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采用临床对照方法探讨意象对话技术对老年抑郁症的疗效,170例老年抑郁症患者随机分为2组,在应用5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂(SSRIs)类抗抑郁药物治疗的基础上采用不同心理治疗方法:意象组采用意象对话技术;CBT 组采用支持性心理治疗和认知行为技术。所有患者随访一年,用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)进行评定。结果表明意象对话技术对老年抑郁症的疗效与CB T疗效相当,且见效快,复发率低。利用其躯体出现的症状、感觉进行意象引导处理,可快速消除或减轻其身心痛苦,证实了意象对话技术可以在老年抑郁症中应用。  相似文献   

意象对话技术是在精神分析和心理动力学理论的基础上发展起来的一种心理治疗技术,它通过诱导来访者做想象,了解来访者的潜意识心理冲突,并通过修改意象进行治疗。意象对话技术的适应症非常广泛而且效果显著。  相似文献   

探讨意象对话技术对青少年抑郁症的疗效.150例青少年抑郁症患者分为3组,意象组:单纯意象对话技术治疗;药物组:帕罗西汀治疗;联合组:帕罗西汀辅助认知治疗.患者随访1年,用汉密顿抑郁量表进行评定.结果显示,意象对话技术对青少年抑郁症的疗效与帕罗西汀联合认知疗法疗效相当,比单用帕罗西汀疗效好.  相似文献   

意象对话是心理辅导的有效方法之一。意象对话适用于在大学生中进行心理辅导,能够取得比较好的效果,在大学生心理辅导中研究与应用的空间很大。  相似文献   

目的:探讨心理投射技术在学校心理咨询中的实践意义和应用价值。方法:采取文献法梳理资料,案例分析法阐明实践操作。结果:心理投射技术能够降低学生的自我心理防御,减少他们的社交恐怖情绪,缓解他们的厌学心理,该技术可以有效地应用于学校心理咨询。结论:学校的心理健康教育部门应将诸如罗夏墨迹测验、绘画投射测验、沙盘游戏疗法、意象对话等多种心理投射技术相结合,广泛应用于青少年心理咨询。  相似文献   

学生过度的考试焦虑,影响自身能力的充分发挥,往往有多方面的原因,其中学生自己的不良的心理暗示导致“相悖意象”的产生是一个重要的原因。因此,如何帮助学生摆脱不良的心理暗示,超越考场中的“相悖意象”,代之以建立新的积极的暗示,是帮助学生走出考试焦虑的一个重要的方法。考场中的“相悖意象”——不良的心理暗示产生“相悖意象”暗示对我们的心理有重要的影响,可是有时,如果我们暗示的方法不合理的话,不仅不能朝着你预期的方向发展,反而会产生相反的作用。我们可能都有这样的经验:有时,我们上台演讲或会上发言,越想控制自己的情绪,让自己不要紧张,可往往越紧  相似文献   

强迫症是一种与许多因素相关的慢性精神障碍,涉及生物、心理、社会三个方面.通过分析强迫症患者社会人文特点,包括人口学因素、家庭环境因素以及生活事件的影响,探讨其中的危险因子和治疗效果的影响因素,希望对强迫症的病因病机有新的认识,对其治疗和预防有指导作用.  相似文献   

强迫症是一种常见的心理顽疾,病情往往迁延不愈,还很容易复发。单纯使用药物或单一的心理咨询方法治疗效果一般不很理想。本研究者针对一例症状较轻的大学生强迫症患者,采用"厌恶"和"认知领悟"二联疗法取得了较为理想的治疗效果。  相似文献   

目前西方国家普遍地用心理治疗方法来医治精神方面的疾病。其中有心理剧,“原始喊叫”,小组疗法,角色疗法,对话疗法,“敏感性训练”和在水池中自我思索。这些现代化的治疗方法对于医治精神疾病是很有成效的。下面简要地介绍几种治疗方法。心理分析心理分析是一种最困难的,费用最昂贵的,但也许又是最有效的方法。这种方法要求  相似文献   

“意象体现”是由罗伯特·伯尼克依据分析心理学的理论创立的一种“梦的工作”方法,主张在介于意识与无意识之间的阈限状态中采用积极想象的方式对梦中意象进行再体验,通过对不同身体感受的觉知使无意识内容意识化来达到相应的治疗效果。意象体现理论主张,梦具有真实性,应当以主客体一致性的隐喻视角来看待梦,并且对梦的工作具有治疗的意义;对梦的工作应当遵循非解析工作与体验科学、阈限状态、共验交流、心理自居与发生转换四个关键原则。其具体技术过程包括工作状态的准备、进入阈限状态、对梦进行持续性体验、心理自居与发生转换、感觉融合与离开梦境五步。其方法沿革于催眠术、自由联想与积极想象。作为分析心理学中有关梦的一套前沿的思想理论以及临床心理治疗中一种创新性的梦的工作方式,意象体现具有广阔的学术研究及实际应用前景。  相似文献   

强迫症已经被认为是儿童青少年常见的心理障碍之一。强迫症的认知行为模型在成人研究中得到了大量的实证支持,但这个模型在儿童青少年群体中研究相对较少。认知行为疗法被广泛认为是治疗儿童青少年强迫症的有效心理治疗方案,但对于认知行为治疗儿童青少年强迫症的实证研究还有待进一步深入。  相似文献   

为探讨大学生心理需求、认知评估、自我调控和网络社交的关系,采用大学生心理需求量表、网络利弊权衡问卷、自我调控问卷和网络交往问卷对503名大学生进行调查,结果发现:(1)大学生心理需求可显著正向预测网络社交;对上网的好处和代价认知评估在两者间起部分中介作用。(2)自我调控在心理需求和网络社交间起调节作用。由此得出结论,大学生的心理需求可显著影响网络社交,对上网的好处和代价认知评估在二者间起中介作用,自我调控起调节作用。研究结果进一步揭示了心理需求影响网络社交的内在机制,可为网络时代大学生进行健康网络社交提供有益指导。  相似文献   

Hoarding is considered by many to be a symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Yet although it is observed in people with OCD, hoarding symptoms also appear in a number of other psychological and psychiatric conditions. The present studies were conducted using samples of OCD patients, patients with other anxiety disorders, and a non-clinical sample to further elucidate the relationship between hoarding and OCD. Across two investigations, we found that (a) whereas OCD patients had higher scores than the other groups on non-hoarding symptoms, this was not the case for hoarding symptoms; (b) hoarding tended to correlate more weakly with other OCD symptoms (e.g., washing, checking) than these other symptoms intercorrelated; (c) items measuring hoarding had the weakest factor loadings when a measure of OCD symptoms was submitted to factor analysis; (d) hoarding symptoms were not correlated with global OCD or anxiety severity, whereas other OCD symptoms were; and (e) hoarding did not show consistent relationships with OCD-related cognitive variables. These results do not support a specific relationship between hoarding and OCD; and they call into question hoarding's status as a specific symptom of OCD. Results are also discussed in terms of the importance of functional assessment of hoarding and OCD symptoms.  相似文献   

Changes in psychological flexibility were tracked in a combined protocol of exposure and response prevention (ERP) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for adults with OCD to assess if changes in psychological flexibility processes were unique to ACT intervention (e.g., not impacted by ERP). Using a nonconcurrent multiple baseline design, four participants received sessions of ERP and ACT while data was collected on psychological flexibility processes of change and OCD symptom severity. Results indicate treatment response for three of four participants based on OCD scores. Contrary to predictions, data suggest both ERP and ACT have positive effects on psychological flexibility. Implications of these findings are discussed in relation to recent research on ACT and ERP for OCD. This study also illustrates a type of research design that can be accomplished in clinical practice.  相似文献   

为探索强迫症患者是否同时存在注意转换和在线元认知调节障碍,本研究使用线索性任务转换范式及数字跟踪击键范式并结合ERP数据,对16名强迫症患者的注意转换能力和在线元认知调节能力进行了评价。结果表明,强迫症患者同时存在注意转换及在线元认知调节的缺陷。  相似文献   

Individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) commonly experience comorbid mood disturbances such as major depressive disorder (MDD). Previous studies that have compared OCD patients with and without MDD have revealed differences in demographic characteristics, clinical severity, and symptom presentation between these two patient groups. Previous studies have not, however, examined whether there are differences with respect to cognitive processes. The present study therefore aimed to address this gap in the literature. Eighty patients with OCD and no unipolar mood disorders were compared with 34 OCD patients with comorbid major depression on measures of OCD symptoms, cognitions, and insight, as well as on measures of depression and functional impairment. Whereas depressed OCD patients evidenced higher scores than non-depressed OCD patients on semi-idiographic measures of OCD symptoms and cognitions, this was not the case for nomothetic measures. Functional impairment and the tendency to misinterpret innocuous intrusive thoughts as significant emerged as unique predictors of depression within the entire sample of OCD patients. Results are discussed in terms of (a) the importance of semi-idiographic assessment of OCD, (b) possible explanations for the relationship between OCD symptoms, depression, and cognitive processes, and (c) the psychological treatment of comorbid OCD and MDD.  相似文献   

Controlled outcome studies investigating the efficacy of psychological treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) have employed different methods of determining the clinical significance of treatment effects. This makes it difficult to draw conclusions regarding the absolute and relative efficacy of psychological treatments for OCD. To address this issue, standardized Jacobson methodology for defining clinically significant change was applied to recent psychological outcome trials for OCD. The proportion of asymptomatic patients following treatment was also calculated. When recovery is defined by Jacobson methodology, exposure and response prevention (ERP) appears the most effective treatment currently available (50-60% recovered). However, when the asymptomatic criterion is used as the index of outcome, ERP and cognitive therapy have low and equivalent recovery rates (approximately 25%).  相似文献   

为了解心理干预对急性冠脉综合征(ACS)伴抑郁患者应对方式的影响,对42名ACS伴抑郁患者随机分为干预组和对照组,在入组时、入组3月后和6月后分别进行HAD(d)、MCMQ测评。结果显示入组3月后和6月后,干预组HAD(d)总分、回避因子分、屈服因子分较对照组降低,面对因子分较对照组升高,与入组时相比干预组HAD(d)...  相似文献   

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by the presence of obsessions and/or compulsions that fall into a variety of well-established categories. Some recent arguments have been made supporting the creation of OCD subtypes in order to better understand the psychopathology of different manifestations of OCD. It is hoped that recent advances in our knowledge of the cognitions associated with OCD could be beneficial in this endeavor. This article will review the advantages, possible obstacles, and' problems that may result from this effort. Ultimately, the creation of OCD subtypes could hold promise for improved assessment and treatment strategies, although a series of theoretical, conceptual, and practical considerations must be addressed before this categorization of OCD is undertaken.  相似文献   

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