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The day the clock stopped. Primitive states of unintegration,multidimensional working through and the birth of the analytical subject
Authors:Antonio de Rienzo
Institution:Rome, Italy
Abstract:This paper is based on one idea and built around one clinical experience that helped me to broaden my comprehension of it. The idea, underlying the work of several authors, is that when the analytic field is saturated with primitive and unintegrated mental contents, the analyst’s somatic countertransference is a precious indicator of a deep, dissociated form of communication. The clinical experience concerns the difficult elaboration of a complex, multifaceted countertransference that took place during the early stages of the analysis of a sensitive patient who used to communicate in a very dissociated way and that I found hard to contain. This experience, closely described in the article, led me to formulate the clinical idea that the transference field may be made of distinct layers (psychoid, affective, verbal), and that each one of them may potentially convey dissociated, even contrasting bits of information. The corollary of this is that the analyst should be ready to accept contrasting sensations, feelings and thoughts at the same time, as they might be the basic ingredients of a complex reverie. The analyst could find himself/herself in front of his/her own internal unelaborated multiplicity before a symbolic image may emerge to link the scattered pieces of the experience. Nevertheless, the heart of this paper is not about suggesting an idea, but in the sharing of a complex working through, which fostered the birth of a new, more human relational perspective: the capacity of being together in time, in a transitional space where there is neither total separation nor fusion.
Keywords:analytic attitude  boundaries  countertransference  dissociation  embodiment  multidimensional transference field  multiplicity  reverie  time perception  transcendent function  champ transférentiel à plusieurs niveaux  incarnation  contretransfert  rêverie  attitude analytique  limites  fonction transcendante  perception du temps  dissociation  multiplicité  multidimensionales Übertragungsfeld  Darstellung  Gegenübertragung  Reverie  analytische Haltung  Grenzen  Transzendente Funktion  Zeitwahrnehmung  Dissoziation  Vielfalt  campo transferale multidimensionale  embodiment  countrotransfert  reverie  attitudine analitica  confini  funzione trascendente  percezione del tempo  dissociazione  molteplicità  многомерное поле переноса  воплощенность  контреперенос  ревери  аналитическая установка  границы  транцендентная функция  восприятие времени  диссоциация  множественность  campo transferencial multidimensional  encarnación  contratransferencia  reverie  actitud analítica  límites  función trascendente  percepción del tiempo  disociación  multiplicidad  多层次移情场域  具身  反移情  幻想  分析性态度  边界  超越功能  时间知觉  分裂  多元性
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