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自从关于“建构社会主义和谐社会”理论提出以来,“社会矛盾与社会和谐”的关系问题就成为学界关注的热点。不同的学者依据于各自的学术资源和经验感受,对于问题作出了各自不同的阐述。这是十分有意义的工作。它不仅扩展着人们的思维,也必将有益于实践。以学术的维度关注现实重大理论问题,是人文社会科学学者应尽的职责。有鉴于此,本期刊发了这组笔谈,并期待着学界朋友的进一步参与,共同推进社会主义和谐社会理论的完善与发展。  相似文献   

自从关于“建构社会主义和谐社会”理论提出以来,“社会矛盾与社会和谐”的关系问题就成为学界关注的热点。不同的学者依据于各自的学术资源和经验感受,对于问题作出了各自不同的阐述。这是十分有意义的工作。它不仅扩展着人们的思维,也必将有益于实践。以学术的维度关注现实重大理论问题,是人文社会科学学者应尽的职责。有鉴于此,本期刊发了这组笔谈,并期待着学界朋友的进一步参与,共同推进社会主义和谐社会理论的完善与发展。  相似文献   

自从关于“建构社会主义和谐社会”理论提出以来,“社会矛盾与社会和谐”的关系问题就成为学界关注的热点。不同的学者依据于各自的学术资源和经验感受,对于问题作出了各自不同的阐述。这是十分有意义的工作。它不仅扩展着人们的思维,也必将有益于实践。以学术的维度关注现实重大理论问题,是人文社会科学学者应尽的职责。有鉴于此,本期刊发了这组笔谈,并期待着学界朋友的进一步参与,共同推进社会主义和谐社会理论的完善与发展。  相似文献   

和谐社会的三种类型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自从关于“建构社会主义和谐社会”理论提出以来,“社会矛盾与社会和谐”的关系问题就成为学界关注的热点。不同的学者依据于各自的学术资源和经验感受,对于问题作出了各自不同的阐述。这是十分有意义的工作。它不仅扩展着人们的思维,也必将有益于实践。以学术的维度关注现实重大理论问题,是人文社会科学学者应尽的职责。有鉴于此,本期刊发了这组笔谈,并期待着学界朋友的进一步参与,共同推进社会主义和谐社会理论的完善与发展。  相似文献   

建构社会主义和谐社会必须走出"市场崇拜"的误区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自从关于“建构社会主义和谐社会”理论提出以来,“社会矛盾与社会和谐”的关系问题就成为学界关注的热点。不同的学者依据于各自的学术资源和经验感受,对于问题作出了各自不同的阐述。这是十分有意义的工作。它不仅扩展着人们的思维,也必将有益于实践。以学术的维度关注现实重大理论问题,是人文社会科学学者应尽的职责。有鉴于此,本期刊发了这组笔谈,并期待着学界朋友的进一步参与,共同推进社会主义和谐社会理论的完善与发展。  相似文献   

2005年12月14日~16日,由中国人民大学伦理学与道德建设研究中心和广西大学公共管理学院联合主办的“当代中国社会道德状况研究”学术研讨会在广西大学召开。来自全国各地以及韩国、美国的80多位专家、学者出席了会议,提交论文近七十篇。会议围绕“当代中国社会道德状况及道德建构”这一研究主题,采取主题报告、小组自由讨论等形式,进行了广泛深入的沟通与探讨。与会专家、学者普遍认为,诚信友爱和社会公正是社会主义和谐社会的基本特征之一,社会主义和谐社会的建设离不开道德力量的支撑和引导。会议的主题属于全党、全国人民高度关注的重大…  相似文献   

和谐社会是人类孜孜以求的理想。构建社会主义和谐社会,是中国共产党十六届四中全会提出的重大任务,胡锦涛总书记在2月19日明确指出:“我们所要建设的社会主义和谐社会,应该是民主法制、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处的社会”。研读这28个字字字珠玑,展现了社会主义社会的美好前景,在天主教圣经、教义中并不难发现有其共同的理念,可谓异曲同工,天主教信仰具有的丰富精神资源必定能够为构建社会主义和谐社会做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

今年初胡锦涛同志发表了关于树立社会主义荣辱观的重要讲话,引起了社会的广泛关注。以“八荣八耻”为主要内容的荣辱观是社会主义价值导向的集中体现,是形成良好社会风气的重要基础。学术理论界尤其是伦理学界对树立社会主义荣辱观的相关问题进行了研究和探讨。我刊特开辟“社会主义荣辱观”专栏,对此问题展开研究。本期约请了中国人民大学伦理学与道德建设中心、天津社会科学院部分专家从不同角度对社会主义荣辱观的时代内涵、作用机制、现实意义及如何在实践中贯彻落实等问题进行了阐述,以期推动社会主义荣辱观理论研究的不断深入。  相似文献   

构建和谐社会与宗教的理论审视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
今年以来,本刊就“构建社会主义和谐社会与宗教”这一课题,给予了持续的关注和讨论,宗教界和宗教工作者都围绕这一主题进行了专题讨论。本期,我们主要请有关学者就这一课题发表自己的研究与见解。从各位学者的发言中,我们深切感受到了当代宗教学者的理论热情与社会关切。正如学者们所提出的:在构建社会主义和谐社会的进程中,宗教工作者、宗教界人士和学者三方,应当明确各自的职责,各扬其长,相互合作,谐调互动。诚如是,则社会和谐可期,民族复兴可待。  相似文献   

中国特色“市民社会”理论探究中的四重视角   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
袁祖社 《学海》2003,1(1):54-60
中国特色“市民社会”问题的理论探究 ,是随着中国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步确立 ,由发萌而日趋炽盛 ,以致形成了时下学术界影响深远的“市民社会运动”。此一基于现实层面的研讨与反思 ,因其关涉跨世纪中国社会发展与现代化战略的诸多理论和实践难题 ,因此 ,它所表现出的深度、广度 ,在某种意义上为分析中国社会转型提供了一种全新视野。引起了包括哲学界在内的中国政治学界、法学界、社会学界、文化学界等人文学科的广泛兴趣与深切关注。它们分别从各自学科的不同角度 ,分析、探求市场经济中国发育、创构市民社会的必要性、可能性和现实…  相似文献   

Children born with a possible predisposition toward shyness face many social challenges. Researchers over the past four decades have begun to identify specific factors that influence shy children’s social skill development and their level of peer acceptance. The purpose of this article is to review factors across each developmental stage that have been found to either promote or hinder the development of social competence and peer acceptance in shy children. These factors include physiological differences, caregiver influences, emotion socialization, friendships, general peer support, coping skills, organized social activities, and socioeconomic status.  相似文献   

Children born with a possible predisposition toward shyness face many social challenges. Researchers over the past four decades have begun to identify specific factors that influence shy children’s social skill development and their level of peer acceptance. The purpose of this article is to review factors across each developmental stage that have been found to either promote or hinder the development of social competence and peer acceptance in shy children. These factors include physiological differences, caregiver influences, emotion socialization, friendships, general peer support, coping skills, organized social activities, and socioeconomic status.  相似文献   

The social skills deficit vulnerability model predicts that poor social skills minimize opportunities to acquire social support, in turn, leading to the proliferation of psychological distress. This prediction was tested in a 2‐wave longitudinal study that assessed 211 emerging adults at Time 1 (T1), with a 70% response rate 1 year later at Time 2 (T2). The results indicated that, after controlling for psychological distress at T1, social skills at T1 had an indirect effect on lower psychological distress at T2, through higher social support. Thus, people with poor social skills may be vulnerable to the development of psychological distress because they have less access the protective effects of social support.  相似文献   

Humans are experts in understanding social environments. What perceptual and cognitive processes enable such competent evaluation of social information? Here we show that environmental content is grouped into units of “social perception”, which are formed automatically based on the attentional priority given to social information conveyed by eyes and faces. When asked to segment a clip showing a typical daily scenario, participants were remarkably consistent in identifying the boundaries of social events. Moreover, at those social event boundaries, participants' eye movements were reliably directed to actors' eyes and faces. Participants' indices of attention measured during the initial passive viewing, reflecting natural social behaviour, also showed a remarkable correspondence with overt social segmentation behaviour, reflecting the underlying perceptual organization. Together, these data show that dynamic information is automatically organized into meaningful social events on an ongoing basis, strongly suggesting that the natural comprehension of social content in daily life might fundamentally depend on this underlying grouping process.  相似文献   


The author discusses his recollection of Erich Fromm's views on psychoanalytic work with patients, including the author's treatment of a patient. The remembrance involves Fromm's clinical thinking on social character and the social unconscious, and its relevance to present-day clinical work. The author presents, in detail, his treatment of a 37-year old successful woman which addresses certain of today's clinical views on gender differences that resonate and differ with Fromm's thinking on the treatment of the marketing personality.  相似文献   

内隐社会认知:社会性决策的个人背景效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
樊晓红  周爱保 《心理科学》2002,25(6):694-696,690
通过两个实验研究了个人背景对其社会性决策的影响。实验一采用 2× 2混合设计 ,其中被试性别为组间因素 ,策略类型为组内因素 ;结果发现不同性别的被试在选择决策策略时表现出了差异 ,其中男性更倾向于选择“综合比较”的策略 ,但女性却没有表现出对策略的偏向。实验二则选择 14项个人背景资料作为自变量 ,以“才—情”决策倾向为因变量 ,进行多元逐步回归分析 ,结果发现被试的家庭所在地、性别差异以及对自己容貌的评价等变量显著地影响了决策倾向。  相似文献   

幸福感研究新视角——社会幸福感概述   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
幸福感研究实际上存在三种思路,即主观幸福感、心理幸福感、社会幸福感。所谓社会幸福感是指个体对与他人、集体、社会之间关系质量的评估,他包括社会整合、社会认同、社会贡献、社会实现、社会和谐五个维度。社会幸福感为现代幸福感研究提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

Social cognition and the human brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Humans are exceedingly social animals, but the neural underpinnings of social cognition and behavior are not well understood. Studies in humans and other primates have pointed to several structures that play a key role in guiding social behaviors: the amygdala, ventromedial frontal cortices, and right somatosensory-related cortex, among others. These structures appear to mediate between perceptual representations of socially relevant stimuli, such as the sight of conspecifics, and retrieval of knowledge (or elicitation of behaviors) that such stimuli can trigger. Current debates concern the extent to which social cognition draws upon processing specialized for social information, and the relative contributions made to social cognition by innate and acquired knowledge.  相似文献   

Luca Caricati 《Sex roles》2007,57(3-4):159-171
Invariance hypothesis posits that, across cultures and contexts, men are higher in SDO than women. Social Dominance Theory (SDT) suggests that this difference is biologically determined and resulting from the differences in reproductive strategies between sexes. In this study we tested the hypothesis that values can explain gender–SDO differences. SDT suggests that SDO mediates gender differences in values. The contrasting hypothesis suggests that gender–SDO differences are mediated by values. Using SEM with a sample of Italian University students (N = 162, 80 men), the results provided strong support for the hypothesis of a mediation effect of values. Indeed, when controlling for values, gender difference in SDO disappear. Very similar findings were obtained for both GBD and OEQ. Results are discussed.  相似文献   

Amy L. Brown  Maria Testa 《Sex roles》2008,58(7-8):490-500
An experimental study examined whether judgments about a rape victim can be influenced by the social reactions of others, and whether this effect would be moderated by the type of rape (stranger or date rape) or by the gender of the participants. One hundred and ten U.S. college students (90% white; 59% female) responded to rape vignettes in which the type of rape and the social reactions received by the victim (negative, positive, or neutral) were manipulated. People exposed to negative social reactions made less positive judgments. Men and people who read about a date rape also made less positive judgments, but neither variable interacted with type of reactions to impact judgments.  相似文献   

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