with unexpected loss who retained strong bonds were the least well adapted and remained so over time. Those with expected loss and strong ties suffered initially but improved. Those with weaker ties had lower scores on maladaptation, regardless of (un)expectedness of death. Theoretical and applied implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Several authors have argued that the loss of a loved one triggers changes in people's beliefs and assumptions, and that these changes play a role in emotional problems after bereavement. The present study was an attempt to investigate these hypotheses. Thirty students who had been confronted with the death of a parent or sibling, on average nearly 3 years ago, were compared with 30 nonbereaved matched control subjects on different measures assessing basic assumptions and irrational beliefs as defined in REBT. In line with the notion that bereavement has an impact on people's basic assumptions, results showed that bereaved students had a less positive view of the meaningfulness of the world and the worthiness of the self than their nonbereaved counterparts. Also, in accord with the notion that the tendency to think irrationally is likely to increase after a stressful life event, the bereaved were found to have higher levels of irrational thinking. Furthermore, it was found that the degree to which bereaved individuals endorsed general as well as bereavement-specific irrational beliefs was significantly associated with the intensity of symptoms of traumatic grief. Conversely, none of the basic assumptions was associated with traumatic grief. Beliefs reflecting low frustration tolerance explained most variance in traumatic grief. Clinical and theoretical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Bereavement following loss through death is a universal human experience, but how it is experienced and understood is mediated by many variables. In this article, we stress the importance of a bifocal approach to understanding, assessing and intervening following the loss of significant persons using the framework of the Two-Track Model of Bereavement. This model examines both biopsychosocial functioning as well as the nature of the ongoing relationship with the deceased and the death story in working with the bereaved. It is particularly suited to identify adaptive and maladaptive responses to loss and to optimally focus interventions where needed. Two case vignettes are presented to orient the discussion. Traumatic bereavements, a term indicating the interface between trauma and loss, increase the likelihood of complications following loss and these are considered. Bereavements that occur under external traumatic circumstances increase the risk for dysfunction, symptomatic difficulties and complicated grief. In addition, there are forms of traumatic bereavement that arise due to subjective elements related to aspects of the psychological relationship to the deceased and the relational bond with him or her. Clinically, there is a need to identify and understand the various aspects of the traumas of bereavement and to intervene appropriately. Interventions based on the Two-Track Model of Bereavement will be described.  相似文献   

This paper is about how bereaved children are supported in school. After narrating parts of a case study of one bereaved family and their interaction with schools over a prolonged period, it explores some educational management implications of bereavement, grief and loss. It argues that the effectiveness of interactions by the individual teacher will have a correlation with the support systems created by the educational management team. The structures and ethos of care created by management are a vital part of recovery in bereavement. Evidence from the case study proved typical of wider study in the field of the educational management of bereavement. Indications were that educators responsible for whole-school response had training and support issues needing urgent address. In particular, the process of establishing, in school, a climate of successful, meaningful and open communications about death relies on the provision of personal support systems for the teachers. Such support is dependent upon an educational management team that is able and willing to prioritize these issues and to challenge aspects of its own management thinking.  相似文献   

There is increasing attention to the mechanisms underpinning maladaptive responses to bereavement. This study indexed self-defining memories in bereaved individuals with and without complicated grief (CG). Participants with and without complicated grief (N = 40) were asked to describe three self-defining memories. Results showed that CG participants provided more self-defining memories involving the deceased. Both groups were equally likely to report their loved one's death as a self-defining moment, however, the no-CG group showed more evidence of benefit finding in their memory narratives and experienced less negative emotion on recall. The findings suggest that CG is associated with distinctive patterns of autobiographical memory that are linked to self-identity. The pattern is consistent with self-memory system models of autobiographical remembering, and suggests that grieving individuals who experience ongoing yearning for their loved one view their self-identity as more closely linked to the deceased are more distressed by memories involving the loss.  相似文献   


This chapter examines long-term parental grief of soldiers within the context of the Israeli society. Parental grief is discussed along the life span, commencing at the immediate phase following the loss through the bereavement process in middle to late adulthood and its manifestations in aging. Interviews with a group of elderly bereaved parents whose sons were killed during military service give further support to previous findings regarding the notion that the passage of time has no diminishing effect on their grief nor does it relinquish their attachment to the deceased. With aging, there appears to be an increase in internalized involvement with the long-lost child, fears of fading memories, and the need to eternalize the deceased. In reviewing the past, parents reevaluate their coping with the loss and their relationship with the surviving children. The parents' preoccupation is twofold: On one hand, the strong attachment seems to continue in inner representations of the lost child, and, on the other, this preoccupation is enhanced externally owing to Israeli society's attitude toward dead soldiers. An intersection is therefore established between society and bereaved families. Grief is apparently a central theme in aging parents who are preoccupied with the “aging” of their grief rather than their own aging.  相似文献   

This report examines the changing role of social supports in the bereavement of spouses of elderly suicide and natural deaths, focusing on differences and similarities in relation to gender, time, and mode of death. Measurements were obtained 4 times after death (within 2 months, at 6 months, at 12 months, and at 2 to 2 1/2 years) on 79% of the 108 survivors of elderly suicide, 89% of the 199 natural death survivors, and 79% of the nonbereaved controls. The results indicated that the suicide survivors received significantly less emotional support for their feelings of depression and grief than the natural death survivors, and that they did not confide in the persons in their network any more than the nonbereaved controls did. Women report receiving more support overall than men. A low spot in social supports occurred at the 6-month point after loss for both bereaved groups, but primarily in practical help received by natural death survivors. By the end of the second year, both practical and emotional supports had increased to at least the same level as immediately after death.  相似文献   

There is tremendous variability in people’s ability to cope with, and adjust to, the death of someone close to them. One of the factors identified as significant in this regard is the constellation of beliefs that includes a mourner’s thoughts about the circumstances of the death, their feelings about the person who died, their reflections on the relationship with that person, and their assessment of their own ability to survive the loss. This paper considers the role of cognition in adaptation to loss, and demonstrates how maladaptive cognitions concerning the loss, the manner of death or the relationship with the deceased can interfere with adaptation and lead to complications in grief. Case examples illustrate the use of CBT with bereaved clients and the benefits of this approach as part of an overall strategy for helping grieving clients. The effectiveness of CBT with bereaved individuals is enhanced when clients understand the rationale of the treatment and are committed to carrying out the tasks specified in their treatment plan. The article presents a simple model for promoting client involvement and compliance.  相似文献   

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