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Reflections on a wounded and bleeding temenos
Authors:Robin B Zeiger
Abstract:COVID-19, Black Lives Matter, and financial and political turmoil have uprooted our sense of personal and collective safety and predictability. Analysts are faced with professional and personal challenges, as well as a charge to help make sense of this new normal. This reflective piece focuses on the author’s thoughts on a wounded and bleeding temenos. She grapples with the new reality of analysis carried out via technology (e.g. Zoom or telehealth). The article interweaves personal experiences with theoretical and professional reflections on two Jewish myths that relate to creating temenos or sacred space in the face of ancient disasters. Specifically, she discusses Choni HaMagel, a first-century BCE Jewish scholar and miracle-maker who prays for relief from a drought from inside a sacred circle. She also tells the tale of four Chassidic Rebbes who face crisis from a sacred space in the forest. The author frames this piece with two personal and numinous dreams dreamt during the pandemic; one offering scenes of destruction and one offering hope for a future transformation.
Keywords:Chassidic stories  COVID-19  destructive  dreams  telehealth  temenos  therapeutic space  transformation  Zoom  téménos  COVID-19  Zoom  contes hassidiques  rêves  espace thérapeutique  destructif  transformation  Temenos  COVID-19  Zoom  Telemedizin  chassidische Geschichten  Träume  therapeutischer Raum  zerstörerisch  Wandel  temenos  COVID-19  Zoom  telesalute  storie chassidiche  sogni  spazio terapeutico  distruttivo  transformazione  теменос  ковид-19  Zoom  telehealth  хассидские притчи  сновидения  терапевтическое пространство  деструктивное  трансформация  temenos  COVID-19  Zoom  telesalud  historias Jasídicas  sueños  espacio terapéutico  destructivo  transformación  忒墨诺斯  COVID-19  Zoom  telehealth  犹太教故事    治疗空间  破坏性  转化
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