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Phenomenology of the trickster archetype,U.S. electoral politics and the Black Lives Matter movement
Authors:Alan G Vaughan
Institution:San Francisco and Durham, USA
Abstract:This paper examines the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement in cultural, historical and relational contexts at the intersection of the U.S. Civil Rights movement, U.S. Civil Rights legislation, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and reforms thereto in the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision of Shelby County v Holder, 570 U.S.529 (2013). The intergenerational relations between the BLM movement and these ongoing movements for civil and human rights is underscored. In the wake of protests about the sadistic murder of George Floyd, an unarmed African American man, by a Caucasian police officer, the BLM movement has been mischaracterized as an affront to law and order by the Trump-led U.S. administration. The mischaracterization was a re-election campaign effort designed to ignite ‘white fear’, ‘white rage’ and to defend police brutality and systemic racism. Analytical psychology and the phenomenology of the trickster archetype, as amplified from the African-centric perspective in the Yoruba deity Esu-Elegba, are employed to interrogate partisan obstructionist behaviours that assault multicultural democracy in both contemporary U.S. electoral politics and the political economy. The paper concludes with a brief note on the social activism of Fair Fight Georgia and the integration of its agenda into the BLM movement.
Keywords:archetype  Black Lives Matter movement  civil rights  electoral politics  Esu-Elegba  Fair Fight Georgia  human rights  Jung  jurisprudence  legislation  racism  trickster  U  S  political economy  voting rights  Yoruba Orisa  mouvement Black Lives Matter  racisme  Jung  archétype  fripon  Yoruba Orisa  Esu-Elegba  droits électoraux  politique électorale  législation  loi  économie politique américaine  Black Lives Matter-Bewegung  Rassismus  Jung  Archetyp  Trickster  Yoruba Orisha  Esu-Elegba  Wahlrechte  Wahlpolitik  Gesetzgebung  Rechtsprechung  politische Ökonomie der USA  movimento Black Lives Matter  razzismo  Jung  archetipo  Trickster  Yoruba Orisa  Esu-Elegba  diritto di voto  politica elettorale  legislazione  giurisprudenza  economia politica statunitense  движение Black Lives Matter  расизм  Юнг  архетип  трикстер  Йоруба Ориса  Эшу-Элегба  право голоса  избирательная политика  законодательство  юриспруденция  политическая экономия США  movimiento Black Lives Matter  racismo  Jung  arquetipo  trickster  Yoruba Orisa Esu-Elegba  derechos al voto  políticas electorales  legislación  jurisprudencia  política económica de Estados Unidos
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