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Gender detransition: a case study
Authors:Lisa Marchiano
Affiliation:Philadelphia, USA
Abstract:Within the last decade, there has been a sharp global rise in the number of young people identifying as transgender. More recently, there appears to be an increase in the numbers of young people detransitioning or returning to identifying with their natal sex after pursuing medical transition. A case is presented of a young woman who pursued a gender transition and returned to identifying as female after almost two years on testosterone. The author considers and critiques the affirmative model of care for gender dysphoric youth in light of this case.
Keywords:adolescence  affirmative care  detransition  gender  gender dysphoria (GD)  transgender  transgenre  détransition  soins trans-affirmatifs  adolescence  dysphorie de genre  genre  transgender  Rückumwandlung  affirmative Betreuung  Adoleszenz  Geschlechtsdysphorie (GD)  Geschlecht  transgender  detransizione  cura affermativa  adolescenza  disforia di genere (DG)  genere  трансгендер  обратный переход  аффирмативная помощь  гендерная дисфория  гендер  transgénero  de-transición  cuidado afirmativo  adolescencia  disforia de género (GD)  género  跨性别  去跨性别  性别平权护理  青少年  性别焦虑  性别
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